Game Over

Faint Limelight


“Everyone saw Kris Wu.” As the boy said those words, Joohyun’s heart clenched and ached for the narrator as well.

They finished their lunch in silence. Joohyun noticed the painful look in his eyes as he said those words. They talked more about Krystal, a more familiar person to Joohyun as they ate their lunch. Earlier that day, she helped him looking for a gift to give Sunny because she took the book first, and somehow, they ended up telling each other’s stories and decided to stay with each other’s company until they get to Sunny’s place.

They paid their bills separately, before getting inside the boy’s car. They both realized the circumstance, but they haven’t called themselves friends yet. “Wow, we only met just this morning and it feels like I know you so much.” She said as pulled the seat belt across her torso.

“How are you so sure that you can trust me? We were whole strangers this morning, who happen to know the same person. How could you be so sure that I am telling you a true story? Now we are driving to some place you don’t know.” The boy said as he manoeuvred the steering wheel.

“I’m pretty sure that you don’t know which of my stories are true as well. How are you sure that you are the wolf here and I am the sheep? You just never know, Joonmyeon-sshi.” The girl smirked at him.

“Have you met Krystal’s fiancé?” He asked.

“Sehun oppa? Yeah, of course. Krystal was crazy about him.” The girl said.

“You’ve met Sunny, and I assume Jessica as well, and Sehun. How come we never met each other before?” He asked.

“Hey, are you still questioning my credentials? I am Sunny unnie’s friend, and I just helped you look for a gift. What more could you ask of me?” The girl said, smiling.

“How can I trust you?” Joonmyeon asked, quickly taking his eyes off the road to look at her.

“How can I trust you?” the girl asked.

“I am a teacher. I teach kids what is right and what is wrong.” He said.

“I took a degree in Psychology. You don’t know if you can trust me or not.” She smiled.

“So do you trust me?” He asked.

“I only trust my friends but since you are Sunny unnie’s best friend, I guess I could make an exception.” She just smiled.

Kim Joonmyeon drove on through the highway with his new friend and to the province where Sunny lives. It was a four-hour drive, and over time, he found the girl to be peculiar and strange, but he couldn’t help but to trust her. After all, he told her about half of his story by now. Somehow, he was surprised that the girl didn’t ask for the continuation since he stopped at the highlight of the story.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened next?” He asked when they entered the borders between the province and the city. The girl looked at him. He continued, “At Jessica’s wedding, after everyone saw he-who-must-not-be-named.”

Joohyun giggled, taking note that he mentioned Voldemort from Harry Potter, before answering his question. “No. I’m still thinking whether I would want to hear that part of the story.” She said.

“Why? Were you there at Jessica’s wedding?” He asked.

“Yes. In fact, I was on the table nearest to yours, as I can remember. Krystal and I talked a lot that day as well. I just got out of the hospital at that time.” She said, recalling what a mess happened after the maid of honour said her speech.

He stared at her. “How come I never see you then?”

“Your attention was elsewhere, I suppose.” The girl giggled.

But Joonmyeon remained silent. Then it was the girl’s time to tell something to get his anxiety away. For the whole ride, Suho figured out that the girl who claims to be Krystal’s friend, and practically everyone else’s friend, has a passion for study. She had a degree in Philosophy, but right after graduating, she took a Psychology program in the university. Currently, the girl is taking small classes from time to time just because she hates doing anything other than reading.

“It doesn’t matter if it is a school book, or news, or a magazine, or some Young Adult novel. You just see me reading often.” She said. “Do you read?”

“I read Harry Potter once but I didn’t like it. Sunny and Jessica always gave me books to read, I read them from time to time, but they bore me.” Joonnmyeon said honestly.

“You should’ve asked Jaejoong oppa for recommendations. Since you’re both guys, maybe he knows your tastes as well.” The girl cooed.

“Wait, you know Jaejoong as well?” He asked.

“I told you, I’ve been taking classes everywhere. I practically am everyone’s friend.” She said as if it was the most obvious thing on the whole universe.

They never stopped talking and learning about new things on the way to Sunny’s house. When they finally came to a stop and a mutual friend welcomed them, it was time they part ways. Krystal was surprised to see the two coming out of Suho’s car. Sunny can’t invite them inside as she was busy tending to her other visitors.

When he saw the person he always loved the most, he wasted no time to pull her for a hug. “You’ve got a big party here, birthday girl.” He told her amidst the indie song blaring from the speakers. He thought that it would be a small party between friends, but it turns out that it was a big party with friends of friends of neighbours.

