Unexpected, You

Little Miss Sunshine

Title: Unexpected, You 
Genre/Rating: Romance, T
Pairing: Luna/Chanyeol
Summary: Part II to Smile, You. He was the only one who saw through her front, her character, her mold.
Chapter Song: Junsu's You are so beautiful [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKJTED9I3zc]

Wake up, put on the mold, survive through the day, go to sleep.

This was the daily routine Sunyoung lived. Everyday, she put on the character her parents built for her while suffocating from the inside. There was no such thing as free will and decisions in Sunyoung's life. Everything has been defined and chosen for her. To make her "live a good life."
Sunyoung would just nod and politely smile when her parents said that too her, but she would die on the inside. How would they know what a good life was? But Sunyoung was stuck. She was always in this cycle. She tried to get out once. It ended in disaster, with her piano being broken and her music sheets torn. 
Life felt like a game. Make everyone think you're happy. Make everyone think you're perfect. And Sunyoung was pretty dang good at doing that. Everyone envied her for having a "perfect" life. 
Except for him.
Chanyeol entered her life so unexpectedly. He was the only one who saw through her front, her character, her mold. It was really strange at first. But Sunyoung realized... that she's only human, too. 
And he gave her a taste of what freedom was.
Sunyoung smiled as lied down on her bed. She didn't know why, but she absolutely loved today. He made her feel free and alive. The artist that was choking from inside of her was released and able to breathe. Sunyoung didn't know what came over her, but she just wanted to express her gratitude. And thus, without even fully realizing what she was doing, she kissed him on the cheek. She flushed red before shaking her head and sitting back up. Sunyoung pulled out her journal and pulled out a pen to start writing a little bit. Sunyoung thought for a bit before scribbling:
I’ve never felt this way before, I can’t stop, it overflows
As if someone locked it up, my lips won’t open in front of you
When I called you and I saw your eyes as you turned around

Sunyoung stopped writing. And then with a sad smile she wrote. 
But then again, this was just a midsummer night's dream. It was short and sweet, but it ends here. 
She sighed as she lied back down, hugging her plushie. It was a one time things, her and Chanyeol. It's a friendship that couldn't be kept. Who knew what people would say? Who knew what Kris would say? Who knew... it just wasn't meant to be. Sunyoung opened her phone and looked at the picture she snuck of Chanyeol playing the guitar. Well, at least this picture proved that it wasn't a dream and that it really did happen. 
But for now, Sunyoung can dream. The night is still young. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, the dream will be over and reality will settle in. But until tomorrow morning, Sunyoung will dream. About the bright sun, the music, and his smile. 
Life resumed as normal. Sunyoung went to class, early as usual, and did her routine class representative duties. She braced herself as the time for other students to arrive quickly approached. Sunyoung would have to be firm in letting Chanyeol know it was a one time thing. She could do it. And then Sunyoung heard his laugh from behind. She rigidly sat at her seat in the front and pulled out some notebooks to act like she was studying. Sunyoung was tempted to turn around to see if Chanyeol was looking at her but she willed everything in herself to look forward. 
And then class started. Sunyoung didn't know why but she felt a little disappointed. She thought he would.. you know, come up and talk to her. But whatever. She refused to look back at him and just paid attention to the teacher. 
When it was finally lunch break Sunyoung saw a pair of feet walking towards her. Okay, be stern. Tell Chanyeol that they can't be friends, it was fun but now it's over. She braced herself and looked up only to see Kris staring at her oddly. 
"What? Let's go eat."
Sunyoung opened and closed it and only nodded in reply. She stood up and followed him out the door. Sunyoung made the mistake of looking back and making eye contact with Chanyeol who was sitting at his usual spot in the back corner. She quickly looked away and scurried out the room. The whole day went by in a blur, consisting of Kris being next to her constantly (except for class time) and avoiding Chanyeol the best she could. Sunyoung knew that if they talked, somehow he always managed to get her to listen to him. Sunyoung looked at the clock as the bell rang for class to end. She made it through the day without talking to Chanyeol! Sunyoung quickly packed her stuff and was about to leave when Chanyeol was standing in front of her. She blinked as he towered over her. He was freaking tall.
"Hey, friend," he said, "Care to talk?"
Sunyoung gulped, "Um, what do we have to talk about?"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Are you serious?"
Sunyoung started fidgeting as she felt the stares of students in their class. She sighed as she motioned for Chanyeol to follow and they walked out of the classroom.
"Did you have to make a scene in class?" Sunyoung quietly muttered to him. He grinned victoriously, "Well, it worked didn't it? After you ignored me this whole day."
Sunyoung stopped walking and looked at him, "I just would like to say that the events of last Saturday were great but that is all. It does not make you or I friends. It does not mean anything."
Chanyeol smirked and rasied a brow, "Seriously?"
Sunyoung took a deep breath, "Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me."
She was about to step away when Chanyeol grabbed her wrist and turned her around. Sunyoung looked at him with widened eyes, "Let go of me."
His eyes bore into hers and he said, "You don't really mean that."
Sunyoung faltered. Of course she didn't. But she had to. She took a deep breath and said in a sturdy voice, "I do."
He let go of her hand and she quickly walked away, afraid that she would ask him to hold her again.
A week has passed and Sunyoung hadn't talk to Chanyeol at all. She wasn't hurt or anything. Sad, but relieved. She sighed as she arrived home and was surprised to see her parents were home. Sunyoung happily skipped into the house and was greeted by the maids. She quickly nodded back at them and then walked up to her father's office. Sunyoung slowed down her steps and calmed herself down, making sure she looked presentable. 
Sunyoung knocked. There was silence so Sunyoung knocked again, "Father?"
"Come in."
Sunyoung smiled as she walked into the big office room where her father was sitting at the desk. 
"Did you need something?" Her dad asked, not even looking up at her. Sunyoung shook her head, "No, I just wanted to see you because you're never home."
"How's school?" He asked, still looking at the paperwork.
"It's fine." Sunyoung said, twiddling her thumbs. 
"Have you started your applications for Universities?" He asked. Sunyoung frowned, "Well, no. It's still junior year. I have next year to-"
"It's not easy to get into the American Universities," her dad said, finally looking at her, "You need to start preparing now."
"Um, okay, but you know, I really thought about it and... I don't know if I want to go to America to study." Sunyoung said. 
"Why?" He said sternly, "The education system there is much more prestigious and will only help you more, Sunyoung."
"I know," Sunyoung said, "but.. I don't know. Korea is my home. I don't want to leave it and..."
"Enough." Her dad said, turning back to the paperwork, "You will apply to those universities. It was our plan for the past 20 years, I don't know what suddenly got into you."
Sunyoung frowned, "No, dad, it was your plan for the past 20 years."
He stopped his work and looked up at her. 
"Enough," He said again, "I don't know what got into you. I have a lot of work to do. Why are you here anyway? Don't you have extra study classes?"
"No, dad, I don't," Sunyoung said, "I haven't for the past two years, but you wouldn't know."
"Do not raise your voice at me." He said. Sunyoung sighed, tears b her eyes, "Yes, sir."
And she left, slamming the door. She ran to her room and cried, hugging her plushie. Did he even love her? No, she was probably only an object to her. An object to make more money and more capital.. and whatever. Sunyoung couldn't take it. There was only so much she could handle. It felt like she was suffocating more and more. 
Sunyoung knew she shouldn't abuse her class representative powers, but she decided to this one time. Sunyoung flipped through the student profiles and found Chanyeol's. She dialed his number and anxiously waited as the dial tone rang. 

