Chapter II


I never want to know someone's business, moreover when he is not one of my closest friends like Baekhyun or Kyungsoo. I don't feel comfortable to ask what's going on or what's happening to you when it is not necessary to.

But right now, I'm so curious to know just what happened with this guy. Oh did I ever introduce him to you? He is Oh Sehun, my neighbor in my new apartment. And this sight is so surprising me. Seriously. I just don't know what to do. Should I bring him inside? Should I rummage through his bag and pocket to find his key so I can open the door? Or should I wake him up? Or should I just leave him like this, miserably lying almost passed out on the floor because he's drunk? It's past midnight. And don't be mistaken to know I'm still outside. I was from Baekhyun's to help him list the guests who should be invited to his party. I planned to knock Sehun's door and asked him if he had eaten something or not. Well, as a human being I'm afraid that he might be suffered from anorexia. Who knows. When people see someone with skinny and too pale skin any thoughts can come across their mind, right? So am I.

I get down on my knees and peek at his face. He looks so young. But something is wrong when I get deeper into my analysis of him. He looks... troubled.

When that pair of eyes shoot open, I am a bit startled but then it is closed again. He murmurs something I can't understand. Maybe he's asking, “Who are you?” I don't know. He moves his lips too lazily till I can barely hear any sound. Then I decide to help him this time. Maybe he had a bad day today. Maybe he just lost one tender. Maybe the meeting went bad. Maybe he just broke up with his girlfriend. Maybe his girlfriend cheated on him. Maybe his parents signed him up for a blind date.

I immediately scratch away the maybes from my head. It is not polite to be curious at someone's personal life, Luhan. You should remember that.

I slip my hand through his jacket pocket to see if there's any keys there. But I find nothing. Then I try his bag, the front zip. It's there. I put it out and stand up. I enter the key to the doorknob and open it.

Oh great. I forgot that Sehun's body was leaning to the door and now he's completely lying on the floor. Now how do I find any ideas of how to get him inside? Should I just drag him? No, no. that would be too harsh. I sweep my hand on my face, a bit annoyed at this situation. Well who doesn't? I barely know him for three days and this is how he treats me, trying to make me almost do rude things to him.

“Oh Sehun,” I try to shake his body, hoping that he will wake up so I won't be troubled thinking about his life anymore, “Sehun, wake up.”

Thank God he's still awake, well not fully but vaguely. With all of the strength that I have, I help him to stand up and sit him on the couch. I take his bag from his left shoulder and place it on the table.

Now what? Should I just go? Or should I do what? I take a look around his apartment. Some of lights are still out so I decide to turn some of them on. When the lamp right above Sehun's head shoots its light, he groans and tries to cover himself as if he was about to be shot or he was trapped without no way out.

“Turn that off,” he finally says something I can understand. I shrug, “You need it so you will have no choice but to get up and do yourself a favor.” I don't know whether he can hear me or not but at least I tried to make him a bit sober.

The last thing I do is taking a glass of water and place it on the table, on his sight so he will notice, “I don't know what happened, but you should thank me later when you meet me because I just helped you entered your apartment, okay?” I make my voice as clear as possible. But I think he's already asleep. I sigh. I hope this won't happen anymore.

I finally get myself to relax on bed. I didn't know that taking care of someone can be that tiring. I wonder how Baekhyun will take care of Chanyeol when they have married. Ah, right. To think about that, I am a bit sad about Baekhyun's wedding. It's not that I love him or anything, no. it's just that... he grew up without me knowing when. They have been together since high school, passing through ups and downs so many times but still come back to each other at the end. I really envy them, to be honest. I don't find any confidence to go public just like them, holding hands and even kissing at the cinema with so many eyes eagling at them yet they didn't even care. I had a boyfriend once. But I was too clumsy and shy back then. I couldn't even try to defend my relationship when he went to look for someone new. I don't blame him though. I think it's a wise move to do. I couldn't even stand at myself sometimes so I respect him if he couldn't either. Since then I close myself from any feelings and from anyone. Well it's not closing like it will never be opened anymore. I just can't feel anything right now and besides, I don't have time to really look for someone when Joonmyeon always calls and comes to me bringing the only word I hate the most, deadline.

Rrr... Rrr...

I turn my head to the right because I feel something's buzzing. I take my phone and unlock the screen.

