The Boy Hidden in EXO's Dorm

~Woke Up~

All of EXO was gathering around Sehun’s bed, their gaze focused on the small boy lied weakly and stiff on the bed. “We need to help him,” said Xiumin sympathetically. Chen and Lay nodded in agreement. “Kyung Soo, go and get a wet towel and a basin here, Tao-ge bring the first aid kit here, we should at least clean his wound first before we do anything else,” ordered Suho whom felt the need to take in charge since he is the leader. Kyung Soo got up and went to take the towel and basin while Tao sprung off to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit on the shelf. Kris who was shivering and trembling, afraid that he might cause severe injuries to the boy was pulled into a hug by Luhan while hearing the older man whispering soothing word.

Tao and Kyung Soo came back into the room with all the stuff Suho had asked, they handed it out to the leader. Suho move closer to the small boy, he took the wet towel and twisted it a little before proceeding to wipe the wound on the small boy’s forehead. Unexpectedly, Suho was stopped by Sehun, “I’ll do it hyung,” Sehun said before took the towel from Suho’s hand and began wiping the wound. While he was at it he took the chance to examine the boy, the boy somehow has a really fair and pale skin, a small cute nose, a cute pinkish lip, a dark brown hair and a long, thick eyelash. Sehun wondered how could such an angelic boy like him do exist in this world, the more Sehun looked at him, the more he want to protect the small boy.

                He gently wiped the wound in the boy’s forehead, assured that the wound had cleaned, he continued his task, wiping the next wound on the small boy upper lip. The contact his finger and the cute pinkish lip made sent a shiver down his spine, he gulped down a few saliva. His face however remained still, showing the same poker face. While Sehun was cleaning the boy, Xiumin elbowed Suho and whispered “Did you think he has some broken bones anywhere?”. “I am not quite sure, Umin hyung. But if there any broken bones, there will be at least a blue-bruise mark,” replied Suho. “How do we want to confirm it?” asked Chen eagerly. “I guess we have to wait for the boy to gain his consciousness first, and then we can bring him to the hospital,” stated Suho.

                Sehun had finished cleaning the boy wound, he turned to Suho and raised his eyebrow, “What next, hyung?”. “ We put this antiseptic and cover the wounds with the plasters, you want to do it too?” there was a tinge of curious in Suho’s word but Sehun with his poker face, ignored it and nodded. He reached out to the first aid kit in Tao’s hand and began to carry out his task seriously, earning a curious look from all of his hyung. Yet they kept their mouth shut and kept observing the poor boy. “How do we inform his parent, hyung? What is his name or age?” asked Kyung Soo. “That right, we have to find out his ID,” said Chanyeol, he approached the boy and checked his pocket, searching for any sign of wallet or handphone but he found none. He was shocked, so did the rest of EXO.

                “That is so weird, how could you wander around without wallet or at least phone,” uttered Baekhyun who was helping Chanyeol.  “Maybe,he just take a walk, could be his home is around that area,” said Kai. Some of them nodded in agreement, Sehun had finished treating the boy’s wound,he put the first aid aside. “Well,I guess we still need to wait for him to gain his consciousness so, that we could find out who is him and if we need to bring him to the hospital,” Suho decided and continued “But Sehun, I think you need to sleep somewhere else,”. “It is okay, Hun. You can sleep with me,” added Luhan ,the owner of the bed next to Sehun’s. Sehun was quiet for a while but when he spoke of his thought, he set all of his hyung in shock and even some of them gasped, “ I-I think I will just sleep with him, he is not big after all,”. “No, what if you accidentally hurt him while you sleep,” said Suho strictly.

                But, Sehun being the evil maknae he is, kept defending his suggestion while Suho,Baekhyun and Luhan was nagging on how ridiculous that idea is. Tired of the stupid fight, the eldest of them, Xiu Min cleared his throat so loud that all of them turned their attention toward him, “ Just let Sehun sleep the way he want, we better get a sleep too, tomorrow we have practices and we don’t want to be late anymore. And Sehun, sleep properly,” he said, ended the argument before stood up and left for his room. One by one followed Xiu Min and left the room, they were really tired and they need a good rest. When there were only Suho and the roommates left, Suho gave Sehun a warning look and sighed before stomped off to his room too. KyungSoo went and lay on his bed,he pulled his blanket up to his chest and dozed off right away, Luhan glanced at Sehun while lying on his bed, “Are you sure, Hun?”. Sehun just shrugged and climbed on his bed, he lay carefully next to the small boy.