Sunyoung sniffled, "Chanyeol?"
"Sunyoung? Are you crying?"
"Can you take me?" she asked, crying, "Can you take me out of here? Anywhere, just, please. I can't stay here."
"O-Okay. Are you home? I'll be right there." 
Sunyoung and Chanyeol were walking side by side on the streets. After calling Chanyeol, she waited for him outside her house, scared her dad wouldn't even let her out of the house. Chanyeol came running to her house and didn't say anything. In fact, they didn't say anything at all. The two just walked in silence. To where, Sunyoung had no idea. 
Sunyoung looked at Chanyeol who handed a water bottle to her. She grabbed it from him and quietly said, "Thanks."
"Well, we're here." He said. Sunyoung looked up and saw that they were standing in front of a building.
"Where are we?" Sunyoung asked. Chanyeol grinned, "A music store."
They went in and Chanyeol showed Sunyoung all the different instruments in the store. They tried all the normal instruments like the different guitars and pianos and the strange ones from tribal drums to strange shaking instrument Sunyoung never saw before. Sunyoung never had so much fun in her life, not thinking about anything that was happening. 
"Look at this drum!" Sunyoung said, laughing. It was one of the strange tribal looking drum. Chanyeol started hitting the head of the drum and Sunyoung giggled, "That drum really matches you."
They continued along to see the percussions and the hand instruments and then the records. 
"Here," Chanyeol said as he placed beats on Sunyoung's ears. She flushed a little bit from the contact as soft and pretty music came out from the earphones. 
"It's one of my favorite songs. Magic Castle." He said with a grin. Sunyoung silently listened, "It's beautiful."
After they continued looking around the store, the two went to go eat at a small nearby restaurant that supposedly had the best noodles. They sat down and waited for their food after ordering. Sunyoung was genuinely having a great time with Chanyeol. He didn't ask anything, he just talked to her. He made her forget about her dad, her sadness, just everything. He just made her... happy.
"What?" Chanyeol said playfully when he caught Sunyoung smiling by herself. She shook her head, "It's nothing. I've never been to a cozy little shop like this."
"Well, there's a first for everything!" Chanyeol said happily. Their food soon came out and they started eating the delicious noodles.
"This is so good!" Sunyoung said with big eyes, "How come I've never had this noodle before?!?!"
Chanyeol laughed, "I'm glad you like it."
After eating everything, Chanyeol walked Sunyoung back home. It was a silent yet comfortable walk and Sunyoung was very thankful for him at that moment.
"You're not curious?" Sunyoung asked, taking a peek at Chanyeol. 
"I am." He replied, looking over at her, "But I figured you needed a friend, not questions."
Sunyoung's eyes began to water.
"Thanks," Sunyoung said warmly with a tear-filled smile. Chanyeol looked taken aback, "Whoa, um. I don't do well with crying girls. Sunyoung?"
She laughed as she wiped away the tears and said, "Thanks, Chanyeol. Um, get back home safely."
He nodded as he waved, "Go in."
Sunyoung bit her lip as she shyly smiled and walked in to her house.
"This is so childish," Chanyeol said with a huff. Sunyoung and Chanyeol were hanging out at a cafe, but they had to wear disguises. Of course, upon Sunyoung's insistence. They have come to an agreement to be secret friends. Yes, secret as in no one knew of their friendship. At school, they would completely ignore each other, but out of the site of the people around them, they would hang out.
"What do you mean?" Sunyoung asked nonchalantly as she sipped her smoothie. Chanyeol pouted, "Secret friends. What are we in elementary school?"
Sunyoung rolled her eyes, "Well, consider yourself lucky you even get to be my secret friend. You're the first."
Chanyeol laughed, "It must be really hard for you to live with this nice girl image. You're so mean on the inside."
Sunyoung playfully glared at him while laughing, "I am pretty amazing..."
"And pretty arrogant too, if I don't say so myself." Chanyeol added. Sunyoung just nodded. Well, it's not like that wasn't true, in her opinion. 
"Hey... why don't you just rebel?" Chanyeol asked. Sunyoung gave him a strange look. 
"I mean," Chanyeol continued, "Why bother hiding yourself... why go along with everything?"
Sunyoung remained silent before answering, "All in due time."
"Or... you're just scared." Chanyeol said knowingly, raising his eyebrows. Sunyoung shrugged, "Maybe that too. When I do it... I want to do it right. It's like my one shot."
"Just know that it's your life. You're not their doll." Chanyeol said. Sunyoung nodded, "I know. This is the start. See, I even have a secret friend like you! Haha, it's kind of exciting. I feel rebellious."
Chanyeol laughed, "For having a friend?"
Sunyoung giggled, "Whatever. You chose to be my friend."
She smiled warmly as Chanyeol started talking about something stupid he did with Baekhyun and Jongdae. Thanks for choosing to be my friend. 
It's been a month now since the pair have been "Secret friends." As in absolutely no one knew about their friendship. Even Jongdae and Baekhyun. Hanging out with Chanyeol was like a breath of fresh air for Sunyoung. Whatever they did whether it was eat, play music, or even talk, Sunyoung felt so at ease and comfortable. But she loved it most when they played music together.
And so, there Sunyoung was, sitting on the piano chair while Chanyeol brought up a chair next her, guitar on his lap.
"What is it that you wanted to show me so badly?" Sunyoung asked. Chanyeol smiled as he showed her his paper. "It's a new song I wrote!" Chanyeol said with a grin, "I wanted to sing it with you!"
"Mmmm," Sunyoung said as she looked at the paper, "We'll see if it's worthy of my voice."
"Eyy, don't play hard to get," Chanyeol said, "I poured by heart and soul into this one. This piece will be very famous one day."
Sunyoung laughed, "I really hope so. Alright, let's sing it."
Chanyeol nodded as he strummed and sang, 
*"Galaxy, wanna take a walk with me?
Wanna cross the twinkling Milky Way and hold hands and walk with me?
Sunyoung started singing along with him while reading the notes, 
"No one knows who lives there
No one knows what’s out there
But my dreams will definitely be floating there past the flashy rainbow"

