All In a Day

Chasing The Stars


I sat on my bed waiting and waiting for Myungsoo to return, but he didn't. Like he had told me before, I should leave after an hour or so, but I still sat there hoping for him to come. All my luggages were packed and ready to go, but I wasn't, at least, not without Myungsoo. 

Ahjin must be keeping him away. I sighed to myself as someone came rushing in front of my doorway; I looked up in hope for Myungsoo.

Hoya threw his arms up. "Min, I was looking everywhere for you! Why didn't you come to the lobby like Myungsoo told you too?! Don't you know-?!" He quieted down when he saw my sorrowful expression. With small steps, he sat beside me and tilted his head to get a better look of mine. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Myungsoo's not coming, is he?" I turned my eyes to my fingertips so he wouldn't see the tears gathering up at the edges.

"I-. He said-." Hoya sighed. "Look, I'm not going to lie to you. Myungsoo already left with Ahjin, like half an hour ago. She confiscated his phone and turned it off, but he called us before she did anything."

"Then why didn't he call me?"

"He said your phone died, so trying to call you wasn't an option." He shrugged and gathered up my bags in his hands. I closed my eyes as he patted my back. "Come on, let's go."


We walked back in silence to the lobby as staff members hurried around us to clean up our bedrooms; they wouldn't like the sight of mine.

My eyes stayed glued to the ground as Hoya struggled around with my suitcases. "I can help." I reached for my duffel bag, but he held it away.

"I've got it." He breathed with a forced smile.

Dongwoo came prancing towards us with a cheerful grin that in a way, made me smile back. He took a couple of the bags from Hoya. "This does not serve your strong, manly image." And then he left carrying my stuff out the ship's wide doors.

Sunggyu came up next to me and tried smiling as if it would brighten me up. "Don't worry. Myungsoo's fine. I'm sure he's worried about you too."

I nodded my head and put on a smile in response. "I know."

Sungyeol laid an arm around my shoulders and led me outside into the blinding sun. "You're okay, right?"

I hesitated a bit before replying. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

He had on an expression that showed he didn't believe me. "Myungsoo wouldn't like knowing that you aren't fine. I know you want him here with you, but at the moment, he can't. I've known him for years and you are probably the only girl he's ever noticed and come to like. He only has eyes for you Min, so don't think too much about it. I'm not lying when I say this, but you're a great girl and with Myungsoo liking you and all, the rest of us approve of you guys together. We'll help you two through it."

"I don't approve." Woohyun appeared behind Sungyeol and held him in a headlock with a laugh. "Yah, who said you could have your arm around your best friend's girlfriend, huh?"

"I-I wasn't! Let go, I was having a meaningful talk with Minhee!" Sungyeol looked at me with pleading eyes.

I giggled at the sight of them two. "Sungyeol wasn't doing anything you were thinking. You're just overreacting."

Woohyun released Sungyeol with unwavering eyes. "Don't try to steal your friend's girlfriend away, especially when he can't even be here with her, okay?"

"Aish," Sungyeol ruffled his hair with an agitated face. "I wasn't!"

"Sorry." I mouthed to him as he trudged off to one of the cars. Turning to Woohyun, I said, "That wasn't very nice."

"He stole one of my girlfriends before." Woohyun looked behind me to Sungyeol's back with a smirk. "I'm just making sure he keeps himself in place."

I shook my head at their strange relationship and started down the wooden pathway to the parking lot. Turning around to ask Woohyun about Daehyun, I saw Hyo jumped up behind him and cling onto his neck. He looked at her with such an affectionate expression, I couldn't help to stare at them anymore; something inside of me just hurt.


"You're riding with me back home." Sungjong leaned against a white car that only seemed to make him shine brighter. "Myungsoo-hyung personally told me to bring you somewhere."

"But," I started with a reluctant tone. "You don't have your license yet."

"I'm older than you." He held up a small piece of plastic with his face on it. "Of course I have it."

I sauntered to the opened passenger door. "Then why did you call me 'noona'?"

"I don't know." He closed the door next to him and locked in his seatbelt. "It seemed fun until you actually started treating me like a dongsaeng."

"Wah.. You were playing me this whole time?" 

"Yep." He shone his pearly white teeth and winked. "Now please put on your seatbelt. If anything happens to you while you're in my care, Myungsoo-hyung's going to kill me." I laughed, but he held a grim expression. "I'm not kidding."


"What is this place?" I glanced out at the horizon where the sun was placed at its highest. The vast field of tall, green grass stood out before Sungjong and me as he walked along it.

"Myungsoo-hyung's grandmother's funeral was held here just a few months ago." Sungjong looked around the ground until he found something. "Ah, here."

There was a small, flat stone placed firmly into the ground. On it read:

To the loving Kim Jiho, a grandmother, mother, and wife. Whom we all love.

Rest in peace.


"H-his grandmother?" I stared, gaping at the headstone. Bending down, I grazed a finger along the top and stayed still in a moment of silence.

Sungjong took in a shaky breath. "She passed away in the beginning of this year; she had cancer."

I felt the breath inside of me rush out all in one moment. My hands began shaking so bad, I had to hide them in the pockets of my jacket. "What kind?"

