The Temptation

My Secret is your Secret
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Sungjong’s POV



I keep recalling bad memories…



Back when I was still young, a huge group of demons suddenly attacked our village.


Villagers then started running out from their respected homes, saving themselves and their families from the approaching demons.



“Trouble!” One villager shouted followed by another villager who had shrieked “Demons are gathering in the village!”



A few more yelling happened after that. Those few I had forgotten as there was only one certain phrase that has remained embedded on my mind ever since that day.



“Get the Lee family! They’ll get rid of them!”



Still a child back then, it puzzled me.



“Umma…” I called softly to my mother who immediately rushed to stop the enraged demons.



“Sungjong, stay back!” My mother told me as she, along with the other witches, spread both of their arms out and started clashing with the demons.



Even after being so ruthlessly persecuted by those normal people, the witches still rushed over to help them.


“Why did everyone lend their powers?” I always ask myself every time I recall that incident.



But now, I understand just a little.


To be of use to someone…



“To me you are significant.”



…isn’t so bad, I realized that day.


But, I shouldn’t have expected anything…



“What are they doing?!”

“It’s only the voices of the Lee’s that the demons obey!”

“They’re useless if their voices can’t reach the devils!”



…so that…


…even if they were to turn their backs on us easily…


…even if we were no longer of any use –



“Sungjongie!” A loud voice shouted out to me, snapping me out of my horrible thoughts and memories. Heck, I did not even realized that I was gripping my hair hard and suddenly felt an excruciating pain emitting from my scalp.



Was I thinking that deep a while ago?



“Look forward to the engagement being called off!!”



“What the- Woohyun-hyung!!” Seriously, Dongwoo-hyung should give Woohyun-hyung a one year supply of that human transformation potion. I cannot stand Woohyun-hyung’s constant appearance anywhere and anytime he desires! His bird form will give me a heart-attack sooner or later, I can tell.



“Fu fu fu… You’ll see… We’ll show those humans.” I heard Woohyun-hyung murmuring to himself as he laughs kind of evilly. Seconds later, I saw him taking out something from his pocket.



And poof!



Say hello to human-form Woohyun-hyung.


A piece of paper came in contact with my face, completely surprising me. Apparently, Woohyun-hyung shoved it on my face right after his transformation.



“Sungjongie, let’s sign this!” He eagerly told me, a hint of excitement can be heard in his tone. I took the paper from him and examined it closely.



“Sign? What’s this…? A contract?” I asked, trying my best to sound completely uninterested to him so he’ll finally leave me alone.



“Yah! Don’t make it sound that bad! Come with me, Sungjongie~ I’d protect you with my life.” He suddenly began cooing at me as he stood closer beside me and daringly wrapped an arm around me. I instantly glared at his trespassing hand.



“If you exchange vows with a demon, that relationship is absolute!” He said as he finally unwraps his hand around me, now standing in front of me and grabbing me by my shoulders.



“That foolish-looking prince will surely break his promise, just as how low-level demons will certainly commit brutal acts. While I, the powerful demon, Nam Woohyun-“ A sudden smack on his head disrupted his insane speech. It took me by surprise me too, cause hey, it wasn’t me who smacked him on his head.


I looked over to Woohyun-hyung’s shoulder, and there I saw a very furious Sunggyu-hyung.



“Sungjong-sshi” Gulp. Uh-oh. Sunggyu-hyung really is mad.





“S… Sunggyu-hyung…” I tried to calm him first before explaining myself. Me and Sunggyu-hyung are now inside the castle, whereas Woohyun-hyung was left outside the patio, looking really pathetic as he knocks on the glass window.


Sunggyu-hyung hovered over me and started scolding me. “How long do you intend to avoid your studies huh?!” He continuously pointed his finger at me then over at Woohyun-hyung. “And how dare you speaking with that demon again!” He glared at Woohyun-hyung and scanned him from head to toe bef

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ooo i love this
32bella #2
Chapter 18: Super interesting your story hopefully and resume soon.Funny,tender,sweet has of tod
Chapter 18: AWWWW SO CUTE !!!!!! :3
sirenei #4
Chapter 18: this is the first myungjong fic I read and damn, its great!!! both of them are my biases so if I can't have them they can have each other!!!!
really cool story btw.
Chapter 17: Myungsoo ah you better transform in devil form and kill that bat demon aaaaa. Im curious who is he. Please dont make MyungJong suffer please huwaaa.
Chapter 16: Cute!!! XD I miss this story :) thanks for the update! It made my day <3
Chapter 16: Ohmy cries you make this totally become fluffy aaaaaa. Yay for their relationship. MyungJong ah just get married already lol. I really miss you and this story to be update (and other story too) huwaaa. Btw thanks for this yayy <3
Chapter 15: Haha Suzy your not good enought
Chapter 14: Just marry
Chapter 13: Suzy need to read more fairy tails alright "A prince married a normal girl"