Luna kept her eyes on the paper as the two kept singing in their harmonious voices.
"Should I do it or not? At the end of deep thought
I couldn’t confess to you because of the sound of the midsummer rain
Did it float off to the Milky Way that is faintly shining in the sky?"

Chanyeol's guitar strumming slowed down and Luna felt his stare on her. She looked up at him and saw him with his handsome lopsided grin. She didn't notice that they were so close before and he stopped playing the guitar. Sunyoung just stared at him as he continued singing
"Galaxy, wanna take a walk with me?"
He held his hand out to her as he continued the lyrics,
"Wanna cross the twinkling Milky Way and hold hands and walk with me?"
Chanyeol's eyes were shining brightly and Sunyoung couldn't help but smile and place her small hand in his large, calloused ones. He brought his face a little closer to Sunyoung and he whispered, "Sunyoung-ah, I don't think we can be secret friends anymore."
And then she felt his lips on hers. Her heartbeat started accelerating as she started feeling tingling sensation down the spine of her back. His lips were soft and warm against her own. It was a very short kiss. Sunyoung was a little flustered as he pulled away and looked at her. 
"Can I kiss you again?" He asked. Sunyoung blushed a little bit as she nodded. Chanyeol leaned over to her side and gave a full kiss this time. 
Sunyoung wasn't sure what she was getting herself into, but she was willing to take the risk with Chanyeol.
Sunyoung stormed out of the house and ignored the calls of her maids and butlers. Her dad was yelling at her again about stupid college applications and what not. She was done. She was done trying to please her parents and be someone she's not. She was going to fight back.
Sunyoung went to the nearest salon and was ushered it.
"How would you like your hair done, miss?"
Sunyoung paused before saying, "Something drastic, please."
The next day at school, Sunyoung had people turning heads. She heard people whispering and people staring at her but she completely ignored it. She wasn't exactly sure where this confidence was coming from, but she held her head high.
"Sunyoung?" Soojung asked shocked, "What the hell did you do to your hair?"
Sunyoung shrugged, "I needed a change."
"But blue hair?" Jinri asked with a crinkled face. Sunyoung smiled as she ran her fingers through her short blue hair, "I think it suits me."
And she walked away from the girls and went to the classroom. Sunyoung was starting to feel a little bit nervous. She didn't really care what other people thought about her. But she was a little nervous about what Chanyeol thought about her new look. She absentmindedly brushed her hair before reaching over to open the door.
She looked over and saw Chanyeol next to her with his mouth wide open. Sunyoung willed everything in herself to fight the blush and said, "Um, hi."
She nervously tucked a strand of her blue hair behind her ear.
"Your hair." He said, still shocked. Sunyoung bit her lip as she nodded, "I felt like I needed a change."
Chanyeol smiled at her, "It looks good."
Sunyoung let out a small smile before saying, "I'm glad you like it."
"Blue is my favorite color," Chanyeol joked. Sunyoung laughed, ignoring the stares from the students around them. 
Later during lunch, Baekhyun and Jongdae couldn't keep their mouths closed as Sunyoung sat down to eat with the trio.
"Hi," she said with a smile. Baekhyun and Jongdae couldn't say anything and just stared at her with wide eyes.
"Hey, guys," Chanyeol said, "You guy are starting to freak her out now."
Baekhyun recovered first, "H-Hi, Sunyoung!"
She laughed, "Hi Baekhyun."
Baekhyun's eyes almost bulged out of his eye socket, "You know my name?!"
Sunyoung nodded, "yeah, of course. We've been going to the same school since elementary. Same with Jongdae."
Now it was Jongdae's turn to turn wide eyed. 
"Stop, you guys are seriously embarrassing me now!" Chanyeol groaned. Sunyoung just laughed as she watched the three friends bicker and ask questions. She then heard footsteps behind her and froze. She already knew who it was.
Sunyoung took a deep breath before turning around to face a very angry looking Kris. The whole cafeteria became quiet as everyone watched the exchange happening between the two. 
"Yes?" She said, voice sounding a bit shakier than she would've liked. 
"Can we talk?" He asked in a surprisingly calm voice. Sunyoung felt Chanyeol about to stand up so she quickly placed her hand over Chanyeol's before replying, "Okay."
Of course this exchange didn't go unnoticed by Kris as he scowled and walked outside. Sunyoung gave Chanyeol's hand a little squeeze before following the older guy outside. She followed Kris to an empty classroom and waited for him to turn around.
"What the hell are you thinking?" Kris asked when he finally faced to talk to her. 
"Why?" Sunyoung said, "Don't you like my new hair color?"
"Stop ing with me," Kris said, eyes boring into hers, "What the hell are you doing with that transfer kid?"
"I like him," Sunyoung said with a shrug, "So I'm eating with him."
Kris sneered, "You like him?"
Sunyoung nodded, "Yes."
