First date


Eunji is nervously sitting at the table and she is waiting for Naeun to arrive. This is their first official meeting as a couple and so she is so worried about that she will not do good.


They are about to have lunch together here as both of them doesn't have any schedule in the afternoon. She is looking at the door for numerous times in every minutes.


" I am about to crazy. What if I mess up our first date?? "


She said to the camera which is filming her face beside her.


" What if she doesn't like my outfit?? What if she doesn't like the food I order??? And what if she doesn't like my eating habit??? "


Eunji said and the stuffs laugh at her funny and cute worry. At that time, they all saw that the door opens and Naeun enters the shop with a VJ beside her.


" There she is."


Eunji whispers and she quickly stands up to greet her.


" Hello, Naeun-sshi."


She said and bows to Naeun. Naeun also bows back and Eunji quickly walks to Naeun and she pulls the chair for her.


" Please sit."


" Thanks you."


Naeun whispers and she sits on the chair. Eunji walks back to the chair from Naeun.


* Bump *


" Ahh."


" Are you ok?? "


" Yeah."


Eunji is so excited and she knocks to the leg of the table accidently. She shouts in pain and Naeun is worried for her.


" Ooh. Ooh. It's hurt."


Eunji is whispers and she tries to stand back. Naeun doesn't know she should help Eunji or not. But she decides to help her and she holds onto Eunji's arm to pull her up.


" Are you really ok?? "


" Yeah. I'm so sorry. "


Eunji said and she sits on the chair. Naeun is still looking at Eunji with worried eyes and she also sits on the chair.


But she notices that Eunji is with red face and she is so sweaty. 


" Ahhhh. It's so hot."


Eunji said in nervousness and she is now fanning herself with her palm. Then she quickly takes out the tissue from the table.



* Tissue box falling on ground *



" Ooh. Sorry. Sorry."


But Eunji is so nervous and she knocks down the tissue box again. The box falls onto the ground and so Eunji apologizes loudly.


" What is happening to me??? "


Eunji said and she is now wiping her forehead with the tissue paper. Her face is all red and she is so embrassed by her clumsiness.


" Kekke kekke "


Eunji's eyes widen when she hears a giggle from Naeun.


" Wa… wae?? "


Naeun is trying her best not to laugh but Eunji is so cute so she cannot control herself anymore.


" There… There is a piece of tissue paper on your forehead."


" Umm?? Rea… rea… really?? "


Eunji wants to disappear at that spot. Her face changes into crimson. She is so embrassed by that and she tries to remove it from her forehead.


" There… There… to the right. Aish, come here."


Naeun said and she leans towards Eunji. Then she removes the white paper from Eunji's forehead.


" Here."


She said and she puts the tissue paper on the table. Weird silence appears between them and they look at each other.


* smile *


Eunji and Naeun smile secretly and they try to hold their laughters.


" Ha ha."


" Kekke kekke "


" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "


" aha ha ha ha "


They laugh together freely and all the worries and tensions that they had before are disappeard at that moment.


" You are so funny."


" Yes. This is so embrassing."


" But I find it is cute."


" Really?? "


They laugh and they find it easy to talk to each other. Eunji calls a waiter and they order the food. And then they talk about theirselves before the food arrives.


" My family lives in Japan so I am here alone."


" Really?? Wow. You are a brave girl, Naeun-sshi."


" But I was afraid at the start. I have to thank to my members. They help me a lot."


Naeun tells Eunji about her life and Eunji decides to share about her, too.


" You know, I'm coming from Busan."


" I can guess it. Your ascent is different from Seoul."


" Is it that bad?? "


" No. This is cute to hear."


Naeun said and Eunji smiles in satisfaction. At that time, their food arrives and they have their lunch together. And they learn about each other while eating.


After about an hour, they finish their lunch and Naeun looks at her watch.


" Wae?? You have schedule?? "


" Yes. I have a photoshoot."


" Really?? Oh, I want to spend more time with you. Do you want me to drive you to your schedule?? "


Eunji asks and Naeun lowers her head.


" Hmmmm?? "


" I don't want you to be busy because of me."


" No. No. I am willing to drive you."


Eunji quickly said and she picks up the car key. Naeun nods her head shyly as she lets Eunji to drive her to her work. And the two go to Eunji's car after paying for the lunch.


They talk about theirselves more on the car and they both can feel that they become closer to each other.


When they reach to the schedule place, Naeun removes her seatbelt and she bows to Eunji.


