
In silence.



Luhan thought that Mei left for a week or two. But almost a month had passed, and she still wasn't back. He got so used to her presence in his life, so now he felt restless, very restless at heart. What worried him the most was that every time he asked her when she'll be coming back, she couldn't even give him a proper answer. Luhan knew that if she wanted to, she could stay there for good: after all there was nothing and no one here to hold her back, even though he wanted to believe that his presence in her life influenced her somehow, changed her, made her trust people a little more. Mei would never leave without saying goodbye. Luhan knew that for sure and understood, that she, probably, won't leave Seoul, but her absence turned everything upside down in his head.

Entering the elevator one morning, Luhan heard Chinese speech. The guy wasn't expecting to hear the familiar language so much, that he found himself listening to the conversation.

"Yes, I know that all... Of course, it's her life... Listen, I get it all... Jeez, just shut up and listen to me! I'm worried, because I remember what it was like back then. I remember it so clearly, as if it was yesterday, and not a year ago. She is my family, my little sister. Meilin didn't deserve what he did to her, and the fact that they met again isn't exactly the best thing happening. He's a bastard, we both know it. If I'll have to go there myself and bring her back, I... What? No, God forbid. Of course, she'll never get back together with him. She's with my aunt and uncle, hopefully having a good time except for the fact that Jing Hao keeps bugging her..."

The guy was already out of the elevator, but Luhan felt like he couldn't move. He recognized him as one of the guys who helped her with her boxes a year ago, when she was moving in, and felt relieved to know that her cousin was on the same wave with him - he wasn't pleased that she was gone for so long either.


Xiao Lu: Your name is Meilin, not Mei?
Reply, when you see this and explain.
And come back here already.


And yes, Luhan was angry. Luhan was very angry.


yi mei: My ex used to call me that since I was a kid and eventually everyone else picked it up and "Meilin" turned into "Mei". It's not a big deal.
I'm flying back tomorrow :)

Xiao Lu: I'm not going to call you by the pet name your ex made up!
yi mei: You're mad or...?
Xiao Lu: Yes, I am. Our relationship just moved into another phase - now I'm mad at you...
You know what? It doesn't matter.
Have a safe flight.

yi mei: Luhan! C'mon! It's just a name.

Xiao Lu: I'm busy.


A week had passed and Luhan hoped he'd bump into Mei in the elevator, like he always did. But either her working hours changed or he didn't exactly know what, but he didn't see her in the elevator, not even once. He knew that she'd come back, that she missed the city. Mei even said that she missed him, but his little outburst didn't allow him to write her. Luhan spent the evenings cursing himself and calling himself a coward, then dialing Yifan just to say the same things over and over again. But Yifan only added fuel to the fire by saying that his behavior won't take him anywhere sunny. Luhan had a weird feeling, that this whole situation won't ever take him anywhere: he wasn't responding to anything Mei wrote him, their pathsnever crossed, besides, he wasn't even sure that if he saw her, he wouldn't just ignore her, knowing very well that he acted like a child. He missed her. He missed Mei so much. Missed their conversations, their little gatherings on the rooftop under the plaid, missed the feeling of being needed that he felt whenever he was with the girl. He didn't care anymore that she never told him her real name, that she was gone for so long. None of that mattered to him, he just wanted the things to go back to the way they were, but every time Luhan had a phone in his hand, all coherent thoughts flew right out of his head, leaving just a blank white sheet. Luhan knew that if he did write her, then waiting for her answer will drive him nuts. What if she has had enough of his behavior? What if she didn't care? What if she didn't need their friendship anymore? What if she didn't need him anymore? Luhan didn't want to know the answers to these questions, because he knew what he would say, if anyone asked him about those things. He knew he was acting foolishly, but he couldn't help himself. Of course, he cared. And he needed their friendship just as much as a sip of water after a grueling workout. Luhan didn't understand at what point, but Mei had become his need. She was dear to him. And he couldn't imagine his life without her anymore. But the nagging thought that he lacked the courage to write her, gave him no peace. Like it was saying that he didn't deserve Mei and this made him feel even more lousy and insecure.


