Lady Kai



"Hey, Jongin." Suho called out. As I opened my eyes, I stared at my face. "You are so dead." I whispered in a deep y voice. Kai winked at me, and the aura of plain minnah just turned sultry and y like kai. " Just a payback because I helped you earlier." My body pulled away from my touch and grinned. " Oppa~ If you need me, I'll be on that corner, RESTING." kai waved and walked away. That guy. Letting me do his job while he sits prettily on the corner. "Flirtatious kai, hitting on Minnah." Kyungsoo mumbled as he fixes his hair on the mirror. "Kai!" The producer called out for the third time until I realized, he was calling me. "Yes?" I turned around. "you're next.. Go to the crew for your touch-up's." The next thing I knew That I was being pulled by one of the staffs in front of the mirror. While they put gel in my hair, makeup on my face, I saw kyungsoo sat down beside me, eating a sandwich and watched as I was getting ready. Modeling. It was never my thing. dang, I dont even know how to do it. I cleared my throat and tilted my head to my side where chen sat. "opp--- I mean... Hyung.." He looked at me through the mirror. "Yes Jongin?" He asked, Food still stuffed in his mouth. "how do you... Do that?" I pointed at Sehun who's doing poses in front of the camera. "mwo?" He looked at where I was pointing. "how do you pose hyung?" He laughed. He just laughed until tears come out form his eyes. "OMO. THE KING OF MODELING,KAI IS ASKING HOW TO POSE?!" I covered his mouth. "Shhh... oppa! Be quiet. Of course I dont know how to pose for pete's sake." 
"minnah?!" he whispered while I reply with a nod. "what the heck? how-- why--" I shrugged. "He said he wants to rest." I looked into the direction where Kai is supposed to be seated, but he was not there.
"that lil'--- I told him to tell manager that he's sick yesterday. But still went to work." He shook his head. "Now he drags you to his problem. Im sorry minnah... But-- Do you feel dizzy or anything?" He asked leaning closer. Come to think of it, I am. With the throbbing pain in my head and I was sweating hard. "I dont---" I looked at Kyungsoo with a blurred vision. "minnah? minnah??" His calling voice was muted in my ears as my eyes slowly closes. My head was spinning and Kyungsoo's arms were there to catch me when my vision turns to black.

11:30 pm

The smell of medicine and vicks filled my nose the minute I took a deep breath. I touched my forehead and I realized I had one of thos patches they used for kids so that their fever will be better. I sat up and saw myself on the mirror. Still Kai. Still the sickly Kai. My head is still throbbing and I was curious on how long I have been unconsious because darkness was peeking on the curtains. I saw someone on the edge of my bed, resting its head on the soft mattress. "hey, Baozi." I tapped his shoulder and he raised his head up. "oh-- kai--minnah... how's your condition?" I can tell by his face that he is tired and worried at the same time.

the worst ever.

" getting better." I half-smiled and I noticed his face glowed a little and showed happiness. "Kyungsoo is cooking dinner for you. He'll be right back. But for now, I will take care of you."

can you also take care of my heart as well? "Thanks, xiumin." He stood up. " do you want something?"

Yes. you. "nah im good." He sat down again, closer this time. " They were so worried that they have to stop the shooting and continue it next week.Were still looking for Kai. We cant find him but we have ideas on where he went."
"He has his own private time?" 
"He calls it his 'relaxing time' "
The door opened and Suho's head popped in.

" Xiumin. Get your coat. We're heading downtown to search the dance clubs."

Kai in minnah's body

I casually walked away from all the pain in the and sat down peacefully on the corner. Thank God Minnah is there so that I can switch bodies for a while. I was really sorry for her. I had a high fever yesterday, and the headache just won't stop ever since. The pain is just too much to handle but I drank painkiller before planning on taking her body. I smirked on the corner. Now I know how it feels like to be in a girls body, But Minnah's body is too cute. Its like having a sister, maybe that's why Im too overprotective with her. Minutes have passed by and it seems that Im getting bored inside this room. Now that I am minnah, I can go to different places. Like the girls bathroom, girls dressing room, rooms where they shoot bikini models, food court because im hungry. She didn't even ate breakfast. It was 10:00 pm and my is sore from all this sitting. Should I go to my favorite place? I will be back in one piece before twelve, depends if I enjoy the night or not. What the heck am I thinking.

Of course I will go.


I drank another glass of cold beer and looked at the place. My kind of place. loud music, dancing everywhere, colorful lights, and cold beer. The adrenaline it gives me everytime the new beat comes and the cheering of my name while I dance my heart out on the dance floor. Relaxing right? My own free time. But now, I lay low and just ordered my 8th glass. "hey there miss. you single?" I stared at him with a drunk face. "For the effing 11th time no, Im not. So please get out of my face." I admit, Im kai the flirt. But now I know hw it feels when a guy flirts his way to you with a creepy looking face.

