
Chasing The Stars


I arrived home after the sun had set and made it in the house before it started pouring. But that didn't stop me from getting wet from the car that drove past a puddle.

My parents were chatting with Hyo's parents about politics and other stuff I didn't understand. I didn't want to bother them, so I just made my way upstairs.

Hyo had asked me if I wanted to go study at the library, but I was tired, so she went by herself. Before I reached for the door handle, someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Min, your dad and I are going to eat out with Hyo's parents, okay? There's food on the table if you are hungry later." She said. "Okay, have fun." I replied, tiredly.

I went into my room that I shared with my parents. I tossed off my shoes and jumped into bed. I grabbed the bamboo pillow and cuddled with it. Before I knew it, my eyes closed and I was out like a light.

I woke up to a shuffling noise in the room. I sat up while my eyes tried to adjust to the light and saw someone looking through a drawer in the corner. It was a guy.

"YA! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?" I screamed, hoping someone would hear, but realized that no one was home but me. I thought he was an intruder, so before he could turn around, I started hitting him with whatever was next to me, which was the bamboo pillow.

"Ah, what the heck?" The guy complained. He turned around and showed his face. It was Kim Myung Soo.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"What do you mean what? Can't you give me some privacy?" He mumbled, turning his attention back to the drawer.

Up until now, I hadn't notice one eye catching detail. He wasn't wearing any clothes. The only thing covering him was a towel around his waist.

My eyes were as wide as saucers and I turned around red in the face. He smirked and I got out of the room as fast as I could.

"WHAT? KIM MYUNG SOO!?" I cringed away from the phone when Dae yelled at me. "Mhm. Can you come over? I don't really feel all that comfortable?" I asked and lucky for me he reluctantly agreed.

My stomach growled and I realized that I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I walked into the kitchen just to see Myung Soo eating the food my mom had left for me.

"T-that was for-" I stopped when he looked up at me. "-me." I finished. That feeling was coming again. That nervous, panicky feeling when I try talking to a guy.

"Well, there wasn't a label or anything, so I just guessed that it was for anyone." He sighed. The way he was talking made it feel like I was wasting his time.

"Is there anymore food?" I asked with my stomach growling louder, but thankfully he didn't hear.

"No, I don't think so." He brushed past me and went into the living room.

I felt anger rising inside of me. He ate ALL the food, leaving nothing for me. And here I am starving while he's going around with a full stomach. Jerk.

I decided to just hang around. The hunger will probably pass. I went into the living room and sat on the couch next to his. He was watching some interview with a person I didn't recognize.

"Are you Hyo's brother? I didn't know she had a brother." I said, but was replied with nothing. He just stared at the tv screen as if he heard nothing.

"What were you watching? Who's that? What's he talking about?" I asked, hoping to annoy him. He didn't answer back and left me embarrassed for even trying to talk to him.

There I sat, staring off into space when my stomach gave the loudest groan I've ever heard. I'm definitely sure he heard that one.

"Was that your stomach?" He laughed. "Mhm. Because of someone I didn't get to eat dinner." I mumbled while looking at him accusingly. 

Just then, the doorbell rang. I quickly went to open the door and Dae was here. I had forgotten that Dae was coming over.

He put his hands on my shoulders and asked, "Where is he? Did he do anything to you?"

"No," I started, but he was already walking past me into the kitchen. 

Dae was standing in silence across from Myung Soo when I got in the kitchen. They were just glaring at each other. I didn't understand what was happening, so I just stood there, looking at the floor. And then, my stomach growled again.

They both turned their heads and looked at me the same time with blank expressions.

"You hungry? I can take you somewhere to eat if you want." Dae said, worriedly.

"No," Myung Soo said with a stern expression, "It's getting late anyways and there's enough food in the fridge to cook with. She doesn't need to eat out." 

"But I don't know how to cook. And why would you care? You're the one who ate all the food and left me starving." I said. "Let me just get my bag and we can go." I said to Dae.

Myung Soo followed me when I got upstairs and closed the door.

"What are your parents going to say when they know you're going out with a boy late at night?" Myung Soo asked.