“I never cease to amaze you, huh?” She asked.

“Happy birthday, Sunny.” He said.

“Thank you so much for coming! The others are at the back, over the bonfire. I’ll follow you guys in a jiffy. I just need to make sure everyone’s happy.” She winked at him.

“Okay. See you later!” He said. Sunny patted his arm and walked past him. “Seohyun-ah!” He heard Sunny exclaim from afar as he make his way through the unfamiliar crowd, to the backyard where he found his old friends waving at him.

He scanned their familiar faces. The gang used to be so little, with four little kids at most, and now they were one whole group roasting marshmallows under the purple sky. The sun was setting down, making everyone’s faces glow with orange. Then he realized what an anti-social he has been in the past few years. Everyone had so many friends, connections, loved ones, while he pushed almost everyone around him.

The moon finally came out. Sunny’s father made sure that their glasses won’t be empty for the entire day. Her mother had been pampering them up with grilled beef for every quarter an hour. Sunny’s sisters also made sure to visit the group of friends. But Sunny didn’t come out yet. When will she ever come out?

“Suho oppa!” He turned around at the sound of Krystal’s voice calling him. He stood up to face his friend, and the taller girl beside her. He was surprised to see the familiar eyes staring back at him.

“Krystal!” He smiled.

“I heard you never met formally. This is Seo Joohyun. But you can call her Seohyun.” Krystal said. “Seohyun, this is Kim Joonmyeon—but call him Suho.” The Jung said.

“It’s nice to meet you, formally.” He said, bringing his hand for a shake.

“I’m pleased.” She casually said and took his hand.

Just then, the Jung laughed out loud. The two set their eyes on her. “I tried to set you guys up back in college, so this is pretty hilarious to me.” She said. “I’ll let you guys chit chat for now, unnie needs me upstairs.”

Then Krystal left the two. Suho offered the tall girl a seat and a marshmallow. It has not been only a few seconds when the girl who called herself Seohyun inquired about his nickname. “Suho….” He said, suddenly realizing that it was a childhood nickname, but it never left him. “Do you think it is funny?”

“Heavens, no! Hiding your identity is never funny. You never know, I may be an FBI agent.” She smiled at him.

“What is Seohyun?” He asked.

Seohyun is my pen name.” She shyly said.

“You write?” He asked.

“Yes, I write fan fictions.” She smiled.

“Sunny thinks that fan fiction is the end of civilization. How come you’re friends with her?!” He asked in surprise.

“The very words she told me. But I let her read one of my works and I’m pretty sure she liked it.” She said.

“By any chance, were you roommates with Krystal?” He asked, the realization suddenly hitting him. “Oh my God, you wrote that fan fiction with that group DBSK?”

“Guilty.” She said.

“Seohyun-sshi, are there any more I need to know up your sleeves?” He asked.

“I don’t know… But it’s your turn to continue the story now, Suho-sshi.” She said.

Suho took a deep breath. “Where are we in the story?”


Jessica’s Wedding, 2013

Everyone saw Kris Wu.

My world turned upside down at the sight of him. Everything made sense that night. I wanted to stand up, turn tables upside down, and scream at everyone, smash down everything that gets in my way. But it was Jessica’s wedding. Someone reached for my hand. It was Krystal. I stared at her. She had an apologetic look on her face. And something told me that she knew it all along.

“You knew this is coming?” I asked, blinking away the tears that formed in my eyes. It was too loud, everyone at our table heard us. Baekhyun placed his hand on my shoulder as if it would make me calm down.

“Sunny unnie didn’t want to let you know.” Krystal said—pleading.

“When did she want to let me know? Did she even want to tell me? How come you didn’t tell me?!” I asked her accusingly, gritting my teeth.

Oppa, please, understand. It was also hard for us.” Krystal said.

“This is Sica’s wedding, God damn it! You should have warned me!” I told her.

Just then, the two figures started to walk towards us, to the table. Sunny avoided my gaze. As soon as I met with Kris’s gazes, he called me, as if he didn’t know anything. “Suho-ah!” Kris smiled at me, and he walked towards me. I had no choice but to stand up. There is no way I am going to make a scene on Sica’s birthday. He held out his hand for a shake, which I hesitantly took, and he pulled me for a hug. “I missed you, buddy.” He told me.

