
My Child's Father



I woke up that morning next to Kai. My heart pounded when I saw his angelic face sleeping next to my own shocked face. It still felt so surreal. Everything that happened last night was amazing and completely unforgettably heavenly. Wow. Kai really was that y dancing machine. Suddenly, I was nervous. I wasn't supposed to be here. 

I exited the room quickly, leaving a quick note. 


Goodbye, Kai. I'll always be your number one fan. 

-Lee Minyoung


I slipped out of the room quickly and came face to face with Exo's Sehun.



He didn't  react much, simply nodded and smiled and walked by me into Kai's room.




I left quickly and went home in a daze.

Kai's POV:

Kai groaned, his face burried in a pillow.

"So, how'd it go?" 

Kai bolted upright at the sound of his bandmate and friend Sehun's voice. 

"What the hell man? How'd you get in here?" Kai asks quietly, covering his exposed body with blankets.

"The girl ran away right as I was going to knock. So. How was it? Our baby Jonginnie is growing up." Sehun laughed as Kai tried to whack him with a pillow.

"Shut up, you're younger than me."

"I'm more experienced," Sehun said wickedly.

"Shut up. I don't know why you all do that...Seduce some random innocent fan who does nothing but love you and throw them away the next day. I feel awful about it."

"I did the first time too," Sehun shrugged. "That's why I don't do it anymore. Chanyeol and Baekhyun have no problem with it."

"I feel so guilty and I feel like it was a huge mistake. She was actually a really nice girl too...I mean I liked it, but now I feel like . I never should have taken advantage of her love for Exo like that..."

"Yeah'll get over it," Sehun snickered. "Come on, breakfast is ready."


Kai nodded and Sehun left the room. Kai noticed a small piece of paper with cute handwriting on it. He smiled at the note.

What the heck? Why am I smiling? She's just a fan...There's so many fans. 

Oh that's right...She was my first. My meaningless first. Such a mistake. 


Kai shoved the note into the bottom of his suitcase and hoped to forget all of it soon.

Minyoung's POV

The rest of the week was spent in a confused and dreamy state. I was so surprised by this whole thing and I didn't know what to do. Wow. I watched videos of Kai but it didn't feel the same anymore. I was so overwhelmed by all of this. The next two months go by like this, and eventually I fell back into a normal routine... Up until today...


Today when everything changed.


"Oh god no...No... No...Please no..." I stare at the lines on my pregnancy test. It happened. I'm pregnant... Kai was my first yet somehow in some sick twist of fate, he managed to get me pregnant. You have got to be kidding me.

I missed my period for a while, but I'd assumed it was just stress. When I woke up feeling nauseous the other morning, I had a sinking feeling in my gut when I realized what could have happened. 


I went out to the store in a panic to buy a few tests, and after three positive tests, I decided my life is over.


I am so freaking dead. 

I'm only nineteen... I can't have a baby. I can't raise a baby and there's no way Kai will be able to raise him or her even if he wanted to, which he won't. 


Fear grips my heart and with a trembling hand, I call my best friend.


"Eunji," I say quietly, voice trembling. "Can you come over...?"

"Uh, yeah sure," she says, sounding concerned. "Is everything alright?" 

"" I say, tears beginning to sting my eyes.

"I'll be there soon," she says quickly, hanging up and heading over to my apartment.


Eunji has been my best friend since grade school and she has always been the most trustworthy and genuinely kindhearted girl you could ever meet. I trust her with my life and I know I can tell her anything and she'll take the secret to the grave with her.


"What's up?" she asks, finally reaching my house. I burst out crying. I just can't help it. She looks alarmed. 

"Please, Minyoung, don't cry! What's wrong?"

"I...I'm pregnant," I blubber.

"What?" Eunji is stunned. She freezes, looking at me in horror. ""

"You know the fansign?" I sob pathetically.

"Yeah...?" she looks thoroughly confused and horrified.

"I...I slept with...Kai."


Eunji's jaw drops.


"You're pregnant with Exo-K's Kai's child...?" she asks in disbelief. Hearing it outloud makes it even worse, and I cry even harder.

"I...I guess I am... Two months..."

"Have you told him?" Eunji gasps.

" can I? He's famous was a meaningless one night stand," I sob into Eunji's shirt.

"He has to know though, don't you think?" she asks, crying with me.

"I...I want him to know. For the baby. I want him to know that the baby exists...I can't just carry around that secret forever," I sniffle. 


"But Eunji...He won't want the baby. He won't want to know the baby and if anyone finds out, it could ruin his life...My life too." I sob, terrified about the entire thing.

"I know..." Eunji sniffles. "I won't tell anyone...Ever."

"I know," I cry. "When's the next fansign...?" 

"I think there's one in Busan next week," Eunji cries some more, her pretty face streaked with tears. 

"I guess I have to go," I mumble.

"I guess you do," Eunji sniffles.

Kai's POV

Another fansign, Kai sighs. Every fansign since that one day with Minyoung makes him a little uneasy. What if he sees her again? He could never face her...He feels too guilty about it all the time. 

He scans the crow. So many people arrived today. He takes a giant mouthful of water and tries to clear his head. He almost spits his water when he catches a girl's eye in the crowd. 

It's Minyoung...again. Why is she here? 

