Without You



Drabble dump.

Really should be updating my other story, but i have so much cluttering my brain. This will just be where i deposit drabbles, most of them could've been oneshots but i lost the idea halfway or was too lazy to complete/elongate. Maybe down the road there'll be some , who knows. most of these will have been inspired by songs, i'll link the songs at the top of the chapter. also this will be updated sporadically.  

ps: can you tell i at titles.  

warnings: ual content, clichés, fluff






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beazus #1
Chapter 2: That escalated quickly oh my o///////o
kazrirukan #2
Chapter 2: I didn't get to see them either I'm so /aggressively wipes tears.

Your is great you're great taoris is great.

I'll follow you on both social media. ♥♥
beazus #3
Chapter 1: yay I love weddings! so many possibilities ; u ; will taozi catch his sister's bouquet will they get together again OR does kris have a partner and idk idk IDEK