Life Decisions

Supernatural Hunters

After what seemed like hours of convincing Chen that letting you help them was a good idea, the three of you dove right into all the paper work, books and newspaper clippings left behind by their father. Chen angrily looked through a pile of papers before getting up and inspecting the walls once again.

"What's on that wall?" you ask having not inspected the wall yourself yet.

"Centennial Highway vcitims." he answers not removing his eyes from the wall. "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection right? What do these guys have in common?"

Suho nodded and went deep into thought before quickly getting up and walking over to another wall. "Dad figured it out." Chen turns around and stares at Chen. "What do you mean?"

"He found the same article we did when we went to the library. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white."

Chen nods and looks over the pictures once more. "You sly dogs."

"I'm sorry, theres something I don't get. What's a woman in white? Why is Constance a woman in white?" you ask.

Chen gives Suho a 'are you serious?" look. "And you said she would help."

"Yah, I'm trying to understand!"

Ignoring Chen, Suho explains. "Constance is an angry spirit and angry spirits are born through violent deaths. She wasn't murdered. She killed herself by jumping off the bridge; the bridge where we see that woman."

Baffled, you ask, "Why would she kill herself?"

"Apparently, an hour before she killed herself, she called 911 and reported that her children had died. She left them for a minute and when she came back, both were dead. She couldn't bear with the pain so she killed herself."

You frown with sadness. "That's so heartbreaking."

Seeing as Suho was done with the explanation, Chen spoke up. "Alright, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it."

"She might have another weakness." says Suho, going back to stare at the papers on the wall.

"Well, dad would have made sure." Chen walked over to Suho. "He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?"

"Buried?!" you exclaim as they calmly talk about digging up a body. "No, it doesn't say. If I were dad, I'd ask the husband. If he's still alive."

"Who's her husband?" asks Chen, looking at the pictures hung up with the news article. "Says here he was thirty and that was in 1981. He would be sixty four by now."

"His name is Joseph Welch."

"Oh!" you say catching their attention. "I know Mr.Joseph. He brings our ingredients at the diner."

"Do you know where he lives?" asks Suho getting up.

"Ya, he's just a little outside of town."

"Alright, before we even think of leaving," Chen says putting a hand on Suho's chest, "I'll go pick up some food to eat. Then we can go on a full stomach. Alright?"

Suho nods. "Don't get anything for me though. I'm not hungry."

Chen shrugs. "Suit yourself." He turns to you. "You?"

You meekily smile. "Anything will do, thanks."

Chen nods and walks out the door, closing it behind him. Suho sits back down on a chair. Silence fills the air and you feel awkward just sitting there. Just as you were about to say something, Suho pulls out his phone. He quickly presses a few buttons and puts his phone to his ear.

You awkwardly wait for him to finish when you realize he's not calling someone, but listening to a message. You listened closely and you could hear a female voice on the other line. "So come home soon okay? I love you..."

The voice stops and Suho sits there in silent for a while before putting his phone away. "So," you say slightly startling him, "girlfriend?"

He shyly nods. "Ya. She was there when Dean told me my father went missing and she's worried."

"That's nice of her. What's her name?"


"Pretty name." you smile even though you feel slightly sad. Probably because he was extremely gorgeous and whoever this girl is, she is one lucky, lucky girl.

Before you can continue your conversation, Suho's phone rings. He answers. "Hello?"

"Dude, get out. The police are here."

Suho gets up. "What about you?"

"Uhh, they kind of already saw me. Go find dad."

"Chen....Chen!" Suho stares at his phone as the line goes dead. Suho rushes over to the window and peaks out. He seems one cop man handling Chen and another on his way towards the hotel.

"!" he exclaims before walking over to you and grabbing your arm, pulling you up. "To the bathroom, go, go!"

The both of you head into the bathroom. The only way out is a window. "You're not suggestiing we jump out this window?" you ask pointing at it.

"Either that or jail."

Suho quickly climbs onto the toilet and breaks the window open with his elbow. Using the sleeve of his shirt, he wipes the broken glass away. He turns to you. "I'll go out first. Then you jump into my arms. Arasso?"

You nod as Suho puts one leg out, wiggles the other one out and jumps down. You hear the door of the hotel jiggle in motion. You rush onto the toilet, easily slipping through the window and jumping into Suho's arms, which were wide open waiting for you.

