Tummy Time

40 weeks of this!?

Baby log: Week five, Hello Mommies~ Guess what! My heart is forming this week! Also I am starting to take the shape of a baby. I still looking pretty funny but I’m growing quickly~ Feed me well~

News about Luhan and Baekhyun spread through out the school like a wild fire. Not that neither of them mind, they where both very happy. Chanyeol and Baekhyun both told their parent’s the news was a bit shocking but they all handled it well.. Well as in Kangin had Chanyeol in a chock hold while Baekhyun and Leeteuk tried to pry him off.  Ryeowook, Chanyeol’s mother, cried saying he wasn’t ready to be a grandmother but ended up hugging Baekhyun until he couldn’t breath.

Today was Saturday and both pregnant men were happy, they didn’t have to answer anymore questions. “Lulu~” Lay called him on the phone, “Go get ice cream with me~~” The older man sang. “And Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.” He added. Luhan chuckled, “Alright but I’m bring Sehun, Jelly Bean, Minseok and Kyungsoo.” Jelly Bean was the name they use for the baby until they could find an actual name for it. “Might as well call the others.” Lay chuckled agreeing with Luhan. “I’ll call them on my way.” He hung up with his brother making everyone get in the car.

They arrived at the Ice cream shop and waited a short time for everyone to show up. “Lulu~” Baekhyun grinned hugging him, “Hey Baekie~” Luhan smiled walking with him to the counter.

“Hey guys, Suho called.” Kris said putting the phone back in his pocket, “Tao is the hospital. He’s been sick for two days and has a high fever. Suho just took him in just a few minutes ago.”

“Oh no!” Lay frowned, “Come on guys!” Everyone quickly loaded up making their way to the hospital. Sehun was the first to run in and find his brother, “Suho!” He shouted running over to the man. Suho was shaky, his mind in a million places. “What happen?” He asked.

Suho didn’t answer he kept his eyes locked on the door were Tao was. “He’s got toxic shock syndrome.” A thick Chinese accented man spoke up. “How did he get TSS?” Luhan asked standing on the other side of Suho rubbing his back. “They are trying to figure it out.” Suho whispered. “How do you get that?” Baekhyun asked looking around at the other people. “You get when you have something foreign in your body, Henry got it when he first developed…” Zhou Mi stopped in the middle of his sentence as the doctor walked out.

“I have good news; First Zitao has not developed what he mother has.” The doctor went on, “He is.. Well he wanted to tell you himself. But I know how to fix him.” The doctor smiled motioning for them to go in the room.

“Baby, whats wrong? Are you dying? Don’t die! I can’t live without you; I’ll do whatever it takes to fix you. Just please don’t leave me.  We are suppose to get married, and move out, and have family, and your suppose to teach me Chinese so I can take over for my father and I’m suppose to fail so that way you always have to come with me so you can translate.” Suho rambled on clinging to Tao’s hand.

“Baby.. Baby..” Tao tried to interrupt him but it failed, “Yah!” He bonked Suho on the head, “Pabo, We have a family.” He looked down at his tummy. “My body went into shock because I’m growing something foreign in me. I’m pregnant you pabo. I’m not dying. It feels like it, but I’m not.” Tao shook his head but smiled at Suho.

“Both of my babies are having babies!” Heechul squealed pushing his way to Tao, he hugged the Chinese man. “Aw, I’m so happy for you!” He leaned over hugging Suho too. “You are going to be an Appa~”

Siwon smiled standing behind Heechul, “Congrats you too.” He nodded toward them both. Zhou Mi cleared his throat, “Tao ah. Its not safe for you to live with us anymore.” The father frowned deeply, it was never safe for him or Tao but now that there was a baby its really wasn’t safe.

“You will live with us.” Siwon spoke, what Siwon said was law you agreed with it that was your only option. The doctor knocked on the door before entering, “Mr Huang, I need to give you these.” He had a tray of shots with him. “Why?” Suho asked. “His body doesn’t have enough of the female hormone, that why it doesn’t know whats going. I have to give him a shot that will make his have more. So his body doesn’t kill the baby.” The doctor explained moving around the room to Tao’s arm, he cleaned it before giving him the shot. He also gave him one in the leg and abdomen.