From: Kris

You should come on time (in time better) tomorrow. I need to discuss some editing with you.

To : Kris

K. C u 2moreO.

Then I throw my phone back to where it was. I'm too lazy to be nice right now, even to Kris, my editor. He's not bossy, unlike Joonmyeon. He always defends my article whenever Joonmyeon yells at how I get so many critics and bad reviews from the readers. Although he will confront me later in his office but at least he saves my , claiming that my fault is his fault too as he's my editor. I sometimes think that if it weren't because of him, I wouldn't survive working together with Joonmyeon under the same roof. Highly and clearly impossible.


Another morning comes. And just like the rest of my days, it comes so slow and dull. I open my eyes to see the sun shines walks inside my room. I turn my body so my back is facing it. I like the warmth of the sunshine. It makes me feel somewhat happy and nice. It feels like the day will be okay for me, will go nicely for me, though visualizing Joonmyeon's face when I wake up in the morning is not a part of it, of course. I sigh. Reality is slapping me back. I have to go to work. .

I slide out from my apartment's door with a cup of coffee on my mouth when I catch the moving motion on another door. It's Sehun. He just got up from bed, I think. He still wears the same shirt from last night with a boxer only (it's bright yellow, seriously) and his hair, God, maybe I should recommend him to tidy it up a bit if he wants to come out from his nest. It looks so messy and, ed up. His face, I really can't stand to see his face. It's lifeless, boring, gloomy like he doesn't want to breathe anymore. I fix my jacket and holds my coffee cup (it's not nice talking to someone with the cup still on your mouth, right? I can't produce any words if I did anyway) then try to bring up a morning smile, hoping that he will smile back at me, changing the fate of his face, “Good morning.”

He throws a simple glance at me and nods, “Morning. Wanna go to work?”

I nod, “But it seems like you're on a break.” I try to be nice, asking about him like I care. Because, honestly, who want to pretend like they care when they have such an annoying neighbor like this man?

“Hmm,” he hums of agreement, “You could say that.”

Then he shuts the door. Literally. Shut it like when it's in dictionary means 'cause something to become closed' without adding any I'll see you later or be careful on the street or anything. Nothing. I just stand where I stood before for a moment, not believing that he can be that rude, not when I have saved his from dying out here. I understand if he doesn't want any business with me, but at least just be nice formally. I have tried my best to be the only living creature in this building who shows an affection and attention towards him but it seems like he doesn't get it, does he?

As I walk passing his door, I begin to think like maybe being nice isn't his style. That maybe having someone nice isn't what he wants. Well, if it is the case then I will simply grant his wish.

I open Kris' door to see him already sitting on his mighty chair. He looks up and smiles, “Morning, Luhan.”

I smile back, “Hey,” I sit in front of him, “So what do you want to discuss about?”

He puts out several papers and it directly makes my stomach flips. Another deadline is coming. I only look at the ground to hide my face from being seen.

“You don't have to hide your face like that, you know,” Kris shoots me, “You don't need to translate anything. You're going to be the reporter now.”

I quickly look up from my lap and blink several times before saying, “I'm going to be what?” maybe my ears are getting worsen these days so I can't completely register to what Kris has just said to me.

“Reporter, Luhan,” he replies, “You're going to be the reporter now. Joonmyeon is promoting you. We've been discussing about it and he insisted that you are worth the promotion. He admires your work so much, Luhan. You should know.”

Did I... mistakenly hear that Joonmyeon admires my work? Like, for real?

“So he wants you to try to work on field,” he continues, “You're going to be with Kyungsoo as you are from China so he's going to be your translator whenever you meet difficult words and also your tour guide. You don't have to translate any Chinese articles anymore. Someone has already taken your current job. So, congratulation.” he stands up and offers me his well-built hand. I follow his move and shake his hand with sweaty palm.

He laughs at me, “Don't be so nervous. You're gonna be okay. If Joonmyeon trusts you then you should try to trust yourself too. People are supporting you, Luhan. Don't you worry.” he tries to convince me with the job.

My personal comment on this? Daebak.

Kyungsoo looks like flying and spreading happy virus when Kris has told him the same news. He quickly comes to me and congratulate me as well, making me become more nervous. Well, working behind the desk and under the sun are completely two different jobs with two different skills. I am not a person who can socialize myself well, not a person who can talk casually with people I don't know. I choose to be a translator because I have some issues, because I have something I can't let people know about. Because I am not a good speaker, either in Chinese or (moreover) in Korean. So yeah, another challenge Joonmyeon has put me into. Brilliant.

