First Encounter

Chasing The Stars



"YA! Let me go! Who do you think you are?!" Min shook her arm free and glared at the guy who dragged her behind the school. "H-how did you get to this school?" The guy asked, looking down at the ground. "Why? What's it to you how I got here?" Min retorted. He looked up at her and she felt as if she's seem him before. Those eyes looked vaguely familiar, the same warm chocolate color.

"D-dae Hyunie?! Is it you?" Min screamed. "Shh, you'll draw attention. And yeah, it's me." Dae Hyun replied back, with his teeth gleaming when he smiled.

Dae Hyun knew that he looked completely different from how he did in junior high. With all that puberty acne, braces, and glasses, even he wouldn't have talked to his ownself. But things have changed, he had changed. And after all these years, he still had the same heart pounding feelings for Min Hee, his first love.

"Omo, how are you?" Min grabbed and clinged onto Dae's neck as he gasped for air. Min's bear hug had knocked the wind out of him, but he wasn't focused too much on the pain and wrapped his arms around her.

"Right now, in a lot of pain from your hug. But other than that, I'm doing great." Dae chuckled. Min pulled back to look at his transformation. She hadn't noticed it until she heard his voice that didn't sound as if it was stuffed up with cotton balls from his braces. "Whoa" She whispered. "You changed, like a lot" Min mumbled while staring at him. He was gorgeous. Apart from his sweet and cute boyish personality, he looked amazing.

He had grown a lot taller over these past years and had all his dorky face accessories removed, revealing a handsome, yet babylike face. He's also been working out too. And, wow did that work for him.

"Yeah" Dae replied, "Do you like it?" He was struting poses and acted like himself again. His dorky, yet cute way. Min laughed and gave him a little shove. "Ya, don't do that." She smilied.

Together, they enjoyed their little reunion until a teacher came and yelled at them to get back to class.



After Dae Hyun and my little reunion, we got caught by a teacher and he yelled at us to get back to class. Oops.

I was so happy to see Dae again! We met back in our first year of junior high when I accidently spilled my lunch all over him. After that day, we became the best of friends. He was always there for me and I was the same for him, especially when Hyo was busy.

But then, we both moved and went our seperate ways. And now after three or four years, we finally see each other again!

"So, you came to this school after you moved?" I asked as we sat down at a desk. "Mhm. I had an audition, passed it, and here I am. What about you? Didn't you go to one of those private all-girls' school?" Dae was looking at me intently, the same way he had when I was telling him my problems.

"Um. Well, I stopped going there a week ago and moved closer to here." I hesitated, thinking." And because of my family's wealth, they let me come to this school." I closed my eyes, hoping that he wouldn't notice my lie.

"Oh." he said. "How are your parents doing? Gosh, it seems like forever since I've seen them." He looked at me again and I quickly looked away.

Thankfully, the teacher had came back in so I quietly ignored his question.

The truth is, my parents aren't doing so good and there's nothing I can do about it.

Dae Hyun walked me to my next class which was science. Fun..

"Later, come by the recording studio. I wanna show you something. Okay?" He asked and looked at me with those warm chocolate eyes. "Mhm. I will. See you later!" I smiled. 

I walked into science to see that I was late. Great..

"Ah, there's our new student. Everyone please welcome her. And you name is?" The teacher smiled a too fake smile. "I-I'm Park Min Hee." I replied quietly, looking at the ground.

I heard whispers and laughs in the back. When I looked up, the same girls in my class before were in this class with me. They were pointing at me and were clearly saying something about me clothes. I didn't think my outfit was that bad. Jeans, tennis shoes, and a dark green sweatshirt.

The teacher yelled at them to stop it, but I didn't care.

There was another student who got up and waited for me to get out of the aisle. Sighing, I made my way through the path until my foot caught on something and I tripped into him. A squeal came out of me and immediatly, I knew that I was blushing, badly.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of cold, emotionless eyes staring back at me. My eyes traveled down to his tall nose and full lips. I didn't notice that I was clinging onto him until he cleared his throat. "Can you move?" He guffawed, glaring at me. I stumbled away from his path and he pushed past me. "Idiot." He sneered.

I hastefully sat in my seat, staring at my hands. 

"Ya. what do you think you were doing?" A girl with short stringy hair whispered to me. "Since you did that, his fangirls will come after you and whack! They'll swat you like a fly. Watch your back." She warned, before moving back to her seat. 

Pff, what girls would fawn over a guy like that? I shook my head in disbelief and saw all the girls glaring daggers at me. Well, I sighed to myself, this isn't going to be good


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Chapter 46: I'm new to the fanfic n Woahhhh the story is very amazing n awesome I really love it so much...hmmm what will happen next ?I'm very curious please update soon I'm so excited to see what well happen n you're awesome author _ nim I'm going to sports you till the end of the story n write more like this story n Hwaiting Keep it up ♥ ~ ♥♥ Xoxo ♥
shanda #2
Chapter 46: Finally they met. aaah please update soon authornim.. im so curious :((
Chapter 44: Oh Mai gadddd I can't wait for the next chapter!! Thank you so much for the update. Really love the story!
Chapter 42: Oh my author-nim~~~
I've been following,reading&loving this story untill chapter 42(which means I've review your author's note!^__-)
Hope you're doing great&just can't wait for every of your update^____________^
P/s:Did I've ever said that I'm really adoring your author name,'Inspirit_007' =D
Chapter 35: Omoooo!!!O__O~~this chapter is freaking sweets than sugar!!!!!I really sincerely love it♡♡♡long chapter^__^it would be good if min confess though but I know probably author-nim has more idea and awesome dramatic plot coming!Can't wait till the next update=D
Yongmi5 #6
Chapter 32: I prefer longer chapters.
Minhee.... What am I going to do with you!
Have a great holiday season!
chimchim_oppa #7
Chapter 29: Wooo!! Min and Myungsoo Forever!!
Yongmi5 #8
Chapter 29: I loved this chapter! Right when she is going to confess they have to be interrupted!!! Omg!!! These two are driving me crazy!! Fighting!!
Yongmi5 #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update. L and Minhee are so cute together . Fighting!!
denisegonzalo #10
Chapter 26: What a nice story i love it!!