First Encounter

Coffee House Café Love

 The morning was warm and crisp as Autumn season arrived to greet the morning with cool temperature and changing leaves swirling down from their branches.  The first ones up on this morning were Xiumin, Chen, and Luhan as they were getting ready to open up the cafe just before the sun rises and the streets start bustling with people ready for morning coffee to start their days. 

    “I'll start brewing!” Xiumin declared as he went over behind the counter; putting on an apron and warming up the machines. 
    “You forgot to warm water first Baozi.” Chen chuckled as he offered his help towards his best friend. 

    “Yah, yah. My cheeks aren't as puffy like last year. I busted my in working out with Tao and Kris at the gym throughout the seasons.” Xiumin puffed out his cheeks a little before getting the ingredients ready. 


    Chen leaned over to the older male and whispered softly so Luhan wasn't able to hear. “At least you're not like Luhan, gym doesn't seem to cut out for him, he's still the fragile image of a skinny boy.” He snickered.  Suddenly a whack at the back of Chen's head from the counter cloth came into contact from the cute yet tall glowing boy. 
    “Yah, get to work! I have good hearing you know.” The look on Luhan's face seemed unamused as he wiped down the counter and went on into setting up the tables. 


Throughout the hours spent in the morning, crowds of people came and stopped by the Coffee House Cafe as it was popular due to their coffee, tea, cakes, and especially the Exo boys who help run the shop.  As the morning went by, afternoon took part as familiar faces stepped through the door of the shop. 

    “Heyy guys!” A cheery voice made way as in the pathway towards the door was a tall man with a wide grin; Chanyeol. And right beside him stood a girl just barely his height, her sweet smile made the workers of the cafe feel enlightened due to her presence. 
    “Minah~” Called out Luhan as he abandoned his cleaning duties by the counter to go and wrap his arms around the girl who has now matured. “It's been so long! Did you enjoy Shanghai?” 
Minah nodded with a grin, “It was beautiful~ Thanks for the tickets!” 

    “And you purposely ignore me... Oh Chany how was Shanghai? Did you eat well, slept well? Made sure not to touch Minah inappropriately?!”  Chanyeol muttered out a bit, but was greeted with a punch to his arm from the angel like boy. “Ow...” 


Luhan eyed Chanyeol in a way that didn't seem like Luhan's profile, but he was surely protective of Minah like a big brotherly figure. “I'm sure Chanyeol didn't make you feel uncomfortable?” He nodded and guided the girl over to the counter. “Will it be the usual? It's been a month since you had my deluxe cocoa.” Luhan smiled and decided to brew up the coco beans behind the counter. 


As Luhan went on to making Minah and Chanyeol a fresh cup, the rest of the workers in today did their usual routine in greeting and fulfilling the customers needs. The bell of the door rang again, and with a welcome from Luhan, he stopped and paused after the welcome. His eyes followed this particular customer who didn't bother to look at the employees and went to sit at an empty table near the window. Luhan then hurried with finishing off the last few touch ups to the cocoa; giving them to the two lovers in front of him.

    “Wait! I'll take this...” Luhan said as he grabbed his notebook and pen from his apron and slightly shoved Chen out of the way before he could take the order of girl who just walked in. 

Minah watched in curiosity at her Oppa's behavior, soon Chanyeol followed Minah's stare and questioned too. A soft chuckle comes out of Suho who was now in front of Minah them behind the counter. “She's here again? Well this is interesting, and Luhan seems to be enjoying it.” Suho said while watching Luhan greet the customer with a warm welcome smile and took her order. 


    “Who's that?” Minah asked as she turned her head back to Suho. 

    “I have no idea. Just a regular customer, she had been coming in since last year, every weekend throughout the evening. Then she started to come by every other day. Luhan seems to be quite interested in her lately, he never lets anyone else take her order.” Suho smiled a bit and cleaned the glass cups as part of his work. 

    “So Lulu got himself a girlfriend~?” Chanyeol chuckled softly and grinned a little. “I didn't think he would get such a pretty girl too...But then again, Luhan is handsome too, handsome enough to pass as a girl, if he had a wig and put on make up! Ah! Minah, why don't you convince him to do that?” 

    “Why would I do something cruel as that to Luhan oppa?” Minah looked over at her lover in question. “He didn't do anything wrong to me.” She took a sip of her cup. 

    “Business? Marketing? What, Luhan's looks can get more male customers here.” Chan nodded. 

Minah kept turning back to look over as Luhan started a short conversation with the beautiful girl. And she questioned if they were actually a couple? 


The female in the seat, was truly like a ulzzang, her body wasn't too skinny but average and fair, with a whiten skin tone the shade of a breathing white that made her look lively, fresh, and clean. Her cheeks did have a touch of blush from her makeup, eyes were shaped in right attraction and hair running down her back at a medium length, soft, a bit wavy and smooth. Her smile was warm and gentle as she talked and showed her expression with those soft pink lips. Who was this woman to be exact? 

    “I didn't quite catch your name...” Luhan said with a bit of a shy expression in his voice and face as he spoke to her. “I notice you come by here often...and it's just, you're now regular here.” He smiled. 

    “It's Yuna.” She smiled back. 

