Her Missing Piece


                She turned around to nothing but complete and utter darkness.

                “Jieun.” She heard it again, but only now it was louder and tinted with a faint impatience.

                Though no matter how much she tried to look for the source, it was futile. She only saw the darkness of its infinite desolation. It took her awhile to realize that she had been confined within the finite area of a locked up room.

                Don’t just stay here. Go look around.

                It was that voice again. Though she wasn’t sure whether it was all in her head or not. But she was sure what it was trying to say.  She looked around some more. Blinding following an imaginary trail of what might or might not be specks of brown and green that would light up under she steps. The surface, she noticed was getting damper and damper with each passing heartbeat, each passing breath and blinks she had taken.

                And as if to take her by surprise, she saw a sudden gleaming light in the glorious shades of gold that pierced in what seems the darkest part of a moonless night. Acting in by impulse, she began running with all her might in the room that seemed to get smaller with each step, slowly turning into what seemed to be a sphere.

                Not knowing when it happened, Jieun found herself aimlessly running on what seemed a globe. Panting wildly as she did, as if she hadn’t a mind of her own, she suddenly, just stopped. The light, she found out what shinning just above her.

                As if she was a moth, she eyes mindlessly followed the light, squinting her eyes as she did.

                And the moment she eyesight focused, she found herself staring intently at a boy. Whose features were so striking familiar and perfect, so perfect that it deemed to be unfamiliar.

                “Who are you?” she wanted to ask but something inside her knew that won’t be getting her answer. Because every time she asked, he would always disappear and she would always wake –


                “Uggggh, what time is it?” Jieun groggily woke up, rubbing her balled fist against her eyes and eventually using it to wipe the drool she had on her cheek.  Shortly after she had her sense heightened back to what seemed normal, she gave the alarm clock that had been ringing ever since she woke up a sharp glare before turning it off harshly with a slap with her palm. Completely sobering up in the process as bits and pieces of the dream came into mind. Though she couldn’t remember much of it, he only thing she could remember was him.

                How many times has it been since this all began she thought listlessly as she made her way towards her dresser to get her day started and pick out some clothes to wear and not to mention to resist the temptation of diving back into bed.

                Though it was more precise to say that most of her days started with the vague dreams. And on the other days, she would be stuck in her lucid dreams, consciously unconscious and wandering around in what seemed to be cubes of rooms or peculiar globes and snowglobes.

                She never remembers them when she wakes up but they had always came around during the dullest times of her days. So she had never bothered to simply waste time and try to think about it.

                Unfazed with the events of her subconscious mind, Jieun continues to begin her day just like every day she had in her considerably stale life. And with that she’s completely content with.

                After completing her daily winter regime composed of a quick shower, breakfast which was usually toast and milk, what remained of the hour would be spent either prepping herself up or re-reading some notes she deemed haven’t been skimmed through enough to manage herself atleast an 80% of her exam.

                Though fortunately enough, she had the leisure to enjoy the former that morning. Applying the faintest deal of make up on her eyebags, she had managed to make herself look decent and spare herself of the deafening nagging her friend Suzy would have given her if she had looked horrible. Checking up on her outfit that consisted of a fairly snug grey sweater, leggings with short denim shorts over them she had accessorized herself with a baseball hat that was bedazzled with spikes.

                After doing another quick check on herself, she quickly diverted all her attention to her stuff, making sure she hadn’t forgotten anything that was worth remembering that day. When in fact she had almost forgotten something. Darting her eyes from every corner of her room, she immediately found a sack of heavily printed term papers she had been hard at work last night. Tucking it in an envelope and in her bag, she checked her watch before making her way to the doorway and put on her shoes and opened the door to leave.

                “I’m leaving now.”  She said despite knowing her parents had already gone to work by the time she had just finished the papers. But what could she say? Old habits die hard. Even for an amnesiac like her.


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iamout #1
Chapter 3: It's the first time for me to read an amnesiac based on her point of view. I didn't know it was as painful as the others that helped her remember.
I like your writing style by the way! It's comfortable and a good read. :)
Chapter 3: keep calm and hwaiting author-min 9(>‿◕.)9
alikaweiner #3
Chapter 2: Continue please .... I want to know what happen to her