Kris's jaws tightened before he said, "Fine. Do what you want. Date him, like him, have with him. I don't give a damn. But just that's it. After you're done having fun, you can come back to me."
Sunyoung's anger shot up as she shouted, "Are you crazy?! NO. Do you not hear yourself? Do you not realize how wrong what you're saying is? I'm never going back to you because I was never yours to begin with! I'm not some object, Kris!"
Kris took a deep breath, "I'm just going to pretend like this talk never happened."
"NO!" Sunyoung shouted, "Kris. Are you really just going to be your parent's puppet? Don't you just want to do what you want to do?"
There was a slight pause before Kris said, "I'll keep this a secret from your dad. I'll come over so everything seems okay and..."
"I. AM. TIRED." Sunyoung said with pleading eyes, "I am tired of pretending to be your girlfriend or lover or whatever the hell it is you want us to be. Because that's not us. So you can go try to win over my dad all I want, but I'm done. I'm done pretending."
Sunyoung stomped away from the room and started walking. She wasn't really sure where her feet were taking her but she ended up knocking into someone. That someone wrapped their arms around Sunyoung, very tightly. She immediately knew she was in Chanyeol's embrace and relaxed a little bit.
"I'm done pretending." She mumbled into his chest. Chanyeol pulled away and smiled, "Good. Because I'm tired of waiting."
And he kissed her on the lips. In public. For the whole world to see. 
The school was quite a buzz the next couple weeks. There were rumors floating around that Sunyoung dumped Kris, that she cheated on him. Other rumors saying that Chanyeol knocked Sunyoung up and Kris dumped Sunyoung. She thought the funniest one was that she was addicted to drugs and had with all the guys in the school. Talk about rumors escalating quickly. 
But nevertheless, Sunyoung was happy. Because she was free! Free to show everyone who she really was. Plus, she was happy. Instead of hanging out with the "perfects," Sunyoung spent the days with Chanyeol, Jongdae, and Baekhyun. And honestly, they were so much more fun than Kris and his prudes. She smiled at the thought of them and quickly skipped along to the classroom. Sunyoung entered the room and stared in shock when Chanyeol smiled and waved at her. His face was bruised and covered with bandages. She ran over to him, "Chanyeol, what happened?!"
Chanyeol grinned at her, "Ah, it's nothing. Just some man stuff. HAHA."
Sunyoung narrowed her eyes, "It was Kris, wasn't it?"
"Nahhh," Chanyeol said, shaking his head. He winced in pain when he moved and Sunyoung immediately softened, "Are you okay?"
He smiled, "Dude, of course. I'm a man. This is absolutely nothing."
Sunyoung gave a small smile before saying, "Why did you fight with Kris?"
Chanyeol shrugged, "It's not like I wasn't expecting it. He was just saying some stupid things and... anyway, it's nothing big. This is just how guys talk."
Sunyoung blinked, "I'm guessing Kris is completely unhurt."
Chanyeol sheepishly grinned, "How did you know? That guy is freaking strong."
She shook her head, "I'm gonna go talk to him."
Chanyeol grabbed her arm to stop her. He shook his head, "No, don't. Just leave this between us, yeah?"
Sunyoung sighed, "Fine. But no more fighting."
And the rest of the week, more rumors floated around the school. Chanyeol got beat up by Kris for stealing Sunyoung from him. Chanyeol and Kris had a fight till the death over Sunyoung's heart. And Sunyoung's personal favorite: Kris and Chanyeol were the lovers and Sunyoung was breaking them up. 
"What are you guys up to?" Sunyoung asked suspiciously as Baekhyun and Jongdae came up to her.
"It's nothing much. Just follow us!" Baekhyun said earnestly. Jongdae nodded, "Come on, come on."
Sunyoung hesitantly followed them to the park while the boys kept giggling. The boys abruptly turned around and put a blindfold on her.
"Hey, what the heck are you guys doing?!" Sunyoung protested, not being able to see anything.
"Just trust and follow!" Jongdae said as they lead Sunyoung to some area. She shook her head as she let the boys lead her to wherever the hell they were taking her. Where was Chanyeol anyway?
"We're here!" Baekhyun said. He took the blindfold off of her and Sunyoung squinted at the sudden invasion of light. Her pupils started to focus and she saw Chanyeol sitting on a stool with guitar in his lap... in the middle of a park. He was dressed nicely in a blue button up shirt and salmon pants. His hair was waxed up to the side and he was smiling widely. Sunyoung's heart skipped a beat as he said, "Please, sit down."
She was so focused on Chanyeol she didn't notice a blanket that was set in front of him with a small picnic basket. Sunyoung smiled as she walked over and sat down on the blanket. 
"Hello, everyone," Chanyeol said, "Welcome to my first fanclub event." Sunyoung giggled as she shouted, "Whoooo!"
Chanyeol laughed, "Oh, thank you, thank you. You are all too kind. Anyway, this is a new song I wrote for a special someone. So I hope you will enjoy."
He strummed his guitar while Sunyoung happily sat in anticipation of his song. 
**"My dear, the moment
I first saw your eyes
My dear, I fell into
an unknown heart fluttering scent"