    “Well Miss. Yuna, I'll be right back with your order.” Luhan smiled in return and went over to the counter to fulfill the order. “One cup of caramel cappuccino.” He said before going over to the bakery section of the cafe to cut a slice Angel cake he made today as a special for the customers to purchase, and placed it on the plate before grabbing the cup Xiumin brewed right away before bringing everything back to the table. 
    “I know you didn't order any dessert, but it's on the house. Please enjoy. If you need anything, My name is Luhan.” Luhan bowed his head before retreating back to the counter. 

Yuna tilted her head a bit and blinked at the cake in front of her, but smiled and thanked Luhan before he went back. 

A smirk came onto Chanyeol's face once his hyung arrived back. “So you got yourself a girlfriend huh~?


    “No...” Luhan growled a bit at Chan's teasing. “She's just a customer... The first time she came in here she was sad from something, afterwards she just came her often, she's normal like the rest who do their personal or school work... I have no clue about her, how old, and if she's a student or not.” he nodded a bit and went back to wiping the counter. 


    “Smells like cupid hit your with one of his arrows hyung~” Chen flashed a smirk as well as he stood nex to Luhan beside the counter. 

    “It's not love... It's just curiosity. Besides she still has this sadness in her eyes even though she smiles.” Luhan sighed a bit. 

    “Love finds its way around.” Minah said with a small sip from her cup of cocoa before smiling over at Luhan. “Right oppa?” 

Luhan mumbled out a bit and huffs slightly. “It's not love...” he denied. 

The hours flew on by, as the last of the customers left the cafe before the sign changed to Closed. 

    “Urgghhh I'm beat~” Chen says while he stretches his arms. 
    “Same here.” Xiumin did the exact same thing before removing his apron and folding it to put away. 

    “We're going to take leave. Luhan will you be alright locking up?” Suho said as he's right by the door with his coat already on him, looking back at Luhan who was stuck with mopping up the place. 

    “Yeah, sure. I'll see you guys tomorrow.” Luhan waves at them while leaning his chin on the end of the mop stick. 

    “Have a safe walk home. Seeyah~” Chen waved as he was the last one to exit out the cafe's front door. 


As Luhan went on with cleaning up the rest of the cafe, he stopped and blinked to see a book lying on the table where Yuna was sitting; picking it up he skimmed through the pages, out fell a Polaroid picture that landed onto the ground, and after bending down to pick it up, Luhan's eye broaden to see what was on the picture –Yuna with a guy that seems to be her boyfriend as the position of them were in an affectionate hug and the make in the photo kissing Yuna's cheek. 

    Something inside Luhan made his heart skip a beat but not in a fuzzy warm feeling, but as a slight pain. He placed the picture back into the book on the page where it came from and brought the book over the counter so he would remember where he last placed it. After a few more minutes of mopping, he wiped the sleeve of his waiter uniform across his forehead and started to lock up the place.
Taking the book with him, Luhan proceeded down the street and stopped at a local convenient store before heading back to his apartment; purchasing some quick snacks for him to enjoy later in relaxation. 

    As he exits the place right in the middle of the pavement someone bumps right into his shoulder; sending the book to fall onto the ground with the photo of Yuna and her other exposing onto the cement. Luhan looks back up after he crouches down to pick up the book to see in Yuna who is also crouched as same level with him. 

    “Oh, glad to see you.” He says with a warm smile and picks up the book then the photo; handing it back to her. “You left this at the cafe... I was going to return it to you tomorrow if you happened to stop by...” 
She bowed her head quietly but showed a pleased smile on her lips. “Thank you...” In a soft tone she spoke. “Sorry for the trouble...” She tucked a strain of hair behind her ear and stood back up while holding the book to her chest. 
    “Ah...that picture. Your boyfriend must be a lucky guy...” Luhan tried to make a small conversation to break off the little awkward tension, but it seem to cause a bit more awkwardness for the both of them. 

    Yuna gave a little nod, but the smile that formed on her lip seem to show a bit of sadness behind it. “He was lucky...But I think he still is.” She said softly, but before you know it, a tear ran down her cheek as she couldn't hold it back. The mention of her so called boyfriend struck her heart. And with that little scene, Luhan took immediate notice of her tear, and with instinct he reached over with one hand wiped it away. And with that little gesture, Yuna looked up at Luhan with teary eyes. 

    “Are you oka--” Before he could finish the sentence, Yuna had buried her face in Luhan's chest in silence as she couldn't hold back this overwhelming feeling of sadness overrun her deep in her heart. And with slight hesitation along with a pure heart, Luhan did exactly as his heart told him too; wrapping an arm around her and comforting her in a way where his hand the back of her head gently, and his voice giving soft hushes as he quitely sobbed. 

Many questions ran through his head as he stood there on the pavement under the street lights of the city. He was holding someone; comforting them that didn't seem like a big brother would do, but someone like a knight. Why is she crying? He asked himself in his head. 



 Heyyy people~ So today I have my last exam for uni(college) WIsh me luck! I start summer vacation after that. So I hope to be writing more of this story! 

urghhh I kind of rushed this one all in one night when I should've been studying coughcough* but anyway it'll get good I promise! T N T







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