"They don't mind, plus, it's Dae Hyun. They like Dae Hyun." I replied, not really caring.

I was about to open the door when I felt a tug on my arm.

"Wait, don't go." He said. "Why?"I complained, "You don't even talked to me or leave me any food. Why would you want me to stay?"

"Because," He said with half smile, "I'm scared of being alone."

I gave him an annoyed look and he just smiled. "Don't kid around" And I turned to reach for the doorknob.

"And we have to do research for our science project." He continued.

Shoot, I mentally slapped myself. I forgot we had to have the research done by tomorrow.

I went downstairs and told Dae the news. I couldn't go with him to eat.

After Dae left, I pulled out my laptop onto the kitchen table and started typing like crazy. There was so many things we had to have written down, but so little time. our topic was about living organisms. Boring..

Myung Soo was just sitting there nodding his head as he was about to sleep.

"You've got to be kidding me." I whispered to myself. He has not done anything. No thing.

I've got a whole two pages of notes while Myung Soo was dozing off.

I was going to slap him awake, but his cute sleepy face stopped me.

I sat there, listening to his steady breathing.

Looking at him, you wouldn't expect such a rude person.

His head was still bobbing up and down until it almost hit the table.

Before I could blink, his head smashed into the table.

"AISH!! What the heck!?" He screamed in his high pitched voice. His forehead had a gigantic red bump on it.

I bursted out laughing. Ha, serves him right.

He looked at me with his cold eyes and I immediatly stopped.

"Why'd you do that?" He questioned.

"Me? What did I do?" I said.

"Aish, nevermind." He mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"Here, hurry and write down some stuff." I threw a notebook at him and got back to work.

So that's how my first day went at school and at home. Wasn't too bad, right?


Myung Soo woke up to the sound of pounding on his door. He lazily made his way to the door of the guest room and there stood Min Hee.

"Hey, can I use the bathroom in here? It's too crowded over there." She pointed to the bathroom across the hall. "All I need to do is my hair, okay?" She walked past him and went inside the bathroom, closing the door.

"What does she think she's doing?" Myung Soo scoffed to himself. "Hey, open up!" He yelled and started banging on the door. "What's going on here? Why are you so noisy early in the morning?" Mrs. Kim came into the room and looked at Myung Soo.

"WHAT!?" Min came out of the bathroom and was shocked to see Mrs. Kim there. She quickly bowed, muttered ann apology, and kept her head down.

"Oh, Min Hee, you were in here?" She said, looking surprised.

"Uh, mhm. I needed to use the restroom and the one down the hall was being used." Min said quietly.

"You two know each other?" Mrs. Kim looked at them both, now curious to hear what they relationship was with each other.

"Mom, can you just leave so we can get ready for school?" Myung Soo said, impatiently.

Mrs. Kim slowly nodded and closed the door behind her, looking a bit confused.

Min went back to doing her hair and other neccesary things in the mornings and rushed out of the room. She was still confused as to what Myung Soo's relationship was with Hyo and her family. She heard of a brother, so could Myung Soo be it? She shook her head vigorously, not believing it even though deep inside she knew the truth.

Min slumped as she made her way downstairs towards the kitchen. She wasn't in the mood to eat, so she left after saying her goodbyes.

At school, there was a certain place that caught her eyes. Using the school map guide thing, she looked for the recording studio that Dae had brought her last Friday. It was beautiful. She entered and took in the scenery as she made her way towards the piano bench.

The room was as big as a football field with windows that was as tall and wide as you could imagine. The floors were made of perfectly smooth marble, while the walls were painted a goldish-tan color. There was a huge piano in the middle of it all and other instruments lined up against the south wall.

Min sat there on the piano bench with her hands lying on the piano keys. Lightly, she played a few notes before she heard a noise. No, not a noise, a voice.

Someone was singing in the room next door. There was another part of the studio where only vocals were allowed. Min walked up to the door and peeked in to see who it was. There was a curtain blocking her view from looking in, so she stood there and listened to the voice. It was a guy's voice.