"Leukemia. She lived for another two months after that." Before I could face him, Sungjong was already turned around to the opposite direction. "Sorry, I don't mean to..."

"It's fine." I stood up from my spot and awkwardly patted his back; I've really never seen a guy, besides Myungsoo, cry in front of me before. "You must've been close to her too."

"Yeah, all of us were. I never knew my own grandmother. I guess Myungsoo-hyung's was the only one I've ever known."

I pressed my lips together. "We could go now, if you wanted to."

"No," He shook his head and tried his best to keep a smile on his face. "Myungsoo-hyung actually wanted you to... Oh, hold on." Sungjong jogged back to the car and came back with a bouquet of flowers. "He wanted you to leave them here. As a greeting to his grandmother."

"Ah," I held the flowers in my arms, admiring each and every color. Gently, I laid the flowers in front of the stone while taking in a deep breath of the fresh air and letting it out.

"Myungsoo-hyung also said something about his grandmother knowing yours. They met in their high school years."

I almost laughed at the connection. "Really?"

He nodded his head. "Myungsoo-hyung was pretty surprised too."

My heart finally felt contented as I straightened out the flowers. "Grandmother Kim," I smiled sorrowfully and continued on. "Thank you for continuing a family of wonderful people. Because of you, I've been able to meet someone who makes me happy, your grandson, Kim Myungsoo. And thank you for befriending my grandmother, who wasn't able to attend your funeral. I'm sure the two of you have seen each other again and are watching over us. Once again, thank you."

My legs felt like jelly as I tried standing up again. If it hadn't been for Sungjong, I would've stumbled into the wild grass.

"Ready to go?"

I glanced back at Grandmother Kim's headstone and its new decorations. With a confident smile, I said, "I'm ready."


As we drove up the driveway, there were already a few cars parked in front.

"Oh, the hyungs must still be here." Sungjong parked the car and looked at me. "I think they're waiting for you."

"For what?" I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door.

He shrugged and exited the car. "They were talking about it before. I'm just as curious."

The door opened up before I could even find my key in my bag. "Hello!" Dongwoo's face appeared behind the door as I closed it. Sungjong playfully whacked him and then after taking off his shoes, headed to the living room in a rush.

"Hi." I laughed as Dongwoo bounced on the balls of his feet, obviously waiting for me to hurry it up with my shoes. "You seem more hyper than usual. Are you-?"

"We've been waiting for you." He grinned so brightly, I turned and shielded my eyes away.

"Wah, your smile is so bright it hurts my eyes."

"Don't try to stall Min. Now let's go!"

I was dragged the rest of the way to the living room and then was stared down by everyone in the room; all fourteen eyes were planted on me. "I'll just sit here." I gestured towards a chair in the corner next to Hyo.

"L-oppa is in Japan." Hyo blurted out before I could even sit down and placed a hand over as Woohyun settled down beside her.

"J-Japan? He's in Japan?" I stuttered my words as they came out. "With A-Ahjin?"

Hyo slid her arm through mine. "He's going to be there for a week and then come back on the fifteenth." Today is May seventh; he'll be gone for a week and a day.

"Oh." Was all I managed to get out. Everyone's eyes were still lingering on me, which began to get annoying at the moment. "I'll just be upstairs then." No one said anything as I stood up, so I ran up to my bedroom, not looking back behind.

I pushed all my bags to the ground and fell onto my bed with a dull thump. Making sure to charge my phone, I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling with an hollow feeling rising in my chest. My breathing became heavier as I thought of Myungsoo with Ahjin in Japan; my only hope was that they weren't alone together. I pounded at my chest to get rid of the feeling, but only ended up hurting myself in the process.

"What's the matter with me?" I groaned and kicked at the blanket underneath until my heart beat increased rapidly. I stopped when my phone dinged once, then twice, then a third time. I shot myself up, wishing for a miracle that it was Myungsoo; it ended up being a notification for SNS.

Stop being delusional. I told myself. He's probably having fun in Japan right now. Stop worrying so much, he'll be fine and so will you. And who knows? Maybe this week without him will make you reflect on your life and maybe he'll take this time to see why he likes you. His eyes might even wonder to Ahjin and see her better than you. I nodded to myself and forced on a smile even though no one was there. 

My phone dinged again, this time, for a message from Myungsoo.

To: Me

From: Myungsoo

Are you home yet? I hope Sungjong took you to the place I wanted to take you but couldn't. By now, you're probably home and have heard the news about me... It'll just be for a week, but I'll be back before you know it. Make sure to not get yourself into too much trouble and stay away from anyone who tries to hit on you, you're mine. Oh, and take some notes for me at school ^^ I love you, Min.

I swallowed away the giant lump in my throat and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall at any second. Reading the message again, the lump only grew bigger and the tears fell down my face, leaving behind wet marks that itched on the surface of my skin.

Myungsoo said he loved me. How in the world was I suppose to resolve myself now? He said I am his and to stay from anyone who tries to 'hit on me'. The feeling I had was a mix between relief and surprise, happiness and grief.

But I wiped all those stresses away because Myungsoo had said he loved me. He loves me.

And at the moment, that's all that mattered to me.


