I choose Baekhyun.

Baekhyun and the towers
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EXO's schedule was really compact. Everyday, everyweek, working hard just to impress their exotic. 


This time, they attended Happy Camp again for the second time. Last time, there was a painful memory for Chanyeol. Krisbaek moment. So, he hoped that this second time of Happy Camp, there will be nothing such krisbaek, taobaek, chenbaek or whatever you called it. Never!


"Ok, now we want to divide all of you into two groups. So, as you can see, there are many chairs on the stage now, 15 in total. Each person picks a chair. Half of the chairs are real and half are fake. It will collapse once you sit on it. Don't touch it before sit. Those who get real chairs form a group. Those who fall form another group." The mc explained. EXO just nodded. 


Chanyeol stood near Baekhyun for attention but the brunette was too busy chatting with others to notice his existence there. "Hmph.. I don't like when you ignore me." Then, Chanyeol walked away. He went to Kai and Sehun. 


Baekhyun was chatting with Kris. "That tower again..." Chanyeol thought. 


"I will pick Baekhyun first to start this game." A lady MC said. "Baekhyun, please stand out." Baekhyun obeyed and step forward.


"Among the remaining members, who wants to sit together with Baekhyun?" Another MC asked to EXO. "One, two, three!"  


Simultaneously, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol raised their hands up. Kyungsoo looked at the giant. "Oh dear...I'm dead. Of course Baekhyun will choose his boyfie." Kyungsoo sighed quietly. "But, wait. Both of them are still fighting, right? Baekhyun mad at Chanyeol, so probably he will choose me." Kyungsoo smiled, be convinced.


"There are two. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo." MC said. 


Baekhyun was quite  surprised when he saw Chanyeol raised up the hand to be his partner. Chanyeol waved his hand on the air, hopefully the brunette will choose  him. Kyungsoo raised both of his hands with poker face but full of hope.


"Baekhyun, you can only pick one."


Baekhyun bited his lower lip "Who shoud I choose? Kyungsoo, a nice boy who keep giving him motivation and advices? Or Chanyeol, a guy who he loves so much but sometimes so annoying with the fanboy thing?" So hard to choose. 


"How about you two do rock-paper-scissors?" Baekhyun joked and chuckled before made his decision. Kyungsoo anticipated to be picked. 


"I choose...." Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo with smile.


Chanyeol pouted. 

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