Siwan's discovery

More delicous than a big mac?

Siwan was bored and tired.

He missed kwanghee so much, he didn't understand . How can anyone miss such an annoying best friend?

But he did...he missed him sooo much it confused him.

How can kwanghee just abandon him?

Siwan thought he meant something to kwanghee but obviousely not.

About a week ago kwanghee was is usual self, clinging on siwan 24/7, pinching his cheeks, doing embaraasing things just thinking about kwanghee made him want to hit him,

but also kiss him,

it was so strange how kwanghee could do this.

How siwan missed that kwanghee so much!

His mind was filled with images of them together, he had a huge headache. He lied on his bed ready to take a nap, hoping to erase all his pain.

But instead he reached for his laptop and began to search for anything interesting on YouTube. When he was browsing something caught his eyes

" zea hyungshik and kwanghee@ mcdonalds" he thought it was just some weird fanvid or something. He lazily clicked the watch button but was shocked the first second of the video. It was HIS kwanghee with that fat loser hyungshik.

-5 mins after-

How can kwanghee sneak away from me, and to that bastard? Siwan's mind was filled with questions and curses at Hyungshik.

Siwan finally had enough of the video. What, is that all you want kwanghee? I can eat with you too! We can eat mcdonalds everyday! Please don't do this! I can make you happy too!

He was practically screaming at his laptop screen, and no one heard.

Siwan no longer wanted to hear what else they had to say. He was already crying by then. He hated Hyungshik with all his heart now and would never forgive him. 

Siwan couldn't take it any longer, he ran outside none of the members noticing since they were already asleep.

He ran out the door and ran blindly for what seemed like eternity.

Thoughts of Kwanghee evaded his mind.

When he finally accepted the situation, and looked around him, he was lost. He never gets lost, but here he is in the middle of nowhere. It was probably midnight by now, but he slowly made his way back.

He finally recognized his sorroundings and stumbled into a bar.Once he entered the smell of liqour reached his nose. It was almost empty considering what time it was. There were a couple of guys passed out on the tables. He asked for a beer, and once he finished one he couldnt stop.

He drank to his hearts content, thoughts of Kwanghee once again took over, just thinking about him, his beautiful smile, the way he talks, everything about him now evaded Siwan.

Siwan broke from the thoughts, furiously threw a glass at the wall. He felt horrible, drunk, and depressed. As he continued to drink his hundredth glass, he heard the door of the bar slam open.

A man that looked just as horrible as Siwan, his face stained with tears and everything was a mess.  

oh no! Kwanghees and hyungshiks secret is out! What will Siwan do? Sorry for keep calling Hyungshik a >__< I'm so horrible...i love him 

the video of them going to mcdonalds is this 

hope u enjoyed :P


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Chapter 1: why am I mentions? just curious.
SilentReada #2
Yo! I don't know how I missed this but hey visiting for the Sikwang tag<br />
You remember me right the murderer? xD Ima eat it now xD
nicetomeetyou #3
Awww haha,that was sweet in a weird way xD Loved this fic,and it wasn't lame :D
kyuyoung20 #4
T-T please continue support them! thank you for your hard work^^
hopelesswriter #5 i saw the author's note updated.<br />
aww, too bad you're drifting away from ze:a....hehe..but anyway, i find this fic a cute little fic that makes u or in this case-me smile....n i don't think that's anywhere near lame.<br />
Congratulations on completing the fic^^~
hopelesswriter #6
u updated!! yay~!<br />
omg! haha, i don't know why but everytime i read this fic,i would smile like a fool...imagining the indifferent siwan n persistent kwanghee...haha, this is such a cute story....siwan is so complicated n twisted on the<br />
but the ending line for this chapter made me curious...has the fic ended? ommona....i wonder....anyway,thanks for d update.<br />
<br />
confession time: i finally watched the big mac vid a few days ago....n that n this fic made me think of bigmac n mcdonalds all the time n last night i went to mcdonalds n ordered a bigmac....even though that's not something i would normally
hopelesswriter #7
new Ze:a fan i was browsing around to find fics to read...n i'm not a fan......n i just had to check this out for Siwan xD....but i died laughing..n i read all the chapters at one go...i think i'm loving this one...xD..*immediately subscribe*<br />
kwanghee's thoughts in the latest chapter is me i want me some bigmacs too....<br />
btw, thanks for sharing~
Yay! You updated! ^^<br />
I was so scared that you stopped writing. Good luck with your story and good luck with you writers block! ;D
kyuyoung20 #9
ahh i see XD continue writing please ^^ I'll support you <3<3 I want to read more ze:a fiction :D fighting!!
kyuyoung20 #10
hehe i'm hyungshik bias XDD umm.. can i ask you.. i'm new here :D what is writers block and [hiatus] behind the title? TT