" Thanks you for driving. I'm going now."


She said and she opens the car door. But before she can goes out, Eunji calls her.


" Naeun-sshi."


" Yes?? "


" I have one thing to say."


" Yes?? "


" Can I call you Naeun??? "


Naeun is surprised by this request. And she is satisfied at the same time. She smiles and nods.


" Immm. You can."


" Thanks, Naeun-na."


" You are welcome, Eunji unnie."


Naeun dares to call her like this and Eunji smiles widely.


" I'm going."


" Bye."


Eunji said and she waits till Naeun enters into the building and then she drives off.






Individual interview section…






Eunji is sitting on the chair and she is waiting for the PD to ask the questions.


" How do you feel about your first date?? "


" I think it ends clumsily. I was so nervous and I was so careful with everything. So I think my body is uncomfortable at that time. "


" The most embrassing thing is that I kept doing shamful things. She will definitely think that I am a funny person. I feel stupid at that time."


" But at last, I can close to her. And she even lets me to call her name. I think we can be good partners soon. I will try my best."


Eunji said while she is sweating. Her face becomes red again when she remembers how she did embrassing things.


" What do you think about Naeun-sshi?? "


Eunji smiles and she rubs her forehead in nervous.


" Immmm. She is so kind and I like to talk with her. She seems she is a fragile girl outside but she is actually a brave girl. And I like her a lot."


Eunji said and the director shows her a thumb up before he says 'cut'.




And at the same time, Naeun is having her interview at her work place.


" What do you think about your husband?? "


" Ummm?? Kekke. She is so funny. Kekke."


Naeun is giggling and she remembers how Eunji was nervous in front of her.


" But I find it cute. She is so cute and lovely when she did many mistakes. And I feel so happy as I know she is nervous because of me."


" Eunji unnie. Ahhhhh. I can call her like this now. This is so good to close with her. I am now feeling that she will be a good lover to me. OMG!!! I am telling lover!! I'm so embrassing."


Naeun said and she is covering her face with both of her palms. The PD doesn't let her stop the interview and asks another question.


" How do you feel when she asked you to drop the formality between you two??? "


" Immm. I was surprised. I thought she is a shy person but she asked me bravely. I was so happy at that time. She wants to close to me. And this feels so good. But I can't show my happiness to her. I don't want her to think that I am falling for her that much. "


" When she asked me to call me just by my name, I let her and I even called her Eunji unnie. This is so hard for me to do this. I am a shy type and I never date before so I was so afraid. But now I think I can be ok with her. Eunji unnie is a very good person for me."


" So you are telling that you are falling for her?? "


" Omo! What are you asking?? "


Naeun doesn't answer immediately and she is just laughing.


" I- Eunji unnie can be said as a good person to date. She is good, she is lovely, she is funny, she is caring. I still don't know much about her but I am sure that I will fall for her definitely one day. "


Naeun answers and she smiles in blushing. The PD asks her the last question.


" What do you want to say about your first date?? "


" I was so nervous from the start but all the tensions are released when she started doing funny things. It ends up so well and we close to each other more. We can learn about each other more. So I can say that this is a worth date for both of us. "


" And I know that Eunji unnie is a really cutie. Kekke."


Naeun is laughing and she can't stop saying cute to Eunji. And the filming ends after that.








xxx xxx xxx








Yookyung is sitting at the bus-stop and she is waiting for the bus to arrive. She is wearing the cap and she is putting the hoodie on her head to hide her face. She is wearing a large jacket that will cover her body so that no one will recognize her.


It is not that late at night but there is not so much people here. Yookyung doesn't own a car as she doesn't want to pollutant the environment. So she just uses the bus when she needs to go somewhere.


And this is her own way of relaxing her mind. She will ride a bus till it wil be the last gate. She likes to look outside by the window.


Today, they have a tight schedule for consecutive two days and finally they can have the free time in the night. So she decides to go out tonight.


" The bus is coming."


One of the people said and Yookyung looks at the bus. Although there is not much people here, the bus is a little crowded. Yookyung thinks for a while that she should get on the bus or not.


" Girl?? Get on or not?? "


The driver asks and Yookuung quickly answers.


" I will. I will."


She said and she hops onto the bus. The bus is really full and she can't find a place to sit first. But she spots a place at the back where there is a girl sitting, no no, sleeping while leaning on the windowpane.


Yookyung has no choice left so she just sits beside her. The girl is wearing a cap and so Yookyung cannot see her face. But she doesn't care about her and sits beside the girl while putting the earplugs in her ears.


