Hereditary • Hongbin

VIXX: A Collection

“Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a singer.”

I looked up from my book and tilted my head in amusement at my five-year-old son. “And why is that, Joowon?”

“Because daddy is one!” he declared proudly and then proceeded to show me his nails which were somehow all black.

“What did you—” I grabbed his hands and examined his nails, only to find out that he had used a black marker to colour them in. “Why did you do this, sweetie?”

“I want to be a singer, and daddy is a singer. Daddy had black nails once.”

I racked my brain trying to figure out which era of VIXX did the guys paint their nails black. On and On? But I don’t ever remember either of us showing Joowon any of those videos. I thought. The little one got scared easily and would get nightmares. I looked back at my son who was busy admiring his handiwork. “Who told you that daddy had black nails?”

“Uncle Hyuk! He showed me a video!”

I narrowed my eyes. Why, that little... he was so in trouble the next time he came over.

Joowon continued. “Uncle Hyuk said that I am a big boy now. He said it was time for me to know what daddy and uncles did when they were younger.”

“Sweetie, don’t listen to what Uncle Hyuk says—”

“He also showed me that they had yellow and blue eyes. How did they get yellow and blue eyes, mommy?” Joowon asked curiously.

“Ah, they’re called contacts, sweetie. People usually use them to see better, instead of glasses, but there are also coloured contacts to change one’s eye colour.” I explained patiently.

Despite the confusion still evident on his face, Joowon nodded.

“I thought of using yellow and blue markers, but I remembered how you always told me not to put things in my eyes and mouth,” Joowon said wisely.

I sighed in relief. Thank goodness he remembered such things. “Thank you for listening to mommy. You’re a good boy, Joowon.” Unlike your Uncle Hyuk... what was he thinking, showing a five-year-old VIXX MVs...

“I want black nails, like daddy. ...and yellow eyes, too. I want to be a singer.”

“You can be a singer without the nails and eyes, Joowon.”

“But I want to be like daddy!”

I knew that it was extremely childish, but I felt a small twinge of jealousy. “Why don’t you want to be like mommy?” I pouted.

He ignored me and continued. “Uncle Hyuk says that if you’re a singer and you go on TV and say that you like something, the next day, girls bring a whole bunch of it to your doorstep! When I’m a singer, I’m going to tell everybody that I like strawberry milk.”

Sighing exasperatedly, I tried again. “Joowon, don’t listen to your Unc—”

“Do you think I’ll get lots of strawberry milk, mommy?”

“Maybe... but it’s not good to take advantage of people like that, sweetie.”

“Uncle Hyuk also told me that—”

I was the one to cut him off this time. “Don’t listen to Uncle Hyuk. What about Uncle Hakyeon? Doesn’t Uncle Hakyeon tell you stories or things? Don’t you remember what he says?” Hakyeon oppa is probably more responsible when it comes to others’ children...

Joowon’s face scrunched up. “But I don’t like listening to Uncle Hakyeon when he talks, mommy...” he muttered forlornly.

Biting back a smile, I coughed awkwardly to stifle my laughter and nodded. “That’s okay, sweetie... Mommy understands.” I was going to have to remember this so that I could send it in our group chat. Children said the funniest things.

“But why don’t you want to be like mommy? Mommy used to be an architect! That means that she designed buildings! You like that, don’t you? It’s just like playing with your Legos.” Why does it feel like I’m trying to promote and sell myself to my own son?

Joowon stared at me with those big, round eyes that looked just like his dad’s. I felt myself getting lost in them; they held a strange familiarity and tinge of nostalgia.

Then, he blinked, and I was cut off from my reverie.

“That sounds boring, mommy,” he replied dryly and walked away.

I stared after his little frame, unsure about how I was supposed to feel about his statement. Where did he get all that sass from?

As if on cue, the front door opened. “I’m home, dear!”

I opened my book back up. “Lee Hongbin, your looks aren’t the only thing your son inherited from you,” I said somewhat spitefully without even bothering to look up.

Hongbin raised one eyebrow in confusion and laughed. “What did Joowon say this time?” Having kicked off his shoes, he came to sit beside me. He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

“Daddy!” Joowon came running out.

“Hey, little man! Whoa, what happened to your nails?” Hongbin pursed his lips together and gave me a questioning look. I merely shrugged.

“Ah! Ah!” Joowon suddenly exclaimed as he remembered something. “I also want blue hair, mommy!”

I frowned and once again racked my brain. Today was really testing my memory and devotion as a Starlight, though I wasn’t even one to begin with. Blue hair?

It soon dawned upon me. “Ah, blue hair. That wasn’t daddy, sweetie. It was Uncle Wonshik.”

At the mention of his favourite uncle, Joowon’s face lit up. “Uncle Wonshik had blue hair? Then I definitely want blue hair too.”

Hongbin chuckled and patted Joowon’s head. “We’ll see when you get older, okay?”

“I want to be a singer like you, daddy!”

“Awww, is that so?” Hongbin cooed. He smiled and looked at me out of the corner of his eye as he finally grasped the situation. I scowled at him.

We both turned our attention back to Joowon who had suddenly gone very quiet. From his slight frown, I could tell that he was thinking hard about something.

Then, “Uncle Wonshik is a singer, too?”

“No, sweetie. He’s a rapper.”

As if something in his mind clicked, Joowon’s eyes lit up with admiration and eagerness. “I don’t want to be a singer anymore then, mommy. I want to be a rapper,” he said with finality, “just like Uncle Wonshik.”

With that, Joowon skipped off.

I glanced to my side and saw Hongbin with his mouth slightly agape. “What in the world—” he managed to sputter. He turned to look at me.

Triumphantly, I smirked and slammed my book shut. I stood up and, having stuck my tongue out at him, followed Joowon into the room, leaving my stunned husband alone on the couch.

“But—but—ugh, Kim Wonshik! What have you been bribing my son with!”


Wow, what is this and where did it come from??? I have no idea what I'm doing.
This is the result of my not having Wifi for a day, ahahaha, yay~
(but let's still hope the Wifi is fixed by tomorrow omg)
Probably inspired by Ravi's new blue hair (omg ajksahdflkjah??) and Hongbin being the cutest, most fluffiest person alive.
I'm very biased. orz



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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, guys! I have two Ravi ones planned so I hope y'all stick with me. :)


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Chapter 4: prank gone wrong was cute xDD
Chapter 7: oomgg hongbin my baby i just want to hug him
ah this was definitely bittersweet ; ;
sometimes it's better to let go of the past :-)
get rid of toxic people in life haha
remember that the most important person in your life is YOU!
Chapter 7: just do what makes you happy ^^
new beginnings are always better <3

and is that guy Ravi? the one she liked first?
Chapter 6: DUDE that was hella cute major props to u ; ;
i like... already married couples with children fics
Chapter 6: that was just too adorable omg XDD little kiddo i wanna see what a little hongbinnie son looks like *-*
pffsh hyuk is such a bad influence in kids tho xD I wonder how Ken treats them o,o ohh Leo is a good one XD
This is super adorable omg T.T
/huggles Joowon/
Chapter 5: oh my god i love this so much it's so cute /sobs 4ever/
Chapter 5: I dont think it lacks anything :o
Uve written it pretty good ^-^
N was soo cute too wanting to fall in love like that <3
Chapter 4: omg this was so cute I LOVE THESE TWO ;o;
Chapter 3: leo isnt ur bias? XD
then he will be all embarrassed about it XD
this reminds me of the times when he does things then just get all shy xD <3 cute /reads the next one