I could not remember what I told him, or if I ever said anything to him back then, as I met eyes with Sunny for the first time after that incident. She dropped my gaze instantly and she took the seat beside Sehun, and Kris followed, sitting beside her.

It was a total nightmare. Suddenly, it was college all over again. Back to when I was dying of jealousy. Back to when I wished I was a different person. Back to the time when I never thought that Sunny could ever love me. The program was just starting. Jessica’s parents made a speech. They were nice people; they might have given good words to live by. But my attention was all on the two significant people in front of me.

They were smiling to each other as they listened to the speaker. Or are they even listening? It’s like they are in their own little world. I had always been thinking, what if I was never Suho? What if I became the rejected kid back in high school who suddenly became hot and attractive that prom night? What if I became the total opposite of me? Would Sunny have loved me the way she loves him?

Soon, the maid of honour was called up in front to give her speech for the newlyweds.  That is when I excused myself and walked out of the hall. My footsteps took me out of the hotel and into the back, where I could hide in the dark, and finally release the tears that I’ve been trying to swallow hard.

I didn’t know how long I’ve been staying there, but I can’t go back there. It was so embarrassing to Jessica and her family and to the groom’s visitors as well. From the outside, I could hear the music inside. I could hear the jazz band playing. It must be the time for the guests to take on the dance floor. Everyone must be having fun, though some guests might have left already after the dinner.

“Hey.” Someone broke my solitude. When I looked up, it was the very last person I wanted to see. Why is he still acting like he cared? He must be laughing inside that he won Sunny for the second time around. “Is there something wrong?” He asked.

“Why are you here? Sunny must be worried.” I told him sarcastically. But I’ve never been a fan of sarcasm, I didn’t know if he got it.

“I was worried when you walk out. What is the matter? You can tell me.” He said, taking a seat beside the bench I found by the parking lot behind the hotel.

“Why are you acting as if you cared? Get lost, Kris.” I said, and then another set of tears came out. “!” I said, anxiously wiping the tears from my face.

“I care, Suho. You are Sunny’s best friend, right?” He said. Then that is when I realized that Kris is not there to argue with me. He is not angry at me, Sunny must have not told him yet. Is she intending to keep the both of us? But apparently, she chose him over me.

“How did you get back with Sunny? It’s been years since you broke up.” I asked.

“Last year, they had a problem in their farm about some land distribution and they needed a lawyer. Sunny was hanging out in the College of Law when I saw her. And that is when we talked after a long time.” He said.

“So, you’ve been together for one year now?” I asked for clarification.

“Yes. And, I know it’s too soon for me to be telling you because we haven’t seen each other for a long time. I am planning on marrying her. I think it’s just about time. We both have a stable job, we both knew each other’s family, and friends, and I think that we can start a family.” He said.

“Why are you telling me these?” I asked. He should be punching me in the face, kicking the hell out of me, or probably killing me by now.

“Well, you are her best friend, I need your approval.” He smiled.

“I can’t give you my approval, Kris.” I told him. I am the most selfish there probably is. And I want Sunny for myself, and only for myself. I don’t want to give him my approval.

“Well… It breaks my heart now that you told me.” He said, frowning. Why does he have to be so innocent about it?

“Kris, something happened between Sunny and I.” I finally told him. “I can’t give you my approval, you know that.”

“She told me. And I don’t expect you to be okay with me right now, because of that breakup. I know, because I’ve been there. But now that I have Sunny back, I don’t want to ever let her go. And she said that the two of you are okay now, so I suppose it’ll be okay if I ask her hand in marriage.”

“No, Kris. Something happened between Sunny and I.” I said, hopefully he would understand what I am trying to tell him.

He was silent for a moment, as if trying to absorb what was happening. He stood up when I knew it finally settled on him. He didn’t face me, and I don’t want him to face me. Suddenly I feel like a kid who made a bad thing, waiting for my father to tell me what I did was wrong. But I am not a kid anymore, so I stood up as well.

“Kris, I love her.” I said.

“Did you touch her?” He faced me. The tears on his eyes glinted against the moonlight. My heart raced. “Answer me! Did you ing touch her?!”

Suddenly I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes. I shouldn’t be afraid, right? This is Sunny we’re fighting over. “Yes! And it was more than that, Kris. We kissed all night. We made love!” I said.

“ you!” Kris bellowed. He was so fast; I didn’t even notice his fist landing on my cheekbones until I felt it. I yelped in pain; my hand automatically caught my cheek in hopes of relieving the pain.