It is a happy trip for Yookyung for the first fifteen minutes. And she was frightened when that girl suddenly leans onto her shoulder.


" Ahhhh?? "


Yookyung pulls off the earplugs and she looks down at the girl.


" Huh?? She doesn't know how many times I have to wash this jacket. Aish!! What if she doesn't wash her hair?? And that cap seems it is so dirty."


She whispers and she pushes her head to the windowpane with her index finger. And she is about to listen to the music again when she leans back on her again.


" Arrr!! I want to die!! "


She said and she bites her lower lip and she saw that the girl is a little weird.


" Bo-ra?? She has a blue hair?? This is so weird. I want to know that what her school will say to her with that crazy hair."


She said and she is now thinking how to wake up the girl. But the girl is now snuggling more to her shoulder.


" Aish!!! What should I do with her?? "


Yookyung becomes stiff because of the girl and she feels uncomfortable at the same time.


* Some wet water on her thigh *


" Huh?? "


Yookyung is surprised to feel some wetness on her thigh. She widens her eyes and quickly looks at the girl.


" OMG!!! "


She is frightened to death when she saw the the girl is drooling on her shoulder.


" Nooooooo!! Yah!!! Yah!!! Wake up!!! Wake up!!! "


She shouts into her ear and the girl moves a little.


" Yah!! Wake up!! "


" Yes, mommy. I'm up!! "


She murmurs and falls in sleep again. Yookyung wants to hit on her head but she is too disgusted to touch her so she just calls her.


" Yah!! It is not at your house. Wake up!!! "


She shouts and moves away her body from her. The girl falls down from her shoulder and she wakes up.


" Ummm?? Yes??? "


" What yes??? See!!! You drool on me!!! "


Yookyung shouts and the girl looks at her shoulder and thigh. She then removes her cap and wipes her own mouth.


" Sorry."


She murmurs and Yookyung is so surprised to see her.


" Awww. You are Kara Kang Jiyoung. I am not wonder anymore why your hair is blue."


Jiyoung looks carefully at her and she jumps up in excitement.


" Omo!! You are Une Annee's Hong Yookyung!! "


" Ssshh. Will you?? There are many people on the bus. You want both of us to trap in this bus??? "


" Sorry. Hee hee. Oh, wait. I will wipe it for you."


She said and she wipes the saliva on Yookyung's shoulder and thigh with her palm. 


" What the hell!!! I want to throw up now."


Yookyung wants to shout in her mind as she finds that the girl is so dirty. But Jiyoung is now wiping her own hand with her skinny and she then extends it to Yookyung.


" Umm, let's me introduce myself. As you know, I am Kara Kang Jiyoung. Nice to meet you."


Yookyung frowns and she is looking at the salive stained hand. 


" Hey, don't you take it?? "


" How can I?? You wipe the salive with this hand before."


Yookyung said and Jiyoung becomes angry. She takes her hand back and she said.


" What!!! You are now refusing to greet the senior?? "


" Senior?? "


" Yes. Everyone knows that Kara has been in K-pop more earlier than Une Annee."


" Yes. And I never expect that Kara maknae is the most dirtiest person in the world."


" Yah!!! "


" What yah!! "


They said and now they are glaring at each other. At that time, the bus stops and Yookyung quickly said.


" I will get off."


She then turns back to Jiyoung and pretends that she is about to hit her. But the later doesn't care and she even shows her tongue.


Yookyung becomes annoys by that and she quickly gets down from the bus. 


" Aish!! I can't believe that I am that unlucky."


She said and she smells her jacket. Her face turns like the zombie's face when it smells the garlic in Plants Vs Zombies and she quickly pulls of her jacket.


" I want to hit her head so badly."


She said and she throws the jacket into the rubbish-can near the bus-stop. Then she looks up the bus which is still waiting for the passengers and finds that Kang Jiyoung is looking at her by the window.


When she notices that Yookyung is looking at her, she quickly shows her tongue at Yookyung and turns around before Yookyung can take revenge. And the bus moves away at that moment.


" Aish!!! I really hate her!!! Now I have to wash myself with milk and flowers. She is really a trouble maker!!!"


Yookyung shouts and she ruffles her own hair in anger. Then she sighs and walks back to their dorm while she is praying hard.


" I hope I will not meet her again in the future. I have to avoide the place as soon as I see a blue head."


She said to herself while she is shaking her head.







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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much