Episode 3

✰ ✰내 마음에 머물 당신 You Who Stayed In My Heart (Season 2 of You Who Came From The Stars) ✰ ✰

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Scene 9

Right beofre the clock clicked to 5:00 p.m., Song Yi rushed in the front door and screamed "Do Min Joon shi!" with her arms wide open, waiting for Min Joon to come into her arms. However, there were no response. Wook rooled his eyes, which was dedicated to Song Yi because throughtout the whole day, Wook knew that Song Yi only thought about Min Joon. Wook walked pass Song Yi who's arms was still wide open waiting for Min Joon's embrace and planted himself on the living room couch. "This is weird. Why would Min Joon call me to hurry home, but then when I reach home, he doesn't com to me?" Song Yi asked Wook who just got himself seated on the living room couch. Wook turned to Song Yi and gave her a slight shrug. 

"Unbelieveable (English Language)!" Song Yi exclaimed as she was sitting down with Wook on the living room couch wondering where Min Joon is after searching for him throughout the whole house. Exhausted, Song Yi burried her face onto the pillow that was next to her. Wook noticed her exhausted adn sorrowful actions, so he decided to help Song Yi by using his super powers to make Song Yi go to sleep. After he made sure Song Yi fell asleep by poking her a few times on the shoulder, Wook picked her up in bridal style and carried her to Song Yi's and Min Joon's bedroom that was located upstairs.

When Wook reached the door that will open to the bedroom, instead of opening the door normally, he travels through the door in order to make every process much more time efficient. He placed Song Yi on the baby blue blanket that covered the bed. Wook made sure that Song Yi's whole body layed comfortably on the bed, then he tucked Song Yi inside the blanket. As Wook was about to finish tucking Song Yi in, he paused and stared at Song Yi's natural beautiful face. Wook grinned. He started to use his finger to trace Song Yi's smooth face. The longer he repeated to trace her face, the more he loved staring at her. 

Wook walked out of the room with a fulfilled heart, but what Wook didn't notice was that as soon as he exited the bedroom, Song Yi's eye lit up with afraidness.

Scene 10

"What is it Lawyer Jang? Why did you have to call me?" Min Joon asked Lawyer Jang with frustration as the sat in Lawyer Jang's living room couch. 

"Sorry, I was just wandering if you are planning to have a child with Cheon Song Yi since you guys have had a long marriage life already?" 

Min Joon replied with a stern face. "I don't mind, but the problem is that I don't what will happen to Song Yi, me, or our child." Min Joon paused to sigh, then continue his words. "I know that Song Yi might not want a child, but she really want to do the activity that many lovers do, and I always reject her because I don't know the outcome. However, I feel that there will be nothing since us alien abducted many women to reproduce in our star." 

Lawyer Jang tilted his head and pondered the answer that Min Joon just gave him. With a low and quiet voice, Layer Jang told Min Joon. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try since you know that the womem that got abducted to your star didn't have any effect on them." 

Min Joon stared away with the thought of what he should do. Then he just vanished in front of Lawyer Jang's eye.

Scene 11

Song Yi sat on the bed with her hand placed on her chin. She thought about the action that she just witnessed about Wook touching her face gently as if he had feeling for her. Song Yi thought about the grin that Wook gave to Song Yi when Song Yi secretly opened her eye when Wook wasn't paying attention to her. "Can't be, can't be. He probably just touched my face because I was just too beautiful that he couldn't resist. He couldn't have touched it because he had feelings for me." Song Yi laughed out loud and then said, "that's right! He couldn't be having other thoughts." With Song Yi smiling towards mid-air, Min Joon appeared right in front of her. Song Yi got frightened and leaped backward which caused her head to hit the wall behind the bed.

"Yah! Where did you go? You told me to come home, and when I came home, there was nothing but an empty house waiting for me. Did you perhaps went and do anything improper?" Song Yi half asked and half teased to Min Joon.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything horrible. Lawyer Jang called me on the phone and told me to go visit him, so I just teleported to his house. He wanted to talk with me for a reason." Min Joon answered while positioning him next to Song Yi. 