Yes, I am drunk. I always am when I come home. Kyungsoo kept it a secret because he's my most trusted friend.

" minnah?" who the heck is it this time? 
"what." Oh. its a babe. deep eyes smudged with eyeliner, plum lips, pale face, hot and messy hair. "me?" She half smiled. "Minnah. Its me, Lin. ohmygoodness. I didnt know you drink. Maybe you didnt recognize me because I didnt wore my thick glasses and weird outfit today huh?" She asked while she wipes of the glasses and carefully placed it on a tray. "Yes?" Hazy mind just can't think straight today huh. "I see you dance there. I didnt know my unnie is a great dancer~" I stared at her. Her uniform looks good on her. She should wear it often.

"If you're still wondering why, my dad owns this club and I was forced to work in here every night." Then I should come here often.
"too bad, Kai didn't come today. I enjoy watching him dance. Oh, Minnah~ You're an exo fan right? I'll tell you a little secret, Kai usually comes here to dance. You should come here too and have a chat with me~" She whispered. Did I just heard my name? Of course I did. And im flattered. 
"Thank you--- I mean... " I saw her watch. Damn... 11:58?! No... freakin... way....

"I need to go." And I stood up, uneffortly pushed myself from the crowd, I realize it was too late.

Because the minute I opened my eyes, I was lying on my bed.


The heck.. what just happened?! I was welcoming kyungsoo in the room, then suddenly, Im in this dance club with a hazy vision and dizzy head. Am I drunk?! Im in a middle of a dancing crowd. What the heck just happened? The place is so suffocating and the loud music is not helping to ease the pain. Call me paranoid, but did I just saw a creepy looking guy staring at me on that corner? or maybe my drunk mind is playing tricks on me. Because when I turned around to look again, he's gone. "Minnah!" Someone called out my name. Yes I am drunk, but I know my eyes see Lin. "Lin?! Why are you here?!" I surprisingly asked. "We just met like 3 minutes ago minnah." She rolled her eyes and hand me coins. "You forgot your change. You gave too much for the cost of 8 glasses." Kai drank eight glasses of beer?! no wonder. "are you sure you're alright? should I call you a cab?" I remembered that they are looking for me, so its useless to go home and they are still looking for me. Might as well go out and search one of them.

"I-im alright. Thanks." Im so good at lying, I should get a degree from it. So I went out and behind the door is an empty dark alley. I cant see anything, but I can hear whispers. "how can the goddess stroll around alone?"
"My, my... It woule be a nice feast. A golden heart."
My mind told me to run, but my body just isn't working right. But, I did move, My hands finds support on the cold brick wall and my breathing becomes faster. I was getting ready for my death as I feel them closer, and hungry. "Help!" I screamed. Stupid MInnah. Who will hear you? You will die here. Give up. I was ready. I closed my eyes, until I saw a light coming near me It was small, like a firefly. "Minnah!" I know that voice. "Baek!" I shouted back. Until I bumped into a tall guy that places my head on his chest. "Close your eyes." He hugged me tight, and the whole area glowed. Light. Their weakness. I hear shrieking and silence. I never dare to open my eyes, I was scared to be blinded by it. I thought it will be deadly and excruciating, but it was warm. Relaxing. Majestic. "Hey minnah.. You alright?" no baekhyun. Can you see im drunk? and ready to vomit because I was running my lungs out? "minnah?" I replied by throwing up in front of him. How attractive, I should get married right away. 
"do you think?" I said in a slurry voice. And hung myself on his neck. "Wow. Kai drank too much. Poor minnah." He gathered all his strength and carreid me on his back.

I never remembered what happened next, But I can smell the sweet smell of his shampoo while his hair brushed my nose, and his arms that's strong enough to carry my body. "Guys! I found her!" I hear him called out and A coat was hung around my shoulder, the velvet cloth that Luhan always wore. "She's very tired. come on. Get in the van. lets take her home.



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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww~~~~ luhan you r so sweet(heart melt)♡~♡♥♡^♡♥♡~♡♥♡^♡♥
BangtansFam #2
Chapter 7: awww~~~
Minnah finally found her dad~~... *continues talking about this*
update soon author-nim!! >~<
Chapter 5: Wow wow wow >< sehun and diana~
Update soon author-nim!
Chapter 4: New reader here!! Your story is interesting! Update soon pls! ><
minchanhun #5
Chapter 1: nice! i'll look forward for your upcoming updates^^ hwaiting! anyways,im freaking EXOited about what will happen next chapter! :D