“Once your fever is down I will keep you for 24 hours then give you another shot, after that you are free to go.” He smiled before leaving. Suho looked over at Tao, “A baby.” He whispered leaning down kissing his tummy. Tao watched fondly running his finger threw Suho’s hair.

Siwon told the ‘kids’ to go out side while they discussed important things. “Lets go to the gift shop!” Kyungsoo suggested, Kai nodded along agreeing with him. They made their way down to the gift shop, “What should we get?” Ask Lay looking around.

“How about we guess at what the baby is going to be!” Baekhyun smiled, “I’m thinking girl!” Sehun shook his head, “A boy, the first child of everyone in or family is a boy.” Luhan pouted, “I wanted a girl!” He rubbed his tummy, “You’ll come out a girl for Mommy right?”

“Well lets take side and come up with a gift, Okay” Minseok asked. “Team boy over here, girl over there.” Luhan, Baekhyun, Lay, Kai and Chen made up team girl. Sehun, Kyungsoo, Kris, Chanyeol and Minseok made up team boy.

“Omo! Its perfect~!” Luhan held up a pink panda, both teams found a matching panda’s one pink one blue. Kris laughed holding up a shirt that read ‘I’m the man behind the bump’. “We have to get this for the boy team~” He held on to it.

Kai found a shirt with a heart the chest area that said ‘I love my baby bump’ “Tao will love this!” He nodded getting a nod from Baekhyun. “We should get it~”

“And of course we can’t forget the balloons!” Kyungsoo got a little blue one and a matching one for the girl’s team. The all helped pay for the stuff carrying it back up to the room. They sat in the waiting room, Baekhyun ended up sitting on Chanyeol who held the blue panda, he took the balloon tying it to the panda’s hand and put Suho’s new shirt on it. He giggled at his work showing it to Luhan who was holding the pink panda. “Omo that’s cute!” He did the same to the pink panda.

“Kids~” Heechul called them into the room, Tao started laughing once he saw Luhan and Baekhyun carry in the pandas. “Alright who’s on which team?”  He asked taking both plushys into his arms.

“Baekhyun, Luhan, Kai, Chen and myself are the girl team” Lay pointed to each person, “Sehun, Kyungsoo, Krissy, Chanyeol, and Minseok are the boy team.” He nodded, “But it’s totally going to be a girl.” He nodded getting a laugh from Suho. “Boy’s are always the first child born. It will be a boy.”

“No way, It will be a girl, I need someone I can dress up.” Tao nodded rubbing his tummy, “She will be fabulous, like me.”

“I don’t know if I can handle two Tao’s..” Suho looked down at Tao’s tummy. “Oh my..” He rubbed it, “Please be like Appa. Look like Umma but act like Appa.” He nodded kissing the tummy once more. Tao chuckled at his boyfriend’s action, “You are so cute~” He kissed Suho’s cheek.

“Sooo~” What is the plan for tonight?” Baekhyun asked sitting on the bed with Tao, “How about movie night in the hospital?” Kyungsoo suggested rubbing Tao’s tummy.

“Sounds like a plan~”Kris nodded, “We’ll got get movies.” He softly tugged on Lay’s arm, “I’ll go with you.” Kai nodded his head. “We should probably go get clothes for tomorrow..” Luhan looked around at everyone, “Lulu will you get some clothes for me?” Tao asked, “Some shorts and a lose shirt I don’t want to squish the baby in my tight jeans.”

“Of course~” Luhan smiled. Most everyone left except Baekhyun and Kyungsoo who wanted to stay and talk about the baby stuff.


The next morning Baekhyun was the first up followed closely by Luhan, “Oh I can’t want for Tao to join us.” Baekhyun joked sitting on the bathroom floor. “Why do you hate Mommy?” He asked rubbing his tummy.

