Mystery Boys

Supernatural Hunters

The road covered in darkness, the moonlight gleaming down on earth, and not a single sound could be heard. Suddenly, a black car sped through the road. Suho looked over to Chen who had a smirk on his face. 


“Can you please slow down or something?” 


“My car, my rules.” Chen answers without taking his eyes off the road. He reached over to glove compartment and took out an AC/DC cassette tape. He quickly inserts the tape in the player and moves his head to the beat. 


“Can’t you play anything else?” Suho says with a frown, still looking at Chen.  


“What did I say SuhoMy car, my rules.” 


Suho sighs and looks out the window, taking in the beauty of the forest surrounding them. Chen glances at Suho and frowns, “What’s wrong?” 


“Nothing, I just want to find Dad so I can get back to Luna.” 


“Come on dude, lighten up!” Chen smacks Suho’s shoulder, causing him to give Chen an angry look. “Take this time to relax! Law school has to be tough. A little vacation once in a while won’t kill you.” 


“Are you forgetting what might have caused Dad to go missing? He’s a hunter Chen. He’s wanted by everything supernatural.” 


“I’m a hunter too and I’m not missing.” Chen answers with a tone which makes Suho roll his eyes. 


“Let’s just find Dad.” 


Not one of them said a word afterwards. Chen kept driving and Suho looked out the window as AC/DC played for the whole drive. 


The sky was gloomy as you dried a glass. It was only the afternoon and you already wanted to go home and sleep in your bed. Your shift at the diner would only end in another 6 hours. You sigh and put down the glass, picking up another one and whipping that one too. 


“Hey Minhee! Mind taking the tables order for me?” your co-worker, Eunji, says pointing to a two seater which had a couple sitting in it. 


“But that’s your side.” You say with a raised eyebrow. 


“Please? I have to quickly answer this call. My boyfriend just called and I want to make sure he got home safely.” 


You nod and walk over to the table taking their order as Eunji walks out the diner, answering her phone. Once you took the order, you gave the paper to the chef and turned to watch Eunji from inside. You could tell that Eunji was worried about her boyfriend, especially after what happened. 


Last night, a man was found dead in his car, abandoned by the bridge near the town. You shuddered at the thought. This was a small town and nothing ever really happened. But murders have been happening a lot recently in this town and it was terrifying. The strange thing though, was that it was just guys getting murdered. Not one single girl has been targeted yet. You were snapped from your thoughts when the chef called your name, saying the food was ready. 


You pick up the plates and bring them over to the couple. You smile at them, telling them to enjoy their meal just as Eunji walks in. You leave the couple and walk over to Eunji. “Well?” 


Eunji sighs in relief. “He’s fine. He said nothing appeared out of the ordinary.” 


They both get back to work, feeling relieved that no one else had died last night. You couldn`t help but feel bad for the man’s family. 


Two hours passed when two boys and two girls walked in. You recognized the two girls as Jihyun and SohyunJihyun was the poor girl who lost her boyfriend, Kiseop, last night. You gaze at Jihyun sympathetically when your eyes lock onto the two unknown boys. One of them has short, dark brown hair with small eyes. The other has lighter brown hair but spiked up to the side. He also has a sharp jaw lineNot being able to recognize them, you shrug them off as members of Kiseop’s family. 


They sit down in your section and you wait a bit before walking over. “Hi, how may I help you?” You say, catching their attention. 


“Oh hi Minhee.” Jihyun says with a sad expression. You put a hand on her shoulder, gently massaging Jihyun’s shoulder.  


“How are you?” you ask politely. Jihyun gives a weak smile. “I’m okay.” 


“Would you like anything?” 


“Just a glass of water.”  


You smile and look at the others. “Will it be the same for all of you?” 


You notice the light brown haired boy speak up only to be cut off by the other boy. “Yes please. That will be all.” 


You give one more smile before heading to counter and getting four glasses of water. While filling up the glasses, you couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. 


“I was on the phone with Kiseop. He was driving home. He said he would call back, and....he never did.” Jihyun said with a depressed sigh. 


“He didn’t say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?” The dark haired boy asks. Jihyun shakes her head. “No. Nothing I can remember.” 


Before the dark haired guy can continue, the one with the sharp jaw cut him off. “Look girls. I’ll very honest. The way Kiseop disappeared, something’s not right. So if you heard anything...” he trails off, watching the two girls carefully. 


Jihyun and Sohyun look at each other which got the boys attention. “What is it?” asks the one with the sharp jaw. 


“Well, it’s just,” Sohyun says, looking back towards the guys, “with all these guys going missing, people talk.” 


At the same time, the two boys say, “What do they talk about?” 


You stare at them longer with suspicious eyes. *Why are they asking so many questions about Kiseop’s death and all those other guys?* 


“It’s kind of this local legend. This one girl?” Sohyun says which seem to catch the two boys attention, “She got murdered out on Centennial decades ago.” 


The one with the sharp jawline turns to look at the light haired guy who’s eyes stayed focused on Sohyun as she speaks. You heard people talking about the legend they mentioned but didn’t think people actually believed it. 


“Supposedly, she’s still out there. She hitchhikes and whoever picks her up, well, they disappear forever. ” Sohyun finishes and the light haired one nods in consideration. 


The guys look at each other one more time before standing up. You snap from your concentration and walk over to the table, holding the glasses of water on a tray. 


“Your waters.” You say putting them down on the table and walking away, slipping behind the counter. 


“We appreciate the help girls, but we need to go somewhere.” The light haired one said with a charming smile. “Again, thank you.” 


The one with the sharp jaw chugs the glass of water then gives the girls a smirking, yet quite attractive, smile and they both walk out. You still wonder why they would be so interested in the recent deaths but at the same time, you understood. If it was your own family member who died, you’d want to know all the details too. 


