Panic Attack

40 weeks of this!?

Baby log: This week, the umbilical cord was formed; my lungs, digestive track and hands are starting to form. I don’t have fingers yet just little paddles at the ends of my arm buds but they will be hands soon!

Minseok held his head; he had this damn headache for about two hours now. And on top of that his back hurt, pecks hurt and he let like puking. “Ehh.” He sighed lowly trying to copy down more notes.

It was really hard for him to copy down the notes with his mind racing. The pain was nothing compared to what his mind was putting him threw. He was going to be the only one left in school next year; it would be just him and Chen while his entire group friend grew up.

The more he thought about the more his anxiety kicked it. He started breathing heavy, the world seemed like it was slowly caving in on him. He tried to focus on his paper but everything went a blur. He jumped up running out of the class room. He ran down the hall as fast as he could.

“Minseok!” Luhan shouted, watching him leave the room. “Ms Lee can I go check on him? I think he’s sick..” Luhan asked. The teacher nodded and Luhan walked out of the room. He walked as fast as he could after Minseok.

Minseok made a left turned and the world went black he left his back hit the ground but nothing else after that. Luhan heard something hit the ground, he turned the corner finding Minseok laying flat on his back.

“Xiumin!” He dropped to the floor next to him, “Minnie?” He paniced a little trying to find a pluse on his best friend. Luhan let out a sigh of relief when he found it. He jumped up waddling very quickly down to the nurse’s office. “Help! Minseok passed out in the hall!” Luhan squeaked panting hard once he reached her office.

“Where is he?” The nurse asked grabbing the wheel chair a few minutes later she wheeled him in and with the help of Luhan got him up on the bed. “Do you know what happen?” She asked checking over Minseok, “We where sitting in class, then he just started breathing heaving. He told me at the beginning of class he was feeling sick. His head, back and pecks hurt he said. After he started breathing heavy he just jumped up and ran out of the room.” The nursed nodded taking in the info.

“Does he have any medical issues? Anything that would make him act like this?” She asked getting a warm rag damping it along his chubby cheeks. “He has panic attacks from time to time. Would that make him act like this?” Luhan asked.

“Yes, actually this is a panic attack if I’m right.” She nodded, “And if your wrong?” Luhan asked. “Well it could be something like a tummy bug or umm.. Pregnancy. Headache, backaches, chest pains and black outs or dizziness are all signs of early pregnancy.” She nodded.

“He will wake up soon, will you say here with him? I will go explain to your teacher what happen and collect both of your things. You need to take him home.” She left the room heading down to their classroom.

“Aigoo, you better be pregnant. You can be left out of this.” Luhan crawled up on the bed laying down next to Minseok. He softly damped the rag over his cheeks and forehead hoping he’d wake up soon.

“We can’t be pregnant without you, hell your one that wants a baby.” Luhan sighed. “We are going straight to my house and you are taking every pregnancy test we have. Then we are going to watch sappy movies with my mom. Okay? So wake up.” Luhan talked to him even though he wasn’t listening.

After a few minutes the nurse returned, “How it he doing?” She asked. “He twitched and kicked me…” Luhan nodded, “He’ll be waking soon.” He keep running his fingers threw Minseok’s hair.

It wasn’t long after that Minseok came too, “Hey sunshine~” Luhan smiled softly, “Hey..” Minseok pouted holding his throbbing head. “Does your head hurt?” Luhan asked rubbing his temples trying to help. “Neh, a little bit. I had a panic attack didn’t I?” He asked.

“You did. So its time to go home, I called your dad, I’m taking you to my house for a little down times alright.” Luhan smiled softly. “Okay..” Minseok nodded pouting a still. “Did you tell Chen?”

“No, I thought it was a better idea if I didn’t. I don’t want him to worry. Only you and I know about this. I’ll text Sehun when we are home and tell him I was feeling extra sleepy so I had you drive me so that way Chen doesn’t freak out.” Luhan nodded sitting up.

“This is why you are my best friend.” Minseok stood up slowly picking his backpack up. Luhan smiled rubbing his already rounded tummy, “We get each other.” He picked up his own bag fishing out his keys. “Let’s hurry before the bell rings and they come looking for us.”

Once in the car Luhan caught a glimpsed of Minseok starring at his tummy. “Is that what you had the attack about?” He asked, “Are you worried we will grow up and forget about you and Chen?”

Minseok nodded a little, “You guys are my best friends, I wasn’t worried too much until Kyungsoo found. Lay was just the icing on the cake. It doesn’t help either I have been having dreams of me and Chen sitting on the couch his hands on my tummy smiling at me.” The smaller man sighed.

