Hyo did it.


"KWON YURI, YOU BETTER EXPLAIN WHAT THE HECK YOU DID BEHIND MY BACK AGAIN AND YOU BETTER HAVE A REAL GOOD EXPLANATION OR IMMA THROW YOU IN A CAGE WITH JESSICA AND MAKE SURE YOU NEVER COME OUT!" Taeyeon slammed the door after coming home from her after school activities and rushed right towards her cousin. 

Yuri cowered in fear. The only thing worse than a raging Jessica was a raging Taeyeon. Jessica's outbursts were normal occurences, but a normally calm Taeyeon that was after your blood was like living in a horror movie. "I didn't do it!"

"YEAH RIGHT, YOU BLACK BEAN. I KNOW YOU TOLD TIFFANY TO AGREE TO MY OFFER!" Taeyeon was basically breathing fire and the smoke that Yuri could imagine coming out from her nostrils and ears didn't make her cousin less menacing. 

"Oooh, that." Yuri winced.


"Hyo did it." 

"You're gonna pay for the rest of your li- Wait, what?" Taeyeon couldn't believe her ears. Hyo did it? My best friend, Hyoyeon? No. No, no, no, no. No, she would never, ever, ever do that to me, right?

Just then, the doorbell rang. Taeyeon checked the time; 4:15, the time Hyoyeon normally comes over. Taeyeon smirked, just on time for my wrath.

Yuri inhaled, Nice knowing you, Hyo.

"Hey, Tae-" Hyoyoen's cheery voice was interrupted.


"CALM TO HECK DOWN." Jessica appeared from behind the, now terrified, Hyoyeon.

"Jessica?" Yuri rushed to the door and recieved an eye roll from the other girl.

"You told?!" Hyoyeon pushed her way in to yell at the dark girl.

"I had to! Taeng, was going to kill me!" 

"So you rather have her kill me?!" Hyoyeon couldn't believe her ears.

"Stop it you two!" Jessica stepped into the house. "I'll kill you both if you don't!"

"Sorry, Sica..." The two bantering girls apologized and resumed their attention back to the raging Taeyeon.

"Tae," Only Jessica showed an indifferent face to her, "calm down. I know you weren't expecting Tiffany to approach to you, but I think it's better for her to talk to you than not."

"But that's not how I wanted it to be." Taeyeon seem to calm down, but frustration was still evident in her voice. 

"Things don't always happen the way we want them to, Taeng." It was Yuri's turn to advise the distressed girl.

"I know, I know." Taeyeon sighed and sat on the living room couch. "I just wish I would get to know her more." 

"That's why I told her to talk to you, but you screwed that up." Hyoyeon shook her head and sat next to her best friend.

Taeyeon hit her arm and pouted, "Thanks, but if Tiffany wants to talk to me, then she will. No need to force her."

"Yeah, we get it. We just hate seeing you like this." Jessica blew her bangs, "Anyway, Yoona and Sooyoung should be waiting for me outside the ice cream shop. Wanna join?"

"Why not? I really need to relax from all this Tiffany dram-"

The doorbell rang.

"Dammit! Why do we always get interrupted?!"

"I'll get it!" Jessica slid to the door, but her bright expression darkened as she saw the girl before her. "What do you want, Tiff?"

"I want to speak to Taeyeon, Jess."

"Jessica, who is it?" Tayeon's mother screamed from upstairs. 

"Don't worry, Mrs. Kim. It's just another one of our friends, Tiffany."

"Tiffany?" Mrs. Kim came rushing down to greet the girl. "Hi, I'm Taeyeon's mother! It's nice to see Taeyeon making more friends outside from her normal group of five." 

"Mom!" Taeyeon was shocked to see Tiffany, to say the least, but she even more embarassed at the unnessacary information her mom revealed.

"Oh please, TaeTae. You know it's true." Mrs. Kim brushed off her daughter's complaints. "Well, I'm off. Your father's car broke down and I have to fetch him. So, play safe children." She slid her jacket on, "And you!" She pointed to Taeyeon, "Don't eat too much ice cream! You know what happens when you do, right?!"

"Yeah, mom. I got it." 

"Okay, just making sure." The front door opened, "Bye, kids! Have fun!."

After the lousy goodbyes to the woman, the room was left in silence. 

Too awkward. Too awkward. Yuri rocked on the soles of her feet, "Um, I think I should go meet up with Soo and Yoong and the ice cream shop. Y'know, don't wanna keep them waiting and all..." And she scampered her way to the door.

"No, you stay here." Jessica grabbed the escaping girl by her arm, "You're staying right here. You're part of this too."

Yuri let out a defeated sigh, as her arm tingled from Jessica's touch. 

It was silent again. No one knew what to say and Tiffany was starting to get annoyed.