Suho looks around the back before running away, you right behind him.


Thankfully, you had your own car. It would be risky to go back and get Chen's car. After getting it back, you both drive towards Joseph's house. Being in the driver's seat, you glance over to Suho. He worriedly looked out the window. "Worried about Chen?"

He looks over with soft eyes. "Kind of. I mean, I expect it considering their job but it still worries me."

"He'll get out... right?"

"Hopefully. He's probably gotten himself out of jail plenty of times."

"Does this sort of job risk that much?" you ask curiosly.

"I'm surprised you don't remember our conversation on how we have to destroy this spirit." he says referring to the digging of the corpse. You frown and wrinkle your nose up in disgust. "Oh right."

He chuckles and turns his head to the front as you arrive at Joseph's place. You park the car and you both get out, heading towards the front door. Suho is about to knock on the door, when you go first. "He knows me. He'll be more willing to talk if I go first."

Suho nods, keeping his eyes on you for a bit before looking up towards the door. You knock. "Mr.Welch? Are you home?" you ask outloud.

A few seconds later, the door opens and an old man peeks his head out. "Minhee? How nice to see you." He says opening the door wider. His eyes lock onto Suho. "Who's this?"

"A friend. Actually, he had a few questions for you." you say, moving over so Suho can step foreward.

"Oh sure." He turns his attention to Suho. Suho reachs into his pocket and pulls out a picture of a man, whom you don't recongnize. "Have you seen this man?"

Mr.Jospeh takes the photo and looks at it for a bit. "Yes I have. He came over three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter."

Mr.Jospeh hands the picture back to Suho. "That's right. We're working on a story together." Suho answers as he slips the picture back into his pocket. 

"Well, I don't know what kind of story you're working on but he asked me wierd questions." Mr.Jospeh said with a dissaproving look.

"About your wife Constance?"

"He asked me where she was buried."

"And where is that?" asked Suho.

"What, I have to answer this question twice?"

"It's just fact-checking Mr.Jospeh." you quickly answered with a smile to reassure him. "It's no harm."

He sighed. "In a plot. Behind my old place over in Breckenridge."

"And why did you move?" asked Suho with harsh eyes.

"I'm not going to live in a place where my children died." Mr.Jospeh said angrily.

Suho crosses his arms. "Mr.Jospeh, did you ever marry again?"

"No way! Constance was the love of my life. The prettiest woman I've ever known."

"So, you had a happy marriage?"

At that question, Mr.Jospeh seemed to hesitate but he answered, "Definitely."

Suho smiles. "Well, thank you for your time. This is all we needed."

Suho turns and starts walking away. You quickly bow to Mr.Jospeh before rushing back to Suho. You think over your coversation with Mr.Jospeh when you realize you never knew what a woman in white was. "Hey, Suho?"

He looks over to you. "Hmm?"

"What's a woman in white?"

Instead of answering you, he stopped walking and turned around just as Mr.Jospeh was about to close the door. "Mr.Joseph," he said catching his attention, "did you ever hear of a woman in white?"

Mr.Joseph turns around. "A what?"

"A woman in white. Or sometimes a weeping woman?"

Mr.Jospeh just looks at Suho with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a ghost story. Well, more of a phenomenon, really." Suho said with a soft smile yet you knew he was anything but happy. "They're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places. All these are different woman. But they all share one story."

Mr.Jospeh rolls his eyes. "Boy, I don't have time for this nonesense." He turns around to go back inside his home.

"And these woman, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children."

Suddenly, Mr.Joseph stops. He doesn't say anything nor does he move.

"Then once they realize what they've done, they take their own lives. So now their spirits are curses, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again."

You stare at Suho. *Is he implying that Mr.Jospeh cheated on Constance?!* Thinking back to the other men who died, it all made sense. Kiseop, the recent muder, was caught cheating on Jihyun once. He never did it again; or at least he was never caught.

Mr.Joseph swiftly turned around with an angry expression. "You think this has something to do with Constance!?"

"You tell me." Suho said with a blank stare and an emotionless face.

Mr.Joseph's expression soften and went from angry to sad. He hesitated before speaking. "I mean, maybe.... maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance, she would have never killed her own children! Now both of you," he said getting angry again, "Get out of here! And never come back!"

You silently head back into the car, slipping into the drivers seat as Suho gets in with the same blank stare he had before. You drive off back to town. Worried, you turn to Suho who hasn't moved. "Are you okay?..."