“Luhan!” Kyungsoo snaps my head with a fold of paper, “Can't you hear me or what?”

“Sorry, sorry,” I rub my head, “It's terrible, Kyungsoo. I can't take this job.”

Kyungsoo eyes goes widen, “Why not?”

I shrug, sinking deeper into my seat, “I... I just can't.”

“No, you don't just 'can't'. there must be a reason. What is it?”

I look away to avoid his demanding gaze, “I'm not really good in talking, facing people, and asking questions.” I feel so timid and coward for acknowledging my weakness to him. Even if it's Kyungsoo.

He laughs like a church bell, loud and somehow making me feel ten times worse than ever.

“Thank you very much for making me feel better,” sass I. I am about to leave him when he holds my arm, shushing away his laughter and force me to sit back, “Sorry. I don't mean to offend you, Luhan,” he sits on my desk, facing me carefully, “Is that what makes you nervous, that you don't have the skill to talk casually to people? Do you think I don't bear the same issue like you do?”

It is not a surprise to me that Kyungsoo is a quiet person. He doesn't talk much, despite he can be so mommy-like when it comes to foods and cooking. But other than that, he never speaks too much, just what seems to be needed.

“What makes you so excited to accept this job?” I ask curiously. If he doesn't like talking it would be a problem for him. But it seems like it is not the case right now, doesn't it?

He shrugs, “Well I do hate talking with people,” he admits, “But if taking that job will help me improve my skill and, maybe, get me out of my phobia then why not?”

For a second I think I can agree with him. Hell yeah, it will help me improve my skill and also I will make a better living right? Sure. Why not.

Kyungsoo's phone breaks the ice between me and him. He picks it up, only to let me know it's Baekhyun as he muffles the man's name.

“Hey Baek,” he greets then continues, “Guess what. I and Luhan have been promoted to be a reporter... yes, what a good news right?.... what?... I don't know, I doubt it Luhan will agree, but I'll ask him... okay, see you at lunch.” he hangs up the line.

“What did he say?” I can spontaneously imagine what would Baekhyun say to him.

Kyungsoo chuckles, “He said that it was great. He couldn't wait for us to start our new job. Oh and he wants to celebrate it tonight. You know, going out drinking just the four of us.”

Before I can bring myself to oppose, he adds, “Chanyeol will also go, just FYI. And he says he's going to be so disappointed if you refuse to come as he prepares this party for both of us.”

“Party?” I retort, “But you informed him about our life changing just now. How does he suppose to prepare a party that fast?”

He laughs at my response, “He's Baekhyun, Luhan, did you forget? If it's about parties then he'll be the only one who knows how to prepare it instantly.”

I slum deeper into my seat, “Whatever.”


“I have booked a suite room in the hottest club in town just to celebrate your promotion so don't you dare telling me you won't come or whatever reasons you are trying to form in your head, Luhan.” Baekhyun deadpans.

“It's not a suite room, Baek,” Chanyeol gets in line, “He just booked a second class because the suite one was unavailable.”

Baekhyun nods, “That bastard who got that room before me must know who Byun Baekhyun is.”

“Yeah, right,” I retort, “He should know that Byun Baekhyun drinks like a baby.” I joke, causing Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to laugh so hard but Baekhyun.

“I don't drink like a baby!” he shouts, “I drink like a man. You are a baby. You never accept my invitation to any clubs whenever I want to go out.” he turns back the conversation.

“It's not that I don't want to,” I answer as I slurp my orange juice, “I just don't like drinking, Baek. You know that.”

He huffs, “Right. The saint man you are.”

I just chuckle at him. The loudness pauses for a while before Chanyeol reopens the conversation, “Who is that man anyway? The suite room is rarely available now because he always books the same room every night.”

“Every night?” I repeat what he said. Who can almost be drunk every night? Doesn't he have a life in the morning?

Baekhyun looks at me and Chanyeol momentarily before answering, “I don't know. Must be a rich guy if he does it thirty days a month.”

Kyungsoo joins the conversation, “Wow. I just can't imagine there is a man who spends his night just to drink and continues to live the next day, only to do the same thing over and over again.”

