


Soft music sounded from musical box on the old piano.

No one heard it, except for Jongdae.

No one used this piano anymore; in fact, no one had ever entered this music room since that incident - the entire isolated building was deserted since then.

The piano sounded as his fingers came into contact with the keys. Black, white, black, white. His playing started to sync with the music box, creating an oddly calm harmony. Mid-way through the song, another set of notes sounded; he smiled.

You're here.

He had been working on the same piece of music every night, just one piece in the past year. It was a sad and sorrowful piece but he was happy, because this was the only way he could feel his presence and because this was the only way he could stay with him.

This was the way, he could live on.


"Did you guys hear about the piano recital?" Baekhyun asked between mouthfuls of noodles, scrolling through his iPad. "Next month...October...7th, here in school at the auditorium."

"Yea, but our school's never had any piano recitals ever since...you know, forever." Minseok threw a glance over to his close friend. He knew it was a sensitive issue for Jongdae, and had always tried to avoid that topic. "Besides, the school doesn't have any piano, do we?"

"Not that difficult to rent one from the school next door. But I'm wondering who's playing for the recital." Kyungsoo asked, absent-mindedly, oblivious to the subtle glance from the unusually quiet guy next to him.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"


"I'll try and see what I can do."

"Thank you."


Same time, same place, same tune.

"How are you today? The recital's next week, you..will go with me right?"

As though on cue, a piano key sounded, and a smile formed on his face.


Jongdae was, as usual, zoning out during lunch, until he felt a nudge. "Hey, heard that you're singing for the upcoming recital?"


"And you didn't tell us about it the previous time we mentioned the recital!" Baekhyun was not amused. After all, they'd all attended the same vocal group and Jongdae was their ace. They would follow him everywhere he went, or for all of his recitals and performances at least.

"So...who's the new pianist?"

"I'm done eating." Jongdae pushed his chair back and picked up his tray, still full.


"Tomorrow, let's make tomorrow our day."

The musical box played, and the piano keys struck.

In a perfect harmony.


"Welcome to the long-awaited recital of the year." Applause exploded through the hall. Holding up a hand, the emcee waited for the crowd to settle down. "This recital is a special one, in memory of our best pianist student who'd left us in an accident last year."

The entire hall was quiet by now.

"The new pianist student who will be playing in his place, is none other than his partner, Kim Jongdae."

Gasps surrounded the hall.

"Jongdae actually...plays the piano?" Minseok faced his vocal mates with abnormally huge eyes. "Since when?"

"As if we'd know if you didn't."

The crowd, once again, quietened down to an eerie silence when the heavy stage curtains peeled apart, to nothing.

The stage was empty.

No piano, no pianist, no Jongdae.

In an instant, the hall plunged into darkness, pitch-black darkness. Amidst the whisperings, gasps and chatters, Jongdae's voice started singing over the PA system. The sounds of a light musical box melody and a slow piano piece were faint but audible.

It would be an understatement to describe the song as "sad and sorrowful", much less his voice. His usually powerful voice was weakened with agony, misery and regret.

"Yixing, this is for you, for us." His voice quivered at this very line, after which filled itself with sobs.

". He's there." Minseok got up from his seat, felt around in the darkness and made a dash for the exit.

He ran as fast as he could with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo trailing behind him, but it was too late. The isolated piano building was engulfed in flames and a thick blanket of smoke.



"Jongdae, you have to get here now, Yixing's not gonna make it."

"What happened?"

"The music room caught fire."

"He told me he would be late..."

"He was just nearby when it happened, Jongdae ah. He saw the flames, he thought you'd be inside waiting for him. He was afraid that you'd have fallen asleep in there, he ran in." Minseok pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him."

Drabble drabble. Had to get the idea of this fic off my chest, ever since Yiruma's concert. 
Anyway, it was not editted for language (as usual, lazy me) 
Drop me comments for more ideas~ hehe
Oh oh oh! If any of you have any fic requests / exchanges, do drop by this page (CLICK HERE) ^^

Okay, till then, 


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 1: Ohh it's so depressing.. I don't know what to say..
nightingalesatnight #2
Chapter 1: Oh God this hurt me so much. I was expecting angst but it still hit me hard.
Chapter 1: wow this is just-- i don't know what to say. very well written. i love it.
Chapter 1: It was beautifully written and so sad T.T
Chapter 1: That was extremely depressing. I assumed jongdae ended up killing himself as well? Very well written btw
Chapter 1: That was sad.