Suho seemed to snap out of it as he looks over with normal eyes again. "Ya sorry. I just lost it a little."

You smile and nod, happy to have his regular self back. "So what do we do about Chen?" you ask.

"I have an idea." Suho said reaching for his phone.


Driving up the highway, you shake your head at Suho's antics. "I can't believe you just did that."

"It was the only way."

"Really? No other way?" you ask keeping your eyes on the road. At that moment, Suho's phone starts ringing. He looks at you with a goofy smile. "And there's the man we've been waiting for."

He answers his phone and puts it on speakerphone. Before he can even say anything, Chen speaks up. "Fake 911 phone call? Suho, I don't know, that's pretty illegal."

"You're welcome." he said with a grin.

"You're lucky I was able to find a clip nearby to undo the handcuffs!"

"You used a regular clip?!" you asks astonished that he was able to get free. Chen doesn't answer right away. You hear him sigh angrily. "You're still there?"

"Yah!" you angrily say. *If he was there right now, I'd hit him!*

"Chen, be nice." Suho said.

Chen seems to ignore Suho. "Suho, we need to talk."

"Tell me about it." Suho says, "So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that would be dad's next stop."

"Suho, can you shut up for one second?"

Ignoring him again, Suho continues, "I just can't figure out why dad hasn't destroyed the body yet."

"Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad's not there anymore."

"What?" Suho says softly. "How do you know?"

"I've got his journal."

"He doesn't go anywhere without his journal." 

"What journal?" you whisper from your side hoping Suho would hear. He looks over to you from the corner of his eye. "Our dad kept a journal with all the information on supernatural creatures he collected over the years. It's extremely precious."

Suho goes back to talking with Chen. "What's it say?"

Chen sighs and you can hear shuffling from the other end. "Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going."

"Ah coordinates. Where to?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet."

"I don't understand." Suho sighs. "I mean, what could be so important dad left in the middle of a job? Chen, what the heck is going on?"

At that moment, with your eyes on the road, a woman appears on the road right infront of you. You scream and slam the brakes, going right through her. The car comes to a halt and you both breath in hard. Completely freaked, you look over to Suho who is staring foreward with wide eyes. "W-was that?" you ask with a shaken voice.

Before he can answer, a figure emerges from the back. You quickly turn around and lock eyes with Constance. With a chilling voice, she says, "Take me home."

Suho, snapping out of his daze, looks at the back. He also locks eyes with Constance but looks back towards the front. "No." he says.

She looks over to him with an angry stare. "Take me home!"

"No." Suho answers again with a strict voice.

Constance glares and then the doors lock themselves. You squeak at the noise and reach for the door handle, trying to open it. Suho does the same but to no vail.

Suddenly, the car starts moving on its own. You look back towards the front and try to steer the wheel but it stays locked into one place. You realize Constance is controlling the car.


Your car is pulled into the driveway of what you assume is Constance house. It's an old, creepy, abondonned house. The wood rotten to its core turned black or a dark dark brown. Nothing seemed to hold up anymore as broken pieces are seen laying everywhere. The engine of your car is suddenly shut off and so does any sort of light within the car.

"Don't do this." Suho says with a harsh tone.

You look over to Constance and see her flicker, like an image on a television. But you notice the sad expression on her face. "I can never go home." she says with a soft, yet chilling voice.

"You're scared to go home." Suho, again, says. He looks to the back but Constance is nowhere to be seen. You look around the car and field but theres noone. Suddenly, she appears in Suho's lap, pushing him harder into the seat making it recline under the pressure. Suho struggles to get her off.

"Hold me. I'm so cold." she says her voice once again chilling to the bone.

"You can't kill me! I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!" Suho answers, yelling in her face.

"You will be. Just hold me." she leans closer to his face, pushing herself onto him.

"Yah, get off!" you say reaching for her arm. Before your arm can ever make contact, you feel a gust of air knock you back into the car door. Without a second to recover, you feel your throat tighten around you. You reach for your night and claw at the empty air. Tears well up in your eyes as Constance looks over with a smirk.

Turning her attention back to Suho, leaning into him and tries to claim his lips. She barely grazes his lips, just enough to make contact before he roughly turns his head away and tries reaching for the car keys. Constance flickers then dissapears for a few seconds.

