Chapter 2

Mayday Showers

    Jongin closed his laptop in annoyance, quickly glancing around when he remembered where he was. The school library was relatively empty, lunch break was coveted and most students wouldn't waste their precious free time alone with a book. Jongin would have normally spent his break laughing and joking around with his friends, it was unusual for someone as popular as him, to spend time alone. But he needed to prove his worth to Sehun, and he needed to prove to himself that he was worthy of Luhan’s friendship.

    His heart had been racing ever since he started his research and he could finally feel himself beginning to calm down. His chest felt tight as it began to dawn on him how difficult this situation was. He rose from his seat, slinging his backpack over one shoulder, he needed to find Sehun, though he didn’t have much in the way of good news.

    He watched enviously from the classroom doorway for a few moments, as Sehun playfully fed Luhan from a brightly colored lunchbox. Why hadn’t he ever thought to make lunches for his baby? It seemed like such an obvious thing to do, since Luhan never brought much food to school. Sighing, he crossed the room.

    “Lulu, do you mind if I borrow Sehun for a minute?” he asked, gently placing his hand on the boy’s fragile shoulder. Luhan looked up and smiled perfectly.

    “Nope, go ahead! I’m just glad you guys are starting to get along!” Jongin’s heart melted and he messed up Luhan’s honey locks with one hand.
    “We’ll be right back.” He assured his baby, and Sehun stood to join him in the hallway.

    Both boys’ expressions darkened once they were out of Luhan’s sight.

“Well, what have you found?” Sehun prompted, eager to return to his sunshine.

“I’m afraid I don’t really have any good news,” Jongin began tentatively.

“Just spit it out.” Sehun looked over his shoulder wearily, as though they were taking part in some illegal operation.

“Fine. What I’ve read basically says that once you report some kind of abuse, then depending on their evaluation of the situation, they’ll come to investigate. But according to pretty much everywhere, the main goal is to help the parents become better, through counseling or anger management or some , actually taking a kid from a home is like a last resort.”

Sehun frowned, “So what, their main goal is helping parents who are like this? That’s ing bull. No wonder no one reports these cases.”

Jongin nodded slowly, “Honestly reporting almost seems like the worst thing we could do for him, I mean, what if that just made it worse?”

“And it probably would, those bastards.” Sehun growled in frustration.

There was a moment of silence as both boys began to fully register their situation.  

“So, where do we go from here?” Jongin asked tentatively, looking up through his bangs and shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Obviously we need a new plan, if we can’t get him out of that house for good, maybe... Maybe we could convince him to stay with one of us for a while?” The gears were turning in Sehun’s brain, the thought of waking up every morning to the sight of a sleepy, pajama-clad angel making him feel light-headed.

Jongin was shaking his head, “I don’t think it’ll work. His parents barely let him play soccer, they won’t let him out of the house for any reason besides school. I’ve only had him over twice in the entire time that I've known him, and that was only because I was having study sessions at my house. His parents make him study all the time.”

Sehun grimaced but then his face hardened, “We’ll just have to host some study sessions then. What if-”

“Seriously, I haven’t had him over since high school started.” Jongin interrupted, “It won’t work.”

“Fine.” Sehun huffed, “Okay, what if we do the opposite? What if we tried to stay over his house?” Sehun’s eyes suddenly lit up. “I have it.”

“What?” Jogin remained skeptical.

“I’ll pretend my mom kicked me out, she won’t care if I stay somewhere else for awhile, and I’ll tell Luhan that I have nowhere else to stay. It’s perfect right?” Sehun’s face was shining, he felt sure his plan was brilliant, he could monitor Luhan and protect him all day long, surely his parents wouldn't do anything with him staying at their house.

“What if Luhan can’t convince his parents to let you stay? And what it by asking them, he makes them upset? Plus it’s not like you can stay there forever, a few weeks at most. They’ll be wanting you to get a job and an apartment or something.” Jogin reasoned, though he had to admit, Sehun’s plan had some potential. Although now that he thought about it, he wanted to stay with Luhan instead.

“We’ll just have to take the risk, I think this is the best plan we’ve got.” Sehun nodded. He felt sure he could make this work.

“And when his parents want to kick you out?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“Right, but if anything happens to Luhan because of this, I’m holding you responsible.” Jogin muttered.

I guess nothing better happen then. Sehun thought to himself.


Because the soccer team was finally playing its first match the following day the members were practicing with an air of severe concentration. No one complained when they had to run the extra hard drills and no one had to take laps for messing up, at the end of practice everyone was extra sweaty and extra determined.

“I know you guys are all pumped for the match tomorrow, but don’t let that keep you from eating well and sleeping a full eight hours tonight, we need you at your best tomorrow.” The coach was giving a speech and Sehun slung his arm over Luhan’s shoulder, causing the boy to look up at him in surprise.

“You excited for tomorrow?” He asked and Luhan’s eyes sparkled.

“Yes of course!” Luhan said happily, then added, “this will be my first real game, though so I doubt I’ll be very helpful.”

Sehun pinched the boy’s cheek, “don’t think that way! You’re gonna be awesome!” He wished Luhan would stop all the self-depreciation but he guessed it would take longer than a few weeks for him to truly realize his own value, maybe even a lifetime.

“Do you really think so?” Luhan asked with hope in his voice.

“I know so.” Sehun replied planting a feather-like kiss on his fairy’s temple. Luhan blushed a wonderful pink and as the team was dismissed he gave Sehun’s hand a little squeeze.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” Sehun watched, feeling his chest constrict as the light of his world walked away into the gathering dark.

Now he had a mission though, and to begin, he needed to get home.


Luhan decided to make ravioli for dinner, though he was still inexperienced making pasta, his parents had bought a new pasta press months ago and he didn’t want it to go to waste. He sang to himself as he kneaded together flour, eggs, milk and oil thinking of tomorrow’s game and how he wanted to do well, for Sehun. When his parents arrived home he was just finishing garnishing off the bowls of pasta with some herbs. They both took seats at the table and Luhan brought the dishes out to them, pausing before he went off to his room. He had something he wanted to ask, though he knew it was dangerous and probably stupid of him, he wished his parents would come to watch him play soccer, and that by doing so they might see some value in something besides his studies.   

“Daddy?” He spoke softly, his father looked up from his dinner.

“What do you want? I’m trying to eat.”

“I’m sorry, I only wanted to ask--” Looking at his father’s face, darkened in annoyance, Luhan’s resolved crumbled.

“Just that I was thinking of baking something tomorrow and I wondered if you preferred macarons or strawberry tarts?” Stupid, he doesn’t care what you bake.

“I don’t give a what you make, go study and stop wasting my time.”

“Yes, I’m sorry daddy.” Luhan hurried out of the room.

Plowing into his books that night Luhan forgot to think of Sehun to make himself happy and stayed awake for hours hoping to appease his father.   


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the-orphan #1
Chapter 1: I'm so happy you updated
I have a soft spot for this story
Chapter 2: Awww poor Luhan! Please update more!
the-orphan #3
Chapter 2: It's been so long!
where were you?
Anyways I'm so excited for the rest, keep it up love!
ojamashimasu #4
Chapter 1: I'm really curious of what happen next!! Please continuuue! >.<
exohunhanselu #5
Chapter 1: hunhan shoulda be a thing!!
barawa #7
Chapter 1: Update sooon author nim
Wafflez #8
Chapter 1: I really like Kai in here c:

Update soon~
Chapter 1: HunHan is still not yet a thing?
Well, They could go wrong for that
Chapter 1: HunHan is not in a relationship? o___O