I was woken by a sound of knocking on my door. "Who is it?"


I rolled my eyes at how cutesy he sounded and jumped up to unlock the door. "What is it?"

"Food!" Sunggyu pushed aside of me and entered my bedroom.

I sighed and leaned against the door. Sarcastically I said "Yes, please come in."

"Thank you." He smiled cheekily and plopped right on the edge of my mattress. His expression changed into something else in a matter of seconds. "I think you know why I'm here."

"To bring me food?" I guessed as my hands surrounded the warm bowl of soup. "Mm, this smells really good. Did you make it?"

"No, Sungjong did... Wait," He shook his head. "That's not the subject we were talking about. I want to talk to you about-."

"Myungsoo?" I set the bowl down with a clatter that shook the glass of water next to it. "Why does everybody always want to talk to me about Myungsoo? Don't you think I would rather be conversing in another subject?"

Sunggyu waved his hands in front of him as he saw where this conversation was headed. "No, I didn't want to talk about that." He scooted over so that there was enough room for me. "I want to talk about the concert."

"The concert..." I squinted my eyes in deep thought until it hit me. "Oh, the one for fundraising?"

"That one." He clapped his hands once and sighed. "You're coming too, right?"

I dug in the drawer next to my bed and held the ticket Myungsoo had given me. "Myungsoo gave me a ticket. So I guess I am going."

"You better, or else Myungsoo's not going to perform well."

I stuck my lips out in wonder. "Why? Can't he just, you know," I flung my hands out, palms up. "Perform?"

Sunggyu looked at me in bewilderment. "No one can just 'perform'. It's a lot more than that."

I rose an eyebrow. "Then what do you do on stage?"

He hesitated before answer with a sullen expression. "..We perform." 

"See." I narrowed my eyes, but quickly put on a smile when I saw his expression. "I bet you guys practice a lot."

"A lot!" Dongwoo yelled from the doorway. "Hyung makes us practice everyday for three or four hours. Myungsoo's been skipping a bunch."

Sunggyu waved him off with an annoyed expression. "I was going to tell her." Turning back to me, he said, "When Myungsoo comes back, he needs to focus on the concert preparation, so don't try to distract him too much, alright?"

"Distract?" I laughed in disbelief. "How could I-?"

He shushed me with a hand held up to my face. "You just do. Don't even try to argue with me, I see everything with these eyes." Pointing to his eyes, he widened them and finally I could see his pupils.

"Alright." I mumbled as I heard my phone beep. Sunggyu flinched beside me as I jumped up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. "Sorry!" My felt my face fall when the message turned out to be another notification for my SNS.

"Is it from Myungsoo?" Sunggyu nosily glanced over my shoulders. "Ah, it's not. That's why your face looks like that."

"Like what?" I lightly smacked one of my cheeks. "I just thought it would be Myungsoo checking up, that's all."

He patted my shoulders in reassurance. "He's just as worried as you are Min. Plus, he loves it in Japan; I'm sure he's fine." He continued on when he saw my unsure expression. "And if you're bothered about the fact that he's with Ahjin, don't be. Myungsoo is the type of guy to look at one girl, and one girl only. The special thing about this is, you're the first girl he has laid his eyes on and come to like. If this isn't a first love, then I don't know what is."

"First love?" I scoffed and shook my head. "I don't think it's like that."

"It is from how I see it." He sung before exited the room in a hurry. Before he stepped out of the room, he turned around on the balls of his feet. "Actually, we need someone to help coordinate the whole thing. How about it?"

"How about what?"

Sunggyu began talking rapidly with wild movements of his hands. "You" He pointed at me. "Become the coordinator. It won't be that hard. There's just the location, times, and scheduled performances left to figure out. We've already gotten the tickets ready for selling and our performers ready."

"So basically, you guys don't have much done."

"And that's for you to help with." He winked and chuckled. "So, will you do it?"

I inhaled through my nose and out my mouth slowly before answering back. Just as I was about to decline, Sunggyu's face showed that he already knew my answer and suddenly made me feel a sense of distress. "Okay."


Looking him directly into his tiny eyes I said, "Okay as in I'll do it."

I hadn't expected for his reaction to be so ecstatic. He jumped all around the room on the soles of his feet and leaned coolly against the wall, clearing his throat. "Thanks Min. Really, thank you." We both exchanged a grin of satisfaction when Woohyun appeared behind Sunggyu.

Woohyun tiredly pointed down the stairs. "Hyung, come down and control Dongwoo. He's acting like a four-year-old on a sugar high."

"I'm coming." Sunggyu turned to head down the stairs. Before taking the first step, he shouted. "Don't forget the concert is next week!"

"N-next week?!" I yelled and ran out to chase after him, but he was long gone downstairs. "Ish!"

As of now, they were relying on me to plan almost everything for the concert which brought on a heavy burden sitting on my shoulders. How in the world am I suppose to arrange everything in that short amount of time?

This was just another thing I had to worry about.


"Wake up! Time for school!" Someone shouted in my eat as I tossed and turned in my bed, messing up all the pillows. "Hurry! Hurry!"

"Aish! Go!" I swung my arms around but I only got air. "What time is it?"