“Excuse me miss?” a girl from the far right says with a raised hand, “I’m ready to order.” 


With a smile, you walk over and take their orders. 


Your shift was finally over. You sigh and take off your apron, putting it in the locker in the back. You untie your hair, letting it flow down, and pass your hand through your hair. You pick up your bag and exit the locker area. 


“Night Minhee!” the chef, Dongho, says. 


You turn his way and flash him a smile. “Night Dongho! I’ll see you tomorrow!” 


With a final goodbye, you leave the diner and hop into your silver car. Excited to get home, you start up your car and drive off. You were almost home when you had the feeling to visit the old bridge. Completely baffled as to why you would want to visit the last murder scene, you shrug it off keeping your gaze on the road. 


But knowing yourself too well, you quickly make a U-turn, driving in the direction of the old bridge. The bridge wasn’t too far away from where you lived. It took a good 10 minute drive before getting there. 


You shortly arrive and look at the old wooden bridge. In a way, the bridge was very beautiful. If hipster teenagers lived in this town, you knew that they would be hanging out at the bridge or using it to take pictures.You were about to turn around back home, feeling satisfied after seeing the bridge, when you noticed a parked car at the front of the bridge. It was an old black car, though it looked in great shape.  


Your mind erupted with the thoughts that maybe it was another murder. After all, they all died in their car... 


But you soon sigh in relief when you see two people on the bridge. Thinking it was some pesky teenagers, you drive closer to ask them what they were doing. But you quickly notice them as the two guys from the diner earlier. 


“What the heck are they doing?!” you say out loud to yourself.


The guys hadn’t noticed you yet so you turned off your head lights and quietly parked the car opposite of theirs. Getting out of the car, you makes your way to the two guys who’s backs were facing her. Getting closer, you notice them arguing over something but dismisse it. 


“Excuse me?” you says a little loudly, startling them, “What are you guys doing here?” 


The one with the sharp jaw looks at you with an angry look. “None of your business now get out of here.” 


Shocked by his aggressiveness, you stare at him with wide eyes but don't back down. 


Well excuse you,” you say with a harsh tone, putting your hands on your hips, “I have every right to be here just as much as you. I also have a right to ask since you don't seem familiar.” 


“I apologize for my brother,” says the one with the light hair. “But he’s right. You should leave, it can be dangerous.” 


You raise an eyebrow at them. Feeling frustrated, you open your mouth to continue with the conversation when you notice a woman with long, black hair by the edge of the bridge. *I didn’t see her there before...* 


The guys notice your quietness and move their gaze to where you are looking. “Do you know her?” you ask, pointing to the woman who was looking at the three of them. 


Before they can answer you, the woman looks away and walks off the edge. You gasp and instinctively run to the edge, looking over the railing. The two guys follow your lead. 


But there was nothing. 


The water down below flowed calmly and there was no sound indicating the woman’s fall into the water. 


“Where’d she go?” spoke up the one with the sharp jaw. 


“I don’t know I don’t see anything!” answers the one with the light hair. 


Suddenly, an engine starts up behind the three of you, making you jump. You turn and stare at the old black car you noticed before. Its headlights were on and it seemed like it was staring at the three of them. Like preying eyes on a victim. 


“Isn’t that your car?” you ask, glancing at the guys from the corner of your eye. 


Yaa...” answers the one with the sharp jaw, his eyes locked onto the car. 


“Who’s driving your car?” 


Instead of answering, he reaches for his pocket and pulls out a set of car keys, making them jingle. You glance back at the boys, shocked and confused. *Wait, if those are the keys, how is the ca-* 


You got cut from your thoughts when the car roared its engine. The car suddenly jerks into motion, making its way towards you. Frozen on spot, You stare as the car comes closer and closer to you. 

*Is today the day I die? Oh god, I haven’t even lived my whole life yet!* 


You close your eyes, praying that you instantly die so you didn't have to go through the pain, when a hand grabbed yours and pulled you, forcing you to run. You notice that it was the guy with the light hair who was running as fast as he could. 


You pick up speed, with a new rush of adrenaline, but the car is getting closer and closer, clearly faster than you. You try once more to pick up speed but you're already pushed to the limit. 


As the car gets too close for your liking, you feel a tug on your hand. Suddenly, you feel like your flying through the air. That’s because you were. You had jumped over the railing. 



Hope you liked the first chapter! This is Supernatural based but the story and characters are different, obvs. Please enjoy! :)

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 3: I've never watched Supernatural before, but reading this is making me want to start hahaha. Awesome job with the story! :D
strangegirl #2
Chapter 5: I wonder which boy you will get to play John...and Chen as Dean, be still my heart.
Chapter 1: I loooove supernatural! So Chen is Dean and Suho is! Can't wait to read the rest! <3
Exostannn #4
Chapter 5: I think it's Luhan :p I ship Chen and Minhee!! That shy kid needs to confess and she better accept :P
Sooyong #5
Chapter 5: CHEN!!!! Go & confess to Minhee!1
The mysterious guy, is it Kai? or sehun? or Luhan?
inspiritxoxob2uty #6
Chapter 5: my feels for minhee and chen ㅋㅋㅋ can chen confess to her alrdy ! im too excited hehehheh
strangegirl #7
Chapter 3: So good! Cannot wait for the next installment!
Exostannn #8
Chapter 4: You are indeed very talented author-nim. Amazing chapter. Thanks for the update ❤
DarkPrussia #9
Chapter 4: Perfection.
Exostannn #10
Chapter 3: I also Like the show supernatural and can't wait for the outcome of this team up. Amazing plot!!