I couldn't agree more.


The reason why I always refuse to go out drinking with Baekhyun is not because of my alcohol tolerance, but it's because of his. He is a terrible drinker although he happens to be a party freak. His alcohol tolerance is worse than a 10 year old kid's sickness to allergies. I somehow feel so relieved now that he has Chanyeol on his side. They're both are freaks I don't even know how to explain it anymore. But at least Chanyeol's tolerance is ten times way better than Baekhyun so I don't have to walk him home.

I just don't like drinking to celebrate or to just be a reason for me to hang out with my friends. Although I will not have a problem drinking five glass at one shot but it's just not my style. I would gladly prefer staying at home and scooping a strawberry ice cream to my mouth rather than waiting for the drunken liquids to be digested in my system.

“Cheers to both my dearest friends,” we toss our glass as Baekhyun stands up and asks us to join him. He drinks his glass at one shot. I bet five minutes from now he will be drunk like he had spent two bottles of alcohol. I also drink my glass at one shot, however. I can still walk myself home so I guess having several glasses won't kill me.

Kyungsoo is in charge of the mic now, alongside with Baekhyun. I just sit and watch them singing songs I don't quite understand. It's an old song, I think. I don't have much knowledge about Korean old songs so I just enjoy listening to them singing. Chanyeol is sitting next to me, shouting at how Baekhyun's voice sounds so y and chanting at him like a fan. Well maybe he is indeed Baekhyun's fan, a sasaeng one until he's qualified enough to have his heart. I don't know.

The song ends and Chanyeol helps Baekhyun to sit down, alcohol already taken over his system, exactly just what I have predicted. Kyungsoo is still holding on the mic, searching for another song while I try to shove Baekhyun's body from snuggling into my chest.

The song starts. Ah, I know this song. It's... Avril Lavigne? What?

“Kyungsoo what is that song?” I ask loudly. It's impossible to hear any kind of sounds but the melody of the song in this room.

“This is for Kai. I hate him so much for making me like this!”

Huh? Oh great. I think Kyungsoo is drunk too.

“Who is Kai?” I ask once again but he's already singing with glassy eyes. Don't tell me he's crying.

“Maybe it's his ex,” Chanyeol comments, not letting my question to sail up in the air without an answer. I look at him, “But Kyungsoo never dates anyone.”

He shrugs, his hands are still holding Baekhyun's from gripping around his body, I give a weird stare several times at Baekhyun because when he's drunk he looks so as . He keeps on giggling like a girl and hiccuping and touching Chanyeol almost everywhere. I really need to capture this moment.

I take out my phone and snap some pictures of Baekhyun and can't keep but laughing. Chanyeol gives me a questionable look then I explain, “I need this to blackmail him when he's forcing me to go drinking next time.”

“You really hate drinking, aren't you?” Chanyeol says. I nod. He is about to say something when Baekhyun suddenly kisses him.

“Ew. Byun Baekhyun. Get hold of yourself.” I say as I back off from both of them. Baekhyun is unstoppable right now. And I think he slowly has gotten into Chanyeol as I see a growing tense on Chanyeol's tight jeans. Gosh they're disgusting.

“Guys,” I try to break the moment, but they don't listen (of course). So I try once again, this time I grab Chanyeol's shoulder a bit harshly because I know he's still as sober as me, “Guys!”

Chanyeol looks up from the kiss. I tilt my head outside, “Get a room. I don't want to see you both ing in here. That would be uncomfortable.” I end it with a wry smile.

Chanyeol looks embarrassed but obeys anyway. He tugs Baekhyun in an embrace and struggle themselves to get out of the room, just in time with Kyungsoo's solo ends. He sits, no, collapses beside me as he sheds one tear streaming down his puffy cheek. I take the mic from his hand and adjust my seat so I can face him, “Who is Kai?”

He shakes his head, “I don't know.”

I somehow get the feeling of where this conversation is going, “Don't tell me he's your one night stand.”

He laughs, so hard. But the tone is sorrowful and fills with regret and sadness, “Does it look that obvious?”

Crap. I guess the alcohol doesn't get into his brain but only his heart. This is no good. “Kyungsoo, talk to me,” I try to make him not clutching into his feeling alone, “Who is this guy?”

“Later, Luhan, later,” he says hesitantly, shrugging me off, “I'll tell you about him later.”