“You know how much I’ve always wanted to have a baby. Now all of your are having one and I’m not. I’ve been eating my weight in white chocolate, wasabi seaweed and banana milk. I don’t even like any of that. Its gross but I’ve been eating nothing but that because of this stupid craving for it. My head hurts, my pecks hurt, my back hurts, I’m having crazy mood swings and I’m bloated as hell. Probably from all this crap I’ve been eating.” Minseok sighed laying his head back on the seat.

Luhan listen to all of Minseok symptoms, “Are you having problems breathing and sleeping more then normal?” He asked getting a nod from Minseok. “Min, you have 7 of the most common pregnancy symptoms you realize that right. And fainting is one as well so you have 8. I’m not trying to get your hopes up but honestly that what you have.”

Luhan pulled up to a stop light, he turned around quickly digging something out of his bag, and he handed it over to Minseok. “The most common pregnancy symptoms?” Minseok asked reading the little book thing.

“Do you still have those tests my mom gave you?” Luhan asked pulling into his drive way. “Y-yeah.. I have one in my bag..” He pointed still reading the little book. “Come on, lets go take it.” Luhan got out of the car and unlocked the front door, Minseok waddled in behind him eyes focused on the book reading every little detail.

Luhan pulled out the test opening and throw the box away before he pulled Min into the bathroom, “Just pee on it here.” He pointed out then turned around letting Minseok do his thing. “Get all of them, what if this one is wrong…”

Luhan got all of the tests that where in the bag, there was a total of five. They line them up on the coffee table after cleaning them. “How long does it take?” Minseok asked looking at Luhan, “Only a few minutes, don’t worry we will know soon.” He nodding smiling.

Minseok puffed out his cheeks starring at the test just waiting for them go give him answers, the long they waited the quieter it got. After a few minutes of intense silence Minseok’s phone rang making them both jump up from the sudden noise.

“Holy sh…” Luhan held his heart, “That scared the… out of me.” The both laughed before Minseok answered the phone, “Chennie.” He smiled walking into a different room while talking. Luhan keep watch on the test until they reviled their answer to him, all of them said the same thing.

“Chen and Sehun will be coming home after lunch, they are worried. I told them you where just sleepy but they didn’t believe.” He pouted walking back into the room. “Well,” Luhan grinned, “We got two hours to come up with an adorable way to tell them you are pregnant!” He squealed showing all the teats that read positive.

"Oh my gosh!” Minseok squealed with him holding on to his tummy, “Waaaah~” He bounced pulling up his shirt rubbing it. “I can’t believe it! I mean I can but I can’t. Its what I’ve always wanted.” He rubbed his bear tummy.

“What is the screeching for?” Kyuhyun asked walking in the front door with Hangeng. Both boy’s froze in their spot, “Daddy!” Minseok tried to smile quickly covering his tummy.

“Cho Minseok.” Kyuhyun gave him that same look he gave Kyungsoo. “Daddy.” Minseok pouted big trying to seem extra cute, “Hey! Think about it this way, I’m not as big as Kyungsoo or Luhan so I’m probably only having one!” He nodded quickly.

Kyuhyun took a deep breath, “I was expecting this from you, I prepared myself for this a while go. Now come here before I change my mind.” He held out his arms. Minseok quickly moved over hugging him tightly. “Aish.. Hangeng hyung, what are we going to do with all of these kids?” Kyuhyun asked looking over at him.

“Your guess is as good as mine, I have no idea.” Hangeng shook his head rubbing Luhan’s tummy. “Our babies are having babies, multi babies. What is that like babi? Is that even a word? I’m going crazy over here.” Hangeng laughed.

“Lulu, how are we going to tell, Chennie?” Minseok asked looking over at him, “I have no idea. Shall we go with the classic bun in the oven?” He asked rising a brow.

“We should get a baozi!” He chuckled, “Omo! Do you think we get a smaller one, so its like a baby baozi?” Luhan grinned.

“We so have to! Can we Daddy?” Minseok asked looking up at Kyuhyun; he nodded pulling out his credit card. “Go on. Aish you two be safe.” He watched as his and Hangeng’s pregnant babies went out the door.


Standing in the bakery everyone starred at Luhan and Minseok, “They act like they have never seen a pregnant person before.” Minseok giving someone a dirty look who was giving on to Luhan; “They are stupid, just ignore them.” Luhan nodded telling the lady what they wanted. She gave them a little bag of the pork buns and they where off.

“What time is it?” Minseok asked. “About a hour until lunch, you wanna grab some frozen yogurt on the way back to the house?” Luhan asked looking at Min.

“Oh yes!” He nodded. They made a little side stop of the froyo place, they both of plain yogurt and add a bunch of toppings to it.

The made their way back to the house setting up the pork bun in the oven, “How should we play this off?” Asked Luhan. “We should be like just sitting on the couch watching a movie and when he comes in be like ‘oh Chen there’s something for you in the oven.’ And hopefully he’ll go look and understand it.” Minseok nodded looking at the time. “Oh shh, I bet they are almost here. Hurry!” Both ran into the living room, Luhan switched on a random movie fast forwarding it to close to the end, Minseok grabbed a few blankets and both snuggled in waiting on the boys.

