Revealing Some

Chasing The Stars


"Yah! Watch out!" I turned around and saw a large rubber ball heading towards me. Just as I moved to avoid it, I ended up tripping on another ball by my feet. I groaned with pain and pushed myself off from the ground.

"Are you okay?" Myungsoo helped me up by the elbow and led me to the bleachers to sit.

I drooped my head down. "Gym.. Out of all the other classes, they gave me gym."

"Just be grateful it's only for thirty days and not the full semester." Myungsoo laughed. "After those thirty days, we have art class."

"Ugh... I can't wait for this class to be over now. I hate gym." I shook my head in distaste.

"Why?" Myungsoo bent down onto one knee and gently twisted my ankle left to right. "It's swollen." He murmured under his breath.

"I'm just not good in gym." I sighed. "There's nothing I can do."

"Min," Myungsoo looked at me mischievously. "You can't do anything right."

"Exactly." I rolled my eyes. "That's why I fail so miserably at everything."

"That's not what I-."

"You two sitting on the bench. Get up!" Mr. Hong, out gym instructor, yelled from the other side of the gym. Thinking we didn't hear, he blew on the whistle until his face turned into a bright red tomato. Startled, I stood up immediately, but almost fell over if Myungsoo hadn't been there to catch me.

"Your ankle is too swollen." Myungsoo sat me back down. "You can't participate. But that's probably good news for you, huh?" He grinned. "I'll just tell Mr. Hong and get an ice pack for you." And with a small smile, he left.

"Wah..." A girl appeared next to me with bright eyes. "You must feel so lucky. Having Myungsoo take care of you and all. The Kim Myungsoo." She overly exaggerated his name.

"Um.." I scooted away just a bit. "It's not like that. We're just-."

"Just friends. Right?"

"Yeah, friends.." I felt my eyebrows twitch up in confusion at the word.

"Ah..." The girl stayed there for a few more minutes until Myungsoo appeared with a black sweatshirt, a water bottle, and an ice pack rolled in a paper towel. I sighed a breath of relief. "Oh, Myungsoo-ah!"

"Hm? Haera, what are you going here? I thought you transferred to another school." Myungsoo spoke so fast, I couldn't make anything out.

"Nope. I just had to come back and see you again!" Haera jumped up from her seat and flung her arms around Myungsoo's neck clinging onto him. I felt a pang of jealousy hit me like a slap across the face.

"Yah, get off." Myungsoo removed her arms one by one and shuffled backwards, which made me feel a bit better. "You can't be here."


"Oppa?" I scoffed and let out a breathy laugh. Then silently, I said, "Does every girl you know call you 'oppa'?"

"No." Myungsoo shook his head. "It's not like that. She-."

"And who's this?" Haera looked directly at me. She leaned to one side and placed her hands on her hips. "If you didn't know, I'm Oh Haera. Kim Myungsoo's girlfriend."

"Ex." Myungsoo blurted out. "Ex-girlfriend."

"What..?" Haera looked at Myungsoo with puppy eyes and clung onto his arm. "Oppa.."

Myungsoo practically shoved her aside. "Stop it."

"Is this her?" Haera kept her face down, but her eyes on me. "Is this the girl you left me for?"

"What?" I breathed out. "What are you talking about?"

"Min, meet Haera. Haera, Min." Myungsoo rubbed his forehead. "Min, this is the girlfriend I told you about. The one I hated."

"Oh, please." Haera scoffed. "You didn't hate me. Remember that time when we-."

"That!" Myungsoo yelled to stop Haera from speaking. "You were hallucinating and drunk."

"Whatever." Haera laughed off. "Anyways, I'll be going to this school from now on." She rolled her eyes towards me. "Better watch out." To Myungsoo she showed a sly grin. "And don't worry. I'm getting you back." And with that, she confidently walked off and out the door.

"What was that?" I demanded and turned Myungsoo towards me. "She," I pointed at the exit where Haera had went out. "Was your ex-girlfriend?"

"Mhm." Myungsoo grumbled and slouched down next to me and breathed out heavily. "Aish..."

"Was Haera talking about Ahjin? The girl you left her for'?"

"I guess." He laid his head on my shoulder. "I didn't think she'd be back this soon."

