
Just One Last Time

The little peck Baekhyun places on Chanyeol's lips before scurrying off shopping is the last point of contact between the two and Chanyeol is already missing him like crazy.

"Chanyeol, it's been an hour." Jongin looks over at his best friend who is currently much too preoccupied on his fiance other than their game. Hearing the other's voice, addressed person groans.

"What's this dumb rule about not being able to see him before our wedding!" He throws the controller across the room, putting Jongin's athletics at test. 

"Don't hurt the ing playstation, dammit." Jongin pets the controller, utterly disappointed by his friend's action.

"It's mine." Chanyeol spits back.

"So is Baek, but he isn't here, is he?" 


Chanyeol whines in defeat and takes out his phone (for obvious reasons), earing a stare from Jongin. 

"Just one last time, please!" 



Kyungsoo is staring and sending daggers to Baekhyun, who seems completely oblivious to the danger in his best friend's eyes.


Baekhyun looks at his friend from his phone. The sight startles him to his toes so he decides to save his life from Kyungsoo till the wedding was over.

"Just one last time, please~" he whines but Kyungsoo seems unaffected. Kyungsoo, on his part isn't being overly strict, because they're running extremely behind schedule. Baekhyun gulps.



"I have to go.." 

"Aw where, but I miss you and this is the last time-." Baekhyun can almost hear and pretty much visualize his to be husband's pout. 

"I'm sorry-" he yelps helplessly before switching the phone off. He regrets it the instant he does so but he has to shop. And nothing's been done for the wedding. And all those things must be done. So, he bitterly puts his phone back into his bag and follows Kyungsoo to get his tuxedo.



Chanyeol can't seem to sleep tonight. Of all the days he's been perfectly fine and excited for his wedding, today is the exact opposite. He feels weird in his stomach and the only one who puts those feels to rest is Baekhyun.

But thinking of Baekhyun makes him feel all weird inside all over again. Tomorrow, they'll be married. Like the stupid dorks from middle school are going to be married. Heck, ten years ago they promised each other they wouldn't ever get married. Marriage, to them, was a period in life where everything was overly dramatic. 

Little did they know what hypocrites they'd turn out to be in time to come.

He misses Baekhyun oh so much, and god, he wishes he was here with him. In his arms, talking, whispering, doing anything but sleeping, till the morning came. 

He knows Baekhyun must be feeling the same, so he lazily dangles his legs over the bed and sits up. Grabbing his shoes, he walks out of his room into the other, where Jongin lay, fast asleep, tired after the whole bachelor party. He's somehow glad he didn't drink as much.

Quietly he tiptoes across the room, making sure to make the least noise as possible.

He walks out of the hotel room into the dimly lit corridor. He knows Baekhyun's in 117, so it isn't much of a problem. Well, the problem is, Kyungsoo's sharing the room with him. 

He knocks on the door and almost instantly hears something falling inside and whispered curses. Fearing it to be Kyungsoo, he make's a tiny u-turn to walk away.

"Yah Park Chanyeol." 

Chanyeol turns around with a smile to see Baekhyun standing there, pale, eyes much deprived of sleep. An instant grin spreads across Chanyeol's face and Baekhyun can't help but smile too. 

"Stupid giant." He grumbles, unable to hide the happiness in his voice. "We're not allowed to see each other till tomorrow." His arms automatically wrap around Chanyeol's waist as he feels stronger arms wrap around him.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Baekhyun can hear Chanyeol's  voice vibrate against his forehead. 

"Didn't feel like. Shouldn't I be asking you that, though?" He looks up at Chanyeol, whose breath hitches at how amazing Baekhyun looked at that moment. The dim yellow lights looked so perfect against his skin and the way his messy hair was strewn across his forehead.

Chanyeol smiles and leans in for a kiss. He hovers his lips over Baekhyun's, being the tease he is, and watches as Baekhyun swallows and shifts his gaze lower. Baekhyun slithers his hands slowly around the younger's neck, crashing their lips together in one sudden movement.

Baekhyun feels Chanyeol grin widely and he feels like kicking him in the shins. 