“You, bastard!” I screamed and with all my might, I managed to throw him a punch on his jaw. He completely disregarded it and came back on his stance taking his tall build in his advantage. We were so loud that night, cussing at each other, yelling all the intelligible words we knew at each other, at the world, throwing fists and kicks.

After a few more blows I received from him, I started to breathe fast and shallow. Adrenaline finally rushed through my veins and I threw him punches as well, as if killing him during the combat is the most important thing of all. I managed to push him to the wall, gripping on his neck, looking for the artery that would cut his life. But he pushed me. I knew I was losing. I lost control of the gravity and my back hit the ground. Kris kicked me in the stomach. I groaned in pain, at the same time, someone came.

“Oh my God!” It was Sulli’s voice.

Oppa!” That was Krystal’s.

But their presence didn’t stop Kris from doing the next obvious step—he swung his leg over me and straddled at the same time he started to send punches on my face. His fist landed on my face continuously, as he screamed another set of profanity to me. “How dare you touch her, Suho?! you, crazy bastard! You’re gonna regret this!” It was not until I heard running footsteps coming towards us. Familiar voices, new voices, people came to see us. Someone stopped Kris from throwing punches at my face. Then I felt arms around me. And that is when everything became black.

When I woke up, my whole body felt sore, but my face felt so numb the most. I sat up, feeling the sore parts, recalling the sharp jabs my opponent gave me. “You shouldn’t have let him hit you in the face.” I remembered Sulli telling me as soon as I woke up. “You should have aimed on his carotid.” She joked, I smiled. I did. But I failed.

“How long was I out?” I asked.

“About half an hour. You were not used being beat up like that. You must be a good boy back in high school.” Baekhyun who was also present at the place told me.

“I was class president back in high school.” I admitted. Sulli and Baekhyun smiled at each other, just in time I saw Sulli hand over five dollars to her boyfriend. “You guys bet on my life?” They laughed together.

I looked around. We were in a hotel room. I found Kris on the other side of the room. Apparently, I was on the bed, and Kris was on the couch. His lips cut, a bruise forming on his cheeks, and his eye black. From there, I could see Sunny’s back facing me. They were in a heated talk. Kris was crying, and somehow I knew Sunny was crying as well.

“Kris-sshi has a pretty face unlike yours. Why did you let him hit you so much?” Baekhyun asked. Then he joked, “Even if he has cuts and bruises, he is still handsome compared to you.”

“Don’t look at the mirror until your face feels better, okay? You won’t like it.” Sulli said, and Baekhyun laughed with her.

“How is Sunny?” I asked.

They didn’t know what to answer, but before they could speak a word, someone walked in the room, and we all heard Krystal’s noisy voice everywhere.  We all turned to face her; she gave smiles to everyone, before getting in front of me. “What do you think you’re doing?! You are lucky the bride and groom are flying to London for their honeymoon tonight.”

“I’m sorry.” I said bitterly. “I really didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

“Are you fine? Did the depression hit you again?” She asked.

“I don’t know… I guess, maybe?” I didn’t know what I am actually feeling at that time.

Someone walked in the room to call us. I suppose the bride and groom are going to leave the premises. I looked beyond Krystal’s figure and watched my best friend and her apparent boyfriend. Their arms are wrapped around each other’s as they walked out of the room, they must have made up. But I am not to give up. At least not when I still have a chance; they are not yet together in God’s eyes. It’s not too late for me.

Oppa, what are you thinking?” Krystal asked me. “Snap out of it!”

“I will win her back.” I said silently. It was so silent, it was barely audible, but Krystal heard it.

“No!” Krystal put her hands on my shoulders. “Please, oppa, please just stop this madness!”

“You can’t blame me, Krystal. You know that.” I said. She didn’t reply. No one said anything. “Everyone knew that I love her, and I was almost dying every single time that I couldn’t be with her. When she came back, I thought maybe I could live again. I am not desperate enough to expect that she didn’t see anyone after we broke up. I looked for the signs, believe me. When we slept together that night, I thought I was the happiest man alive.”


“I wanted to talk to her. What if the truth is the opposite of what is happening? What if she still loves me? What if she didn’t want to hurt Kris? I wanted to know the truth. I wanted it to come out of . She slept with me that night. If she didn’t love me, she wouldn’t have slept with me. So I can’t stop right now, Krystal.” I said.