“This is punishment for making it.” Luhan laughed only ending up throwing up again. “Ehh, you don’t like jokes… Okay no jokes.” There was a knock at the door, “Excuse me? Are you two okay?” A little nurse lady asked peeking into the bathroom.

“Neh, Just morning sickness.” Baekhyun smiled. “I can get you some meds that will make that go away for today if you’d like.” She offered. “Can you?” Luhan smiled, “That would be lovely!” He nodded.

She excused herself coming back a few minutes later with some purple drink; both boys drank it feeling a little better. Unless Jelly Bean decided he didn’t like it and Luhan threw up again. Just from the sight of Luhan Baekhyun threw up to, “Yah Jelly Bean, stop giving Peanut ideas.” Baekhyun pouted.

“I’m getting in the shower.” Luhan striped turning on the water, he pushed the button making the shower come on and sat in the bottom of the tub. “Being pregnant is hell..” He sighed rubbing his tummy. “But in 40 weeks it will be well worth it.” He smiled down at his little Jelly Bean.

Baekhyun climbed into the bathtub with him sitting down on the floor as well, “Your right, now we have Tao to join the hell.” He laughed leaning against the wall. Sehun peeked his head into the bathroom, “Are you both okay?” He asked looking in.

“Neh.” Luhan nodded yawning, “Just sleepy. What time is it babe?” He asked rubbing his eyes. “Around eight, everyone should be waking up soon, so hurry. The doctor will be releasing Tao at eleven.” He grabbed Baek and Lu’s bag setting them on the floor inside the door.

“Move!” Tao pushed Sehun away from the door and went straight to the toilet emptying his tummy. “Damn you Panda..” He pouted washing out his mouth. “How do you two do it?” He asked getting into the shower with them. “Not easily.” Baekhyun chuckled washing Tao’s arms.


Around eleven the nurse came into Tao’s room, “Are you already to do Mr. Huang?” She asked. “Who will be driving you?” She asked looking around, “I will~” Suho spoke up. “Alright, can you go pull your car around to the front then? We are required to wheel him to the front.” She grabbed the wheel chair from the corner moving it by Tao.

Suho excused himself going to get his car, “Why don’t we take this stuff down and get loaded up, Lulu and Baek do you want to stay with Tao?” Luhan nodded, “Neh, me and Sehun will ride with them.”

“I’ll go ahead and leave with Channie.” Baekhyun smiled hugging his arm. Everyone left Tao with Luhan; Luhan carried the two Panda’s while walking next to Tao. “What are we doing after this?” Tao asked looking up at him. “I don’t know, Kyungsoo said something about going to the mall. Lay’s birthday is in three days so we need to get him more stuff. I think Kris is going to take him off shopping on their own while we do so.”

“Ahh, Okay. Do I look okay?” Tao looked over his clothes, “You look fine.” Luhan nodded. “Your pregnant your not suppose to look like a model Tao.” He laughed and the nurse giggled. “I always look like a model. Ehh I don’t want to look normal.” He mehrong playfully.

“Where’s Kris and them?” Tao asked noticing that only Suho, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Kai, Minseok and Chen were waiting on him and Lu. “Baekhyun starting whiny about being hungry, after that he will be sick feeling. We have about three hours of shopping before Kris and Lay get away from Baekhyun. He’s taking one for the team.” Suho chuckled opening the door for Tao.

“To the mall?” Chen asked, “Neh.” Minseok smiled nodding before getting into the car. The ride to the mall was short normally, but Luhan and Tao had to stop twice. “We are never having again.” Tao pouted getting in the car after the second stop. “But baby!” Suho pouted, “No buts. No my for you either.”

When they pulled up to the mall the found two parking spot next to each other. “I’m so glad I’m not pregnant.” Minseok nodded getting out of the car. “What us all end up pregnant, we all had the same night with out protection.” Kyungsoo joked. “That’s a sick joke.” Minseok poked his cheek. “It would be funny though. I’d laugh.” Kai wrapped his arm around Kyungsoo.