I moved to sit crisscross next to him so that I could see his face. "Who is she?"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Like I said early, my ex-girlfriend. I never liked her that much. I don't know why in the world I ever dated her. She was a gold-digger and only cared about my money and inheritance."

I felt my mouth gaping open. "Wow."


"She's a-."

Myungsoo covered my mouth with his hand. "No need for nasty words."

"And now," I moved his hand away. "She wants you back?"

He shrugged. "I guess so. But what can I say." He cocked his head back and looked at the ceiling. His jaw line sharply showed through with his black hair slightly covering his neck and forehead. "I'm gorgeous."

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my hands. "More like arrogant."

"Hm? What did you say?" He waited before realizing I wasn't paying any attention to him. "Oh, wait." He reached behind him and gathered the things he had brought from before. "These are for you." He placed the water bottle and ice pack in my hands but held onto the sweatshirt.

"Thanks." I placed the ice pack on my ankle and began twisting open the water bottle until he pulled it away.

"Put this on first." He shyly smiled. "It's mine, but you can wear it. Sharing is caring, right?"

"Since when did you ever care about me?" I mumbled, but slid on his sweatshirt over my gym uniform.

"Since the beginning." He didn't look straight at me when he said it.

I pretended to not hear and observed the volleyball game the rest of the class were playing. The score was right at 17:11 when all of a sudden the lights turned off. All the students then began wailing until Mr. Hong blew on the whistle. "Calm down. It's probably just a shortage or something."

It was completely dark in the gym and was cold from the draft coming somewhere. I couldn't see anything, but felt the warmness of Myungsoo still next to me.

I instinctively reached out for a grasp of him just to make sure he didn't leave. "Myungsoo, you're still there, right?"

"Mm." My hands fell on his chest. "Yah, watch where you're touching."

"Sorry." I pulled back and crossed my arms over my chest. "It's dark...and cold."

"Come here." He surrounded himself around me and pulled me into his arms. "I feel cold too," He whispered. "But you have my sweatshirt."

I leaned closer to him and rested my head against his shoulder. "You could have your sweatshirt back, if you ask nicely."

"It's okay. I think I like this better anyways." He laid his head against mine. "Way better."


Mr. Hong blew his whistle again. "Everybody, line up at the door! I need a headcount."

"Ugh.. I don't want to go."

I smiled at the way his voice sounded so tired and cozy. I didn't want to go either.

"If anyone isn't here in a minute, they're getting an in-school suspension!"

"Let's go." I tugged on his arm unwillingly.

"Alright." He trudged along, still keeping his hold of my hand.

"Wait. You need to help me." I stood up on my left leg and held onto his arm for balance.

In the darkness, I felt his eyes on my face and before he could do anything, I already knew what he was going to say. "I'll just carry you then."

"No. Just help me walk. Please?"

For once, he listened and kept me balanced as we wobbled the whole way across the gym floor and to the entrance.

"Where are-?!" Mr. Hong began bellowing until he shone his tiny flashlight at the two of us. "Oh, there you two are. Hurry and get in line. The school's power went out and the second generator isn't working."

"Okay." We followed behind an unevenly formed line to the lobby where probably every other student where. I shyed away from the others because I was still wearing my gym uniform. Myungsoo kept a close distance but in the darkness, I didn't mind us being together like this. It felt nice even.

Each teacher held their own small flashlight, which dimly lit up the huge lobby. All the students were gathered in the center with teachers blocking each entrance. I began to feel a bit claustrophobic.

"Quiet down!" Mr. Yoo yelled over the excited chattering of students. "At this time, students will be dismissed to their homes. School will still be in session tomorrow. Get home safely. We have already notified your parents, so head straight home." And like animals, everybody bulldozed out the main doors and out into the sunlight.

"Slowly, slowly." Myungsoo kept me close as we made out way down the steps.

"Minhee!" Sungyeol called from behind the scatters of people. He eventually caught up and patted both of our shoulders before seeing my injured foot. "Oh my gosh!" I laughed at his surprised reaction. "Don't laugh, you're hurt."

"But I heard laughing is the best medicine."

Sungyeol chuckled and pinched one of my cheeks. "Myungsoo, what did you do to her?"