He can't help but feel absolutely amazing with the way their tongues are moving. The way their hearts beat in unision. The way he's perfect to fit into Chanyeol. The way their hands are so used to feeling each other.

Chanyeol is the first to break away. "Wanna go in and sleep with me?" 

Baekhyun's still overcoming from the daze, when he nods vigorously, making the other laugh. 



"You realize that by this time tomorrow, we'll be married?" Baekhyun asks Chanyeol, but more to his chest, when he lies on top of the taller in bed. 

"And we'll be having mind blowing ?" Chanyeol's low voice sounds, making Baekhyun turn a pale shade of pink (but he wouldn't admit it any time soon).

"You're stupid." 

"Don't you love me?" Chanyeol trails his finger down Baekhyun's cheek, tipping his chin for another kiss. His heart thumps against his chest and he's afraid Baekhyun might feel it too.

"Aren't you scared?" Baekhyun asks when they separate, shifting his vision from Chanyeol's. 

"That we won't last?" Chanyeol kisses his forehead lovingly, as his hands trail lower to hug the other tighter. 

Baekhyun doesn't reply, but Chanyeol can feel the other's breath hitching. "Hey look at me," he says, pulling Baekhyun's chin up, so he's face to face with him. The tiny glimmer in his eyes makes Chanyeol's heart break and he wonders if he's failed to prove how much he's loved Baekhyun.

"Listen up, Baek," he says, threading his hand through Baekhyun's left one and raising it to the level. "You see the ring here?" His hand plays around with Baekhyun's pretty ones.

"This is my promise, my promise to love you forever." He says and Baekhyun's eyes fill. "And the one I'll put on your finger tomorrow?" 

Baekhyun nods, wiping his eyes on Chanyeol's t-shirt sleeve, looking up again in anticipation for the answer. 

"That's till infinity and beyond." 

Baekhyun's tears are flowing continuously, but he's laughing at the same time at the immaturity in his fiance's explanation, and the sight makes Chanyeol chuckle.

"You're stupid." He says through tears and snot, laughter and what not. "I love you so much, it hurts okay. Just- just stay like this." Baekhyun rubs his eyes and nose on Chanyeol's already wet and soggy upper garment.

Chanyeol's smiling like an idiot when he turns over, pulling Baekhyun inside of him. 

"Stop crying or Jongin will wake up." He kisses Baekhyun's tears away, playing with his hair.

"Kyungsoo's here too, right?" 

"What?" Chanyeol furrows his eyebrows.

Baekhyun settles himself, "Yeah, Soo said he's gonna sleep with Jongin or something.." 

"You mean they're here together when they told us to be apart the whole day?"

"Those ers," Baekhyun cusses, wanting to go and yell that instant but Chanyeol's grip holds him down.

"Don't move, stay still." 

"Whaa-" But Chanyeol cuts him off with another passionate kiss. Slow and lingering, Chanyeol's hands roam the other's tiny body and, boy, he feels so fragile in his arms. Chanyeol's hands make it's way under his shirt and across his warm back, pulling him closer than they already were.

It's when their kiss leaves them completely breathless Baekhyun hear Chanyeol mumble into their kiss.

"Can we do this just one last time before tomorrow?"

lol.. this is me attempting fluff in a veerryyy long time. 

tell me how i faired in the comments, please? c: and upvote if its cute? though comments make me happy :3 <3

planning on writing more baekyeol in the future yehet~

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Chapter 1: Awwww wut a cute fanfic <333
Chapter 1: There's no reason for you to regret it, because I like this story, a lot! And I'm sure the other readers do, too :)
Chapter 1: I in love this...LIKE REALLY LOVE THIS!!!
ri0505 #4
Chapter 1: i LOVE this fluffy story author-nim.. jjang! ;)
and, oh yeess... moree baekyeol please~ ^^
Chapter 1: So freaking adorable and cute. Loved it!
ri0505 #6
Chapter 1: it's adorably cute, author-nim. :3
Chapter 1: Baekyeol getting married? Yehettt!!! Hahahaha... Love this! <3 Nice work author-nim! :)
Chapter 1: Love this! :)
Chapter 1: Sneaky chanbaek aww its so fluffy i'm gonna dieee