                Sehun turned to face the small boy who was sleeping and Sehun find the way the small boy sleep somehow cute like a child, he closed the distance between them and unconsciously put his hand around the petite waist. He take time to observe the smaller face and later on had a smile plastered on his face cause he could not bear the idea of how much this small boy attracted him in just few hours and the fact how ‘beautiful’ this boy despite his gender. Are boys nowadays often having this kind of girlish look? He admitted that even some of has feminine look like Luhan hyung but this boy is completely different, his skin is so smooth and he does not even has moustache, not even a slight sign of it being shaved. Sehun stared at the cute,pinkish lip and felt blood rush up to his face cause he unintentionally imagined how does the lip taste on his own, without him realized he had already brought his imagination to reality when he landed his lip on the other and was mesmerized on how much warm those lip, he stayed like that for a while before pulled away.He was shocked on his own action, he just stole a kiss from a sleeping boy, Gosh, he himself is a ert! Sehun,then  began to wonder on his weird feeling toward the boy, why was he so cared about this boy? He kept guessing until he fell asleep, cuddled with a small warm in his arm.

                The small boy had never felt this cozy in his sleep, he squirmed a little and opened up his eyes, he blinked a few time. When he finally fully awake, his eyes went wide cause unknowingly he was in someone hug and the place was so unfamiliar to him, he gasped when he heard a deep voice mumbling. He looked up only to found a pale,handsome,sharp- jawline face in front of him, the other boy who was hugging him squirmed and tighten his grip on the small boy’s waist, earning a gasp from the cute mouth. He tried to free out himself, he pushed away the taller hand but it was useless, he wriggled a little but the other boy stayed firm. His heart was beating so fast and he himself does not know why, well, probably woken up being hug by a handsome stranger is the right reason. Unable to breath and thought correctly the small boy tried his last effort to escape the warm,cozy yet unwanted hug, he kicked the taller boy as strong as he could while he kept his eyes shut. “Ouch!! !,” he heard a yelp and a loud thud soon after. He slowly opened up his eyes only to catch the sight of the stranger fell on the floor and a frown on the handsome face.

                A few second later, someone else sprung inside the room with worry written all over his angelic face, “Gosh, Sehun what had happened?”. “Well, hyung I think it is not me whom you should advise to sleep properly cause it is me whom got kicked out off my bed,” the boy called Sehun replied. The small boy was shocked and scared, he was trembling cause he had never met those people and why in the hell does he sleep there. “Are you okay, Hun?” asked another voice who turned out to be a person in the bed next to him. “I am fine, hyung but I think he is a little bit shocked,” said Sehun while pointed his mouth to the small boy. The angelic-face boy smiled and tried to move closer to the boy in hope he could calm and comfort the boy but the small boy was so scared that he let out a shriek shout, “No! Don’t come closer! Who are you guys? Why am I here?”. “Suho, he is frightened,” said the next-bed person whom was climbing off his bed and stood next to the small boy. “It is okay, we mean no harm,” said Suho in his attempt to approach the boy but the boy backed out more and was shaking too much that it was so obvious to any pair of eyes watching.

                Later on, more boys had come into the room, some still in their pajama but some only had towel wrapped around their waist, exposing their bare body. The boy become more scared and screamed, “Please!! Don’t do anything to me, please let me go!!!,”. All of EXO was shocked and clueless, they did not know how to calm down the small, scared boy who was a screaming mess. Suddenly, Sehun stood and walked to the boy, he pulled the boy into a hug and uttered ,“Shhh, it is okay, we are here to help you and you are safe,” the boy gasped but he did not push Sehun away, instead he was absorbing the warm feel and began to calm down. Kai’s eyes went wide at that side and said, “God, you are a babysitter now, Sehun?” with that word he earned a pinch from Kyung Soo, “Ouch! Soo! What wrong?”. Kyung Soo gave him a glare before turned toward the small boy, he approached the small frame and patted the boy’s head, “ Well, let get yourself clean and a breakfast first before we explain everything to you, okay?” his soft voice comforted the small boy and he nodded.