I raise my hand, “Okay, okay.” it is a waste to force Kyungsoo to fill me in if he doesn't want to. It's not that he won't, so I guess I'll just wait for the moment to come.

Much to a pleasure, Chanyeol and Baekhyun have done having after leaving me two hours patting Kyungsoo's back so he won't feel too miserable because of his lost crush. Chanyeol is still sober enough to walk Baekhyun home, thank God for that, while I am fully sober to walk Kyungsoo home. So we clean up the room only not to leave anything behind and get out of there.

Kyungsoo is the first one to open the door, only followed by me and Chanyeol piggy backing Baekhyun.

At first I thought it was just a simple noise, common sounds heard in clubs. But then when I turn around I see someone I begin to know quite well these days.

That seconds later I regret ever seeing him in here.

Body sweating, eyes half-closing, messy hair, crumpled expensive shirt. Yes, that's Oh Sehun. What is he doing here? He just got out from the... ah. So the bastard who books the suite room thirty days a month is him. One new fact I know about him.

I sigh, grabbing Kyungsoo's shoulder to stop him walking, “You're gonna have to help me with this.” I say, much close to be sounded as an disappointment. Kyungsoo just gives me a questionable look before following me.

“You guys go first. I have something to take care of. I'll see you tomorrow,” I let Chanyeol to carry Baekhyun home and the giant just nods simply and leaves.

“What is it?” Kyungsoo asks curiously. I silent him for a while because, really, what am I supposed to say? Do I have to tell him that I have a disturbing neighbor who comes home drunk every night? Do I have to tell him that I babysit him just to make sure he can wake up the same morning everyday to mess around again? I can't even bring myself to care about it so how should I tell people about what I do? I don't even know why I help him.

Sehun is being carried by someone, the club staff I guess. I take his free arm and put it onto my shoulder.

“Who are you?” the staff asks.

Oh trust me, you wouldn't wanna know, “I'm his neighbor. I can take him home,” I glance at his nametag and spell his name, “Jongdae.”

he should've thanked me for that, but no, he doesn't. Instead he says, “No you can't. We don't let our VIP customers being carried by someone we don't know.”

I really don't need to quarrel with him because it is not important to debate on who Sehun should go home with. So I just say, “I can show you my ID and you can have my phone number so when this man,” I tilt my head to make my mention becomes clear enough, “doesn't come back tomorrow you can call the police. That's what you want, right?”

He nods, “Yeah, you can call it like that,” he offers his free hand to make me show him my ID quickly. I give him 'tsk' then I ask Kyungsoo to take my wallet then gives it to him. He checks it, glancing at my ID and my face back and forth.

“You can make it quick, you know. He's heavy.” I sass him. But he doesn't seem to listen, or pretends not to. So I ask Kyungsoo to take another side so I can carry Sehun home quickly. I really don't want to deal with this man any longer.

But, to my surprise, he takes my ID out from my wallet then give it back to Kyungsoo and says, “I'm going to take this in case you really are a kidnapper.”

“What?” I shout surprisingly, “You can't do that!”

He smiles, and I really wish I can punch his face, “Of course I can, Mr. Xi. And if you want to take it, you will have to come with him so I know that you two are acquaintance.” he explains. I can only call him to give it back but it's useless. He's already walked away taking my ID.

“Who is he, Luhan?” Kyungsoo asks. His face shows that he demands explanation.

“My neighbor,” I reply shortly and motion him to help me carrying him out.

Haha. Right. My neighbor. I honestly don't know why I give him that title.

A/N : So sooooorryyy for the late update :(( I really am busy with homeworks kkk so have fun with this one. As for the Kaisoo part, idk but I think it's getting there. I'm sorry if it's a bit too long, I just can't forgive myself for leaving you guys with doubts about hunhan haha so I decided to give it more details. The third part is coming, of course, just wait :D as for the grammatical errors, wrong words, and/or wrong phrases I do apologize as English is not my first language :(

oh, don't forget to comment okay? I really need your opinion toward this. Merci!! ^^

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misterchu #1
Chapter 2: Your grammar :(
Chapter 3: I hope there is a little KrisHan moment?? :3
melodae #3
Chapter 2: This is such an interesting story please update soon!
Chapter 2: I like it~
Please update soon :3
Kisses! <3
Chapter 1: Updateeeeeeeeee........It's interesting!~