Myungsoo scoffed. "Wah... Why do you think I'm the one who caused this?"

"Because you would." Sungyeol simply stated. "You're the clumsiest out of all of us."

"Whatever." Myungsoo switched his weight to the other side. "Just go waved down a taxi for us."

"And you can't because...?"

Myungsoo looked at me. "I have to protect Min."

"You're so weird Myungsoo." Sungyeol shook his head and then smiled his gummy smile. "I can protect her too! Min, from now on call me 'Oppa Guard'."

"Oppa guard?" I scratched my head in confusion. "What?"

"Never mind him. Min, lean towards me more." Myungsoo put his arm around my waist and kept me steady.

"Tsk." Sungyeol sighed. "You're such a clingy guy. She'll be able to survive without you. Stop worrying." And with that, he skipped down the road to flag a taxi.

"You don't know that." Myungsoo sniffled after Sungyeol left.

I lifted my head at his height. "Yah, don't look so sad."

"I am too clingy, aren't I?"

"Eh." I shrugged an inch or two away. "I mean, we aren't even dating and you're like this..." My voice faded out.

"Should we start dating then..?" He touched a finger to his lips.

"No." I looked away from him and moved to sit on the steps. "Don't even joke about that. You're still with Ahjin."

Myungsoo fell next to me. "Tch. It's not even that official."

"She kissed you." I pointed out.

"Just on the cheek." He grimaced. "And she's too clingy."

I smirked. "Like you?"

He mockingly made a face. "Yes. Just like me."

"Taxi's here!" Sungyeol yelled over and waved his hands above his head wildly. "Hurry!"

Myungsoo stood up and stretched. "Alright, let's get you over there," He pointed at the road. "Safely." Unsteadily, we walked across the wide spread of pavement to Sungyeol, who was leaning against the car. The driver inside looked annoyed at the wait. "We're here."

"I can see that.." Sungyeol's eyes lingered at Myungsoo's arm around my waist. "Let's get going then. The taxi ahjusshi is getting irritated." Myungsoo helped me inside before entering himself. "Me too!" Sungyeol began to climb, but was blocked by Myungsoo.

"Nope. Not a chance." Myungsoo closed the door after pushing Sungyeol out and locked the door. Sungyeol ended up on the ground. "Okay ahjusshi, we can go now."

Sungyeol got back up from the sidewalk and pounded on the window. "Yah! L-ah!!" He pouted. "I want to come in too!"

"Bye!" Myungsoo smiled happily and waved as the car sped ahead.

"You shouldn't do that to your friend." I frowned. "He even waved this taxi down for us."

"He won't have any hard feelings." Myungsoo rested his head against the headrest. "One time, he made me pay a restaurant bill for one hundred and fifty-two dollars. I had to work for the rest of the money."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "And you still remember the amount?"

"Yes. It's a grudge I still hold against him." A half smile appeared on his face. "This is just payback."

"Hu... You're a bad friend."

"Mhm.." He moved to lean on my shoulder, which I allowed. "I'm tired."

"Ish.." I bumped up my shoulder, moving his head. "Just sleep when we get home then."

"Shh.." He held an index finger to my lips. "Just stay quiet for a while." And I did for the most part. Myungsoo ended up snoring on my shoulder. His hair tickled the surface of my cheek as the taxi cab rattled around on the road. My head ended up on top of his and stayed like that until we arrived at the house.

"We're here!" The taxi ahjusshi bellowed, startling Myungsoo and waking him up.

"Agh.." He breathed in my hair. "Okay!" Before getting out, Myungsoo handed the taxi driver a twenty after saying thanks. "Now, let's get you." He pointed to me. "Out there." He gestured towards the house. But first, he walked up to the front door and unlocked it. From my view, it was pitch black inside. I saw Myungsoo stumbling around a bit before turning on a switch. "Alright." He came back to the car for me. "Let's get you inside without breaking anything, okay?"

I laughed in response and began to get out of the car, but just as soon as my foot touched the ground, Myungsoo lifted me up into his arms, shutting the door with his hip. "Yah! Let me down! Now!" I kicked around wildly as the cab drove away, but he only chuckled and walked up the sidewalk to the front porch. "Okay, we're here." I spoke quickly and began pushing against his chest. "You can let me down now."