Hyo's face appeared above mine. "You don't look so good."

"W-What?" I straightened up and scratched my face. "What's the matter?"

Hyo grinned and bounced up and down near my feet. "Just kidding. Now get up or else you'll be late."

"Yah." I made a face at her before grinning back. "I didn't get to sleep until this morning at two."

"And why is that?"

"I...just wasn't tired."

She looked at me with abiding eyes. "You were waiting up to see if Myungsoo called, weren't you?"

I dropped my gaze and pressed my lips together. "I knew he wasn't going to call. But a part of me hoped he would have. It's okay though."

"Min..." Hyo sat beside me and took one of my hands. After a few moments of silence, she spoke again with a pitied expression. "Come, let's get ready for school."


"Daehyun is coming to pick us up." Hyo said after I finished my bowl of cereal.

"What?" I said with a mouthful of my last spoonful. "Who is?"

"Yah, girls shouldn't talk with their mouths full like that." She pushed my jaw up to close my mouth and laughed. "I said that Daehyun is coming right now to pick us up for school."

"Daehyun." I spoke in a monotone. "Lee Daehyun?"

"Yes," Hyo rolled her eyes. "Lee Daehyun. The boy who you befriended in junior high? The one who has had a major crush on you since then and has only confessed to you now? That Lee Daehyun."

"Oh my gosh." I stood up and circled around the table once. "He's coming? Now?"

"Yup." She replied and took a bite of an apple. "Right now."

"No." I groaned and cleared my dishes to the sink. "I don't... I don't want to see him. Not after I left him after he told me he liked me." The doorbell rang just as I finished my sentence. I cursed silently under my breath and leaned against the counter nervously.

"There he is!" Hyo sang and ran to the door. She returned with Daehyun following after like a lost puppy. "And there she is!" Hyo gestured towards me with small smile and a shrug. "I told him to come."

I took a deep breath through my nose and released it quietly through my mouth. I tried a smile on my face with a small wave of a hand. "Um, hi."

Daehyun stared past to the cabinets behind me as if I wasn't there. "If you're ready," He spoke to Hyo. "We can go."

Hyo blinked once and tapped him on the shoulder. "Dae-." But he shoved away.

"Let's go." Turning on the balls of his heels, he headed into the hallway and out the door.

Hyo hurried towards me and wiped away the wet stains on my cheeks with the back of her hands. "Min..."

I didn't even realize I'd been crying. "I'm fine." I spoke in a whispered voice. "Go."


"Daehyun! Hold on!" I ran through the everyday school crowd and hurried to chase after the black haired boy carrying a large black case in his two hands. "Wait!" He didn't even turn around as I grabbed him by the elbow. Breathlessly I repeated, "Wait."

He didn't even look at me. "What?"

"I just-. I just wanted to..."

"You just wanted to what?" He asked when my voice faded away and then shook his arm away from my grasp. "Just don't."

"No, Daehyun." I rushed in step beside him as we were practically jogging down the school hallway. "When you confessed, I-."

"This isn't about that." He was quick to cut me off.

I raised an eyebrow as he slowed to a walk. "It isn't?"

"Well," He sighed and finally looked at me. Seeing him up this close, I saw what a mess he looked like. He had very dark bags under his eyes from the obvious lack of sleep. Wrinkles made their way onto his face, giving him a look of an older man. His face was also drained of color. The guilt spread through me like an ugly virus. "Class is going to start soon. We'd better get going."


I took my seat near the back as other students began to file in just before the bell rang to begin another school day. All the Infinite members stared at me from time to time as they plopped into their seats. Dongwoo was kind enough to not stare at me as he took the seat aside.

"Ah, Miss Park." Mrs. Baek headed down the aisle and laid down an orange slip on my desk. "This was from Ms. Kang. I believe it has something to do with detention?" The class ooed in response as I ducked my head behind Dongwoo from their stares.

"Yes." I grumbled and hid the slip inside my bag. Because of Myungsoo I had detention and since he's not here, I'll be alone.

"What's that for?" Dongwoo gestured towards my bag with a curious grin. The others leaned closer to hear my answer.

I sighed. "It's detention for being late. That's all."

"For being late?" Hoya scoffed. "Ms. Kang is a real-!"

"Shush!" Mrs. Baek banged her wooden ruler against the blackboard. "Just because you all were gone for two mere days does not mean you can come back and create all this havoc. Understand?" Our silence gave away our answer. "Now, Min? I believe Myungsoo told you to take extra notes for him. Please do so."

"E-Excuse me?"

"He emailed me yesterday afternoon asking for you to help him out by doing so." She began writing on the board as if signal for me to start copying. "Now, class..."


"My hand is all cramped up from writing all those notes." I groaned and massaged the palm of my hand.

Sungyeol snickered. "If Myungsoo was here, he wouldn't think twice to massage it for you."

"I know." I mumbled and looked down at the white tiled floor as we walked to my next class. This whole week, Sungyeol and the others have all agreed to walk me to my classes in replace of Myungsoo, which in a way made me feel grateful at them wanting me to feel better, but saddened at the thought of 'replacing Myungsoo'; it just didn't seem right.

"Sorry." He said immediately after seeing my expression. "I didn't mean to bring him up."

