
Always Craving You ♡

A few days pass before Yuna calls you. Anxious, excited, but impatient nonetheless, you'd been glued to your phone waiting for her to call you in to start training.

"Hello?" you say, answering your ringing phone.

"Jasmine? Oh hello! This is Yuna from Hana Sushi!" replies Yuna's familiar voice.

"Hi, Yuna! How are you?" you asks, smiling.

"Good, good! I'm calling to give you details about training." she responds.

"Oh, okay!" you say excitedly.

Yuna laughs for a moment before continuing; she can tell you're excited.

"Are you excited? Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! Anyways, I'd like you to come in tomorrow around.. 4? Is that okay?" she asks.

"4 o'clock? Yes, of course!" you agree.

"Ah, perfect! I want you to work from 4 o'clock until closing time at 9 o'clock. I think it will be good for you to work the dinnertime shift so you can get used to the restaurant being busy." she informs you.

"That's totally fine, I'll do my best. Thank you so much again, Yuna!" you tell her enthusiastically.

She laughs again and then replies, "Of course, pretty girl! I'll see you tomorrow at 4?"

"Yes, ma'am!" you answer her, smiling once again.

"Okay! Bye bye now!" she says, hanging up the phone.

You sit down on your bed and place your phone on your nightstand. Falling back onto the bed, now laying down, you stare at your ceiling and think about what work is going to be like. You wonder how much you'll be getting paid, if you'll be making good tips, if you'll embarrass yourself on your first day.. but then you stop mid-thought as your eyes widen. You'd completely forgotten about Himchan.

Oh god... you thought, thinking about the possibility of embarrassing yourself in front of him.

You imagine yourself slipping on a piece of fish on the floor and falling on your rear-end right in front of him. In your mind, you see him look down at you and chuckling before turning around and disappearing back into the kitchen, not even asking if you're okay.

You furrow your brows and frown.

".." you mumble before getting up and going to get ready for bed.


The next day, you wake up refreshed and confident, ready to conquer the world. You get up, make your bed, tie your hair up, and head to the bathroom. You then brush your teeth and wash your face before heading to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat. After eating a light meal, you head back to your room and get ready for work. You re-tie your hair into a cute high ponytail and then apply makeup. With some thin winged eyeliner and a fresh face, you then change into your work outfit; you're allowed to wear anything you want as long as you're wearing all black. You decide on a black v-neck, black skinny jeans, and your black Nike tennis shoes, simple is always good, right? You then pull on a jacket, grab your purse, and head out the door with 30 minutes to go.

You arrive at the bus stop just as the bus pulls up. The doors open and inside, Joe is smiling down at you.

"Hey, Joe." you greet him with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey! First day of training today, huh?" he asks, closing the door as you take the seat directly behind his.

"Yup!" you respond happily.

"You're gonna do great. Show 'em what you got!" he says encouragingly, looking at you from the rear view mirror.

You two talk make small talk until it's time for you to get off. You pull the overhead wire and Joe pulls up to your stop.

"Well, wish me luck." you say, stepping off the bus.

"Go get 'em, tiger." Joe says with a wink before shutting the doors and driving away.

You walk into Hana Sushi five minutes early, just like you planned.

Yuna emerges from the beaded curtains of the kitchen entrance and sees that you've arrived.

"Oh, Jasmine! You're here a little early!" she says, smiling and placing a hand on your arm.

"I hope that's okay?" you ask, suddenly worried.

"No, that's perfect." she reassures you.

You breathe out in relief and smile back at her.

"Let's get started!" Yuna announces, motioning for you to follow her.

You follow her to a closet on the opposite side of the entrance. She opens up the closet and inside are boxes of napkins, chopsticks, extra dish rags, straws, sponges, and aprons. She motions to the black aprons and tells you to choose whichever one you like. You choose one and put it on. Yuna tells you it's a good idea to always have some extra napkins, straws, and chopsticks in your apron pockets just in case customers ask for them. You nod and grab a few of each from the closet before following Yuna to the sushi bar.

"Jasmine, these are our three wonderful chefs. Eli, James, and Hector." she says, introducing you.

You smile and wave at each of them.

"If you need to order any rolls, you may order them from the chefs here at the front." says Yuna.

You nod and then follow her to the kitchen. Your stomach flutters with anticipation, bracing to see Himchan.

You move the beaded curtains out of the way to enter the kitchen and immediately see the beautiful boy working away, chopping veggies like a pro. He's wearing a pair of well-fitted black skinny jeans with a longsleeved black shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You can see the outline of his arm muscles as he chops the veggies.

"This is Himchan, he's a chef too but he works here in the kitchen because he makes all the cooked stuff. Like udon, tempura, gyoza, spring rolls, all that. If you want to order any of those, you have to order them from him" Yuna explains.

Himchan stops cutting the veggies and wipes his hands on a towel nearby. He walks up to you and looks you in the eyes.

"So you're the new waitress, huh?" he asks. His stare is almost piercing.

You can't seem to find the right words to respond, so you nod your head yes. 

He gives you a crooked half-smile before turning around to resume chopping the vegetables.

You bite your lip to hold back a smile as you follow Yuna back out to the main dining area where she goes into further detail about the odds and ends of working at Hana Sushi.

At first, the shift isn't very busy at all, but as the night progressed more and more people poured in. With Yuna's help, you were able to handle it like a pro, earning generous tips while doing so. By the end of your shift, you were tired, but satisfied.

"Great job today, I'll see you again tomorrow, same time!" Yuna tells you.

You nod and say goodbye to everyone before leaving.

The moonlight is unusually bright tonight, and so are the stars. You gaze up admiringly at the sky while walking but accidentally run into someone while doing so.

"I'm so sorry!" you exclaim before looking up to see who it is.

Himchan's pale face is staring at you with the same piercing stare as before.

"Oh, Himchan.." you say quietly as you back away from him.

At first he just keeps staring at you, but then he looks up at the sky himself. A few moments pass by before he looks back at you, this time his expression much more softened.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" he asks you in his raspy voice, catching you off guard.

Himchan is asking me to go eat with him?! 

"Yeah, that sounds good." you nod in agreement.

He gives you his crooked half-smile and pulls his car keys from his pocket.

"Let's go." he says, walking away.

Dumbfounded, you don't process what he just said, so instead you stand there staring at him with a silly smile on your face.

He walks a few more steps and stops, turning around and looking at you again.

"You coming?" he asks.

Embarrassed, you blush and catch up with him, your mind racing with thoughts of what's about to happen.



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helzak #1
Plz update soon. I think I'm going to love it
Chapter 2: OMG this is so cute <3
Hope you update soon!