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  A month had pass and It was still the same. Chanyeol still can't bring himself to go outside, and instead of going outside he sometimes peeks outside of the window and observe his neighbors.   One day, his mother said that he will be out for a while because she will be having his bestfriend over for dinner. Her mom went to the nearby supermarket and Chanyeol was left alone the house. He went to the bathroom and checked himself on the mirror, sure his hair was growing so much. He did not even had the chance to go to the salon to have his hair cut.    After a 2 hours, his mother still wasn't back from the supermarket. Chanyeol was starting to get worried, where could his mom be? Then he heard a knock   He did not know who was the one knocking at the door. He can't even open the door of the house, so he peeked on the window and saw a person with a basket of fruits.   Then the knock continued but still he can't answer the door until the knocking stopped. Chanyeol felt at ease when the knocking stopped, he grabbed his phone to call his mom.  Then he heard the door opening.  "Umma is back" Chanyeol said.   "Umma! .. where have you been why are you so late?"  Chanyeol's eyes widen when he saw the figure seated on the sofa. He felt chills run down his spine and he was sweating so much. From the back, he saw a broad mans shoulder. He was shaking from the thought of who it was.     Chanyeol was really sure that the back of the man belongs to Kris. Since he was a stalker, he perfectly knew Kris appearance from front view, side view and backview.  "No.. this is not true, why would he be here?... Please no.." Chanyeol convinced himself and suddenly the tall guy turned around.   Chanyeol almost had a mini heart-attack when he met Kris eye to eye. The person that is the reason for him to be like this, is right in front of him. He shaked and hyperventilates until he ran out of breath and collapsed. All chanyeol remembered was the voice of his mom and Kris voice until he saw pitch black.   Flashback   "Hello... what can I do for you? Are you a friend of my son? but I must tell you that you can't see him" Mrs. Park said to the boy who was waiting at the door.   "Aniyo... I'm here because my mom won't be able to go since he was called at the office for an emergency meeting and she said to hand this to you" Kris handed a basket full of fruits.   " Ah.. Its okay, tell your mom that she can always visit when she wants to see me. So I guess you're Kris right? I still remember how small you are back then, you really did not change. You still have those looks like your father, your mom always brings you on the park so that you can play with my Son." Mrs. Park started talking about the past.   " Ah.. .ne.. I remember you ahjumma, you used to tell me that I'm handsome right?" Kris laughed.   " Aigoo... You still did not forget ahjumma's words. Come, at least I can make you tea" Mrs. Park invited Kris inside forgetting that Chanyeol still can't socialize with other people.   " Sit for a while son, I'm going to prepare tea" Mrs. Park made Kris feel at home.   End of flashback   "Omo..! Channie,  stay still Okay ? " Chanyeol's mom hurriedly went to his son's side while fanning him.   "Ahjumma.. let me place him in his room" Kris carried Chanyeol bridal style and went to his dark room.   " Thank you Kris... This means a lot to me.. because its just me and my son, I can't handle him by myself in this kind of situations" Mrs. Park was teary-eyed.   " Its Okay ahjumma... don't cry..." Kris replied.   "But ahjumma, is it okay for me to ask a question?.. why is he like this? does he have asthma or something?.." Kris asked.   " I.... I.... I'm so despicable, I let him be beaten up on that day... I should have been more cautious... Even I don't know why, but ever since that day when he was beaten up, he won't go outside of his room. He can't bare to be with other people rather than me" Mrs. Park cried.   " I feel sorry for him, he's the same age as me right? " Kris asked.   " Ne ... and he goes to the same school as you .. Your mom told me about the school you graduated yesterday" Mrs. Park replied.   " Eh?... then I should have known him. I know almost all of the students in my grade" Kris said.   " He must know you too ... Because I know you stand out with your looks.." Mrs. Park said.
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hinata1242 #1
Chapter 8: please update soooon
iyuuuthh #2
Chapter 8: wahh i love this story..
please update soon~
so, chanyeol is kris's precious first love.. *sobsobss*
365bbc #3
Chapter 8: anyway...thanks for the update ;)
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee update soon
reemoma #5
Chapter 5: Finally kris knew about about it oh my god
I hope he would kill them or something <<poor channie
Hope you updaate soon ..♡
hinata1242 #6
Please update soon

Chapter 2: o__o I thought they would beat up Chanyeol but I didn't expect them to // him omg. wow I hope the next time he meets Kris he'll be stronger and have Kris be the one falling for him this time, only to find out what he (indirectly) did to Chanyeol. Kris better treat him right this time ;;;

Please update soon!
khayechan #8
I'm sorry if you seemed confused because there was no new chapter :(
Sorry about that guuys, its because I edited something on chapter 2 and I hid the chapter first . After editing something, I unhide it and it published again.

Sorry for the false hope guys :(

Btw, don't worry I'm going to upload a new chapter this week =) I'm very sorry for not updating since I was also working on my other stories .
what happened to the new chapter?
Didnt see the new chapter....