"No, it's fine." I reassured him as my next classroom came into view. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Actually, Woohyun's taking you next. Aren't you going to lunch later?"

"I think I'll skip."

He frowned. "Min, you have to eat too."

"I know." I smiled. "We can all go out later."

"Alright." He grinned his gummy smile. "I'll see you after school."

"Okay." I smiled as he patted my shoulder and walked back the way we came. Entering the class, I once again ignored the dirty looks thrown at me.

"Minhee!" Hyuna waved wildly at me with a wide grin on her face. "How was your trip?"

I felt my face rise into surprise. "How did you know?"

She leaned towards me and whispered as if it were all a dark secret. "Ms. Kang told us all. The other girls were basically plotting your death." She slightly turned around to glance at the group of girls clustered together in the back row. I followed her gaze to even more angry eyes glaring back. "But don't worry, I told them off." I laughed and took my seat. Maybe my first friend here would be Hyuna. She seemed nice and sweet enough, plus she wasn't completely obsessed like all the other girls at school and seemed to be the only one who didn't want to behead me at the moment.

"Is Myungsoo coming?" Hyuna raised her head towards the door, but only a couple of people walked in, none of which were Myungsoo.

"He's," I made a try to hide the sadness in my voice. "In Japan."

"Japan?!" She almost yelled and then settled down. "Wah.. I've always wanted to go there. Is it nice? I heard their food is pretty good. And the guys there." She winked. "Are pretty amazing too." I rolled my eyes and laughed along with her, which seemed to lift my mood just a bit.

For the rest of class, I sat there patiently in my seat until the class ended and then bolted out the door just as Ms. Kang called me back in. I silently cursed to myself as I trudged back in. "Yes?"

"Remember after school you have detention. It'll be held in room 135 with Mr. Lee. Do not be late or risk getting another detention, alright?"

"Okay." I made an effort to smile at her, but immediately gave her a glare as she turned away to her computer. "I promise to not be late. But what about Myungsoo? Is he going to-?"

"Myungsoo is going to be excused from detention."

"What?" I almost yelled, but kept my calm. "But he was also late with me. That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair. " She said as if I didn't already know. "Since he'll be gone for the remainder of this week, there's no point in having him serve detention. Oh, and copy and extra set of your notes for him; I received his email yesterday. That can be done while you're in detention." When I didn't move, she looked back up with an annoyed expression. "Shouldn't you be heading to your next class? Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?"

I took a step towards her with my first clenched as Woohyun hurried to enter the room and dragged me away with a slight snicker. "Come on Min. Don't start a fight with the teacher. Be a good girl until Myungsoo gets back. Then you can be bad all you want when he returns."

"Yah!" I shoved him away and stormed off the my next class.

"Wait for me!" He sang and jumped right along side of me. "Where's your next class?"

"Chemistry with Mr. Oh."

"Oh... oh, oh, oh, oh." He began humming the SNSD's 'Oh!' song and even added the hand gestures as we walked the whole way to my next class.

I glanced at him time to time as he danced. It only became more and more extreme each time and now as we were getting near the room, people were staring. "Can you stop?" I awkwardly laughed and held him arm down to his side. "It's embarrassing."

"You're embarrassed by me?" He playfully frowned and flipped his imaginary hair backwards. "Fine, be that way." And he walked away. After a dramatic strut down the hallway, he turned back and waved. "Bye!"

"Bye." I giggled, shaking my head and headed into the classroom.

"Ah, Minhee." Mr. Oh rummaged through his briefcase for something. "These are the assignments Myungsoo will be missing. He told me that you'll be taking notes for him?"

I exhaled heavily through my nose. "Yes I am." Myungsoo... I grumbled to myself.

"Then be prepared to write a lot today' there'll be a lot of notes."

"Okay, thank you." I took the papers he held out and added it to the folder of notes I had started for Myungsoo. He'd better be grateful for me doing this for him.

I scuffled down the aisle to my seat and dropped my bag on the ground next to me before glanced longingly to the empty seat next to mine. I patted it once, but then I started feeling stupid and dropped my hand down to my side.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Whose phone is that?!" Mr. Oh shouted and looked at my guilty expression. He sighed, "Just turn it off. I'm about to start class."

I nodded and was about to turn my phone off, but name of the messenger stopped me. Kim Myungsoo. A smile crept up to my lips involuntarily with my face warming up. Making sure no one was looking, I clicked on the messages.

To: Me

From: Myungsoo

Hey Min^^ Are you doing okay..? It's so boring here in Japan.. T_T

Next time, I want to come with you.


To: Me

From: Myungsoo

Are you still in class? Did Sungjong take you to see my grandmother yet?

I wish you could've met her... She would have liked you.


To: Me

From: Myungsoo

I'm at a restaurant with Ahjin and her family right now.

I wish you were here with me instead.

I miss you.




To: Me

From: Myungsoo

Yah..text me back:(


To: Myungsoo

From: Me

I'm still in class...


To: Me

From: Myungsoo

I texted you all that and what I get is this? Hu...


To: Myungsoo

From: Me

..How do you have your phone?

I promise to text you after myself. 

