On The Edge

The Yellow Ribbon
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He gunned the car down the street, disappearing out of sight of the house. He slid throughout a stop sign, barely skidding to a halt before a car came zooming from an perpendicular street. The horn was sounded as the black car barely missed being hit. Baekhyun was too upset to care that he was almost t-boned as he whipped the wheel around and began on another street towards the highway that would take him to the nearby city of Busan. 

Baekhyun still couldn't believe what his mother had done. Her own selfish wishes were money out of his family, they were nearly broke. Just so he could stay alive for a few mere months more. Why couldn't she just let go? He was going to die anyway, she would lose him either way she looked at it, there was no avoiding his impending death.

He wiped at his eyes as he felt the sticky tears flowing down his flushed cheeks. He hated crying, he couldn't stand being weak. It was one of the things that he hated the most, only second to being pitied. Letting out a choked sigh, he whipped the BMW onto the highway, going too fast for the on ramp. He slid into the heavy traffic, pulling the sleek car into a small space between two cars.

Once he got off the highway and into the city, he had no idea where he was going. Baekhyun zoomed through a red light without a second thought, nearly crashing into another vehicle. He was wreck less, not thinking about anything but his own grief at the moment. He didn't care about anything or anybody. He was stuck on heart strings that only played a solo and even though he was screaming, nobody could hear him, hear his heart slowly turning to ice that would shatter. He was trapped within himself, so alone even when he was surrounded in this city with so many people. There were so many noises and yet it seemed like he was drowning in silence.

He pulled up to a hotel that h

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zhrkimmm #1
Such a great story!! But its so sad that you was abandoned this story.. hope you will continue this story till the end^^
Chapter 10: I feel so sad, bad because the story was abandoned :(((((((
Chapter 6: I'm crying , Baek psychology state and all his feeling, make me really feel so sorry, hurt, sad pefff all this is very painful , and you are good author ,
Chapter 3: I feel so sad, you are so good in writing and that makes the story so realistic.
wonwooeu #5
Chapter 10: Christmas tree...lol. TFIOS!!! ><
zhiyenkpop #6
Chapter 10: Pls update!!
vinnat #7
I keep rereading this story and it's just as good as the first time *___* please don't leave us hanging, there's a lot of us who would love for you to continue :)
zhiyenkpop #8
Chapter 9: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!!
Chapter 7: my poor Baekhyun...omg why did she run from him?? well obviously she doesn't know him and it's a strange guy chasing her so yea she did the right thing but still lol ahhhh my heart hurts so much for Baekhyun please let something happy happen for him *cries silently*
Chapter 6: *sobs* I can't even words with this chapter...