                 Chen offered the small boy his hand, with shaking hand the boy held out his hand, Chen pulled the boy to stand up and smiled, “I’ll lead you to the bathroom,”, he walked the boy to the closest bathroom and let the boy enter the bathroom. “ I’ll go and get the boy a towel,” said Lay whom rushed up to his room and grabbed his extra towel, he headed to the bathroom and gave the boy the towel. They let the boy cleaned himself while Xiu Min was rummaging through his closet to find a suitable clothes for the small boy considering he has the smallest body among EXO. He picked out a brown short and his old t-shirt, he knocked the bathroom door and held out the clothes through the slightly opened door. Kyung Soo, Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were preparing the breakfast for thirteen mouths.

                When the small boy had finished cleaning up, he stood in front of the bathroom, he did not know where to go or whom to called. Even though he was wearing, Xiu Min’s clothes whom is the smallest one among the twelve boy, the t-shirt was still a big bit for his small build which made it a bit loose until his pale, fair shoulder was exposed. He startled a bit when he felt someone touched his shoulder, he turned around and figured out that the touch belong to the first boy he met in this house, the sharp-jaw line one whom been called Sehun by the others. “Come, D.O hyung had cooked the breakfast,” the smile drawn on Sehun handsome face somehow set a butterfly feel in the boy stomach, “A-Alright,” the smaller stuttered, Sehun reached out and held the boy’s hand, he smiled before pulled the boy to the kitchen where the rest of EXO had gathered.

                Jongin could not move his eyes off the exposed skin of the small boy, his pale neck was just bewitching Jongin’s eye, Jongin then noticed something, ‘ Why he does not have an adam apple which supposed to be a male anatomy’. Kris locked his gaze on the small frame, deep down his heart he wished that the small frame did not have serious injury because of him cause God! The boy seem so weak and small. Since there were only enough chairs for twelve people and there was only a chair left, Sehun was thinking to just seated the boy in his lap just like last night but before he could proceed to his crazy ideas in which all of his hyung disagree, Chanyeol had pulled Baekhyun’s hand, Baekhyun, whom immediately understood Chanyeol’s intention,stood up and plopped right onto Chanyeol lap. The scene set the small boy’s eyes wide but to EXO’s eyes, it is just another normal act of the same-age member. Sehun seated the boy on Baekhyun’s chairs and sat right next to him. “Err, Hi, I am Luhan,” Luhan spoke in attempt to break the ice, he continued, “We are EXO, I bet you know us, right? I mean we are on TV, we are idol,”. Well, of course, who will not know EXO, the most famous boy group nowadays, their growl era and of course their latest comeback with overdose, this is what all of them thought but unexpectedly the boy shook his head and stuttered,”N-No…B-But w-why am I-I here?”. Tao gasped and abruptly said, “You did not know us? E.X.O? I mean not even one of US?” Kris elbowed Tao and sent him a glare. The boy shook his head and set his gaze down, scared to look into twelve eager pair of eyes, “ H-How I c-can be h-here?” the boy’s stutter went worse. Sympathy at the small figure state, Sehun reached out and held the boy’s hand tightly, “What is your name?” he asked. “H-Han Ye-e S-Sung,” uttered the smaller.

“ Umm, well Ye Sung, we kinda ‘Car-Crashed’ you last night,” Baekhyun’s sassy tone explained




~Hello~~~ Thank for reading this story and I am really SORRY~~~ if it is not so good~~~ 

But please comment and you can point out about anything~~~~ 




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i am sorry if this story


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Lunia-chan #1
Chapter 2: Omg this story is daebak!
Finally something different! I mean - you don't find a carcrashing story everyday.
But this is cool *-*
Please write more!!
Hmm... about the plot... Is this little boy maybe a girl?
Idk why, I just thought of it :/
Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
YooHaeNa #2
Chapter 1: Aww, Chanbaek couple is so cute~~~~~ and Baekhyun caharacter seem so sassy..