The air comes back to your lungs as you gasp. The grasp around your neck is released and you struggle to breath properly. Suho, who is panting, reaches for the car keys again when he is suddenly pushed back into his seat. He suddenly yells out in pain. 

Still gasping for air, you look over to Suho in surprise. On his shirt, there are five holes going into his skin and through his shirt. Constance flickers over Suho and you see her hand is digging into his chest, exactly where they five holes are.

Suddenly, a gunshot is fired off and the windshield shatters startling Constance. She looks over as do you. You see Chen, with a large gun, pointing it towards Constance. He fires it at her and she dissapears with a glare. She reappears but Chen fires again until she dissapears again.

Suho is able to sit and turn the key making the car start. The engine roars as Suho looks at you. "Press the gas pedal as hard as you can. We're taking her home."

Quickly, you lean foreward and slam your foot onto the gas pedal, gripping onto the wheel. The car jerks foreward and plows right into the house, making a giant hole in its path. You both lean back into your seats, exhausted and in pain. Chen appears on your side and swings the door open. "You alright?"

Too tired to answer, you nod. Chen helps you out of the car as Suho emerges from his side. "You okay too?" Chen asks Suho as you lean on Chen. Suho nods. Chen helps you walk over to Suho's side.

Suho looks around and spots Constance looking at a picture of her and her children when they were alive. At his gaze, Constance looks up and glares. She picks up the picture frame and slams it on the floor with a scream. Suddenly, a large desk is dragged by an unknown force towards you and pins you all against the car. 

You struggle to get free, almost losing feeling in your legs. You look up and see Constance with a scared expression as she looks around the house. Out of nowhere, water starts leaking down the staircase nearby. Constance flickers and appears infront of the stairs where two children, a little girl and boy, stand at the top of the staircase. "You've come home to us, mommy." The children said in sync.

Constance looks down to the ground with a distraught look. In a blink of an eye, the two children appear on either side of her and embrace her tightly. She lets out an ear-splitting scream as her and the children melt into a puddle on the floor.

The room feels much less tightening as Chen and Suho push the desk away. You regain feeling in your legs as you hop over to where Constance and the kids dissappeared. "So this is where she drowned her kids?" Chen said staring at the ground.

"Is that why she didn't want to come home?" You turn to Suho who gazes up at you. "Because she was afraid to face her children?"

Suho nods and glances back to the floor. Chen walks up to Suho and gives a good smack to Suho's chest, making him wince. "Nice job Suho, you found her weak spot."

Suho laughed through the pain. "Ya I wish I could say the same to you. What were you thinking of shooting Casper in the face?"

"Hey. Saved your ."


You, Suho and Chen are in a little diner outside of town. After such an event, Chen suggested going to eat acting like nothing happened. You left your car behind because of the damage caused by the house so you had to head back and get Chen's car. Once you got the car back, you headed to the location you are currently at. As Chen practicly shoved food down his throat, Suho had a map open with a ruler and pencil. Next to him, he had the journal open to a page with 35-11 written on it.

"Okay, here's where dad is. It's called Blackwater Ridge."

Chen nods concentrated on his food. "Sounds charming. How far?"

"About," Suho hesitates staring at the map before anwering, "six hundred miles."

"Hey, if we pull an all nighter, we can make it by morning." Chen said with his mouth full. You crinkle your nose up in disgust. "God, don't eat with your mouth full."

Suho looks at Chen with a hesitating look. "Chen, I, umm..."

Getting the message, Chen stopped eating and stared at his untouched fries. "You're not going."

"The interview's in ten hours. I have to be there. You know this is what I need to get law school."

Chen nods, with dissapointement written all over his face as he continues eating. "Yeah, whatever. I'll drive you home once I'm done." He looks up at you. "You as well."

"Actually," Suho says making Chen look at him, "I was hoping she could join you."

Chen choked on his food and pats his chest. He coughs a few times before saying, "A-are you crazy?! I'm not bringing some chick with me!"

"Chen, she can help find dad. It's better doing it with someone then alone."

"Suho, she's not experienced. She dealt with one ghost!"

At Suho's proposition, you went deep into your thoughts as Chen and him continued argueing. *Do I want to go? I did almost die twice with them... But do I really want to stay here, in a boring town? I have no one. But would this be the right solution?"