Sungjong did take me to meet your grandmother:)

Why didn't you ever tell me?

I'm turning off my phone now.. Mr. Oh keeps glancing at me.



Just before I was about to turn off my phone, there was another message, which tempted me to check it.


To: Me

From: Myungsoo

I stole it back:p

Mr. Oh is glancing at you..?? ert


To: Myungsoo

From: Me

Not like that..-.-



After lunch, it was time for the class I dreaded the most. Gym.

We played a game of dodge ball to start out the class, which I obviously at. I swear, all the girls were aiming at me and only me. I had light bruises from getting hit all the time. We then ran laps around the track and started a game of volleyball that, surprisingly, I was pretty good at.

"Alright!" Mr. Hong blew on his silver whistle. "That wraps up our first day of gym! Good job everyone!"

I stretched my arms around and sighed a breath of relief just as Mr. Hong called me over. "Yes?"

"Since on the first day of school you got out of participating and was not here for the past few days, clean up the equipment."

"E-Excuse me?" I felt my eyes widened and the breath leave my lungs. "All that?" I glanced all around me to the mess of balls on the ground and mats placed randomly around the gym.

"Yes, and then you can leave to study hall." After he walked out of the gym, I made a face at his back and then preceded to clean up.

"It's official." I sighed to myself as I picked up the pile of balls in a corner. "All my teachers hate me." Since there was no one around I quickly ran towards the locker room, changed, and then back out to an angry Mr. Hong.

"I'm sorry!" I rushed forward to continue picking up the balls. "I-I just need to change."

"Mhm." Mr. Hong stayed a little longer than necessary before taking his time to leave; he made me feel uncomfortable.

"Stupid teachers.. Stupid balls." I kicked one of them away with satisfaction and began to kick more away until I felt better. I stopped when a laugh was heard by the door. It was Haera.

"So, this is the girl Myungsoo likes?" She scoffed and looked at the nails of her raised hand. "So childish." Her friends filed around after her and snickered in response. I wrinkled my nose and pretended as if I hadn't heard what she had said and the numerous people staring at me. "Yah, didn't you hear me? Pathetic."

"What do you want me to say?" I asked with a slight attitude to my voice.

She advanced forward with a slight smirk. "Kneel."

"For what?" I scoffed and shook my head. "You people here think you're all that because you attend this rich, talented school. I'm not bowing; there's no reason to. You can't just come in here and tell me to kneel when clearly I didn't nothing wrong!" A sharp, stinging pain lashed through my cheek as I tried to duck, but failed. There were phone cameras all around as my cheek began throbbing.

"That's for not knowing your place."

I was already fired up as it was, I didn't need some rich girl to come and slap me. I charged towards her until someone grabbed me away and I let them; I didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Don't." A voice spoke through the phone that Hoya placed beside my ear. It took three of the Infinite members to drag me towards the bleachers, as my legs wouldn't work for me.

"Myungsoo." I breathed in a shaky breath.

"The videos are going viral." Woohyun shook his head and scrolled through his phone. "This is going to cause a mess for the school."

"Yah!" Sunggyu and Sungyeol yelled at the crowd and began to pushed them out the doors. "Get out!"

"I didn't do anything." I said into the phone. "I swear."

"I know Min." Myungsoo spoke softly. "I know you didn't."

The announcement bell rang throughout the gym. "Park Minhee, please report to the main office. Park Minhee, to the main office."

"Oh my gosh.." I began hyperventilating badly and felt my chest tightening together with each breath I took.

"Calm down and breathe." Myungsoo said as if he knew exactly what was happening to me. "Everything will be okay."

Sungjong helped me stand and handed me a pack of ice. "This will help with the stinging."

I mumbled a thanks and trudged the rest of the way to the office with Infinite by my side. Myungsoo was still on the other end of the phone when I entered through the door to the coffee smelling office.

"Park Minhee." The secretary looked up from her computer with a stern expression. "Mr. Yoo wants you in his office, now. Your friends can stay out here."

"She's unstable." Sungjong said, taking the phone and handing me to Sunggyu. "Hyung, you should go with her."

Sunggyu willingly took me and walked inside Mr. Yoo's room. "Don't be surprised when he's mad. Things like this usually don't happen at this school." He shrugged but still supported me with a smile.

I closed my eyes as I settled down into the plushy chair, waiting for the wrath of Mr. Yoo. 

"What exactly happened?" Were his first words. They were not yelled, but spoken calmly.


"Uncle!" Haera barged into the room with her now smeared mascara running down her cheeks. 

"Haera, what are you doing here?"

"That girl!" She pointed directly at me. "Hurt me."

"She didn't hurt anyone." Sunggyu began raising his voice. "You're the one who slapped her."

"She would have if you guys hadn't been there." Haera almost growled, but put back on her teary face. "Uncle, do something."

"Mr. Yoo," I spoke slowly. "Is Haera's uncle?" That's it, I groaned to myself. I'm ruined.

"Haera," Mr. Yoo sighed. "Please get out."

"Contact daddy! Expel her!"

"Miss Nam!" The secretary came in at once and took the yelling Haera away.

I lowered my head under Mr. Yoo's gaze as Sunggyu slumped in his seat as if he already knew what was going to happen.

