Help Wanted

Always Craving You ♡

You pull the overhead wire, signalling the bus driver and letting him know that the next stop is yours. It's late afternoon, you spent all day being lazy at home and decided to get out of the house, if only for a little while.

The bus slows and comes to a complete halt in front of your stop.

"Thanks, Joe." you say to the bus driver. Joe has been your usual bus driver for as long as you've been using public transportation, so naturally you address each other on a first-name basis.

"You're welcome, darlin'. See ya tomorrow." he replies with a smile.

You step off the bus and the doors shut behind you as the bus drives away. It's raining now, so you pull your hood over your head as you walk to the drugstore to pick up some body wash and a few other things.

The surrounding stores and restaurants don't seem to be very busy tonight. But then again, who would want to go out in this weather? You reach a covered area just as the rain starts to pour down even harder, roaring against the metal awnings in front of the stores. You sigh in relief as you continue walking in a dry area to the drugstore.

Nearly there, you pass what seems to be the only busy busy establishment in sight. Hana Sushi has always been one of the hottest restaurants in town, it doens't surprise you that the place seems pretty busy. You were about to continue on but a bright yellow piece of paper taped to the inside of the door catches your eye.

"Help wanted! Waitress position now open, inquire within!" it says in bold black lettering.

You pause for a moment outside the door, eyes glued to the yellow paper. Now that you think about it, you have been meaning to start searching for a job. Money's been a little tight lately and some extra income would be a weight lifted off your shoulders. Ironically, you happen to have a copy of your resume in your bag with you just in case you did decide to go job hunting one of these days.

Without a second thought, you take out your resume and straighten out your clothesYou take a deep breath and open the door, stepping inside.

"Hi, welcome! Have a seat!" says a smiling waitress as she motions to a few empty seats at the bar.

"Actually, is the manager available?" you ask her curiously looking around.

"Yeah! Just a second, let me get her for you." she replies as she disappears behind the beaded curtains that hang in the kitchen doorway.

A few moments later she returns with a fairly short asian lady.

"This is the manager, Yuna!" says the waitress, introducing you to the manager.

Yuna smiles brightly and holds her hand out for you to shake.

"Very nice to meet you! You're so pretty, what's your name?" she asks you.

"Thank you, my name is Jasmine." you answer her, blushing and smiling.

"Ah, even your name is pretty!" she says.

You smile brightly and present her with your resume.

"I saw your help wanted sign and I wanted to give you my resume to look over." you tell her.

"Ah, I see! I'll look over it right now." she says, starting to look over the paper.

While she skims your resume, you look around the inside of the restaurant. You've never been here before so you're not familiar with the layout or design. You observe the busy chefs behind the bar, quickly and almost effortlessly making sushi and putting it onto the moving belt traveling around the bar's perimeter. Most of them are heavy-set and a bit overweight, but all of them serve customers with warm smiles.

"Yuna, we're out of wasabi!" yells a deep, raspy voice from behind the beaded curtains of the kitchen entrance.

Probably another one of the chefs that works in the kitchen area and not the bar.

Yuna continues looking over your resume before the voice returns again, this time louder.

"Yuna! Did you hear me?! The wasabi is all gone!" says a man as he emerges from the kitchen, standing in the doorway, holding the beaded curtains open.

As he stands in the doorway, you can't take your eyes off of him. His hair is jet black, and his eyes almost black as well. His skin is pale, even moreso against his black clothes and apron. Unlike the other chefs, he's taller and much leaner; his muscles aren't huge, but defined enough to be seen from a distance. His bone structure is well defined and he has two piercings on his left ear.

"Himchan, just WAIT." says Yuna, shooting a glare at him.

The beautiful being shifts his gaze from Yuna to you. He looks at you with the same frustrated expression as he did Yuna, but for some reason his irritated look only makes him more attractive in your eyes.

With a loud sigh he turns around and disappears back into the kitchen.

Your eyes are locked on the spot he stood, unable to shake the image of his dark eyes staring at you.

"Jasmine, your resume is very impressive!" Yuna says, knocking you from your stupor.

It takes you a moment to process what she's just said, still distracted by what just happened.

"Oh, uh, thank you! I enjoy volunteering." you tell her, laughing nervously.

"I'm so impressed, I'm going to hire you right here and right now." she says, folding your resume and smiling up at you.

Utterly shocked and surprised, your eyes widen and a smile lights up your face.

"Really?!" you exclaim before covering your mouth and apologizing.

"I'm so sorry! Thank you so much, I can start whenever you need me!" you say to Yuna with a grateful tone.

She chuckles and takes your hand in hers.

"I'll be calling you sometime this week to start your training, okay? Welcome to the Hana family!" she warmly says.

You thank her again and leave, again heading for the drugstore, the main reason for your outing. While walking, you look to your right and spot Himchan sitting on a bench under the covered area on his phone. You try to walk a little slower past him without being too obvious so you can get one more good look at him before you come in for training.

Just then, he looks up from his phone right at you.

He locks eyes with you for a few solid seconds, then back at his phone and starts typing again.

You look away and walk more quickly, your mind rushing with thoughts and questions about him.

The automatic doors slide open as you enter the drugstore and grab a basket, making your way to the soap aisle to grab some body wash and shampoo.

"I hope Yuna calls me in for training soon.." you mumble to yourself, still curious about Himchan.




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helzak #1
Plz update soon. I think I'm going to love it
Chapter 2: OMG this is so cute <3
Hope you update soon!