"But I don't want to." He nudged the door open with the use of my feet and then into the kitchen to drop his keys on the counter. "Hold on." He placed me on top of the island and dug through the fridge until he found what he was looking for: an ice pack. "And here you go." He held it out for me until I took it and mumbled a thanks. I still felt Myungsoo's eyes on me, but I didn't look up, fearing that if I did, I'd like what I saw.

"Is the ice pack working?" He asked and pressed his fingers against my chin to lift my head up to him. He wanted me to look at him.

"Yeah." I forced my head back down to look at my ankle. "It's feeling better."

"Mm..." Myungsoo moved closer and placed both hands on the counter on either side of me. "That's good."

"I guess." My eyes stayed down and away from Myungsoo. Light came through the window from behind me, casting shadows all around us.

Myungsoo's chest rose and fell with each and every breath he took. For some reason, I wanted to place my hands on it, feel his movement and heartbeat. But I stayed put. Calm yourself Min... I told myself and took a deep breath in and another one out.

His chuckled vibrated through my whole body. "Why are you so stiff?"

"I'm not." I angled my head so that my hair covered my face. "But I-"

"Hm? You what?"

I shook my head. "Never mind." My eyes drifted to his beautiful, sun-lit face. I saw the way his eyelashes drew long shadows across his cheekbones and how flawless his skin was compared to other guys I've seen. His black shirt fitted perfectly across his muscular chest and was the perfect length to show his toned arms.

Sensing my gaze, he met where my eyes were looking and immediately retracted his whole body backwards. "Where are you looking at?" He brought his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes. "ert."

I scoffed. "Wah... I-I wasn't looking there." I could feel him roll his eyes. A small smirk appeared on his lips when I looked back up at him. "I don't care if you don't believe me." I frowned. His narrow eyes got even smaller. "Whatever... Just turn around."


I took his arm and spun him around until his back faced me. I then wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and rested my head against his back. "Bring me upstairs. My ankle still hurts."

"Tch." Myungsoo stayed leaning against the counter a little longer, as if contemplating whether he should go or not, before taking hold of my legs and carrying me off the island. "Just know that this was your idea. It's not my fault if you fall off."

"I won't." I tightened my arms more. "You can trust me."

"Ish." He began climbing up the stairs with more difficulty than usual. "You're really heavy Min."

I lightly punched his back. "Stop complaining. You're almost there."

"You'll have to pay me for this. You know that, right?"

I pondered this as we entered my room. "Mm... Depends."

"Depends on what?"

"If I want to or not." I answered back as we entered my bedroom.

"Yah!" Myungsoo set me down on my bed. "This girl... Seriously." He towered over me and settled his arms on my sides, enclosing me between him and the bed. "You can do me a favor."

"W-what?" I leaned further away from him. "What kind of favor?"

"Let's see..." He moved beside me and laid down. "Help me out with something."

"Like I said before, it depends on if I want to or not."

"Help me with Ahjin. Help me to get rid of her feelings. Then you won't have to do anymore favors for me. Promise."

"A-are you serious?" I scoffed. "All you did was bring me up the stairs and you're asking for that in return?"


"Myungsoo," I fell on the bed next to him. "It's not easy to get rid of someone's feelings or changed them just because you want to. It's not going to happen just like that."

"Trust me, I know." I heard a bit of sadness in his voice, which made me look at him. "But you hurt more if the feeling isn't mutual."

"Is this really about Ahjin?" I asked. "Or-."

"Ahjin. It's just about Ahjin." He spoke in a rush.

"Oh." My chest shook as I sighed. "But it seems like she really likes you."

"Min," Myungsoo propped himself up on one arm and look over at me. "I'm not going to like her like that. My feelings for you aren't going to change one bit."

"For me?" I questioned.

He fell back onto the bed. "I meant for Ahjin."

"Myungsoo, I know your feelings aren't going to change, but consider how Ahjin would feel knowing that you don't feel the same. She'll feel used."

He huffed. "This is all my dad's fault. If only he didn't set me up, I wouldn't be in this situation." A few seconds passed before either of us spoke. "I don't know what to do. I feel trapped."

