Why Now?

That Special Piano Piece


Chapter 12- Why now?

Yoona POV

My very first date, and it’s with the guy who stole my heart. Perfect. I never thought anyone could be this romantic. I mean taking me to one of the most popular restaurants in Seoul, that’s something. Next taking me to the park and we ate ice cream! I can’t help it. I’m slowly falling for him more and more. Whatever he has planned next, I know I’ll love it.


“Mmm?” he answered with his mouth still in the ice cream. What a sight for sore eyes.

“Where are we going next?”

“Oh, RIGHT!” he hastily grabbed my hand and we ran to the car.

We passed by a few buildings. Maybe about 4 blocks down the park, it wasn’t that far I guess.

“There” he said, pointing at the building. It said “Pianist”

“What’s inside?” I turned to him and he gave me a big grin.

“Go inside and look for yourself”

When I opened the door, there were rose petals on the floor. Balloons floating in the ceiling, candles were placed in the floor making a path.

“Taemin, what’s all this?”

“Just follow the path” was his simple answer. I followed the path, it lead me to staircase.

“I’ll go first ok? Then when you see me enter, you enter too” I nodded. He hastily went up the stairs. There’s something in there. Something ROMANTIC.

“Just wait a bit ok?” he yelled from above. I nodded but as a curios person, I went up the stairs.

Something weird just happened. It’s been 5 minutes and he hasn’t come out yet. Wait! He told me to enter after he did, and so I did. But the scene gave the me the most shocking thing ever. Taemin was crying.

“What happened here?” I saw him knees on the floor, clutching a piece of paper. I looked around the room and saw a white piano, but it was…destroyed. On top of the white piano was a heart shaped rose bouquet, I guess he was planning to give it to me. But the roses were scattered not in a good way. It was sabotage. Everything he worked hard for, ruined.

“Taemin” I tapped his shoulder.

“Go away” he said barely a whisper. I kneeled next to him my hand not leaving his shoulders

“DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME I SAID GO AWAY!” I flinched at his sudden outburst. When his eyes flashed at mine for a second I saw the pain. The disappointment. The sadness. I feel sorry for him, but why did he do this for me?

“I’m not going anywhere” I told him, hugging his vulnerable frame

“Leave me alone please” his voice became softer

“No, you need me now. I’m not leaving” he continued to sob as we stayed like that for a while.


The ride home was so silent. Not comforting, not even awkward. Just dead silence


“Don’t ask anything” his short reply came. Was he mad at me? But why? What did I do? He doesn’t think I’m the one that sabotaged his plans right?

I sighed and looked out the window. I thought everything would be perfect tonight, but then I guess you should Expect the Unexpected.

“Were here” his voice boomed inside the car. Wow I hardly even knew we’re here already. I guess I’m spacing out to much.


“Don’t thank me. Everything went wrong” his hoarsely voice said.

“No. not everything went wrong” I assured him. I saw him bitterly smile

“Comforting me isn’t gonna work” oh no, we’re not gonna start a quarrel right?

“I’m not comforting you, it’s the truth!” my voice raised a bit

“Tell yourself that. Either way I don’t believe you”

“Why are you so cranky? I didn’t do anything to you right? Why are venting you’re anger towards me?!” I lost it

“I’m not mad at you” his voice was soft. I was expecting for him to shout

“Then who?”

“I hate myself. I had everything planned. Everything had to be perfect for us. The dinner, the park, the piano. Everything was so planned out well. But then this happened. Why now?” he told me. I felt suddenly happy? And sad. He…he planned everything for us…for me. But who would destroy this?

“Taemin don’t worry I enjoyed half of the night anyways” I smiled to him. I saw him smile a bit to me. The moods going up. YES

“I wish I could redo everything. I just hoped you’d listen to what I prepared” he stared at my eyes. Those dark hazel eyes that mesmerized me.

“There’s always a next time Taem”

“No. that piano meant everything to me. But now..” he trailed off

“It’s okay, tell me when you’re ready ok?” I patted his back. He smiled and went out the car. SERIOULSY his actions confuse to no end.

“Come on its getting late” he opened the door for me like a sweet gentle man. AWWEE

“Oh, thanks” I giggled


The ride in the elevator was pretty pleasing. I would steal glances at him and he would do to me and when our eyes would meet.  We would laugh out loud.

“Do you want me to stay until they open the door for you?” he asked me still being the gentle man he is

“No, that’s ok. We’re all free today so their probably out for dinner”

“Do you want to go get dinner then?” WHAT! Hasn’t he spent too much money already?

“No, I don’t want to bother you anymore” he silently laughed at me statement.

“Okay then. Goodnight” his face closed to mine. Slowly the gap between our faces became smaller and smaller. I could feel my heart beating so fast. I think he could hear it literally!

5 cm




1 he kissed me. On the cheek. Even so! I felt butterflies fly on my stomach. When he pulled away I saw an evident blush on his cheeks. I shouldn’t be the one saying mine should be worse!

“Goodnight” I bowed to him and ran into the house. Why was I so scared?

He kissed me. Lee Taemin kissed me! On the cheek BUT STILL!

I looked through the small eye hole in the door. He was still standing there. A big smile plastered on his face. His hand still on those lips who kissed my cheek.

Everything…Is so RIGHT!


So i wanted this to be sad,  but my hand and brain just wanted to have a happy ending! Well school starts the day after tomorrow and so maybe i wont be updating. But if something in my head clicks i'll write it right away. WAS this chapter ok? I kinda rushed it abit hehehe. ANYWAYS PLS COMMENT TO AND SUBSCRIBE TO MAKE MY DAY!!!

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100Yena100 #1
Chapter 18: Taemyoon forever luv this story =^3^=
TaemYoon<3<3 update fast pleasee^^
love your fanfic:)
gnsforever #3
Chapter 18: TaemnYoon!~ Updateee sooon please~
Chapter 18: OMG please update.. <3
TaemYoon have to be together ^^
great fanfic!!
Chapter 18: I loveee Taemin & Yoona~ great job! (:
SNSD1203 #6
Chapter 17: Lalalalalal~~~~~~ sequel!!
Update again PLEAAAAAASE!!!! >w<
Awww~ please please please update soon~ >3<
omo!!!!!!!!!!!!! taemin is soooooooooooo swetttttttttttt promise!!!!!!!!!! update soon pls...
waaaah!!! so nice ... taemin is so cute ... jajaja <3