A Piece of Paper

That Special Piano Piece


Chapter 4

A piece of paper


“To tell or not to tell? Which one?” I mumbled to myself. Lunch time, no worries, no one would be in this garden at this time of hour, especially in this cold weather. Talking to myself was a habit I developed over the years. I kept on ranting on how I would confess when I felt something warm over my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Taemin covering me with his jacket.


“Do you plan on getting sick noona?” he said as he sat beside me, all I could do was stare at him, I was speechless at his affection.


“What are you doing here?” I asked slightly embarrassed because of my flushed face


“I could ask the same thing?” he replied


“I asked you first” it was a battle of pride here


“Haha fine, I wanted to think” he gave up, I smirked at my victory


“About what?” I was cautious about words. Taemin was always fast in getting these things.




“What stuff?”


“Nothing Noona”


“Stop calling me that”


“Why? Does it make you feel old?”


“You think?”


“No not really” we cracked up, we would always spend times like this. Bickering over random stuff.


“Plus you’re way too beautiful to be called old” he continued, eventually making me blush by the sudden words.


“Yeah and your way too cute to be called 19”


“HEY!” he shouted at me. His eyes were demanding for apology but all I could see was cuteness.

“See, you never fail to show your childish acts”


“I do not!”


“Wow you’re never ending childhood, how cool”


“Psh…fine. I need to go now, they’re probably looking for me right now” he said standing up and brushing off some dust on his pants.


“Ok bye, see yah” I told him, I felt guilty of teasing him, but knowing Taemin he would be over it by tomorrow.


“And umm noona?” he looked down on me


“Yeah?” I met his gaze


He smiled innocently at me “Bring back my jacket tomorrow k?”


I nodded.



The practice was over, finally! It was exhausting! I should have gotten used to it by now right? WRONG!

I picked up my water bottle and started drinking when I noticed flowers near my bag.


“What’s this?” I picked it and to my surprise there was a card.


“From your secret admirer, It feels as if I should have told you earlier. But now I’m trying to test your knowledge. Find out who I am and you’ll get a reward” I read it out loud.


“OH!! Yoona’s got an admirer” Sunny teased, and eventually everyone did


“Hush up” I hissed at them and they did.


“Who do you think it’s from?” Yuri asked


“I…I don’t know”


“Maybe it’s from Taecyon you know how much he likes you” Hyoyeon unnie joined


“I don’t think so, I didn’t see him here, it’s not possible”


“Maybe he asked someone to do it”




“HEY!” someone shouted. We looked over at our backs and saw SHINee walking towards us.


“HI!” we all greeted back. I blushed madly when I saw Taemin smiling brightly at me.


“Hey Soo” Key greeted Sooyoung in return she smiled waved at him


“Yo” Onew told Sica, she giggled


“My fair maiden” Minho casually told Yuri, she just slapped him obviously loving the gesture


“My jacket?” was all Taemin asked me. Not even a proper hello, I mean COME ON!


“In the bag” I told him. He smiled at me innocently and continued his way the said bag.



“Thanks Yoong” he told me ruffling my hair.


“I’m not a dog”


“You could be, after all you are adorable” seriously why does he have to be so good with words that it makes me blush every time?


“In your dreams rookie” we debated with every single topic w both could think off. It was silly but it was really fun.


“When will they stop?” asked Taeyeon


“Right about….Now” Sunny replied


“Everybody listen” one of our presidents secretary said


“SNSD and SHINee would be doing a goodbye stage special” we all smiled, it was a new experience


“Partners” they started


“Jonghyun and Jessica” ahh not an OnSica one?


“Onew and Tiffany” wow! A new couple umm OnFany?


“Minho and Yuri” psh no doubt


“Key and Sooyoung” I glanced at Sooyoung and she was blushing madly while Key was grinning


“Taemin” here we go, who could the lucky girl be


“and Yoona” WHAT! Are they playing games with the couples or something?


“Wow Yoong me and you are going to be partners”he nudged me on the shoulders, chuckling


“Yeah great” did I sound a bit sarcastic?


“Don’t you want us to be partners?” he asked me, his voice was scared, scared of rejection.


“No, its not that, it’s just” why can’t I think of a reason? I would love to be his partner


“No, it’s fine we could ask the coordinator noona to change the pairings and-“


“NO!, I mean no that would be too much work, let’s just get on with it”


“Okay” he smiled, again with that eye smile

Taemin P.O.V

“Okay, so for the rap part of Minho, he would be giving the rose to Yuri” the stage director explained to us, when and how to give the roses


“Everyone got it?” we all nodded and started practicing


“Juliette, oh, I‘ll give you my soul, oh, Juliette” my part was getting closer, I could feel my heart beat a thousand times more. Ah what am I suppose to do?


Yoona P.O.V


“Juliette, please accept me” it’s getting closer, he’d soon give it to me.


I glanced at Yuri, she was so happy when Minho gave her that rose, you could see her smile up to her ears.


“Juliette, sweetly, a little more sweeter, whisper my serenade” Here it comes.


Taemin P.O.V


“Juliette, sweetly, a little more sweeter, whisper my serenade” my hearts beating so fast it could blow up anytime.


“Even without words I already know everything” I sweetly sang at her. Picking up the rose and giving it to her. I bowed my head afraid of her reaction. Was I being a little too shy?


Yoona P.O.V


He did, he gave it to me…Calm down…I know my face is burning…this is embarrassing….calm down.


“Wow, saw that blush on her face? You’ve got a challenge Taec” Nickhun told Taecyon


“Then I won’t lose” he answered with a smirk.



ok so this was a long chapter, maybe i wont update for a week or two.i still need to think about chapter 5 and 6. Thank you for waiting!!!

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100Yena100 #1
Chapter 18: Taemyoon forever luv this story =^3^=
TaemYoon<3<3 update fast pleasee^^
love your fanfic:)
gnsforever #3
Chapter 18: TaemnYoon!~ Updateee sooon please~
Chapter 18: OMG please update.. <3
TaemYoon have to be together ^^
great fanfic!!
Chapter 18: I loveee Taemin & Yoona~ great job! (:
SNSD1203 #6
Chapter 17: Lalalalalal~~~~~~ sequel!!
Update again PLEAAAAAASE!!!! >w<
Awww~ please please please update soon~ >3<
omo!!!!!!!!!!!!! taemin is soooooooooooo swetttttttttttt promise!!!!!!!!!! update soon pls...
waaaah!!! so nice ... taemin is so cute ... jajaja <3