Author's Note



Author's Note:

 So, this is my first time writing ths kind of genre ( and I don't really consider BG as angst ) so please do bear with me.  Well, I worked on this for hours and I'm not really sure how it'd turn up so comments are greatly appreciated. 

What is the Greatest Truth?  

It was one of the prompts I used as I entered the contest. At first, I removed the idea of using this but I figured it out now.. The greatest truth is knowing that there is no such thing as perfect. Do whatever you want but you'll never be perfect, it's hard to accept but it's the truth, and every truth hurts. So that's about it lol. I tried to use that in the fic, Junhee being imperfect and all, Luhan being a scaredy cat who couldn't confess and Jongin who seemed perfect but y'know lol.

Is a white lie okay?

It depends on the situation, sometimes, saying you're full is not bad if you want to aoid eating with someone you don't like or something like that, or saying  you like the food even if it's not even near good. And I did mean it when I wrote that the best, or the most popular white lie we say is; "I'm fine." News flash, we're not. No one is. If you don't have any problems or concerns then you're not living properly. Nobody is fine, but we have to be, another sad truth. In short, white lies are okay, depending on how you'd use it. Like Junhee did, how can she be 'okay' when her life is a mess? That's her flaw, just like each and everyone of has have.

Didn't expect that? Lol why not read it again ^o^ Smart fishes hide in shallow water ;D

So anyways, that's it. This is by far the most dramatic Note I've made lol and probably the second dramatic ( before !0WTBHH ) story that  made me think deeply.  And like I only make a separate chapter for Author's note when I'm feeling really deep (lol what?) or something like that.


Once again, this has been, DECEPTION


P.S. : I love saying that, it feels broody and dramatic and on some occassions, like what idols says after the recording lol 

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{in love & insane writing contest} hi! Just letting you know the the deadline is on Monday, 14th July so if you want to add anything to your story please do! It doesn't need to be completed but I'll only be judging on what's written so if you haven't gotten to the prompt part of your story, please try your best to incorporate it! Thanks for entering the contest ^__^
Chapter 3: Ah, the ending! Very, very unexpected plot twist. Now, I assume you'll tell me that it's up to me to interpret what happened xD Overall, the story was solid, although I had trouble really relating to Junhee. But the story fits the prompts really well! Plus, I also think that the greatest truth is that no one's perfect ^_^
washupkrease #3
Chapter 2: Oh my god Jongin did it