Lovely Cafe

I will Always stand by U

Changmin was lying down and he got up as he heard footsteps around . Changmin looked at the three men that entered the dining room .


He was so blissful that he didn't smile . He tried but how can he smile when after 2 years and a half they have been away from each other .He was filled with emotions that he didn't know how to react .He was happy because he finally get to meet up his dear hyungs.And he felt harrowing because he didn't reply and picked up their calls.And he wished he did this before but unfortunately he didnt.


He put his right hand to his mouth and let out a sob. He started sobbing .Tears coming down like rain from his eyes.Jaejoong saw his Minnie and without thinking , he ran up to him and hugged him tight and whispered

“Stop crying,we are here now.And we will not leave ...again not anymore .”


Jaejoong couldn't hold it in . But he had to since their leader was not there .He had to show leadership and he had to stay strong like always.He never cried when Yoochun and Junsu were around .Not once.




Yoochun let out sobs .He went closer to the hugging son and umma and hugged the 2 .Then Junsu joined in .The hug had many emotions.They were happy that they were now going to see each other.The feeling of knowing that the people you love are right in front of you returning the love . It didn't felt complete yet they all though because off course Yunho wasn't there . The four kept on hugging for about 10 minutes now.

Changmin jumped out of his skin he felt someone grabbed his .So he reacted by saying

“AAHHHH ! Someone touched my !”

“Ah sorry Changmin Ah i thought you were duckbutt “ Replied  Yoochun with a sincere smile . They all laughed and they took seats . Changmin offered them coffee and cookies . The 3 happily accepted .


Junsu started

“My Minnie i missed you so much do you wanna know how much i missed you ! I missed you this much !” Said Junsu opening his arms as wide as he could.

“I missed you guys too soooo sooo soooo much .I was miserable .Im glad now that we now can meet !” Changmin said taking a mouth full out of his cookie .

Yoochun wanted to ask Changmin questions but he kept on getting cut off by Junsu .

“Ah Ch..”

“SO CHANGMIN ! How are you ,Omo I love your jacket it makes you look so older .” Cut in Junsu .

“I'm good , And thanks i got this jacket from Leetukshi .” Replied Changmin.With a smile .

“Ah So Chang…” Yoochun failed again.

“Omo Changmin i saw you perform your voice had become so manlier . Its so y !!” Said Junsu cutting Yoochun again.

“Ah well we got a new voice teacher so maybe that explains and we have new vocal starters.” Replies Changmin . He did notice Yoochun trying to speak but always getting cut of by the duckbutt . So he tried again.

“Changmin ,How was yo…” Yoochun once again got caught of by Junsu . he was hopeless . He looked at Jaejoong who was just looking at Changmin with such an amused face .Jaejoong just kept looking at Changmin talk . He was thinking

Is this a dream , Am i actually meeting Changmin for real ?”


Junsu asked very fast

“How are you ? Wait i already asked that . Wheredoyoulive?Didyoucutyourhair?Areyoustilla?Doyouhaveaboyfriend/girlfriend.DidYouLoseWeight.Didyou…”

Junsu got caught off by Yoochun's shout .

“YAH! What kind of questions are you asking him and let me talk . !”


Jaejoong patted Changmin's back.Just like old times when things use to get out of control .Changmin had a smile on his face he took a deep breath and answered

“I’ve been good so far . At night its hard to sleep so i’ve been told to take pills.I live with Yunho Hyung in a house . Yes i am still a ! Im single ,yes i did lose weight .Ah Im so happy !”

They kept on chatting and laughing .They hugged often . And kept on talking and talking  like in the old times when they talked in their dorm .


*I got yooouuuuu*


They got interrupted by Changmin's vibrating phone .They all looked at each other .

“O,Its Yunho” Changmin sighted .

Yoochun was telling him to answer .

“ANSWER !” Joined Junsu .

“Yunho “ He stopped at the name of Yunho .Jaejoong repeated his name . God he missed that name.

Changmin answered and put it on speaker


Changmin :“Yoboseyo?”


Yunho:”Where are you?”


Changmin : “ Ah im at ‘Lovely Cafe’ with …”

He was thinking Should i tell him, Nah i’ll give him a surprise ,

“MUAHAHAHAHAHA” he finished .

YooSuJae looked at Changmin .Junsu wanted to laugh but Yoochun and Jaejoong told him to shut up in sign and body language . But once again a high squeaky high pitched laugh was heard from Changmin's line to Yunho’s.

“HAHAHA” Junsu quickly covered his mouth.


Yunho “Um , Changmin are you with ...nevermind , Im really going crazy , nothing just come home safely .Bye ” Yunho ended the call.




Jaejoong couldn't believe that he just heard Yunho’s voice . ,His friend,His brother,His Soulmate,His other half,His first ,His ex,His lover .Jaejoong thought

“My Yunnie sounded so down . I wonder if he was alone or maybe he was with someone ?” He got interrupted by Yoochun’s question.


“Changminah,How’s Yunho?”

The three were waiting for the youngest reply.They all had worried faces on . Especially Jaejoong he was all over Changmin .