Sunyoung swooned as she watched Chanyeol sing sweetly with the guitar sound that matched his voice so well.
"I always only
looked at your eyes
I hoped that you would
always look at me too"

She smiled. Oh, if only this boy knew that she aways looked at him... 
"I will tell you now
With this voice
Love, oh love,
yes, I like you
so much
Love, oh love,
yes, I really
love you"

The strum slowed down and Sunyoung just looked into Chanyeol's eyes and smiled. She started clapping, "Whoo! Encore! Encore!"
Chanyeol laughed as he put his guitar down and sat next to Sunyoung on the blanket.
"And for the next event of our fan meeting," Chanyeol said playfully, "one lucky fan gets to open up this picnic basket. Who will it be?"
Sunyoung laughed and raised her hand, "Please! Choose me!!!"
"Ahh, this is tough," Chanyeol said, "But I will pick you."
Sunyoung laughed as she opened the picnic basket. She paused and looked at him confused, "There's no food in here?"
Chanyeol laughed, "No, but there's something else in there."
She stuck her hand in the basket and searched for something and then felt a plastic wrapping package. She pulled it out and opened in surprise. Chanyeol smiled as he grabbed the package from her and opened it. 
"I know that feelings and touches were passed around," Chanyeol said, "But I always wanted to do something special when I ask a girl out... but, will you be my girlfriend?"
Sunyoung looked at him in shock, very touched by his thoughtfulness. Chanyeol held up the couple ring, "Come on, Sunyoung. Please say yes so I stop feeling awkward."
She laughed, "Yes."
Chanyeol grinned as he slipped the ring on her finger and she put one on Chanyeol's.
"I know it's a super cheap ring, but I promise that I will become a famous musician one day and buy you a nicer one." Chanyeol said. Sunyoung smiled and shook her head, "I like this one."
"And now, that concludes the first Park Chanyeol Fan meeting! Thank you for coming!" Chanyeol said happily. Sunyoung grinned, "As president of the Chanyeol fanclub, can I get a special gift?"
"And what does the president ask for?"
Sunyoung grinned and pointed at her lips. Chanyeol laughed and kissed his girlfriend.
Sunyoung hummed as she entered the house after officially becoming Chanyeol's girlfriend. She was headed upstairs when one of the maids came over to her, "Miss, the president wants to see you in his office."
Sunyoung stiffened and nodded at the maid who bowed and went away. Well, the talk she was expecting was finally happening. Sunyoung took a deep breath and knocked the on office door.
"Come in."
Sunyoung opened the door and walked in, "You called for me?"
Mr. Park stopped writing and took his glasses off. He looked up at Sunyoung and said, "What has gotten into you?"
"What do you mean?" Sunyoung asked. 
"Your hair. Your grades. I got a call from the teacher, who was very concerned about your sudden change. Do you care to explain to me what is going on here!" Mr. Park said in a stern voice. Sunyoung flinched, "I was tired of long black hair. And I was tired of just studying. I'm not going to study business, father. I'm going to pursue music."
"WHAT?!" Mr. Park's voice raised, "What did you just say?!"
"It's my life," Sunyoung said, "I'm done doing what you and mom want me to do."
"This is what I get for giving you everything you need!? This is what I get for trying to give you a good life?!"
"NO, dad," Sunyoung said, tears filling her eyes, "You're trying to give yourself a good life, not me. I'm done."
She could literally see the steam coming out of Mr. Park's ears as he said, "Then get out of my house."
Sunyoung swallowed the bile that rose to , "Fine."
"So you really left the house?" Chanyeol asked in shock. Sunyoung sheepishly grinned and nodded, holding onto her bag of clothes.
"And... I kind of have no where to go." 
Cut to Sunyoung and Chanyeol being stared down by an older, female version of Chanyeol.
"This is your girlfriend?" Chanyeol's older sister asked. Chanyeol nodded, "Yeah. Is it okay if she stays with us for a little bit? There's a bit of a... complication."
Sunyoung tried to smile and bat her lashes at the older girl. 
"I'm Park Yura," the sister said holding out her hand, "this dummy's older sister."
Sunyoung shook her hand, "I'm Park Sunyoung, nice to meet you."
"Come here," Yura said as she pulled Sunyoung toward her side, "You can sleep with me. Who knows what this dummy will do to you if you stay with him."
Chanyeol turned bright red, "W-w-what are you talking about?!"
Yura laughed and shook her head, "Come on, follow me, Sunyoung. You can stay here."
Sunyoung followed the older girl and smiled as she saw Chanyeol and Yura bicker. So that's what it's like to have a sibling.
Sunyoung hummed as she sweeped the floor of the classroom. It's been three days since she left her home, and she has never been happier. Yura, whom she found out was a doctor at the nearby hospital, was such an amazing woman. Sunyoung genuinely madde Yura her role model. Living with Yura and Chanyeol made Sunyoung feel very warm and happy... and left her wondering what was wrong with her family. 
