Episode 4

✰ ✰내 마음에 머물 당신 You Who Stayed In My Heart (Season 2 of You Who Came From The Stars) ✰ ✰

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Scene 15

Days passed, and yet Cheon Song Yi falied to seduce Min Joon. With high disappointment, Song Yi decided to leave th house and visit her friend Bok Ja for a whole week, with the permission of Min Joon. During the trip to Bok Ja's house, Song Yi worried about Min Joon. She would frequently ask herself questions in a shaky voice. "Will Min Joon do anything without my knowledge?" "Min Joon is not that type of person right?" "What happen if Wook and Min Joon use their super powers together and they create a mass destruction?" "Oh my God! I don't know what I am thinking!" When Song Yi reached a red-light, she would pound her head into the steering wheel vigorously with a feel of frustration and disatisfaction. Onece, She forgot to proceed with her driving when the red-light turned into a green-light. It caused a whole lot of honking in that street. 


Scene 16

Meanwhile Song Yi had difficulties travelling to Bok Ja's house, Min Joon and Wook stayed at the house staring at each other awkwardly. Both of them kept their distance. Min Joon sat on another living couch while Wook was on the other one. "So, Wook-ah, I haven't had the time to know more about you. Do you mind if I aske some questions?" Wook nodded like a child would've nod to a candy bar. "Okay, my first question is, why and hosw did you come here? Do you have any intention during your time here? And, what is your social status on our star?" Wook looked at Min Joon as if he he had asked too many private questions. However, Wook answered politely with a smile on his face the entire time. "It seemed to me that you asked me to do a whole biography. Okay, I will tell you the basics. My family social status is Peiner. My brother and I decided to explore Earth since I begged him so much. When we got to Earth, my brother and I decided to land our UFO in the forest and explore. However, as we proceeded to explore, I got curious of my surroundings, so I went further away from our UFO. Then, I got lost, then you found me in the forest." Min Joon bent over and gave Wook a close look. Words came out of his mouth. "Are you sure you don't have any intentions?" Wook shooked his head. 

Later on, Min Joon glanced that hung up on the bright white wall. It read "9:00 p.m.". Min Joon collapsed onto his as he threw his wet black towel on the bedside next to him. "So boring. I guess I can't live without her." Min Joon abruptly stood up and walked to his phone that was located in his jacket which was hung on a chair. He snatched his phone from the pocket and typed in his password "10301982". Song Yi's picture popped up as the wallpaper with one of her shoulder revealing skin. Min Joon quickly  pressed speed dial number one. He waited for an answer, but no one picked up. Min Joon repeatedly speed dial number one until a voice came on the other end. 

"What? Hungry? Go buy some chicken and a lot of beer for you since I won't be coming home until a whole two week." Song Yi said to Min Joon on the other line. 

"Huh?! You said you will only be gone for one week! How did you come up with two weeks?!" Min Joon replied angrily. 

"Yah! It is my life. I can do whatever I want. Whatever, bye!" Song Yi combacked Min Joon who was in rage. 

Min Joon threw his phone on the bed with full force and teleported in front of the tv in the living room where Wook was still watching tv happily. His sudden appearance caused Wook to have twitched a little. 

"Min Joon shi, are you okay? I don't mind if you teleport somewhere else, but please don't scare me like this again." Wook begged Min Joon who was still standing in front of the tv stiffly. Min Joon then moved closer to Wook who was sitting up on the couch. He paused when he came close to Wook. "Have you ever heard of beer?" Wook pondered, but he didn't know so be shook his head. Min Joon sat next to Wook while talking about beer to Wook. "Beer is a drink that human loves to drink when they are depress. Beer helps human remove their depression and sorrows. It does exactly the same to us aliens too. However, if we drink too many of it and get drunk, we lose control of our power. For some odd reasons, even though I know that that will happen, I feel like I want some right now." 

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I am sorry that I didn't update on Sunday, I will try to update on Monday or as soon as possible.


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elainesamara #1
your very creative ... im interested to read you writing ... thank you for sharing your talent ...
EunkyungLee #2
Chapter 3: Hi! You never picked up your trailer. - C'est La Vie
soneyeongwonhi #4
Chapter 3: Ahhh lovely! Please continue writing! Fighting! :>
cinzia #6
Chapter 3: wow!interesting! but wook you're evilness will not last long
Chapter 3: omg wook i hate u n ur devil brother AISHHH......cheon song yi is only do min joon's girl
cinzia #8
hello! i am new here,can i ask when will be released ep 3?
mangoolover #9
look forward for more min joon n song yi sweet moment..:)
keep it up, writer-nim..<3
Chapter 2: wow m loving it...thank yuh author nim for updating fast...hoing the next chapter will be updated as fast as possible