Song Yi looked at Min Joon opened-mouthed then asked, "what was the reason? Did it deal with me?" 

"You can say so. It dealed with us both, but mostly you."

Song Yi, who was about to ask another word, but it got interrupted with Min Joon's deep low voice. "I won't be telling you the specifics, but I will just tell you that it dealed with something that you have always been wanting to do." 

The replied caused Song Yi to smile and gave Min Joon a little hit on the shoulder. "Aigoo, my Min Joon has grown up now. Do you want to try having a kid right now? Ever since I have you, I wanted to have a kid with you."

In shock, Min Joon faced Song Yi and gripped on Song Yi's arm. "You want a child now? I thought you only wanted to do the adult activity?" 

"Do Min Joon shi, are you that dumb? What do you think happen after doing the activity? A child, right? When I agreed to do the deed with you that means that I willing to use my beautiful stomache to bear you a child."

Min Joon stumbled across this question since he had never mentioned it to Song Yi ever before. "Well, I can always wear a , right?" 

Without hesitation, Song Yi smacked Min Joon hard on the head. Followed by the smack was Song Yi's preachful words. "People who uses condoms are people who are not confident towards their relationship, and I believe that you and I have a very strong relationship." 

"Araso, but, we will still have to wait to confirm what will happen if we do do the deed. Enough talking, lets just go cook. I haven't have dinner yet." 

Song Yi gave Min Joon a look of dissatisfaction for like the 100th time, then walked out with her hands behind her back. Min Joon sighed looking at the attitude that Song Yi just gave to him. 

Scene 12

Nothing extravegant was placed on the dining table. There was only rice and a big bowl of soup in the middle with a bunch of random things that were thrown in there, which contained : broccolis, diced beef, carrots, patatoes, celery,  cabbage, and other unrecognizeable ingredients. Min Joon ate the meal with a suffering feeling while Wook on the other hand was enjoying it. Song Yi, who was the chef,  patiently stared at Wook the whole time. She pondered about the incident that happened to her in the bedroom with Wook. She tried to get rid of the nasty thoughts that she was thinking by thinking that Wook just wanted to touch her based off her irresistable look, but it was hard to imagine so. Min Joon on the other hand stared at Song Yi who was focused on Wook the entire time they started to eat dinner. It was something that Min Joon didn't understand about Song Yi.  Was she trying to make Min Joon jealous, or not?  Feeling insecure, Min Joon interrupted Song Yi.  "Song Yi, I am done with dinner. Since it took you two hours to make dinner, it is bedtime already. Why won't you clean up the dishes?" Min Joon's statement made Wook rushed his food down his throat. After finishing all his rice in his bowl, Wook looked at Song Yi who was still staring at him and said, "Min Joon is right. You should clean up the dishes." Song Yi gave a little smirk, then stood up to give Min Joon and Wook a huge sarcastic bows. "Yes, Your Majesties." Angrily, Song Yi hurdled all the empty plates at once and slammed them into the sink and started to wash them. Min Joon looked at Wook with an apologetic face. "Please excuse my dear wife. Sometimes she can becom very wild." Wook smiled as his response. 

Although Min Joon said that it was bedtime, the three of them ended up in the living room watching Se Mi's new historical drama that just aired, "Queen Inhyun's Man Sequel". Min Joon was totally fascinated by it since it dealed with the Joseon Dynasty while Song Yi and Wook was not entertained at all. Song Yi mostly groaned or complained about Se Mi acting skills while Wook was trying to figure out what the whole storyline was about since it was hard to follow. While Min Joon was enjoying the drama intently, Wook lost interest and decided to stare at Song Yi instead. He stared at Song Yi for about four minutes until Song Yi realized that Wook was paying more attention to her than the drama. Feeling scared and insecure at the same time, Song Yi interrupted the whole scenery of them three in the living room with her dramatically standing up. "Min Joon, lets go sleep since it is already 10:00, and Wook shi, you can go sleep in your room that Min Joon assigned you." Song Yi made sure Min Joon followed her by forcefully pulling Min Joon up by the arms. Wook looked at the two couple as they both walked up the stairs that lead to their bedroom. 

