Completely Broken

My Annoying One Sided Love

1 Month...

     30 Days...

        720 Hours...

              43,200 Minutes...

                    2,592,000 Seconds... 2,592,002 Seconds...

That's how long it has been since the two of them had talked to each other. Namjoon was going crazy, trying to calm himself down and trying to forget her, he ended up calculating the exact amount of time since they have last seen each other. It wasn't working, so many of the little things would remind him of Jihye and it was crushing Namjoon little by little as more time passed by. He had to see her, he had to stay by her side even if it was completely pathetic of him to do so. He wasn't caring of his pride anymore, he would give up everything to just be with Jihye and to make her happy again. But, that didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

1 Missed Call...

     5 Missed Calls...

          23 Missed Calls...

              1 Voicemail...

                  3 Voicemails...

                        1 Unread Text...

                            15 Unread Text Messages...

Namjoon groaned, he should've expected that it wouldn't be that easy. He threw his phone onto the ground where the soft carpet didn't allow the device to break. As he lay down on his bed, a hand behind his head, and staring up at the ceiling he soon began to get lost in his thoughts. The old happy memories of the two of them ran throughout his mind leaving a bittersweet smile on his face. Unknowingly, a couple of tears had fallen during the process so he wiped them away once he came back to the real world. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed again.

He then noticed the picture frame on his desk and he picked it up causing more memories to flood his mind. Each year they've been friends, they took a photo together and placed it on this frame. He remembered when Jihye had the idea of making this collage, she was still in Elementary and he was already in Junior High. He remembered the two of them staying up all night to complete it and make copies for each other. The entire mess that resulted in it was such a hilarious memory as he remembered both of their parents' reactions to it. On the back of the frame was a laminated blue sticky note.

"For every year we are together, we have to take a photo together! No butts, face! Remember the date okay? 050621 :P"

[[A/N: June 21st, 2005]]

Namjoon then released a heavy sigh as he placed the frame down on his bed. He chuckled at the spelling error and Jihye's messy handwriting from when they were kids. He picked up his phone and felt a little pang in his chest as he saw his lock screen of the two of them making silly faces. Checking the time, he choked up when he saw the date.

Friday, June 20

Namjoon scratched his head as his shoulders felt heavy and his breathing became uneven. No, he wasn't going to cry, now was not a time that he could. But even if he didn't want to cry, he couldn't help the warm tears already flowing from his eyes. Taking a shaky breath, he picked his phone up from the ground only to see Jihye didn't check his messages at all. He tried swallowing the lump in his throat and he began to type another message to her.

Don't forget.

He then took a picture of the laminated sticky note on the back of the frame and sent it to her. He sighed as a minute passed by and that 1 seemed like it wouldn't disappear anytime soon. He plugged his phone to charge and lay on his bed eventually falling asleep. It was too bad he wasn't awake for a minute longer. The 1 disappeared from his message and Jihye finally replied.

I'd never forget.

She then sent him a picture of his version of the mesage. 


But this is goodbye.

It's for the best.

... I hope.

Once Namjoon woke up the next morning, he found out that she had deleted her Kakao account and her phone was turned off. He'd never know that Jihye had seen the messages and replied to him. The male groggily got up to start his emotionally painful day ahead of him. He checked himself in his mirror as he fixed his tie and collar. He then let out a small smile as he remembered when Jihye would tie his tie for him since he would forget how to do it. Grabbing his backpack, phone, earbuds, and a sandwich from last night he headed out the door and to school where his beloved friend would be.



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Chapter 12: Damn.. the feels.. it's hurt. Huhu. Poor namjoon. Why .. why jihye was freaking stupidly blind. Seriously.. I hate this kind of ending hohoho. But still it had been written so well. Good story :') hahaha it was ing sad. Waaa T-T
Chapter 12: This was touching! I'm glad I found this story haha. Good job author-nim uvu.