Where did it came from..? o-o

You Are My Type Of Ice Cream (Sequel to You Are My Favorite Flavor)

[Lunch Break]


Ricky: o-o aree youu okaay HyeMi Ah~?

ChangJo: Whaats wrong Noona?! o-o

HyeMi: I juust remembeer thaat I leeft my wallet and everything on my table.. I even noted on my haand thaat I will put it in my bag..

Niel: Oh my .. you even wrote it REALLY BIG on youur hand o_O Did you got distracted or somethiing..?

-Flaashback at the part wheere HyeMi and KwangMin's face were close-

O///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O -bump bump- -bump bump-

Ricky: Omo...... why are youu blushiing HyeMi? o-o

Niel: Huhuhuuu ~! I see whaat's going on heere

OH NO.. DOn't tell mee he saaw what I juust thought............

Niel: Youu found a o magazine under HyeJi's beed :D

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? o_O

Ricky: YAH ! Noona is not thaat kind of girl !!

Niel: ㅋㅋ I know.. Sorry Hyemi Ah ~! I was juust kidding ^^" -Scratching the back of his head-

Hey waiit..

HyeMi: -Grabbed something from her back- My wallet.. o-o Where did it came from..?

Niel: ㅋㅋ WOW You putted your wallet theere and you don't even remember? xD

HyeMi: I sweaar I didn't even put it in my bag... and also.. all the things that I've listed on my hands are in here.. o-o

ChangJo: Maybee HyeJi Noona putted it for youu o:

HyeMI: I don't think so.. or not she would have bring me and looked the list on my hand to know what to put in my bag..

Who putted all this for me..? And I listed a lot of stuffs o-o

Ricky: Siince you haave your wallet ~! Leet's go buyy foods now ! I'm hungryy >o<

ChangJo: -Sigh- Come on let's go guyys ~!!!!!!!

HyeMi: -Stand up to follow Teen Top-

*something fell from her bag*

Omo.. whaat is this?

Hey HyeMi, since today is your first day of school. I packed everything for you since I know that you might wake up late or you might get stressed and forgot things. While you were sleeping, I looked at your hand what you needed and I went to get all the necessary stuff for you. Good luck on your first day of school ! Hwaiting ~!

Theen someone DID packed up all the things I needed.. Aawww how nice of thiis person :) .. I wonder who did it for me.. o-o

ChangJo: Noona ~! Ricky Hyung is whining x_x Can you come now?

HyeMi: Coming !!

*The Paper flew and turned to the other side*



Ohh ~! Soo KwangMin packed all the thiings for HyeMi and leeft her a note? :D Aawww how sweet <333333 And HyeMi still doesn't know who packed it for her.

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Chapter 31: OMG... SOOOOOO CUTTTTEEE!!!!!!!
cool story.. ^^
@rhein19: Well I have 'The Sneeze of Cinderella' (Fanfic of Jeongmin and Boyfriend) & The Red String of Fate :] LOLL
rhein19 #4
i love ur story :D DAEBAK ..<br />
<br />
btw do you still have another fanfic story of boyfriend i want to read ..
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
annyeong!!!<br />
<br />
i just lo lo love the story!!!<br />
<br />
you really have to read "you are my fav. flavor" so you wouldn't lose track,..<br />
good thing i read it first and then right after, i rad this,..<br />
<br />
such a cute ending!!!<br />
you have a good imagination,..<br />
<br />
LOVET!!!<br />
make some great stories!!!<br />
jasarana16 #7
so touching ending! >.<!! I'm gonna cry!!
So_Mi97 #8
OMG kwangmin....really a pokeball?!? that is very original..^^ i finsih this the you are my favorite favor in one day wow...its like 2:44 am right now
Omg. I was laughing so hard at the proposal. Who will have though of poke ball? hahahahah xD Thank you for writing such a good sequel. (:
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!~~ i swear i've been squealing like a maniac!!! <3