“Whats it like being an Appa?” Chen asked Suho and Sehun. “Scary as fyck.” Sehun replied. “You have no idea what you’re doing and you only gets 40 weeks to get a grip on your life and grow up. You start thinking about your future and the baby’s future. It’s a lot.” Suho sighed.

“I want a baby.” Kyungsoo pouted a little, “One with little chubby cheeks and I could snuggle all the time. He or she’d be my snugglebug~” He nodded smiling. “That would be so cute~” Everyone knew it was always Lay, Kyungsoo and Minseok’s dream to have babies and a little family. It honestly made Tao a little sad to think he was living his friends dream while they just sat back and watched. “Sooo~” He sang, “What the hell are we getting, Umma?” he asked. Tao had always called Lay Umma, that’s what Lay was he was the mother of the group and Kris the father.

“I know he wanted some kinda of perfume from his normal shop, if I smell it I will know it. So let’s head over there? Tao can find him some clothes.” Minseok suggested.

“Sound’s like a good idea~” Luhan nodded.

The day of shopping took well over three hours. Minseok, Chen, Kyungsoo and Kai left around five hours taking all of Lay’s gifts with them to wrapped up and hide. It was around six o’clock when Tao got hungry.

“What should we eat?” He asked his tummy standing in line at the food court. “How about some Thai noodles? Does that sound good?” He asked more question rubbing his tummy. “Hes so cute~” Suho grinned watching Tao with a loving look. “Lulu do you think Panda is big?” He asked lifting up his shirt.

“I dunno..” Luhan walked over lifting his shirt to, “Jelly Bean seems a little bigger, but maybe its just because your taller so your have more room for Panda.” Luhan nodded putting down his shirt.

“I don’t know Lu, you are showing quite a bit for only being a few weeks along.” Suho rubbed his tummy, “I remember when this lady came into moms work, and she was seven weeks and smaller then you. What if its twins!” Sehun’s eyes widen, “Don’t joke like that hyung..” He shook his head. “Or worse, triples.” Tao teased laughing.

“That’s not funny!” Luhan softly pushed Tao. “Could you imagine carrying that many kids? I read this story about this lady who was having twin and one day she was just walking around and the baby’s started to fall out of her! That would be scary!” Luhan made a face. (Dude, true story. I read that and freaked out..)

“Oh my gosh really! That is scary!” Tao held his tummy, “You stay in mommy until its time for you to come. Don’t just fall out.. okay?” He nodded rubbing the small bump.

“Do you really think I’m big though? Maybe I should go see your Mom, just to make sure everything is okay.” He chewed his lip a little one hand resting on his tummy. “I though I was normal.. But then again I’ve never been pregnant..” Luhan frowned a bit, he was totally going to lose sleep over this until he found out.

Sehun back hugged Luhan, “Baby, don’t worry, so Jelly bean is a little big. There’s nothing wrong with him or her.” He kissed the top of Luhan’s head. “After this we will go ask, Umma no biggy okay.”

“Okay..” Luhan sighed keeping his hands on his tummy rubbing it softly. What if there was something wrong though. It worried Luhan to death to think about his something being wrong with his little unborn helpless baby. 


The Panda stuff for Tao.


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Saturday I will not be posting, because its my birthday so I'll be out with fam. Sunday I'' try to get a double up date for you


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Chapter 13: Love it.... kyaaaaa...
Chapter 12: Like it... nooo i love ur story very much... hehehehe update sooon... authornim...
Chapter 8: Hahahahaha.. minseok done a cute way to tell chen... so fluffy... i like it.. thanks authornim.. can't wait for other chapter
Chapter 7: I like it... good job authornim... update soon
Chapter 5: Got a bit confused, so I re-read the 3rd chapter. Well done! It's okay if you had messed up, still good ;)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 2: OMG I love it❤️ update as soon as you can, please??? ❤️❤️