"Ok, listen to me, brother," Luhan thought that his friend was sick of his whining, since he stared at him as if he was ready to burn a hole in his forehead. "You need to do something. Either text her or forget it all altogether. When she saw you in the elevator with that girl and laughed in shock, I... To be honest, I was taken aback. Because I thought I'd see at least a fraction of resentment in her eyes. And when I saw nothing but amazement, I decided that I won't push you into relationship with her. Heart is lawless, yes. But I don't want to see you almost jumping out of your skin every day trying to see at least a glimpse of her. Although you constantly denied everything when I was saying that you have feelings for her, now it's pointless. You like her, very much. And you have to try. Try, Luhan. Neither you nor I know what she really feels and you'll never know, unless you ask her. Look... Waiting kills, but you need to know how to do that. Wait for your person, for happiness, for even a fleeting encounter. It's very difficult to live in the dark, but it's all worth it, because after the wait is over, you can get everything you ever wanted. It's all finally yours and you don't need to torture yourself any longer."

Yifan glanced at his friend expecting some sort of reaction to his words, but Luhan just silently stared at the table before him. Yifan took a deep breath and decided to use a piece of information that he'd prefer to keep to himself and not tell Luhan. He really wanted to keep his mouth shut, but Luhan left him no choice.

"I saw Mei a few days ago. She said her ex is constantly trying to contact her and she's thinking about changing her number, just so she won't hear or see him ever again. She said, that he's really persistent and if he wants something, in 90% of cases he gets it. But she wants to be here. With us. Luhan, don't let her go. She's a wonderful girl and you two deserve each other."

Luhan shot from his seat. He was close to his home and it would probably be easier and faster to get a taxi, but that idea never occurred to him. The only thought he allowed to remain inside his head was the realization that he's in love. And he wanted to curse himself for not being able to see it earlier, for wasting so much time, because he could have been happy for months now. Luhan knew, that Mei lived two floors above him, but he had no idea in which apartment. There were minimum 20 apartments on each floor or even more, but he didn't care about it. If he had to, he'd knock on every door just to get her. Running into the elevator and pushing the button of Mei's floor with trembling fingers, Luhan suddenly felt a wave of disturbance hitting him like a tidal wave, and he had to muster all his willpower to soothe this panic attack. The guy tried to build some sort of coherent speech in his mind, at least some words, but there were so many words to say that it felt like his mind was playing games with him. Each time Luhan almost had a complete sentence that had some point to it, a whole bunch of other thought aded his head and the sense got lost again. The doors opened and Luhan wanted to step out of the metal cabin, but stopped seeing Mei standing in front of him. He was used to see her in sportswear or jeans, but now she was in a dress and heels. They looked at each other with astonishment, not saying anything, though the understanding that it was finally the time to exchange verbal greetings hovered around them. Mei wanted to say something, but the doors began to close and Luhan instantly read disappointment on her face. Disappointment that the doors were about to separate them again, and that gave him everything he needed to know to say what he should have said months ago. He stopped the doors from closing with his hand and walked out of the elevator stepping closer to Mei. For a couple of seconds they just looked each other in the eyes, then Luhan put his hands on her cheeks, taking one more step to her, almost molding their bodies together.


"I need you to listen to me very carefully now," Luhan noticed how Mei gasped. Looked like he could move her heart like she could move his, or she might just liked the sound of his voice. Both thoughts warmed his heart. "I don't want us to be apart. Never. Only together, you and me. I'm sorry I got angry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for not realizing right away that it didn't matter what he used to call you, because I can give your name a new meaning. I can, and you'll never think about how you were betrayed. You're my Mei... I want to take care of you, I want to love you. I can do it all. I've missed you so much, I wanted to see your eyes, your smile. I wanted to hug you again like I did back then, when we were stuck in the elevator, remember? Just as tightly and never let go. Mei. Mei. No one ever treated me the way you do. You took care of me, probably without even realizing it. But when I'm with you, my heart's at ease and everything inside me starts to bloom. You make me happy and I can make you happy. I know I can. I promise I will. I always thought that my dream was to dance, but I was so wrong. Only after meeting you I realized that my dream was you. A life with you. And then life will be sweet like... Like cinnamon, and I won't need anything else. I'll have everything that I wish to have so desperately. I'll have you. I want to wake up and see you. I want to have breakfast sitting next to you. Walk down the streets and hold your hand. I want to go to the movies and kiss you in the dark. I want us to be happy. You can give me that, and I'm confident, that I can make you very happy too. I think, I'm repeating myself... We can live here or go back to China, so you'll be closer to your parents. We can go travel the world. We can... We can do whatever you want to do. I'll be there. I'll always be there. I know, you don't like when people promise you stuff, but I will be with you. And it's not a promise, it's a fact. Every time I had to get out of the elevator, I wanted to stay. Wanted to hug you, to take your hand in mine. Every time I felt like I was making a mistake leaving you, felt that it wasn't supposed to be this way. I'm eternally grateful to all the circumstances that led us to that day a year ago. I even grateful to Jing Hao for cheating on you. I'm sorry, but it's true. If he hadn't done it, you wouldn't be here and none of the amazing things that have happened to me over the last year, would have happened. I'm sorry for that girl from the club, sorry for bringing her here, I'm sorry you had to see that. Believe me, I wanted for the ground to open up beneath me and swallow me, when Yifan told me that you'd seen it all. I'm so so sorry, Mei. I'm overwhelmed with feelings... While I ran here, I had so many thoughts on what I should say, how I should say them, that I couldn't even make an adequate sentence, and look at me now - I can't stop talking. I love you, Mei. I'm in love with you. And if you feel anything for me, say yes. Agree to at least something. Mei..."