“Lu?” Sehun asked opening door only a few minutes after they had sat down, “Minnie?” Chen called from behind him. “We are in here!” They called together from the living room.

“Hey baby, what happen?” Sehun asked walking into the living room sitting next to Luhan, “I was extra sleepy today, I didn’t feel safe driving home so the nurse asked Min to it.” Luhan nodded leaning over kissing Sehun.

“You could have asked me.” Sehun nodded, “That’s what I’m here for! To help you like that.” He pouted a little upset Luhan didn’t ask him.

“My dad was home, he would have though we where just skipping school. So I just asked Min, we picked up some food and came straight here. You really didn’t miss much.” Luhan nodded, “Oh Chen, there’s something in the oven for you.”

“Oh really? Yes~” He grinned like a child running into the kitchen, “What? I don’t get it theres only a bun in the over…” He frowned walking around the corner with the tiny bun. “Ohh! There’s a bun in the oven.” His face lit up when he got it.

“Wait, seriously?” Sehun asked. “Like really really really?” Minseok nodded, “Yes like really really really. We have a bun in the oven.” He eye smiled walking to Chen who placed both hands on Minseok tummy.

“Our own little bun.” He smiled lifting his smaller boyfriend off the ground kissing him sweetly. “Hopefully just one bun. I don’t know what I’d do with more.” Minseok giggled softly kissing Chen again. “Yes, one bun is fine. We don’t need more.”

“I can’t believe we are all having babies together, we always said we’d always do everything together. Now we really are.” Sehun smiled pulling Luhan in his lap then resting his hands on the bump.

“Neh, it will make this growing up crap a lot easier with all of us together.” Minseok nodded once snuggling into Chen’s chest both of his hands on his tummy not yet big enough to have a bump.

“Now we have to tell everyone.. And your dad.” Chen frowned. “Actually, My dad came over and found out already. He didn’t freak out. He hugged me.” Minseok grinned, “I think you are in the clear.”


After school everyone met up at Luhan’s, “Yah, why did you all disappear?” Kyungsoo pouted waddling into the livingroom arm linked with Baekhyun. “We had to eat lunch a lone.” Baekhyun fake pouted.

“Yes, alone with six of us.” Tao rolled his eyes plopping down in a chair putting his feet up. “Rub my feet!” He wiggled his toe at Suho who did as he was told not to feel the rather of Tao.

“But why did you guys leave?” Chanyeol asked taking a seat on the floor so Baekhyun could sit in his lap. “Becaus-“ Chen started, “Yah!” Minseok slapped his arm, “We have to wait for Lay and Kris.” He stated calmly.

“We are here..” Lay nodded taking off his shoes at the door. “Whats so important? I was in the middle of something.” Kris groaned walking in behind lay.

Chen grinned, “Now he asked?” Minseoked nodded, “Yes now.”

“Go look in the oven.” Chen pointed to the kitchen. Kai went in the kitchen. “I dun get it.” He yelled before walking around the corner. “This was in the oven.”

“Oh my!” Kyungsoo squeaked, “Really?” Baekhyun asked hopping up hugging Minseok. “This is great! I can’t believe it~!” Tao stood up to hugging Chen before Minseok. “Oh, I’m so proud of you guys.” Lay waddled over giving hugs too.

“I don’t get it.” Kai said again, “Me either..” Chanyeol shook his head, Suho blinked looking around confused. “Really? You guys don’t get the bun in the oven? On top of that it was a Baozi. A baby one. Theres a baby baozi in the oven..” Kris shook his head, “Idiots.” He sighed.

“Ohh! Minseok is pregnant!” Suho smiled when he got it. “Ohhh!” Kai smiled, “I’m going to be a uncle!” He danced over to Chen. “Congrats, hyung!”

“They where slower then Chen.” Sehun chuckled whispering to Luhan.

“We all have buns in the oven now. Wahh, this is great!” Baekhyun smiled.

Belly progress:

 Week 7


Whoot double update!

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Saturday I will not be posting, because its my birthday so I'll be out with fam. Sunday I'' try to get a double up date for you


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Chapter 13: Love it.... kyaaaaa...
Chapter 12: Like it... nooo i love ur story very much... hehehehe update sooon... authornim...
Chapter 8: Hahahahaha.. minseok done a cute way to tell chen... so fluffy... i like it.. thanks authornim.. can't wait for other chapter
Chapter 7: I like it... good job authornim... update soon
Chapter 5: Got a bit confused, so I re-read the 3rd chapter. Well done! It's okay if you had messed up, still good ;)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 2: OMG I love it❤️ update as soon as you can, please??? ❤️❤️