

Aria P.O.V

OMG why do I have such mean siblings?? I mean these two didn't say "hey" " off" or nothing. My sister just rolled her eyes and my brother gave him a look that can kill three men without touching them. Minseok was starting to get uncomfortable cause he was looking down playing with his fingers. I must admit, I am embrassed. I know I am the baby of the family and they always protect me but do they have to really act like that towards Minseok!

My mom took Minseok into the dining room. Glad she did!

"What is you guys problem?" I shouted.

"Girl who you yelling at? You better lower your voice before I embrass you in front of your little boyfriend!" Shantell said.

"Do you have to be so evil?" I asked calmly.

"What are you talking about Aria?" Shantell said all sweetly. 

"Don't act stupid." I said.

"Look that's your boyfriend .. I don't have to like him!" Said Shantell.

"Omg you are so complicated!! Can you please be nice to him for me?" I asked.

"Nope!" She said with a smirk.

Terrance didn't say anything. He just had this stupid smirk on his face. Remind you that both of my siblings are in their 30s and act like teenagers. You would think they would be more nicer and stuff. Ha yeah right!! 

We went into the dining room after my mom asked did we get lost. I sat beside Minseok, my siblings sat across from us and my mom sat at the head of the table. After saying grace, we started fixing our plates. My mom cooked fried chicken, mac n cheese, cabbage, yams, and cornbread with lemonade to drink.

"Minseok honey how does it taste?" My mom asked.

"It taste great. My first eating a meal like this." He said.

"Well good. Aria doesn't cook for you?" asked my mom.

"Yes ma'am but she cooks korean food." said Minseok

"Oh okay. I went to a korean restaurant and my favorite dish was the kimichi pancake. It was good and they gave me a certain sauce to dip it in and it was to die for. " My mom said laughing.

Minseok started laughing with my mom. I was feeling a little bit better. At least my mom liked him. 

"So umm whatever your name is, what do you do for a living?" My brother asked.

"I am a vocalist in a group called EXO." Minseok asked.

"Oh so you stay on the road alot?! I know you must got alot of girls falling for you huh?" Shantell asked.

"I have alot of fans." said Minseok.

"Right! Fans!! How many of them have you smashe--"

"Terrance, Shantell that is enough. I didn't say nothing when you didnt greet him properly but you will ask them kinds of questions in my house. I know you guys don't like him cause he is asian well get over it. And I mean NOW!!" My mother said to them.

Minseok and I looked at my mom, shocked. Minseok grabbed my hands under the table. I can tell he was scared. Imean who wouldn't be scared of my mom. My mom is friendly but when you strike that nerve it's 'oh hell run!' She can fuss all day and night about one topic. Trust I have seen it too many times.

My mom had turned red which mean she was pissed! She got up and put her plate in the sink and went into the living room. Shantell and Terrance didn't say anything. They looked at Minseok and I. 

"Sorry man, I know I was being rude but I want to know what is your intentions with my little sister?" Terrance asked.

"It's fine I understand you want what is best for her and so do I. I love your sister to death. She is the my sun, my moon. She means everything to me. I know people wouldn't like the fact that she is black and I am asian but to me I don't see thecolor of her skin. I see what's in her heart. I just hope that you two can see how much she means to me." Minseok said.

I was completely touch. Minseok is a romantic guy when it comes to dates and stuff but he has never said stuff like that to me. I sometimes question myself what did I really mean to him and now I know. 

"Wow! That was beautiful. Minseok you are okay with me! Sorry for rolling my eyes earlier. I am not into the whole '' dating thing. But if you make my sister happy then I will be okay." Shantell said.

I felt tears rolling down my cheek. Shantell has never been cool with any guy that I have dated. I guess they wasn't black but for her to tell Minseok that she was okay with our relationship I was happy.

"Yeah dude you cool with me too!" Terrance said while getting up. 

He walked over to Minseok and shook his hand. I was so overwhelmed that all I did was cry. I finally found a guy that my family liked. This was a dream come true.

"Ayo Terrance get a cup. The baby gone cry in the cup." Shantell said laughing.

Terrance got the cup and put it against my cheek. "Cry me some tears little baby."

" Man you a punk." Terrance said.

"Shut up!" I said. 

"Shut up!" Shantell mocked me. I couldn't do nothing but laugh. 

My mom came in the dining room and laughed. "Now that's what I like to see. Thought I was going to tear some asses up!" she said.

Everybody started laughing. 

*in the car*

Baby girl you know I meant everything I said at the dinner table." Minseok said. 

"YeahI know." I answered.

"Sooo..." Minseok said like he wanted to ask something but didn't know how to say it. 

"What do you want Seokkie?" I asked.

"You know since we both met each other parents and whatnot..I was thinking maybe we can have one big family meeting?" He said.

"Sure! Don't sound bad. Your parents love me and my family likes you so it shouldn't be a problem." I said.

"Cool how about in a month? He asked.



Minseok P.O.V

"Sure!" She said.

Great! Now I can ask her the big question! I got approval from her family right before we left. I have set up for our families to meet next week so they can meet and help me with my plan. Sneaky aren't I?! Hehe.


The end! What did you guys think about this family?! Sorry if I have alot of mistakes. I am doing this on my phone and it's hard to go back and change stuff. So comment and subscribe. Thanks for reading.



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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 2: No keep going I wanna see what she gonna say pretty please
carolinaprincess26 #2
Great story.Keep bringing us more.
Mimimonster #3
Chapter 2: this made me almost cry omg awesome dude