"Look, Taeyeon, I know you were surprised earlier this morning, but it wasn't my idea. Hyoyeon begged me to give you a chance, but I don't really want to; no offense. I'm just... I'm not gonna let some in so easily."

And now Tiffany smirked, "So let me make you an offer."

Everybody's attention was on the speaking girl, but one of them was gritting her teeth. Jessica hated where this was going.

Taeyeon, on the other hand was giddy and her heart raced faster with anticipation. Her eyes met with Tiffany's intense gaze and she immediately blushed.

"You have to convince me that's you are worthy of being trusted."

Jessica was furious, "What? What is this? A spy movie? Stop with this crap, Tiffany. What kind of game are trying to pla-"

"Fine, I'll do it." That caught Jessica off guard.

"W-what?" Jessica stammered and nearly broke down in tears then, but she hid this under her scowl. But Yuri, always intently watching her, saw the vulnerability and wanted to do nothing but hug her and comfort her.

"Great, you have two weeks." Tiffany extended her arm towards Taeyeon.

"Why such a short time?" Hyoyeon broke out from her quiet state of confusion and questioned."


"I don't want to waste so much time on something that won't work." Tiffany grinned when Taeyeon shook her hand.


"I can't stand hearing this anymore." Jessica's voice cracked and she dashed to the door.


"Sica!" Yuri, of course, followed her and Hyoyeon seemed to have slipped to somewhere else as well, for her presence was lacking.


This left Taeyeon and Tiffany alone; one girl smirked and the other blushed sheepishly.


"So, Taeeeyeon." Tiffany stretched out her name as she slowly stepped closer to her. "Why don't you take advantage of the deal we just made?"


"I, uh, what am I... How do I-"


Tiffany giggled, "I guess you're not ready yet."


"Wait!" Taeyeon halted Tiffany in her steps, "Why don't we, uh, go out for some food?"


"Are you asking me on a date?" Tiffany raised her eyebrows and grinned.


"N-no! I just, y'know, uh, you said-"


"Calm down, Taeyeon. I was joking." Tiffany shook her head and grabbed the other girl's hand, "Let's go!"


As they walked down the street, they were too busy to realize two other girls huddled near them.

One was sobbing quietly, while the other was whispering comforting words to her.


"Sica, what's wrong?"


"Go away, Yuri. I don't want to talk right now." But she was too weak to peel Yuri's arms off her body.


Yuri sighed and Jessica's hair lovingly. Seeing her cry broker her heart and she felt tears threatening to pour at the sight, but had to be strong. She wasn't going to let Jessica see the weak side of her today.


"Why are you so bothered about this whole Tiffany thing? I know you think she's a bad influence and all, but she could change with Taeyeon."




"Sica, please."


"Go home, Yuri."




"Go. Now."


"Not until you stop crying."


Jessica wiped her tears and sniffed, "There. I'm not crying. Now, go."


"And tell me why you're crying."

Jessica inhaled deeply. Should I tell her about my feelings for Taeyeon? What have I got to lose?


Jessica knew that Yuri had feelings for her, albeit strong or not, and she didn't want to hurt her. But she had to tell someone, anyone, and Yuri was conveniently asking.

She prepared for the worst, "I have feelings for Taeyeon."


The words tumbled out smoothly, for they have been pushing to be said for the longest time. She saw the hurt in Yuri's eyes and the guilt that she had expected flooded her heart.


"Yuri, I'm sorry. I know you like me, but I just can't-"


"It's fine."


"Huh?" Jessica was baffled.


"It's fine," Yuri repeated, "I'm fine."


It seemed like the darker girl was trying to convince herself with these words more than anything. She still couldn't grasp that Jessica liked her cousin, but she connected the dots and knew exactly why Jessica was upset. She was jealous of Tiffany. And Yuri understood how she felt because, now, she was jealous of Taeyeon.


"Yuri..." Jessica softly whispered.


Yuri unwrapped her arms from the other's torso. "I should go."


"Wait, please." Jessica begged. Tears formed again and she, at that moment, wished she could return Yuri's feelings.


"You should go home too, Jessica. It's getting late."

And she left, leaving the weeping, frail girl alone on the sidewalk.

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taeny20 #1
Chapter 5: Ohhhh poor yuri .

Update please . taenysic.
Chapter 5: I want more ;n; oh god, Jessica, why did you have to do this with Yuri, poor black pearl ;n; it's so sad, I know that Sica feels this way, and that is something you can't change so fast, but it's so sad to see Yuri starting to get hurt because of it, I hope everything ends fine for both couples
Chapter 3: Interesting :) Looking forward to your story author shi ^_^
prinzginger #4
Chapter 2: This is nice, I really wish to see the artss tho... update plss!
smoothyhwang88 #5
Chapter 2: Oh nooooo! Please continue this story author..please :(
Chapter 2: Uh things got interesting:)!