“Will the truth set you free?” She asked. Every one of us smiled at the cliché phrase.

“Yes.” I said.

“What if it’s the opposite of what you are thinking? What if she loves Kris and she slept with you out of pity because you were depressed at that time?” She asked.

“I will still try.” I said, and the tears came. Everyone left the room that night to witness the bride and groom in their casual clothes get inside a limousine to the airport for their honeymoon.


One Week Later, 2013

When Krystal told them that I wanted to talk to Sunny, I knew they freaked out. Kris probably freaked out the most. Days, I tried to talk to her, calling her every hour, texting her most of the time. But no reply came, until Jessica came back from her honeymoon, and persuaded Sunny to see me. If this was my one last chance to tell her, prove her, show her everything, then I’d better make it right. If twenty four hours is all I have, I should make the best out of it.

I was waiting in the park, in my unlocked car, parked along the road. Somehow I didn’t want to waste the time; I didn’t want to get out of the safe confines of the car. I was afraid that everything will go unplanned, and everything will be ruined. My clock was ticking, and anytime, any single disturbance, and I knew I will explode.

“Hey…” She opened the passenger seat and got inside. I faced her. She was smiling. She pulled me for a friendly hug before she sat back comfortably. “I heard you are taking me on a date?”

“Is someone following you?” I asked.

She seemed stunned by my question. “I told him to stay at a safe distance. I promise that he won’t ruin this day.” I nodded and we sped up the highway. “Where are you taking me?” I heard her ask.

“It’s a secret.” I told her.

“Why keep it from me when we’re going there anyway?” She asked.

“You also have secrets for yourself. We’re best friends, right? We are supposed to tell each other everything, right? I want to know everything, Sunny.” I said.

“Are you sure you wanted to know the truth right now?” She asked. “The day is a pretty day, you just started driving, and I don’t know where you are taking me.”

I said, “I am not going to endanger our lives, Sunny. But if you want to tell me right now, then you are free to do so.”

There was a moment of silence. I heard her taking a deep breath, calming her nerves and freeing her thoughts before she started her explanation. I wish I could go back there, and stopped her. But I didn’t. I let her tell me everything. I am her best friend, after all. A best friend who listens to her, that is what I am good at. I was my expertise.

“Last year we had problems back in the province, and I was wandering around the College of Law to find someone. I was with a friend at that time, when Kris found me, and he offered his services for free. With his help, we won the case. My parents grew fond of him, and he started courting me. I let him court me.”

“You broke up with him, remember?” I asked. How could she forget about the nights she spent crying? The nights when she almost died, crying for him when after they broke up. The nights that I sat by her, hearing her out. Those were the days when she wished that she didn’t learned how to love.

“Y-Yes.” She stuttered.

“He didn’t love you, right? Those were the words you told me. How could you love him after everything he’s done to you?” I asked. “He caused you so much pain, and I was there, I knew everything.”

“That was a long time ago, Suho… We were kids at that time, and we make mistakes. You will hear me out, right?”

I nodded.

“At that time, we almost lost the ranch. But through his help, we were able to get it back. At that time, I stopped writing and spent all my time taking care of the business. Aside from writing, you know I love the animals as well, and it makes me so sad that we were losing them. Kris made me happy. Kris made all of us happy, and suddenly, all the heartbreaks I received from him, is gone, and somehow, he made me write again. He brought back my passion.” She said with so much vigour as if Kris is all she ever loved in her life.

“You didn’t tell me these when you came back. Why?” I asked bravely, but my throat betrayed me. We both heard the sob that came from my mouth. And when she spoke her next words, I knew she was crying as well.

“I was scared to come back, Suho. And I was a lot more scared when I learned about your condition. When I saw you in the hospital, all I could ever want is to kill you because you hurt me so much. There was so much pain in my heart at that time that I don’t even know what is right and what is wrong. You caused so much pain and suddenly I want the pain to go away. If I could, I would’ve killed you, but I can’t. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I don’t want to hurt you; I don’t want to cause you more pain. I was scared that I would hurt you.” She said.

“You could have just let me die, Sunny!” I said. I was surprised that my voice was a notch louder. “You should have told me back there and then, when all I was waiting for is to die! Why did you have to come back?! We kissed. We made love. If you still love me, just say it, Sunny! I want the truth!”

 “What I did was wrong. I told you, what happened that night was wrong. It was an accident, it was never planned! We were careless, and I’m sorry, okay?!” She is starting to yell as well.