A sudden sound of the door opening broke Sunyoung out from her thoughts. She looked up and saw Amber smiling, "Hey, Sunyoung, can we talk?"
Sunyoung blinked in confusion and nodded, "Uh, yeah. Sure. What's up?"
"I just wanted to let you know," Amber said a bit nervously, "That Kris and I were just a small fling. We really are nothing so if that's why you left him, I'm sorry. I swear there is nothing more and-"
"Amber," Sunyoung said, "I don't care about Kris. None of this is about Kris."
"But you guys are supposed to marry and..."
Sunyoung shook her head, "Parents, Amber. Parents wanted us to. But I'm not in love with Kris. I have someone else. Did he put you up to this?" 
Amber shook her head, "No. I just... I knew it was nothing from the start. And that he has you.. more like needs you and-"
She reached over and placed a hand on Amber, "Amber, you really like Kris, don't you?"
Amber smiled sadly, ", I guess I do."
Sunyoung shook her head, "Kris and I are never going to happen. And also, Amber, you really should find someone who will care for you and love you. Not someone like Kris who can't return that to you."
Amber sighed and smiled, "I know. I know..."
Sunyoung gave the older girl a hug and said, "I know that there is someone out there better than Kris who is waiting for you."
Amber returned the hug, "I hope so."
Sunyoung let out a deep breath as she looked up at the front door of her house. It had been three weeks since she left the house and the seniors graduated. Sunyoung had been looking for summer jobs to help pay for rent at the Park residence. But she got a call from her father. Well, actually, she's had many but this time, people came and escorted (more like forced) her home. She walked inside the home and saw her mother and father sitting down on the sofa, drinking coffee.
"Sit down, Sunyoung." Her father said without even looking at her. Sunyoung sat down and said, "Real classy of you to send cronies over to kidnap me."
Her father ignored Sunyoung's comment and threw a packet on the table. Sunyoung picked it up and frowned, "What the hell is this?!?"
"It's an accelerated boarding school program for John's Hopkins. We managed to get you in for your senior year. If you attend here, the chance of you getting into an Ivy league is almost 100% guaranteed." Mr. Park said calmly. Sunyoung threw the packet and stood up, "I already told you that I'm going to pursue music. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go somewhere."
Sunyoung got up when Mr. Park said, "Park Chanyeol. Age 18. Parents deceased, living with his older sister who is a nurse at town hospital."
Sunyoung flustered, "Wh-what... h-how"
"Is it this kid?" Her dad said, "Is this the kid that made you change all of a sudden?"
Sunyoung fumed, "So what if he is. I don't understand why that matters."
"Go to America." her dad said, "Go to America and I'll leave the kid alone."
Sunyoung frowned, "What are you talking about?"
"I can easily ruin him," Mr. Park said, "Get his sister fired. Buy out their home. It's not that hard."
Sunyoung angrily yelled, "YOU WOULDN'T!!!"
"Not if you go to this school."
He placed the packet back on the table. Sunyoung was breathing heavily, anger seething from inside. 
"You're blackmailing your own daughter."
"I'm doing this for you own good." 
Sunyoung collapsed on the sofa and felt tears running down her face. She thought about how kind Yura has been to her and how they treated her like family the past three weeks. She thought about how hopeful Chanyeol was about his dreams as a singer. The tears wouldn't stop falling. She couldn't do that to him. She couldn't do that to Yura. 
"I'll go." Sunyoung said quietly, muffled by her sobs, "Are you happy now?"
Mr. Park shook his head, "Why couldn't you have just said so from the start."
Sunyoung wiped her tears and said, "I'll agree to go. But you have to promise to leave him and his family alone." Mr. Park nodded. "And," Sunyoung continued, "No Kris."
Mr. Park frowned and was about to say something but Sunyoung stopped him, "I. WILL. NOT. CONSIDER. KRIS. AT. ALL."
Her dad nodded, "Fine. Just get ready to leave for America. Your plane leaves in two weeks."
"Why do you keep giving me those strange looks?" Chanyeol asked as the two were sitting in the porch, looking at the stars. Sunyoung smiled, "Because you're so handsome."
"Ew, that just gave me the shivers," Chanyeol said, shaking his shoulders. Sunyoung laughed and hit him. 
"Anyway," Sunyoung said, "Please hand me your guitar."
Chanyeol took his hand off of the place Sunyoung hit him and gave her the guitar. 
"Why did you want it?"
Sunyoung smiled as she strummed, "Well. I was actually secretly practicing the guitar the past two weeks and I wanted to surprise you with this song I wrote."
She strummed and began to sing,
***"I made a song for you, my friend
I made a song that I will sing for you
Filling my life with many beautiful lights
and a thousand melodies
You are my paradise"