"You won't be expelled." Mr. Yoo began. "Instead-."

"She didn't do anything." Sunggyu spoke up. "If you see the video-."

"I did see it."

I shot my head up. "Then why are you-?"

"Haera is my niece. I cannot just expel her."

"Then at least punish her!" I stood up from my chair until Sunggyu sat me back down.

"I can't just punish her." Mr. Yoo folded his hands together nervously.

"And you're punishing me?" I breathed feeling lightheaded.

"I'm sorry, but yes."

"That's not fair!"

"No need to yell." He leaned forward, giving me an expression as if I were a small child he was talking to. "Life is not fair."

"I know."


"And so I have detention for a month." I finished up my explanation to Myungsoo and leaned back into my chair.

I could practically hear him shake his head in disgust. "Mr. Yoo is such a -up. He's the principle but his brother, Haera's dad, owns the school. That's the only way he was appointed the principle."

"No phones!" Mrs. Jo pointed to the sign of rules. "Please put it away. I don't want to see anymore students receiving detention. And I'm sure you wouldn't like having any more than you already do."

"I have to go." I whispered into the phone and turned it off.


"I'm driving you home." Daehyun leaned against his car and shined me the tiniest of smiles. "Hyo's making me."

"Mm." I opened the door and slumped into the seat with a groan. It was currently four-thirty; I stayed in detention for a whole two hours.

"Do you want to-?"

"I just want to go home. Please."


"No," I saw his expression and suddenly felt awful. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just so tired and-."

"It's okay." He finally smiled a real smile at me. "I can just take you home."

"Thanks." I hesitated at his sudden kindness and smiled back.

"You need a friend." He sighed and focused ahead. "I can be that if you want." Before he could start the engine, I leaned over and hugged him. I hugged him so tightly he had to gasp for air.

"I-I'm sorry."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Let's get going."


I stumbled into the house after just entering.

"As clumsy as ever, huh?" Something about his question reminded me about Myungsoo.

"I guess. Are you hungry?"

"No, but I'm guessing you are." He gestured to my pile of food I've already picked out on the counter.

I shrugged. "Kind of."

"I could stay with you until Hyo comes home. I mean, if you're...okay with it."

"Where is Hyo?"

"She went out shopping for Infinite's concert. They appointed her their coordinator for clothes and make-up and stuff." He pressed his lips together. "They actually asked me to help, but I hadn't answered yet."

"For what?" I asked as I spread mayo onto a piece of bread.

"To help with the music, making sure it's alright. All the small things." He took a spoonful of my pudding and stuck it in his mouth.

"You should do it." I grinned. "It'll help them a lot. They barely have much done. They've only asked me to plan the whole concert a few days ago."

"Wah.." He took a drink of my water as I took a bite out of my sandwich. "The whole thing in just a week?"

I stole my pudding away only to see it was all empty. "You ate my pudding."

"It was a good pudding." He laughed and then apologized.

"Psh.." I stuck my tongue out and focused on my sandwich and the conversation. "Yup, all in just a week. So you better act now or risk losing that option of helping."

"I don't even want to." He mumbled to himself.

I frowned. "But what if they really needed you? Why do you think they specifically asked you?"

He shrugged. "Maybe because they still waiting for someone else to take the chance and are just asking me in case they don't get their first choice."

"You're their first choice." I said firmly and pointed at him with my spoon. "You."

"I'd do it." He glanced at me. "If you wanted me to do it."

I took his free hand into mine. "I want you to do it." Before I could realize his change in expression,  the door jiggled open and in came Sunggyu and Dongwoo carrying many large shopping bags.

"Ooo! Min's cheating on Myungsoo!" Dongwoo yelled and pointed at my hand ontop of Daehyun's.

"I am not." I tried laughing and drew my hand back. "We were just talking.

"Yeah, 'talking'." Dongwoo used his free hand to make out air quotations in the air as I stood to stand next to him, giving him a small punch.

"Now," I began as the rest of the others walked in. "Daehyun has something to say."

"I do?"

"He does?"

"Yes," I looked encouragingly to Daehyun who had dropping his eyes to his feet. "He does."

Sunggyu, sensing the atmosphere, smiled at his and nodded his head. "Go on."

It was quiet for a while before Daehyun spoke and so we waited until he did. "I," He stumbled over his words with the nervousness of everybody's eyes focused on him. "I'll do it."

"Hm?" Sunggyu asked and had on the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face. "What did you say?"

"I'll be your music coordinator person." Daehyun smiled back as Sunggyu charged forward and gave him a hard man hug.

"Wah.. I didn't think you would really agree to it." Sunggyu looked so happy he began prancing around the small doorway until composing himself. "Thanks. It really means a lot. To me, to us."

Woohyun skipped forward and patted Daehyun on his back. Now that you're officially on the team, I want you to look at these sheets and see if they're good enough. Since we don't have a vocal coordinator, you can do that also, right?"

"Mhm." Daehyun responded with a proud smile. This job really did seem to fit him well and it was satisfying to see him to happy.

"Min," Sungyeol nudged me over to the stairs with an anxious expression. "It's Myungsoo's dad. He's in the hospital."


"How is he?"