You thought about it more and the answer grew more obvious. As the other two argued, you turned to Chen with pleading eyes. "Please let me come."

He looks over to you with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Please. Take me with you! I promise I'll only be helpful! Please?" you ask again with pleading eyes. Chen, with his jaw wide open, turns to Suho who is also giving him pleading eyes. Caught between you two, he groans and rubs him temples in aggravation. "Fine, fine. You can come."

You brighten up as he points a finger at you. "One mistake though and you're gone!" he warned with a glare. Ignoring his attitude, you nod happily. "I promise!"

Suho gazes at the both of you with a smile adorned on his face.


Chen stopped the car intfront of Suho's apartement. As Suho gets out, you notice Chen frown. Suho leans into the window, peaking his head in. "Call me if you find him?" he says directing his question to Chen.

Chen nods. 

"Who knows, maybe I can meet up with you later?" Suho says with happiness before it quickly gets replaced by sadness. Suho sighs and looks over to you and smiles. "It was nice meeting you Minhee. Even for a few days."

You nod and return to smile. "I wish you luck in school! And your interview!" 

"Thanks." Suho pats the car door twice before walking away. You look over to Chen who is watching Suho walk away. "Hey Suho?" he says at the last second.

Suho turns around. "You know, we made one hell of a team back there."

Suho smiles and nods. "We sure did."

They both turn away and Suho walks into his apartement as Chen drives away. He drives into the darkness of the night, heading towards the next location. "You should rest. I'll drive first then we can take turns."

"Are you sure?" you ask. He nods and keeps his eyes on the road. You move over the few things covering the seat and lay down, resting your eyes for a few hours.


You're stirred from your wake when you suddenly hear the noise of a car door slam loudly. You look up and notice Chen gone. You quickly sit up and look out the window. You see a figure and you were able to make out Chen at the last second as he rushes inside a building. You yawn and stretch your arms out. You look around you and notice your infront of Suho's apartement again.

Confused, you look around and take notice at a surge of orange light coming from a room. You blink away the sleep in your eyes and notice that it's not light coming from the room.

But fire.

With a gasp, you dial 911 as quickly as you can and give them the best directions as you could. Just as you hang up, you see a few people emerge from the building; two of which are Suho and Chen. You quickly get out of the car and run over to them.

"What happened?" you ask. You quickly notice Suho's tear stained face as his eyes are wide in shock. You look over to Chen who shakes his head. You keep quiet as you walk alongside them.

The firemen quickly arrive on the scene and put out the flames. You soon found out that Suho's girlfriend, Luna, died in the fire. When the fireman announced it to the ambulance guy, Suho overheard and cried into your shoulder. She was the only victim out of this wierd incident.

You tried asking Chen how it happened and why he turned back but he just glared without uttering a single word. After a while, Suho stopped crying and went back to the car. Chen and you stared at the building, now darkened from the flames, before heading back to the car too. Suho stood infront of the trunk, loading a shotgun. You noticed Suho's faced now masked with anger as he put the shotgun away and closed the trunk. He turned to Chen. "Let's go, we have work to do."

In silence, the three of you get inside the car and head towards your next location.


Hope you enjoyed! Third update of today!

Hopefully the inspiration keeps flowing for a good while.

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 3: I've never watched Supernatural before, but reading this is making me want to start hahaha. Awesome job with the story! :D
strangegirl #2
Chapter 5: I wonder which boy you will get to play John...and Chen as Dean, be still my heart.
Chapter 1: I loooove supernatural! So Chen is Dean and Suho is! Can't wait to read the rest! <3
Exostannn #4
Chapter 5: I think it's Luhan :p I ship Chen and Minhee!! That shy kid needs to confess and she better accept :P
Sooyong #5
Chapter 5: CHEN!!!! Go & confess to Minhee!1
The mysterious guy, is it Kai? or sehun? or Luhan?
inspiritxoxob2uty #6
Chapter 5: my feels for minhee and chen ㅋㅋㅋ can chen confess to her alrdy ! im too excited hehehheh
strangegirl #7
Chapter 3: So good! Cannot wait for the next installment!
Exostannn #8
Chapter 4: You are indeed very talented author-nim. Amazing chapter. Thanks for the update ❤
DarkPrussia #9
Chapter 4: Perfection.
Exostannn #10
Chapter 3: I also Like the show supernatural and can't wait for the outcome of this team up. Amazing plot!!