Luhan stopped talking and closed his eyes. That anxiety that had come to a naught while he was talking, came back, and he could swear that the heart wasn't supposed to beat as fast as his did. He could feel her breath on his lips, felt the warmth of her body and the smile blossoming under his palms.
Mei placed her hands over Luhan's and slightly squeezed them, silently asking him to look at her, but he didn't open his eyes.
"Luhan?" The guy caught himself gasping just like Mei did only a few minutes back. And, yes, he liked her voice. Oh so very much.
"Please, just answer me."
Mei put her hands on his chest and lightly fisted the fabric of this shirt.
"Yes," his eyes opened upon hearing the word.
"To what?"
"To all of it. Anything you want. As long as you let me be by your side."
He did not expect this. Anything else, but that. He felt as if he was doused with ice cold water, only he didn't feel the cold, just warmth. He looked up to the ceiling and laughed with relief. Luhan wanted to laugh, wanted to smile and he couldn't hide it any longer. He no longer needed to hide it in front of anyone. Suddenly he felt Mei's hand on his neck and chest and the next thing he knew - she abruptly pulled him to her and kissed him. Luhan never thought he'd like it that much. Never thought it'd fell so good to be kissed so desperately, as if you were the only thing that mattered. As if you were the only one. In a second he remembered about all of his pent up desires and pressed Mei closer to himself trying not to drown in her. Her kiss felt searing, desperate, consuming, so sincere and passionate that it took Luhan a hell of a Herculean effort to not lose his head completely, although bit by bit grains of sense were gradually leaving him. He couldn't break free from her, not physically nor mentally. He was so hungry for her presence beside him, for her smell, for her body, that he felt as though he was a traveler who finally found an oasis almost dying from thirst and couldn't get enough of water now. He was insanely pleased with the thought that Mei hugged him just as strong as he did. Means, he's important. Means, she loves him. Means, now everything's at its rightful place.
The sound of the door opening from the side sobered them up and both turned sharply toward the noise. Mei immediately took Luhan's hand and pulled him after herself.
"Come on," her hand in his seemed even smaller than it actually was. Mei opened the door to her apartment and they went inside. As soon as the door closed behind Luhan, Mei turned around and hugged him.
"You should check your phone more often, you know."
"Check it."
Luhan pulled his phone out of the pocket of his jeans and saw a notification about new messages.


yi mei: Please, answer me. I really need to tell you something. 
Luhan, it's really important...
I didn't want and shouldn't to talk about this over the phone. I need to see you. Please.
I'm going out with my friends now, but I'll be waiting for you at the elevator on the lobby floor later, okay?
Please, xiao lu...


"Mei," Luhan put the phone away in his pocket and hugged the girl, kissing her temple. "Tell your friends you can't go, okay? Stay with me."
"Yes, Luhan."

"At last," Luhan thought.



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Chapter 4: Oh my...this was just adorable! ♡.♡
oh mate, this is a really sweet story ; u ;
tanpanama #3
Chapter 4: oh my God, this is a great story. i love it very much. i think i can read this story over and over again without feeling bored. aaaa good job ♡
NJsakura #4
Chapter 4: Why???? Why can't I meet someone like that???..... T-T
elizaayangg #5
This story is so amazing!! ♡♡♡
lee_hyo_ri #6
Chapter 4: I like it very muuuuuuch ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ayemwhyyyy #7
Chapter 1: Such a cute chapter! <333