"Is Mr. Kim going to be alright?" I hurriedly asked as Mrs. Kim and I followed along behind a nurse who was kind enough to show us the way to Mr. Kim's room.

"In the past hour, Mr. Kim's blood pressure sky-rocketed to 160/100. We checked and did several tests on him during the time he fell unconscious. He's having kidney failure." We headed into the room and trailed closely for more information as the nurse expertly began to press in long, medical words I've never seem before into a computer.

"Kidney failure?" Mrs. Kim almost cried; I took her hand in an effort to comfort her.

"Unfortunately, if he doesn't react positively to the medicines given, he'll have to receive a kidney transplant as soon as possible for the sake of his health."

"Call Myungsoo." Mrs. Kim spoke in a rush to me. "Tell him about his father. Tell him to come home quickly. We need him."

"Why?" I asked as I hastily pulled out my phone and dialed in Myungsoo's number.

"Because Myungsoo may be the only one who could give away his kidney. He's a type AB."

My eyebrows twitched in confusion. "Myungsoo is a type O." I faintly remember of him mentioning that to me and thinking of what a completely useless information it was for me to have; it was the most important this now.

"O?" Mrs. Kim almost yelled, not at me but at herself. "Oh my..." She began falling over until I helped her up and led her onto one of the rocking chairs.

"I'll call Myungsoo right now."

"Alright." She sighed. "I can't believe all this is happening. How are we suppose to find a donor with type AB? And in the mist of it, I find out my son's blood type only now."

I started to smile until a noticeable chill crept down my back. "I'm a type AB."

Her eyes lit up instantly, but then fell back to its dull, tired look. "I could never ask you for that. You're like family."

"So is Myungsoo." I pointed out. "But you were willing to ask him to donate."

She patted my arm. "How long have I've known you, Min? Six, seven years? I know you are a considerate and caring person, but I really cannot expect you to-."

"It's isn't working." One of the male nurses rushed into the room with a wild expression plastered onto his face. "He isn't reacting to the medicines. It's worsening his blood pressure. To make it worse, he's having seizures. I don't-!" He stopped when his eyes laid onto Mrs. Kim and I in the corner of the room. "Oh no."

Mrs. Kim proceeded to cry. It was a cry that no one could bare to look at long enough before also crying. In every way, I tried comforting her and speaking encouraging words to her, but her sobs grew louder by the moment. Hyo ran in at that moment and took her mother into her arms with a sadden look on her face.

"Mom, it's okay. It'll be-." But then, Hyo's sentence stopped by the quiet shakiness of her own voice. "It'll-."

The two nurses have left by now, leaving me alone to watch the tearful scene unfold before me.

"I'm doing it." Hyo and her mother both glanced up at me in unison. "And there is no way-."

"No," Mrs. Kim said firmly with tear-streaked cheeks. "I am not letting you do that. We can find another donor and maybe-."

"There isn't another." Hyo whispered, voice trembling. "I asked and checked again and again. There's isn't another AB type donor."

Mrs. Kim closed her eyes with a deep, shuttering sigh and fell back into the chair. "Min," She began softly. "I could never replay you. We could never replay you."

"There's no need." I kneeled by her side and looked up to give the most reassuring look I could give. "You all have already given me enough."

"Thank you. "Thank you so much." Tears lined her eyes and fell once again into the pool of water dripping from her chin that she embarrassingly wiped away. "Now go and call Myungsoo."

But before she could tell me another time, the dial tone had already began with my heart pounding so fast, it beat a mile a minute.



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Chapter 46: I'm new to the fanfic n Woahhhh the story is very amazing n awesome I really love it so much...hmmm what will happen next ?I'm very curious please update soon I'm so excited to see what well happen n you're awesome author _ nim I'm going to sports you till the end of the story n write more like this story n Hwaiting Keep it up ♥ ~ ♥♥ Xoxo ♥
shanda #2
Chapter 46: Finally they met. aaah please update soon authornim.. im so curious :((
Chapter 44: Oh Mai gadddd I can't wait for the next chapter!! Thank you so much for the update. Really love the story!
Chapter 42: Oh my author-nim~~~
I've been following,reading&loving this story untill chapter 42(which means I've review your author's note!^__-)
Hope you're doing great&just can't wait for every of your update^____________^
P/s:Did I've ever said that I'm really adoring your author name,'Inspirit_007' =D
Chapter 35: Omoooo!!!O__O~~this chapter is freaking sweets than sugar!!!!!I really sincerely love it♡♡♡long chapter^__^it would be good if min confess though but I know probably author-nim has more idea and awesome dramatic plot coming!Can't wait till the next update=D
Yongmi5 #6
Chapter 32: I prefer longer chapters.
Minhee.... What am I going to do with you!
Have a great holiday season!
chimchim_oppa #7
Chapter 29: Wooo!! Min and Myungsoo Forever!!
Yongmi5 #8
Chapter 29: I loved this chapter! Right when she is going to confess they have to be interrupted!!! Omg!!! These two are driving me crazy!! Fighting!!
Yongmi5 #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update. L and Minhee are so cute together . Fighting!!
denisegonzalo #10
Chapter 26: What a nice story i love it!!