

“Yes. I'll see you tomorrow.” Luhan ends the line as soon as he hears a (too) familiar noise from outside his apartment. He sighs. It's been three weeks since his new neighbor moved to the door next to him. Luhan was excited, at first, because he finally has a neighbor. Baekhyun has told him to move out to his building instead of living alone in his now apartment. But he refuses, stating that he puts privacy above everything.

So when a guy named Oh Sehun became his neighbor, Luhan can't help but happy at the new company.

It doesn't last long, though, after he found out Sehun's habit.

He comes home drunk, almost every night.

For the first days Luhan didn't care. He would just peek out from his door to see if Sehun was alone or had a company then he would just go to bed without caring much about the guy. But when Luhan found out the next morning that Sehun slept outside his apartment for a whole night long Luhan couldn't help but surprised at the situation. Sehun's body turned pale and as cold as ice. That's when Luhan started to put Sehun to bed everytime he comes home. Sometimes he wonders how Sehun can find his way home although he's not sure if Sehun can still recognize his action now turning as a duty. When Sehun first moved they never properly talked. They just said hi to each other merely because they accidentally met on the elevator. But that was it.

Luhan opens his front door, glancing to the left. Sehun has already sitting helplessly on the floor.

“You really can't live without me, can you Oh Sehun?” Luhan says to himself as he gets Sehun's key from his bag and unlocks the door.

“Why 're yew 'ier...” Sehun mumbles something Luhan can't hear clearly, so Luhan shakes his head, “Can't understand, sorry. Let's just,” he tries his best to help Sehun stands up, “Get you inside so I can go to sleep.”

Luhan struggles once again when he has to open Sehun's room. He throws Sehun's bag to somewhere – not that he cares, and walks with his hands on Sehun's armpit and arm circling his shoulder.

When Luhan is about to position Sehun on the bed, his feet accidentally tangles with the other guy which causes him to fall on the bed.

With Sehun on top of him.

“!” he mutters soundlessly. “Oh Sehun, please wake up.” he whispers, somehow annoyed at the moment because Sehun can always make him fall under a trouble and somehow afraid that he would wake sleepy Sehun.

But no answer from the man on the top of him.

“Sehun? Sehun, please. You're heavy.” he repeats just as soundless, but Sehun can only reply with an angry grunt which indirectly causes Luhan to swallow his words.

With his hands still lingering on Sehun's body, Luhan falls asleep instantly, enjoying the warmth that is slowly transferred from the latter.

A/N : This is not the first chapter tbh .__. well it's just one of the scenes that I can't put in my story (merely because it just came to me without having any connection with the plot). The real chapters are coming, promise. My writing activity it's clashing with my mid term so I hope you do understand. I'm sorry for taking too long though :(

Anyway enjoy this one first kkk and let me know what you think on the comment box. Merci ^^

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misterchu #1
Chapter 2: Your grammar :(
Chapter 3: I hope there is a little KrisHan moment?? :3
melodae #3
Chapter 2: This is such an interesting story please update soon!
Chapter 2: I like it~
Please update soon :3
Kisses! <3
Chapter 1: Updateeeeeeeeee........It's interesting!~