“He is totally different ,cold,mean,basically lifeless. He literally turned into shrek ! I mean he wouldn't cry in front of me . Jinja! He did stay strong for the two of us but eh .And he only sees people from our company . He is been very close to Go Ara lately .” He said as he turned to Jaejoong and quickly added

“But they are not dating they are just good friends .”

Jaejoong was feeling hurt when he heard that Yunho was meeting other girls . But he knew that Yunho wasn't his anymore. Jaejoong remembered when he was just in the internet but then he saw rumors of Yunho dating Go Ara . That night he got so so drunk . He didnt want to believe it . Then Yoochun helped him recover by telling him “Rumors”. Jaejoong snapped out and quickly replied

“Oh Changmin , Why , I don't really car...”

he got cut of by the maknae

“Really Jae , You really don't love Yunho Hyung anymore.  I know he didn't reply your texts but , jinja?”  Changmin asked very curiously .

Yoosu knew the answer .They just looked at each other .

Jaejoong was left speechless .He looked at Changmin who had a very worried expression .

“Off course i still love him , even though it hurts i always did .”Jaejoong let out .

Changmin was relieved he sighted and said

“I’m glad because Hyung still loves you” Changmin said taking a sip from his coffee .Jaejoong heart sprouted with flowers as he heard that.He gave a smile to Changmin .


They kept on talking . It was getting late it was 9:47 .

Changmin got up and his eyebrows rose up as he asked his hyungs

“Hyungs do you want to give Yunho a heart attack ?” Asked Changmin .

The three were with confused expressions .

“Huh ? A heart attack we love Yunho we don't want to kill him .” said Junsu cuddling with Yoochun .

“Min what do you have on your mind ?” asked Jaejoong putting his hand in his chest .Yoochun rolled his eyes .

“Aish you two are retards ! Yes Changmin lets go !” Yoochun got up and picked up his stuff .

“I’ll be waiting outside , Hurry” Yoochun said walking outside to get the car ready .

Inside Changmin explained what he had in mind . Junsu was more than excited he ran off to the car .

Changmin caught Jaejoong with a worried face

“Hyung c’mon get up we can go see Yunho” Changmin said trying to drag Jaejoong from the couch .

“Changminah , Are you sure we should go , I mean wouldn't it be a shocker .It had been almost 2 years .”Jaejoong said trying hard not to stutter .

“Yeah , I know but c’mon .You can come with me in my car. So i wont be alone .” Changmin said adding aegyo .

Jaejoong shook his head

“yeah our maknae hasn't changed one bit “ And hugged him tightly .


They got settled in their cars you could hear Junsu screaming


Then they were off . Yoochun's car followed Changmin's car . The long ride begins . Jaejoong asked Changmin “What am i going to do ? otteke ! How do i look ? Do i look hot ?” Changmin just smirked .He found his Hyung very funny,


A couple of minutes then they arrived at a blue house ! In front of a lake .It was a private area.There was another car .It looked ‘Suspicious’ maybe maybe thought Jaejoong .As they got out .Changmin went toward the ‘Suspicious’ car .He wondered ‘Who?’ .


Now they were all out of their cars .Yoochun , Junsu and Jaejoong checked the landscape it was amazing .It had tall tree and a bench right below the tree in front of the lake . It was beautiful .

Now they started to go in . They entered a small room that had one more door to go in the house . In that small room they took off their shoes .


Then Changmin opened the door the four were mind blowned of the view. Jaejoong's heart broke into pieces like breaking a glass and 100 knives hitting your heart .It was an unexpected view.

Here goes Chapter 3 . Please comment . Next Chapter you'll see the so called 'Shocking' view ! Please let me know what you think . AND THANK YOU SOO SOO SOO MUCH FOR THE SUNBSCIBES !
See you next time ! X))))))
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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 4: Yunho better apologise and make up with Jae soon.
Chapter 4: 'All he need was help from someone with a big forehead' OMG!!!! you didn't???!!!

anyway, thanks for updating
loveyunjae4ever #3
Chapter 4: yunjae will keep their fight for the yoosumin >< just love this story 0.<
loveyunjae4ever #4
Chapter 3: What jae see??????please not yunho with other y girl!!!!!please please please
lembab27 #5
Vote for YoungDal/Jaejoong in World Music Awards: Only 4 days Left!
JJ’s nominated in 5 categories:
World’s Best Song (Butterfly)
World’s Best Album (WWW erase makeup)
World’s Best Male Artist
World’s Best Live Act
World’s Best Entertainer
JungAiry #6
always search story with this kind of plot and tada~ found yours
looking forward for the next chap :-)
Chapter 1: I always find this kind of story..
The first chapter is good actually..simple yet you're able to express the sorrow in them..

Looking forward for the next^^
keep up the good work ne!
P/s:Just curious,do you have anyone being your beta reader, dear?
Neng2ovid #8
Chapter 1: Your story looks interesting. I would like to see them go out of the closet and declare their love for each other.
irissum #9
Chapter 1: hi, I am attracted to your story just by reading your description bc it is also my deepest desire to see to Yunjae coming out, declaring their love openly and committing themselves to each other with marriage in sight in 3 years' time after serving their military obligations. Definitely the 5 boys reunited again as 1 TVXQ is a long-time wish too. will follow your story. Hwaiting!! :)