Kai's heart is racked with guilt as he looks away as quickly a possible. What a nightmare.

Minyoung's POV

"Great," I murmur to Eunji. "He doesn't even want to look at me. This was a mistake..."

"No... he needs to know," Eunji says with encouragement. I feel my stomach nervously. It's insane to think about the fact there's a child growing inside... My child... Kai's child...


I tremble as I reach the line, this time with more terror than last time. I reach Sehun and he smiles.

"Here to see Kai?" he asks with a playful wink as he signs my paper. I nod somberly and he looks confused. 


When I reach Kai, my heart is filled with dread.


"Kai," I whisper. 

"Listen," he says, holding paper over his mouth so no one can video tape him and read his lips. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that, Minyoung."

Even my fangirl heart can't delight over the fact he remembered my name.

"Kai...I need to talk to you," I say, tears threatening to fill my eyes again. "It's an emergency."


Kai looks stunned and his face freezes with dread. He slips me a piece of paper like he had last time, but this time that handsome devilish smirk is replaced with utter horror.

I walk away as quickly as possible before collapsing into a pile of tears. Eunji comes and comforts me, but I can't help but wish that I was anyone but myself right now...


I was so stupid. I never should have let that happen. What a nightmare.

Kai's POV

Kai thinks, heart sinking. This can't be good. What does she want? To expose my secret if I don't give her money or something like that? I'm so dead... I can't believe this. I made a huge mistake...

"Hey, hyung are you okay?" Sehun walks up to Kai, concerned. "You and that girl both looked like you were gonna fall over and die or something." 

"I think something bad is going to happen, Sehun-ah..." Kai says hopelessly. "I told her to meet me at our hotel and I'm so scared." 

"I'm sure it'll be okay," Sehun says kindly. "She can't blackmail you cuz she has no proof, right?"


Minyoung's POV

I arrived at Kai's room with trembling hands and legs. What am I even supposed to do?


"Hey..." Kai's deep voice reaches my ears and I walk in nervously.

"Kai..." I begin, panicking. 

"What is it...?" he asks, nervously.

"I...I'm pregnant..." I blurt out. Great. I had planned on easing the information on to him, and well...that ship just sailed.

"What?" Kai's voice is dead. He looks at me with eyes that don't shine and his voice is rid of any emotion. 

"You...were my first. I don't know how or why this happend but I'm pregnant..."




Kai's eyes suddenly flash with anger, and I'm instantly frightened even more.

"What do you want from me?" he spits, anger in his eyes. "Money? Fame? To ruin me and my band after we've worked so hard after all this time?"

"No..." I whisper, voice trembling. He isn't taking this well and the look on his face is fairly intimidating. "I just wanted our baby to live knowing that their daddy knew they existed...I just wanted you to know."

For a moment, I thought the angry light in his eyes softened and the fury on his face depleated slightly. I thought for a moment everything would be okay.

"Don't call it our child. It means nothing to me...YOU mean nothing to me."


My heart shatters a little at his words.


"I...I know...I just wanted you to know. I thought you deserved to know," I say in a small voice.

"Why? It means nothing to me."

"It...?" I ask, flinching slightly. Even if he didn't want the baby or to have anything to do with him or her, calling the child "it" seemed pretty coldhearted to me. I rub my stomach a little protectively.

"I don't want it in my life and I don't want you in my life...Get out and leave me alone. Don't ruin Exo. I made a mistake but Exo shouldn't be punished. Can you at least do that?"


Anger rushes through me. Hormones from this pregnancy? Maybe. Rage at his ignorance? Probably.


"Can I at least do that? You act as if I came to you to burden you and you're asking me one small thing. You, frankly, are a selfish and you need to learn responsiblity. You're the one who wasn't careful and got ME pregnant, and you're the one who's trying to run as far as possible from this child's life. Whether you like it or not, this is YOUR baby and all I did was come to you and tell you. 

I haven't asked you for anything, and I wasn't planning on doing so, and you're talking down to me like that?

This is your fault, and I hate you. I used to admire you so much but now I hate you.

You're leaving me to raise a child whose father refers to him or her as an it and you're leaving me to care for the baby by myself. I didn't ask you for anything, so don't you DARE talk down to me. You are a selfish cowardly jerk and I hate you.

I hate you so much for ruining my life.

I HATE you."


With one last look at the y dancing machine's stunned and frozen face, I run out of his room in a huff, brushing passed a confused Baekhyun without even caring that I just touched a member of Exo's vocal line. 

Before, I adored Exo so much and referred to them as life ruiners because of their effect on my life all of the time.


Now I hate the boy I used to fangirl over so much. I hate him so much and he really did ruin my life.

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WeWantSugasSwagHere #1
Chapter 3: What happened????? Pls update!!!
pls update :)
Chapter 3: Please update! Nice story!
Gloupsidou #4
Chapter 3: Please update!!!
wong_luhan #5
Chapter 3: Oh author-nim !! This is an AMAZING fanfic !! I hope you can update it pleaseeeeeeeeeeee I'm begging youuuuuuuuuu !!!!!
Jess221 #6
Chapter 3: Pls continue!! It starting to get better and better^^
1say16 #7
Chapter 3: This is nice looking forward for the next chapter.
Chapter 3: Wow, Im actually happy and proud that Kai is standing up and is actually going to do something about impregnating the girl