“I could love you as much as Kris loves you, Sunny. I love you so much, why can’t you see it? I was dying without you, and you are the only one who could make me sane. Without you, I am no longer myself.” I said. I stopped talking. I didn’t want to talk about everything all at once. It wasn’t planned, and I have not yet proved her something, anything. I am not ready to lose her all over again. How could I live without her?

I kept on driving through the highway, staying as quiet and as sane as possible. I could go back, take the u-turn, and stopped driving. But I didn’t. We just entered the expressway when Sunny asked again, “Suho, where are we going?”

“We’re going away, far away from everyone else.” I said.

“Suho, please, let’s go back, or at least stop driving. Let’s talk about this.” She said. I glanced at her and I saw that she is somewhat afraid. Her hands nervously clung around her phone and her seatbelt.

“We’ll go away from here, Sunny. We will go somewhere peaceful, just like what you wanted. Right? We will get away from this mess and start anew.” I said with a more peaceful tone, hoping that she would at least try to understand me. But when I looked back at her, she was shaking, her fingers tapping against her phone furiously. She was freaking out for a reason that I don’t know.

“Sunny, what are you doing? You are scaring me.” I said.

“Suho, we can talk this out, okay? Please, we’re in a freaking expressway, Suho! We are so fast right now, and I don’t want to be in trouble.” She said. We were in a freaking expressway and the next exit won’t be in at least two kilometres away. However, the trembling in her voice says that it was the most sensible way to do.

“Okay, we’ll take the next exit and then we’ll talk this over.” I said. However, when I glanced at her, she had her phone against her ear. “What are you doing?!”

“We’re in the expressway. Please, come for me, I can’t do this anymore.” Sunny said frantically over the phone. Thinking that it was Kris she was speaking with, I felt my anger boiling inside me. From the side mirror a familiar black sedan was speeding from behind.

“What are you ing doing?!” I asked. I tried to reach for her phone, but she transferred it to her other ear. “Sunny, this is our day, don’t freaking call him!” I stepped on the gas, thinking that it was Kris in the black sedan.

“Please.” She sobbed.

“Give me that, Sunny!” I said; my hands careful not to steer to the other lanes as I tried to reach her. We were shouting at each other, screaming at the top of our lungs in pursuit of taking control over the phone.


When it happened, it was too late. The black sedan was racing to meet us, and it did. It was not Kris who was following us, trying to stop me. It was Krystal. But it was too late when I saw her. I lost control of the steering wheel, the car swerved straight into the car at full speed.



“I had tears when I woke up.” He said. There was a long moment of silence before someone caught the attention between the new acquaintances.

“I’m really excited to see unnie’s baby. They said he is so healthy.” Sulli told no one in particular.

“I’m really excited to see him. Sica noona’s baby is so adorable but she won’t let me carry her.” Sehun told Sulli.

Just then, the group heard a cry of the baby from upstairs, and soon every member of the gang is walking back into the house. Some of Sunny’s visitors have already left, but she hasn’t met with her friends yet.

“I hope he got Sunny unnie’s lips.” Seohyun giggled as she climbed up the stairs with Suho.

“He is a boy, Seohyun.” He scowled.

“Even though he is a boy it doesn’t mean that he should get all of the father’s features.” She argued. When they got to the top of the stairs, they turned towards the nursery, where everyone else is clamouring. From afar, everyone could hear Sunny and Jessica complaining about the babies sleeping.

Suho stayed by the door and watched them. The room was painted in baby blue. The baby’s toys were all over. Sulli carefully took the baby boy from Sunny’s arms as Krystal took Sica’s baby. “Let’s take a picture together, Ssul!” Krystal suggested and they asked their boyfriends to take photos of them.

“Thank God, he didn’t have your lips, unnie.” Sulli said, and Krystal laughed at the comment.

“Well, he looks just like his father.” Sunny said, suddenly looking beyond everyone, disregarding everyone’s eyes as she met gazes with the father. She smiled at him, making Suho’s world stop rotating on its axis.

Then, everyone turned around to see where Sunny is looking.


Hours Later, 2013

I had tears when I woke up.

It was my second time to wake up in a hospital that year. They said it has been hours since the accident. The doctors, as usual, knew so much more than I knew my own body. They said that my brain was damaged so much, and they did not expect me to wake up at all. They told me so many other things, but I didn’t listen to them. When the doctors left, I noticed Baekhyun and Sulli were also there.