When Wook knew for sure that Min Joon and Song Yi was already in their bedroom because of the bedroom door slame, Wook fully rested his entire body on the couch. He stared up into the ceiling with his right arm on his forehead. Wook silently whispered, "Cheon Song Yi, one day you will be mine only." 

Scene 13

Song Yi and Min Joon laid uncomfortably on the bed. They both faced opposite direction while both of them were still wide awake. The silence didn't last until long when Min Joon rolled over to Song Yi's side and spooned Song Yi. "Saranghae, Cheon Song Yi." Min Joon whispered to Song Yi's delicate ear. Even though Song Yi did not face Min Joon, he could feel that Song Yi was smiling. 

Scene 14

Wook was half asleep, but then something caught Wook's attention that was located outside of the window in Wook's bedroom; it seems to have been glowing bright green and blue lights. Curioused, Wook teleported to the area in front of his window where the blue and green lights glowed. Just as Wook landed on the grass, an alien awaited him. "What are you doing here," asked Wook to the alien that was wearing a glow-in-the-dark blue outfit. "I came to ask you about the mission that you were planning to do on Earth. When are you planning to abduct Song Yi? Can it be tonight since I have nothing to do at the moment?" Wook was about to spill out the word "yes", but decided not to because he feared that since Min Joon is an alien, Min Joon will make his mission unaccomplish. Wook also wanted to stay on Earth for a little longer because of the interesting environment, and the delicious appetite. "No, not today, but somewhere in the future I will make sure that Song Yi will become my wife on our star. And I will make sure that we are able to produce as many daughters as we want so that I can elevate my status in our star." The alien grimaced at Wook's response. "Ow! My dear brother Wook sure is grown up now! So your plan is to abduct Song Yi , try to make her have as many daughters as possible in order to raise your social status from a "Peiner" to a "Sopor". My dear brother sure is smarter than this older brother he has here." Both of the villians laughed with their real alien high pitched voice. "Yes brother! I have had this plan planned out ever since the King of our star stated that the alien who can produce the most girls will rise up in rank one by one. Since I know that father, and you can't raise your status anymore since you guys are marry, I might as well use the chance to come to Earth and abduct women in this Earth. However, if that women fails to produce any girls, then I will kill her with my own bare hands!" Wook justified his plans to his proud brother who was standing next to him. "Why do you need to kill? You can just keep on trying!" Wook turned to look at his brother since the whole time Wook and his brother was facing the same direction. "I do so because in our planet, there is a rule that you can only stay faithful to one wife, and if you do get caught cheating, you and that person will lose their life by the king himself draining all your energy out of you and throwing you into the hot sun." Wook's brother face from a smiley face to a stern face asked Wook solemnly. "How am I not able to kill my own wife to get honor, but my younger is able to kill his own wife to gain honor? As the saying goes, "there will always be a devil in your family if it is not you." " The brother laughed then disappeared into the sky with his bright white UFO.  The last statement of Wook's brother puzzled Wook because Wook realized that his brother just called him the devil of his family. Wook smiled. 



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I am sorry that I didn't update on Sunday, I will try to update on Monday or as soon as possible.


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elainesamara #1
your very creative ... im interested to read you writing ... thank you for sharing your talent ...
EunkyungLee #2
Chapter 3: Hi! You never picked up your trailer. - C'est La Vie
soneyeongwonhi #4
Chapter 3: Ahhh lovely! Please continue writing! Fighting! :>
cinzia #6
Chapter 3: wow!interesting! but wook you're evilness will not last long
Chapter 3: omg wook i hate u n ur devil brother AISHHH......cheon song yi is only do min joon's girl
cinzia #8
hello! i am new here,can i ask when will be released ep 3?
mangoolover #9
look forward for more min joon n song yi sweet moment..:)
keep it up, writer-nim..<3
Chapter 2: wow m loving it...thank yuh author nim for updating fast...hoing the next chapter will be updated as fast as possible