Sunyoung smiled, remembering the first time Chanyeol took her out to play music together. 
"I made a song for you, my dream
I made a song for that I will sing for you, my friend
Falling in love with every part of your life
until the end of time
I love you more than my life"

She smiled at Chanyeol who was happily clapping along.
"I wanna know you more
When you call me an angel
When you closely look into my eyes
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna give you more than words ever said
Cause I believe in you
And my song will fill the air when we’re apart"

Sunyoung's eyes started to water. She blinked it back as she kept singing
"Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna let my words be true till the end of time
Cause I believe you’ll never forget
And I won't forget the song in my heart"

Chanyeol enthusiastically clapped and Sunyoung looked down to wipe her tears away. 
"My girlfriend is just too talented. That's a beautiful song," Chanyeol said. Sunyoung looked at him with a wide smile, "It's my song for you."
Chanyeol grinned, "Wow, I love it. You should make it your debut song."
Sunyoung felt like someone punched her in the gut. "Yeah," she manage to croak out with a forced smile. Chanyeol frowned, "Are you okay?"
Sunyoung put a smile on, "Of course, what do you mean?"
Chanyeol frowned, "Your smile... it doesn't reach your eyes. What's wrong?"
Sunyoung forgot how well Chanyeol knew her. She smiled and shook her head, "I'm just tired dealing with my parents, that's all."
He pulled her into a hug, "If you ever wanna talk about it, I'll always be here."
Sunyoung blinked back her tears and held onto him tightly. 
The next day, Sunyoung woke up super early and left a note next to Yura's head. She crept out and snuck into Chanyeol's room. He was sound asleep, sprawled all over his bed. Sunyoung smiled as she looked at him and brushed his hair with her fingers. She leaned over and lightly kissed him on the lips. Sunyoung placed a letter along with a rolled up parchment and said, "Goodbye, my dream."
Six years later
Sunyoung's heels clicked on the ground as she walked out of the terminal. She was finally back from America. 
She looked over and saw Amber enthusiastically waving around. Sunyoung smiled as she ran over to the older girl and they hugged. Amber went to an American college, so they ended up becoming very close throughout the years. 
"It's been so long!" Amber said. Sunyoung smiled, "You look exactly the same!" That's when she noticed a guy standing awkwardly behind them. "Who's that?"
Amber blushed and coughed, "Oh, yeah. This is, uh, this is Henry my-"
"Hi, I'm Henry, Amber's boyfriend, nice to meet you." The guy said, shaking Sunyoung's hand. Sunyoung laughed, "Unni, you didn't tell me!"
Amber scratched her head, "I mean well... surprise."
"Our Amber is super shy when it comes to those things, huh, baby?" Henry said, while pulling her close to him. Amber laughed nervously as she pushed Henry off. Sunyoung laughed, "I like him."
"Thanks, Sunny!" Henry said with a wink, "I like you too!"
Amber shook her head as the three made their way to leave the terminal. As they were leaving Sunyoung noticed the big poster on the wall and she froze. It was a picture of Chanyeol and his guitar, promoting his first fan meeting. 
"Sunyoung?" Amber said. Amber looked at the poster on the wall and said, "oh."
"I'm glad he's doing well." Sunyoung said. Amber nodded, "His debut was a hit. Korea dubbed him Korea's sweet boy."
Sunyoung just stared at his picture. "Sunyoung, are you okay?"
She nodded, "I'm fine, let's go!"
They got into Henry's car and they sped off. Henry the radio and some random song she never heard came on. Sunyoung closed her eyes. It's been so long since she's been home. Because of her dad's deteriorating health, she had to come back and start working in the company. Sunyoung sighed. Business wasn't the best thing, but it was doable. Especially with the help of music on the side. 
The music ended and the radio dj's voice came on, "Welcome to the starry night corner. Today, we have special guest Park Chanyeol here to sign live for us! Hello, Chanyeol!"
Sunyoung opened her eyes. 
"Hello, this is sweet boy Park Chanyeol! I'm so happy to be here!"
"AHAHAHA!" Amber said, "Sorry, I'll change the station."
"It's okay," Sunyoung said, "I want to hear it."
"So what will you be singing for us today?"
"It's called My Song and... It's a song that someone special to me wrote and gave me."
"Wow, we look forward to hearing it."