“Where is Sunny?” I asked my mother. But somehow, Sunny isn’t my concern at that time. “Oh my God, where is Krystal?!” When I realized that, I stood up. I felt something funny in my left arm, and I realized that it was broken.

My mother tried to stop me, but she took me by the operating room anyway. When I got there, Sehun was crying so hard. He grabbed me as soon as he saw me. He pushed me up the wall and was about to hit me until Sulli and Baekhyun stopped him. “I’m sorry, Sehun.” I cried.

“I trusted you, hyung! How could you be so careless?!” Sehun cried as he struggled against Baekhyun’s grip. “Why do you have to get her into this? Why did you have to be so selfish?!” His words hit all the right part of my heart. I’ve been so selfish and careless, that I dragged other people with me. I endangered the lives of my loved ones.

I kneeled before him, begging him forgiveness. Tears break out of my eyes again. All of us were crying at that time. Krystal was laying there, unconscious, blood not even stopping to come out of her head. Soon, she will need blood. If the wound won’t clot, she would need blood. What have you done, Kim Joonmyeon?!

“We need to conduct a blood transfusion as soon as possible. Are there any relatives present?” The doctors asked. We all fell silent. “I’m afraid the blood bank wouldn’t be enough. We need to find a donor immediately.”

“What is her blood type?” I asked. I am willing to donate her all of my blood, if I can.

“She is Type A.” the doctor said. I remained silent. There is nothing I could help. “I’m afraid if no one would donate, Miss Jung would die.”

We were all silent, until someone I least expected spoke up. “I am Type A.” All heads turned to her. And that is the day Sulli saved Krystal’s life. The day the same blood ran in their veins. I only knew brief information about the awkwardness between them. But after that day, it’s as if they have been best friends for so long.

When everything was finally settled, I forced to go back to my room as the doctors are still observing me. I refused to go at first, but then my head ached so much, and suddenly I felt so weak that I couldn’t even walk. The nurses brought me back to the room, and I was cared for more than ever.

It was a total hell version two point zero. I was just sitting there, all day and night, wondering why God woke me up. I could have died. I should have died. I endangered the life of the person that I love. I almost killed a good friend. How did I even deserve to live after being so selfish and immature? I don’t know how depression hits a person, but it feels like I’m back to the days when I cower into the darkness.

When Jessica came storming into the room, all I wanted was to die. She never cursed. It was against her class. But she cursed at me so much that one day. She slapped me so hard, for so many times, until I could no longer feel them. She could kill me. She could have just killed me right there. I deserve to die after what I did to her sister. But she didn’t.

Sehun hated me so much. He never visited me in my room. He never talked about me, nor even wanted to talk to me. It was fine, I deserve it. I understand him. I deserved all the hate from the world. It is what I’m good at. Making people cry, hurting my loved ones, almost killing them. I wished I’ve never been born at all so that they would be happy all the days of their life.

That is why when Sunny came to my room one morning, I was surprised. I didn’t see traces of anger or hatred in her face. Was it rescuing operation version two point zero all over again? The difference this time is she is wearing the same hospital robes as mine. She had a wound on her forehead, a cut across her cheek. But she was smiling at me. And for the first time in my life, I hated seeing that smile. I almost killed her, but she was smiling at me, giving me the very drug I am addicted to.

“I’m sorry.” I said, pursing my lips in guilt.

“I’m sorry, Suho. I was the reason why you are like this. Had I known my feelings before, you wouldn’t have been hurting like this. I must admit that I’ve been selfish myself as well. I was the bad person here, Suho. This is not my story… This is yours. And, I’ve been a very bad lover to you.” She said.

“Sunny, please, don’t.” I told her, because the tears came again. And I had the feeling that this time it won’t end.

“I’ve been a bad best friend as well.” She sobbed. “Best friends tell each other everything, right? But I didn’t, since Chapter One. This time, I will tell you everything you wanted to know. Everything I kept from you.” She paused a bit before continuing, “I had a crush on you back then.” She let out a laugh. “I never told you because I thought that you liked Sica, and she likes you back then, so I thought I should never tell you.”

“Sunny, I am not having this conversation with you.” I said.

“The truth is, I liked you a lot. I never told you, because guys should tell his feelings first. When I had flings, and romantic episodes, and Kris, at the end of the day, I was thinking if you were jealous of them. But then it stopped sometime when Kris made me feel so special and loved. When I lost him, it all came back. I was happy that you were there for me.”