"I can't help you." I spoke quietly. "You'll just have to go by what fate has in store for you, what destiny wants for you to do."

He looked at me with the softest eyes I've ever seen him have. "It was worth asking for your help." He turned his head to face the ceiling. In the corner of his eye, a tear fell.

"Myungsoo..." I sat up to face him and made him to face me. "Don't cry."

"Psh. My eyes are just sweating." He heaved himself  up and wiped at his face.

"Myun-" I reached for his arm, but he moved farther away from me.

"I'm going to go to my room now." He edged to the end of the mattress. "Don't bother me."

"No." I said firmly. "I'm not letting you leave all depressed like this."

"I'm not depressed."

"Then stay here." I whispered. "With me." My habit of bitting the inside of my mouth came back as I waited anxiously for Myungsoo's next move. He scanned my face for any sign of giving up, but in his eyes, I knew there wasn't. I scooted over to allow room for him and patted the space next to me. When he didn't budge, I said, "You aren't going to reject me, are you?"

His lips turned into a half-smile that was warm enough to melt anyone who looked at him, even me. "How could I ever reject you?"

"I know right?" I stuck my nose up. "I'm just so lovable."

"You're being so conceited right now." His face contorted into a sly grin.

"I learned from the best." I pointed a finger at his chest. "You could be crowned the 'Conceited Prince of Korea'."

He lightly pinched my cheek. "And you the 'Conceited Princess'."

I mockingly flipped my hair back. "You got that right." Upon hearing my response, he threw his head back in laughter, a sound I was glad to finally hear. "What else should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to hear you laugh again." I bit my bottom lip in embarrassment. "I really want to hear you laugh."

"Mm..." He pressed his lips together. "Stay by my side." He spoke slowly and made a sideways glance at me. "And you can hear it all you want."

"Oh, then never mind." I reached for the remote from the nightstand.

"Yah." He laughed.

I grinned back. "I like your laugh."

"And I like your smile." He wrinkled his nose at the corniness. He leaned against the backboard with me. "What should we do now?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

A smirk fell on his face. "You just confessed to me."

"Wah... You call that a confession?" I wrinkled my nose and tried my best to calm my nervousness. "I've heard better."

"Like mine?"

"Well..." I snickered. "'Don't ever tell me to let go... Because I won't. I like you Min." I did my best to mock his voice.

"Yah!" His eyes widened. "You bad girl."

"Mhm..." It was like I was asking for a smack in the face.

"But," He raised his eyebrows. "You memorized what I said? When I confessed to you?"

I sharply turned my head in his direction. "What?"

"Everything you just said," Myungsoo pouted his lips in ignorance. "Was exactly what I said to you."

"Not everything..."

"Is there more?"

"No...?" I said in response.

"Tch." He scoffed. "You remembered it all by heart, didn't you?"

"You don't know what you're talking about." I pushed him away.

Myungsoo cheekily showed an eye-smile. "You like me too, don't you?"

"In. Your." I pointed my finger right at his nose. "Dreams." I was about to pull my finger back when he held it in his hand and kissed the tip of it. "Yah..." Taking my hand back in shock, I wiped my index finger on his shirt. "Nasty."

He gave a half-hearted shrug and grinned. "There's more where that came from." He leaned all the way forward and stopped just centimeters away. The same thing happened as it always did. He stared at me while I stared back at him until it became awkward and one of us broke away. But this time, no one drew back.

I tilted my head to one side and blurted out a question I've been wanting to hear him answer to. "What do you think about when you look at me?"

He breathed out a laugh. "Do you really want to know?"

I pulled my knees up to my chest and shook my head. "Maybe not anymore."

"Eh, I'll still tell you anyways." He inched his way closer to me so that our arms were touching and his warm breath cooled across my neck.

"I don't want to know." I reclined my head away.

He closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall. "Fine."

I blew a weak raspberry and sat there quietly. "I changed my mind. You can tell me."

"No, it's fine."

I tugged on his sleeve. "Tell me." In a kiddish voice, I added, "Please?"

He opened one eye at me. "In aegyo."


"I know."