His voice was so, passionate. Like he had been through a lot to get where he is now. Without her knowing, a light smile slipped onto her face.

When Min had gotten back to her piano bench, there was already someone there.

"Dae Hyunnie!" Min screamed and ran over to tightly cling onto his neck. Dae turned his head to the sudden scream and almost passed out from getting scared.

"Ya, you scared me. Be a little more quiet next time, huh?" He smiled and messed with her hair. 

"Can you play me something?" She asked, jumping up and down.

Dae chuckled and motioned her next to him. He started playing River Flows in You by Yirma and immediatly, Min felt all warm inside. She swayed with the music and felt as if she were in a trance.

When the piece ended, Dae looked at Min and thought for a moment. Should I tell her? Now would be a good time.. It's now or never. 

"Min, there's something I want to tell you. I-" Dae started, but then the bell rang, signaling them that students would be arriving to school and it was time to get to their first class.

"Oh, Dae tell me later okay? I needed to talk to my teacher about the test the other day. See you later!" Min smiled and left Dae there sitting on the bench in silence.

"Mhm. See you later.." He mumbled to no one in particular. 

Just as he had brought up the courage to tell her his feelings, she left. He felt his heart sink and sat there staring at the floor. Maybe, it isn't the right time yet. He smiled to himself. Yeah, maybe I should wait. 


Min met up with Myung Soo in science after her math class and sat next to him. He just stared at her.

"Who said you could sit next to me?" He sneered. "I did. If we're going to be partners, the least we should do is acknowledge each other. Right? Considering we live togeth-" "Shut up!!" He yelled, gaining every person in the room's attention. "A-alright." She whispered, embarressed. Gathering up her things, Min moved to the table in the back near the corner by herself.

Myung Soo sighed in relief, but at the same time, he felt bad. Maybe he went too far. It's just that he didn't want anyone to know that he was living with Min Hee. 

Mrs. Yang came in just as the bell rang to start class. Min was glaring at the back of Myung Soo's head with such intensity that he turned around to look at her.

She locked eyes with him for a second, stuck her tongue out, then blushed and looked away. He chuckled and turned his attention back to the teacher who was explaining the new project.

Myung Soo made sideway glances at her and smirked. Maybe this year won't be so bad. He thought. With that girl, it might get interesting, considering how feisty she is. With that, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

For those who are reading, sorry I haven't been updating. It's been really busy with school and everything. Please understand! :)

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Chapter 46: I'm new to the fanfic n Woahhhh the story is very amazing n awesome I really love it so much...hmmm what will happen next ?I'm very curious please update soon I'm so excited to see what well happen n you're awesome author _ nim I'm going to sports you till the end of the story n write more like this story n Hwaiting Keep it up ♥ ~ ♥♥ Xoxo ♥
shanda #2
Chapter 46: Finally they met. aaah please update soon authornim.. im so curious :((
Chapter 44: Oh Mai gadddd I can't wait for the next chapter!! Thank you so much for the update. Really love the story!
Chapter 42: Oh my author-nim~~~
I've been following,reading&loving this story untill chapter 42(which means I've review your author's note!^__-)
Hope you're doing great&just can't wait for every of your update^____________^
P/s:Did I've ever said that I'm really adoring your author name,'Inspirit_007' =D
Chapter 35: Omoooo!!!O__O~~this chapter is freaking sweets than sugar!!!!!I really sincerely love it♡♡♡long chapter^__^it would be good if min confess though but I know probably author-nim has more idea and awesome dramatic plot coming!Can't wait till the next update=D
Yongmi5 #6
Chapter 32: I prefer longer chapters.
Minhee.... What am I going to do with you!
Have a great holiday season!
chimchim_oppa #7
Chapter 29: Wooo!! Min and Myungsoo Forever!!
Yongmi5 #8
Chapter 29: I loved this chapter! Right when she is going to confess they have to be interrupted!!! Omg!!! These two are driving me crazy!! Fighting!!
Yongmi5 #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update. L and Minhee are so cute together . Fighting!!
denisegonzalo #10
Chapter 26: What a nice story i love it!!