The guitar strumming came and his voice started singing
"I made a song for you, my friend
I made a song that I will sing for you"

Sunyoung's eyed widened. It was her song she wrote for him. He still... he still had it?
"Filling my life with many beautiful lights
and a thousand melodies
You are my paradise
I made a song for you, my dream
I made a song for that I will sing for you, my friend
Falling in love with every part of your life
until the end of time
I love you more than my life
I wanna know you more
When you call me an angel
When you closely look into my eyes
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna give you more than words ever said
Cause I believe in you
And my song will fill the air when we’re apart
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna let my words be true till the end of time
Cause I believe you’ll never forget
And I won't forget the song in my heart"
"Wow, that was a beautiful song!"
"Thank you, Mr. DJ."
"So who was this special friend who wrote this song for you? Is it a girl?"
"*laughter* Yes. She was... someone I cared a lot for."
"Ahh, I see. Is there something you might want to say to her?"

There was a pause before he answered, "I hope that you'll come to my first fan meeting."
Sunyoung's heart starting beating fast. 
Sunyoung had no idea why she was there. But there she was, swallowed by a sea of older ajummas and younger girls. At Chanyeol's fan meeting. He went through a series of songs, dancing, talking, and well.. just cute stuff. And now it was the hug portion when five lucky girls get to hug him. Sunyoung twitched as one of the middle school girls starting screeching in her ear and waved her arm around to get chosen by the security guards that were walking around to choose. 
"You, in that blazer!"
Sunyoung did a double take, "m-me?"
The security guard grabbed her and started pulling her up the stage. Wait a minute. Sunyoung didn't even time to digest what was happening. She was already standing on the stage with other squealing girls. One by one, the girls ran to hug Chanyeol. Sunyoung's turn was coming up soon. crap. It was finally her turn to go, but she had her back turned to him. What was she supposed to do?
"It seems like this fan person is shy," Chanyeol said laughing, "I guess I will go to you."
Sunyoung's eyes widened. Uh-oh. She quickly turned around and met face to face with him, standing across each other on the stage. She saw his eyes widen and falter. People were murmuring so Sunyoung just ran and hugged him and then quickly left the stage. She didn't even bother looking back or staying any longer. She tried to leave as fast as she could past the sea of crazy women fans. 
Sunyoung finally made it out alive and outside the building when a security guard came up to her.
"Park Sunyoung?" He asked. Sunyoung lifted a brow, "Yes?"
"Please follow me." he said as he ushered Sunyoung along. 
"Um, excuse me, wait.. what?" 
She eventually just gave up and sat alone in some room. The door suddenly opened and she saw Chanyeol standing there.
"Park Sunyoung."
They just stared at each other. There were so many things they both wanted to say. There were so many things they needed to say but nothing came out.
"Your fan meeting was pretty cool." Sunyoung said, breaking the silence. 
"You came..." He said. 
Sunyoung smiled, "You asked me to."
"Well," Sunyoung said, "I guess I'll leave now. It was... It was nice seeing you. And I'm glad that your dream came true."
She walked past him toward the door when he said, "Do you want to grab lunch some time?"
Sunyoung turned around to look at him. Chanyeol awkwardly mumbled, "I mean, haha, you know just catch up and stuff you know. It's been so long, HAHAA. Yeah, um, not like a date or anything because that would just be ridiculous, right? HAHA, going on a date with your ex-girlfriend?! HAHA"
"Lunch would be nice," Sunyoung said, "Although I wouldn't minded the date."
Chanyeol blinked at her and smiled. Sunyoung smiled back. 
The past was only a midsummer night's dream. It was short and momentary, but the most joyous moments of Sunyoung's life. But a dream is only a dream. And now, six years later, she was awake. But he was still here. Chanyeol was still here with her.
Sometimes, dreams do become reality.
*Galaxy by Akdong Musician
**Love, love, love by Roy Kim
***My Song and... by Younha
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! I'M SO SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG!!! My computer crashed and burned and died so i had to get a new one and I was so devastated because all my written stuff was now forever gone. Sigh... so it took me a while but I finally cranked this one out. I hope you guys liked it... although I'm still not sure how I feel about this one. Because everything has been deleted, it might take a me a little longer to get back in the flow, so please bear with me. With that said please leave a comment about what you think! It will make me feel better about my laptop T__T Thank you everyone!!

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victory00 #1
Chapter 13: will u update this one shot again..missing your stories lots..pls comeback authornim,fighting...
dhozhee_1208 #2
Chapter 13: Wahhh you're back!!!! It's always nice to read great one shot like this!!! It was a great part 2 author-nim
Chapter 13: Awww this story made my heart flutter. Loved it 2nd part was totally worth the wait HAHAH
Chapter 12: Oh Lunew! My only OTP! It's so sweet, authornim, though i wished Suho will get beat up some more. Maybe by Suju this time? Coz you know they're all Luna's oppa, haha~
Chapter 12: i know it's not supposed to be funny but the sulli and choiza part made me laugh.. just wanna let you know that.. kekeke.. but hey i enjoyed reading this... i love oneshots because i can't write...
whitepaper #7
Chapter 12: LUNEW~~~~ MY OTP!! Love it~~
Squiggles #8
Chapter 12: Awww this is so cute ;; but that stupid suho was such an he and choiza are secretly brothers or something asfgjfkdodn /slaps them in this story
Chapter 12: Oh... You... Omg... What.... Like I don't even know what to say I think you're like the best writer ever like I can't do this your one shot stories are wayyyy better then mine like write a book or something.