Dream came true

My dream came true

It was dark at night, I just got back to my room with my pet dog named Bobby was sitting there waiting for me to come back home. When I unlocked the door i saw him sitting there with a happy face, he jumped on me wagging his tail as he stares at me with a smile on his face. I fed him and went up stairs thinking about what i should cook for dinner, yes i lived alone in a house that my parents left for me when they left to Australia to have a one year holiday 

After eating my dinner that i cooked for myself i went and read my manga on my Ipad soon after that i got bored and went for a shower then went to sleep.


".....Luhan?" i saw myself floating in mid air in the sky i felt like a feather, i slowly flew to the ground to have a closer look and saw myself and luhan sitting on the swings at the park near my house i saw myself crying. I stepped forward to see what was on my face, it was blood... blood was on the corner of my lip my hair was messed up like someone messed up my face to bully me, Luhan took a bottle of water and tissue, he wet the tissue and wipped the blood that was on the corner of my lip away. He wipped away my tears that was raining down my cheeks "Its okay.. don't cry.. i feel sad when you cry like this..." he said i saw myself turn to him and i showed him my book that i draw all my dreams and nightmare in he looked in it and he complimented all the drawing. he was about to flip the next page and the next thing i saw was his reaction to the drawing, he was shocked i saw myself watching him and all of a sudden he hugged me and said "i love you" .


I was woken up by my dog my cheek, so i got up and did all my daily routine, i feed my dog, i got dressed ready for another day of school. I was in the bus and i drew what i remembered down the only thing i remembered was Luhan and I sitting on the swings  and him hugging me and said "I love you" , i got off the bus and was about to walk through the school gates and i heard girls screaming and shouting "Ren!! Ahhh Ren!!" the screaming was coming closer and closer then all of a sudden a hand grabbed my wrist and started running. I knew that it was Ren after seeing his blonde hair with a little ponytail behind his head, i looked back and saw a group of girl chasing after us and i didnt know what to do Ren gripped my hand tightly so i couldn't escaped Ren kept dragging me while he was running i didnt know how to escape his grip and all of a sudden he stopped. He handed me a note and ran off, i walked to my class with a confused look on my face while i felt girls that were fans of Ren giving me death stares. After school i was about to walked down stairs and remembered about the note that Ren handed me, it said "Have a good day" i threw the note in the bin and was about to walk through the school gates when all of a sudden a group of girls gathered around me, they started to push me aroung and messing up my hair that took me a while to make they pushed me around until i was about to fall on the ground when a sudden punch hit me. They ran off i felt that my lip was bleeding and in pain, it was dry and it stung when i tried to open it. I stood up and walked to somewhere that no one could see me, since it was 5.00pm the sun started to set. The sky went orange and i sat down on a swing in a park where no one was and cried in pain from my stinging lip, I turned to my side and saw Luhan sitting on the swing next to me. Luhan took a bottle of water and tissue, he wet the tissue and wipped the blood that was on the corner of my lip away. He wipped away my tears that was raining down my cheeks "Its okay.. don't cry.. i feel sad when you cry like this..." he said i turned to him and i showed him my book that i draw all my dreams and nightmare in he looked in it and he complimented all the drawing. he was about to flip the next page and the next thing i saw was his reaction to the drawing, he was shocked i was watching him and all of a sudden he hugged me and said "i love you" .

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