New Beginning

The Snap


I don't know how far or how long I ran. Our village was lost behind miles of roads and forests – now nothing more than a memory. I eventually stopped outside a small town, in a place where no one would ever suspect what we were.

I found an empty home, where the scent of humans was stale. For whatever reason, the owners had been gone for a long while. Having no other place to go, I broke in and carried Luhan inside.

He was still unconscious. He hadn't woken once during the travel, which was best for him. He didn't need to be faced with his new reality in that manner.

I didn't want him to wake up and see the blood on his shirt, or the blood on my hands. I didn't want his first sight with his new eyes to be one of death.

So I filled a bath and washed him, cleaning away all filth from his body.

His transformation had completed during the long hours of travel. His body was whole, flawless, unmarred...and unnatural.

I dressed him in some clothing I had found and laid him in one of the bedrooms.

I had just finished bathing and dressing myself when he finally awoke.

I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know how much he had remembered. How could I even begin to explain to him the new life he was in for? How could I tell him that he would never enjoy the sunlight again? That his life would now hinge on death? That his life had been bought with a heavy price. That I had sacrificed so much to keep him by my side.

I couldn't say anything of that. I could only look at him. I could only watch the pain on his expression and the fear in his half-lidded eyes.

"Kris?" he asked weakly. He must have felt the difference in his body and the hunger in his bones.

"I know," was all I said. I took his hand and sat on the bed beside him. I wanted to apologize, but I knew it would be insincere. After all, I didn't regret what I had done to him. I didn't regret that I had ruined him so badly.

"It hurts," he said.

"I know. It'll get better," I said, even though I wasn't sure. I had been born, not turned. I had no idea what it was like to be normal, then to suddenly change.

Tears gathered in his eyes. I didn't have to tell him what I had done to him. He knew. "I'm afraid."

"You don't have to be. I'll be here with you. Always."

He squeezed my hand with a strength he wasn't used to. That I wasn't used to. I lifted his hand and kissed his knuckles softly.

"You showed me how to live normal; I'll show you have to live different. I will be for you what you were for me."

"What was I for you?"

"Someone who made me feel alive."

"I don't feel alive."

"You will, Luhan. I promise."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let everything sink in and I gave him a moment to just lay in silence. There was no need to rush anything. I would give him as long as he needed.

"What are we going to do?" he asked, after his tears had stopped and he opened his eyes again.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I don't care what we do or where we go."

"As long as we are together, huh?" he asked. A weak smile lifted the corner of his mouth. Among all the grief and pain, I saw a glimpse of the Luhan I loved so much.


"I knew it," he said quietly.

"Knew what?"

"From the first moment I saw you," he said with a tired yet playful smile, "I knew you would ruin me.”



A/N: This chapter really is the end...

I hope you all enjoyed this fic. I enjoyed seeing your comments and subscriptions. Thank you all!

If you want to leave one last comment, I'd really really appreciate it.

Until next time...

-Endellee :)

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Really considering a sequel here...


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Chapter 10: Sequel!!! Plz
orange_milkshake #2
Chapter 10: oh my, the would be great if you make the sequel author-nim! great story! krishan is the best!
MinnieMingie #3
Chapter 10: Great story! Krishan is the best!
Chapter 10: is there a sequel for this??
Chapter 10: sequeeellllll hhaahaa
Chapter 10: Sequel!!! Plz
sehunter #7
Chapter 10: ahhh the ending is so bittersweet! <3
Miss_KrisWu #8
Chapter 10: Sequel author-nim
Chapter 9: Im So happy luhan is alive!!!
shinjimin612 #10
Hello author! ^^ Can I translate this fic into Vietnamese if it doesn't matter you? :/
Wish you a good day :D