I looked at his peaceful face and took in all of it. I sighed at the thought of his eyes warming up my face and the way his breathing was slow and even. "Whatever." I mumbled to myself. I wrapped my arms over my knees and laid my head on Myungsoo's shoulder.


"You don't mind, right?" I asked. "Sitting is uncomfortable, but I don't feel like laying down. Especially with you in the room."

His hair brushed across my forehead as he settled his head against mine. "I don't mind."

I slid my legs down onto the bed and laid my hands on my lap. Reaching for the remote, I the t.v and began switching through channels.

"Mm..." Myungsoo shook his head against mine. "It's too loud."

"Then I'll turn it down." I pressed on the 'down' button for the volume a few times.

"Still too loud." He murmured into my hair.

I sighed. "But-" Before I could finish, Myungsoo nuzzled his cheek on my shoulder. His fingers brushed across mine as he grabbed the remote and shut off the t.v. "I was watching that..." I whispered and stared blankly at our reflection in the black screen.

Myungsoo enclosed me in his arms. "Just stay still." He bounced around on the pillows to adjust them. "I want to enjoy you being next to me before people come along and ruin it."

A tight, small smiled formed on my lips. I tugged at the blanket around my feet and pulled it up to my stomach.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

I laughed softly. "Very."

"Aren't you going to share?" He gestured to the blanket I was currently snuggling with.


He scoffed. "Now that I know you more, you aren't that nice of a girl."

"Wah, you're very observant."

He gently knocked his head mine. "Just go to sleep."

"Alright." I kept my eyes open though. Myungsoo's hand was outstretched in between us, tempting me to hold it. "You know what?" I threw the blanket over him. "I feel bad."


"And so," I continued. "I'll share."

He lowered his face to meet my eyes. "Now that's a nice Minnie."

I poked the bottom of his cheek. "I thought I told you to not call me that."

"Oh well." He touched his nose to my cheek and smiled. "Too late."

"Go away."

"Okay." He cutely frowned and started to hop off the bed.

"No, wait." I held onto his sleeve. "You can stay."

"Are you sure?"

I clung onto his arm. "Mhm."

"And now," Myungsoo slid back to his original spot. "You're the one being clingy."

"I know." I shrugged against him. We half-laid, half-sat there together. Listening to our breathing and heartbeats, I blinked around as if this were all another dream, but it wasn't. I was really with Myungsoo, in his arms; everything in that moment felt exhilarating. I didn't realize how tired I was until my eyes began drooping and it began hard to keep them open.

Myungsoo stopped my nodding head with his finger. "Go to sleep." He whispered. "I'll still be here when you wake up."


"I promise."



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Chapter 46: I'm new to the fanfic n Woahhhh the story is very amazing n awesome I really love it so much...hmmm what will happen next ?I'm very curious please update soon I'm so excited to see what well happen n you're awesome author _ nim I'm going to sports you till the end of the story n write more like this story n Hwaiting Keep it up ♥ ~ ♥♥ Xoxo ♥
shanda #2
Chapter 46: Finally they met. aaah please update soon authornim.. im so curious :((
Chapter 44: Oh Mai gadddd I can't wait for the next chapter!! Thank you so much for the update. Really love the story!
Chapter 42: Oh my author-nim~~~
I've been following,reading&loving this story untill chapter 42(which means I've review your author's note!^__-)
Hope you're doing great&just can't wait for every of your update^____________^
P/s:Did I've ever said that I'm really adoring your author name,'Inspirit_007' =D
Chapter 35: Omoooo!!!O__O~~this chapter is freaking sweets than sugar!!!!!I really sincerely love it♡♡♡long chapter^__^it would be good if min confess though but I know probably author-nim has more idea and awesome dramatic plot coming!Can't wait till the next update=D
Yongmi5 #6
Chapter 32: I prefer longer chapters.
Minhee.... What am I going to do with you!
Have a great holiday season!
chimchim_oppa #7
Chapter 29: Wooo!! Min and Myungsoo Forever!!
Yongmi5 #8
Chapter 29: I loved this chapter! Right when she is going to confess they have to be interrupted!!! Omg!!! These two are driving me crazy!! Fighting!!
Yongmi5 #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update. L and Minhee are so cute together . Fighting!!
denisegonzalo #10
Chapter 26: What a nice story i love it!!