Letting Go


    I, Kane Minsoo, is a half-blooded wolf princess of the so-called-but-really-is-popular Kane family. The Kane family is probably the most powerful pack of all wolf royalties and of all wolf bloodlines, so in other words we're on the top of the chart. One advantage of being in this pack, it's that every creature knows you and thinks twice of taking your life. Aside from that, we are the only bloodline who has the power to heal any kind of wound, disease, illness and has strength as great as cerberus and minotaur combined, well maybe not that strong but just go with the flow. How am I half-blooded? Well, it all started with my full-blooded wolf father and my intelligent human mom, and then tada here I am an offspring of two incredibly awesome people and from them, mostly my father, is where I inherit my full healing power (through ew, well it's a wolf's job) *too bad i didn't get to inherit the strength, yes sad life we have* and my easiness to identify if a person is a human, wolf, fairy, and other supernatural critter you could think of, or maybe even a vampire. Yes, bad vampires do exist in our world lurking through corners while taking people's lives one by one for their pleasurable blood and continously hiding from the aggressive vampire hunters that is willing to risk their life in order to kill them. Though not all vampires are bad, there are good ones too. Now friends is where I introduce to you my best-buddy-though-very-blunt, Xiumin. He isn't exactly a vampire but he isn't a human either. His past dreaded him and is currently in the process of becoming a Campir. What's a Campir? Well, let me start with basics. Purebloods or the royalties are those full-blooded vampires who have very strong special powers and have the ability to transform a human into a vampire, specifically a Campir. Campirs are the bad vampires of the story, who only kill people for their blood and nothing else. Lastly are the Aristocrats, or the half-blooded vampires. They have special powers but unable to transfrom humans into vampires. Vampires of all kind are all simply beautiful physically but dangerous in their own ways.

Xiumin a.k.a. my best buddy, has lived with me ever since I was 13. So let's just say he's not just my best buddy but also a childhood friend. 

*flashback 4 years ago*

That night we found a boy, probably the same age as me, in one of the sheds on our backyard. He was huddled in the corner where all the garden supplies were.

While I was making up the environment since it was dark, I couldn't quite see most of him though I knew he was a boy.

As cars and trucks pass by, their headlights allowed me to take a glimpse of his face, and sure he is handsome without those little spurts of mud on his face

Then, I saw that look on his face, it was absolutely not a good one, it was full of pain,hatred and regret mixed together.

Though through that look, I could sense something odd in him, like a...uhm a creature? wolf?no, fairy?no ... vampire?of course not if he was a vampire i would have sensed it already ...or not, but I just shook it off since he already looked in so much pain. After we took him in, I told my parents that i'll take care of him and wash him up and he can stay in the room next to me for the night or until we find his parents.

I feel like a mother haha no. So I went to the bathroom to get a towel and some water.

Little did I notice, while I was wiping his neck with the cloth, that there were wounds on the side of the neck with some scratch marks by it. It was still bleeding, but i think it looked like a vampirebite ... but not only a regular vampirebite.

Xiumin was bitten by ... a pureblood.

*end of flashback*.

The effects of a pureblood bite may occur 4 or 5 years after the incident, thus turning him into a Campir, and that is what's happening now to Xiumin. He's currently in the process of being one but not yet. I am the only one who knows his secret so I am the only one entrusted to protect him, guide him and seek answers for the cure. I will save Xiumin.




Hi! Friends this is my first fanfic hope you enjoy it. Just a reminder, the story isn't all about Lee Minsoo and Xiumin. There are still the obstacles they have to go through together wether it deals with love and heartbreaks, battles and wars, or just simply letting go. 


By the way, if the words are in Italic - they're either thoughts, dreams or flashbacks












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