There was a pause.

“When we had the chance, I became really excited because I used to have feelings for you. When I loved you, I really loved you. I loved you so much that it hurts so much when you weren’t there the first time I cried again in so many years. I realized how much I needed you and how much I wanted you back in my life even though you were the reason why I was hurting that much. Soon the pain turned into hatred, to you, to the world, to everyone. But when Kris came back into my life, he took all the pain away. He may not be as loyal as you, but he made me happy again.”

“I’m sorry.” I silently said in between the tears.

“I cannot love you again, Kim Joonmyeon. I’m sorry that I gave you false hopes. When I saw how much you were dying for me, I felt sorry for you. I had Kris, but you have nobody. I tried to make you happy, I really did. And I felt so miserable, that I didn’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want to disappoint you, and I don’t want to give you this temporary happiness either. Everyone said I need to tell you, and I was afraid that you won’t make it if I did.”

“I barely survived.” I said. She smiled.

“When the doctors told me that the baby survived, I cried. I didn’t even know that I was pregnant.” She said.

I was shocked. “You were pregnant?” I asked nervously. She nodded, slowly at first, and then fast, as if it was the most important thing I need to know.

“Then I really wanted to kill you, thinking that you almost killed an innocent child within me. I don’t know if I could ever forgive you for doing so much pain to me, Suho. What you did only added so much more to the pain that I received from you. I don’t think I could ever forgive you. But then I realized that I’ve been careless around you as well. What if the person I hate so much is the father of my child?”



“It was my Game Over.” I told Seohyun.

We all turned around to see Kris. Sunny walked to him with their baby. It was a happy picture. Kris leaned down to kiss baby boy before he kissed Sunny on her forehead. That little guy in his mommy’s arms was my game over.



Whew! That was one long chapter! (Undoubtedly the longest one I've written so far) Are you guys still with me?

I was supposed to cut this chapter to the last 53 words. But I decided that I will not tease you guys anymore. This chapter is coming to an end, and I've been tired with all the twists and turns, so there. That's it. The game is over, guys... Or is it? A girl named Seohyun entered Suho's life. Will Suho finally open his heart to someone else, or would this girl be the game changer in this story? I'm really excited on how you guys would react. Comment + upvote!

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superjammmy #1
HELLLOOOO. Idk if you're gonna see this since it's been so long since you last logged in, BUT THIS IS SERIOUSLY THE BEST FANFIC I'VE READ HERE SINCE 2013 I THINK. Aaaaaaaaaah, it was my first time reading an angst fic (and my heart literally hurt the moment I finished this lol) BUT IT WAS SO GREAT. Did you also know you made me fall in love with Suho (so much he became my bias already) because of this story???? LOL

Chapter 16: Omg poor seobabyyy. This story was so sad but really really great. Your character development is very nice, and it really helps give each person a uniqueness that many authors struggle with when they have a lot of characters.
SungHaJoon #3
Chapter 16: My heart is dying right now.
Every time reading this story I would always say ' she tagged it as an angst so I have to be ready to not cry my soul out. '
But then reading how Seohyun stood strong even if her husband saw in her another woman,and how he was obsessed,I couldn't take it.
So I cried like a fountain.
Everything in the start of this chapter was normal but then talking of their kids I was still suspecting that Kris and Sunny's son wasn't Kris' after all. So I thought maybe was a drama about their kids .. ? But nothing happened.
I didn't really cry for Sunny's death,I was more catched by Suho's illness and everything else.
I really loved all of your stories and this one even if it wasn't about Sunny and Kris mostly I still loved it a lot,hope you'll write a new one soon ! ♡
icecreamyo #4
Chapter 16: thank you :)
SungHaJoon #5
Chapter 15: I'm like ' Oh,is she ending with Kris? ' ' Oh,so she's ending with Suho. ' ' Oh,no,so she's ending with Kris. '
And I don't know who I should ship here.
I thought ' SUNKRIS IS MY OTP FOR SURE,GOD. ' but then you came up with this story and this gay Suho and I don't know anymore. ( ... )
Anyway,this was a good update and we're already at the penultimate,so sad.
Update soon please !
icecreamyo #6
Chapter 15: I seriously don't know what I'm supposed to feel whenever I'm reading this story. There's so much going on and when you think everything's fine, there's drama again. Also I can't help but think of HIMYM during this chapter lol.
I can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you for the update!