Untitled • Leo

VIXX: A Collection

I stared, slightly horrified, at the brown liquid flowing down my white pants. The patch was slowly growing bigger, and all I could think about was how I would have to go to that job interview with this. I grabbed a napkin and tried to dab at it and, for the first time since the accident, glanced up to see who was the clown who had spilled his coffee all over me.

I was met with the most expressionless face I had ever seen in my life. “I’m sorry,” an indifferent voice came from the not-very-sorry-looking man.

Not wanting to push it any further or make a big scene (especially when faced with a guy with such a daunting aura), I merely nodded and went back to busying with the stain. “It’s okay.”

A few moments went by, and he was still standing in his original spot. I didn’t have to look up to know that his cold, nonchalant eyes were boring holes into my bent head.

I faced him expectantly. “Yes?”

For a second, apology and worry flashed in his eyes. ...and wait, was that nervousness I detected?

But that flicker of emotion left as quickly as it came; it seemed as though it was all over before it even began. I was face to face with that same dead look again.

“I’ll pay for the damage,” came the quiet voice.

“No, it’s okay.”

“I insist.”

“Really... don’t worry about it.” I grabbed my purse and got up, but he stood firm in my way.

“I insist.” Determination, this time I sensed, in those endless orbs.

For the first time and for the briefest of moments, I looked deep into a stranger’s eyes and realized how easily this one’s could sway me.

“Fine,” I muttered.

He stepped aside and, in that soothing voice, said, “There’s a boutique nearby. We can look there.”

I was about to tell him that I had an interview; that I was in a rush; that, yet again, it really was okay.

But then, those lips curled up in a little smile, and his eyes lightly shone with relief and earnestness. “I’m Taekwoon, by the way.”

And that was how I missed my job interview and went shopping with a cold, beautiful stranger.


Enjoy~ :3
It was originally scribbled over Line to my Leo-loving unnie. :p But I edited it a little and here it is for the world to love. :3



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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, guys! I have two Ravi ones planned so I hope y'all stick with me. :)


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Chapter 4: prank gone wrong was cute xDD
Chapter 7: oomgg hongbin my baby i just want to hug him
ah this was definitely bittersweet ; ;
sometimes it's better to let go of the past :-)
get rid of toxic people in life haha
remember that the most important person in your life is YOU!
Chapter 7: just do what makes you happy ^^
new beginnings are always better <3

and is that guy Ravi? the one she liked first?
Chapter 6: DUDE that was hella cute major props to u ; ;
i like... already married couples with children fics ..lol
Chapter 6: that was just too adorable omg XDD little kiddo i wanna see what a little hongbinnie son looks like *-*
pffsh hyuk is such a bad influence in kids tho xD I wonder how Ken treats them o,o ohh Leo is a good one XD
This is super adorable omg T.T
/huggles Joowon/
Chapter 5: oh my god i love this so much it's so cute /sobs 4ever/
Chapter 5: I dont think it lacks anything :o
Uve written it pretty good ^-^
N was soo cute too wanting to fall in love like that <3
Chapter 4: omg this was so cute I LOVE THESE TWO ;o;
Chapter 3: leo isnt ur bias? XD
then he will be all embarrassed about it XD
this reminds me of the times when he does things then just get all shy xD <3 cute /reads the next one