Baby Daycare

I didn’t get a good sleep last night, not that it’s something new to me. So I woke up early and came in early. It’s a nice, feeling the early morning or should I say the dawn’s dew. Everything’s quite, not a single sound of horns beeping nor chattering of people. I opened up the center and cleaned some minor things. I found some papers and other goods that can be used for decorations. I want something new, so I spent my remaining free time before the opening to change decorations. Besides, it’s been a year since we’ve lasted decorated the center. Isn’t it boring already?

I enjoyed the peaceful silence until someone came in the door. “Oh, Sehun. What are you doing here?” Ah, time passes by so quickly. I stood up and brushed off the tiny pieces of paper from my lap and replied, “What do you mean? Don’t you want me here already?” I faked a sob. I don’t know why, but sometimes, when I see these two people, it lifts up my mood. “Oh, shut up. Anyways, what have you been doing?” I raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m making a heaven on earth.” I saw them rolled their eyes and we just laughed. I really need times like this once in a while. So we continued. They helped me with the decorations until it’s finished and cleaned up the mess we made, and finally, the opening.


“Alright. We’re opening up!”

The first customer came in, and no surprise.

“Ah, Yi Fan hyung.” ‘again’. “I’ve been expecting you today as well.”

Yi Fan released a quiet chuckle.

“I’m honored that you’ve been waiting for me, but if you’re trying to hit on me, then I’m sorry. You may be good-looking, but I’m already married.”

Oh my God. What the-? I know it’s a joke, but it’s too early in the morning. My brain just can’t.

“Thank you for the compliment, sir. But I think you’ve misunderstood. I said that because you are always our first customer everyday. Wouldn’t that make you leave a memory?”

“Haha. I know. I’m just kidding with you. Don’t take it seriously. Anyways, here’s Kai. I’ll be leaving him in your care.”

“Okay, Yi Fan hyung.” I picked up Kai on the floor and gently put him down the play area. As always, Kai’s eyes lit up with excitement by the time he noticed the toys and the new decorations. “Isn’t it nice, Kai? We’ve made it hours ago. Hope you and other will like it.” Obviously, Kai speak incoherently, and in response he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. I was taken aback, honestly. But as soon as I recovered, I patted Kai’s head.

“Your parents have groomed you very well, Kai. I’m so proud of you. Hope you will continue being like that even if you have already grown.” I gave Kai one last gentle smile before going back to the counter. I kept myself busy by looking some children books that I can add for the kids on the internet. I got too engrossed though that I didn’t notice someone has came in until the person tapped me on the hand.

“I’m sorry! Good mo-“ I cut off. Oh. It’s the kid with a kid. And again, I forced a smile. “Good morning, Tao.”

“Morning, Sehun! You know what to do!”

“Yep, I sure do. Thank you for trusting your child to us.”

“And thank you for taking care of him. I’ll be going! Bye!”

I sighed. I picked up Jinyoung and put him on the play area where I have put Kai minutes ago. “Hi Jinyoung. How are you? Did your father treat you well?” Jinyoung didn’t reply but instead he gave me a smile. It stings. A pang of pain hit me thinking that how can such a sweet child like Jinyoung have a parent like Tao? It’s obvious that Jinyoung deserves better than this. And, what is Tao’s work anyway? I bet he just gambles and drinks the whole day. Deciding to brush off the thought because I don’t want to get in a bad mood plus I haven’t gotten any good sleep last night. So nope, I want to stay happy and relax.


It’s already closing time and the parents have already picked up their children except one.

“Sehun, where is his dad? It’s so late already. We can stretch out the time for the kid’s sake, but I want to go home as soon as possible. Plus, it’s my day off.”

I looked at the time and sighed. “I know Jongdae. I’m sorry, I don’t where his father is.” ‘Damn it. Such irresponsible person!’

We looked at Jinyoung sitting on the chair, staring intensely at the wall clock above him. Jinyoung looks like he’s going to cry any minute. I looked at the customers’ records and searched for the person’s number. “You can go home, Jongdae. I’ll just contact his father, and tell him to get his son at my place.”

“Really? Thanks Sehun! Take care! Bye!”

After several searches, I’ve finally found the number. I sent a text to Tao that I’ll be going home and I’m taking Jinyoung with me and that he can pick up Jinyoung at my place.


It’s already past 10pm and Jinyoung has fallen asleep on the couch. My head is already aching from the lack of sleep and my worry for Jinyoung. What is his father have abandoned him? Who the hell abandons his child anyway? If that man comes here looking dishelve and smelling of and alcohol, he’s really going to get it. He had done enough. As I was about to fall asleep, my doorbell rings and I jumped out to the door and opened it.

“Sehun! I’m so sorry for being so late!”

Oh, he looks dishelved alright.

“It’s just that, at my third job, things got hectic and our manager refuses us to go home early. I tried reasoning to him that I have a kid to take care of and that I need to pick him up, but he wouldn’t listen. So I finished my part of the project in just an hour to get out. So, I’m sorry.”

Wait, what?

“Your third job?” I was shocked. He has three jobs?

“Uh yeah. My third job. Actually, I have 4 part time jobs before, but I resigned from the fourth one because I can’t take care of Jinyoung anymore. And I tried quitting the third one too, but if I do, I won’t be able to pay the rent and for Jinyoung and my needs. So..” Tao let out an awkward laugh. “All in all, I have 3 jobs now, that’s why every morning I always drop off Jinyoung in your care. It’s pretty tough, but I can manage.”

Oh . The guilt. The guilt is ing eating me on the inside. How can I assume things and bad mouth him when I don’t know anything? Damn this. I cleared my throat. In compensation for Tao and his hardwork, I offered him to stay for a while.

“Anyways, it looks like you haven’t eaten yet. W-would like to come inside? I’ll cook for you.”

“Really? Oh God. Thank you Sehun!” Sehun gave me thankful and appreciative smile.

Oh . Stop that! Else, I’ll dig a whole here and bury myself alive.

“You can sit there and wait for the food.” I pointed at an empty chair. While I was cooking, I couldn’t stay still. The guilt is eating me up and I feel very bad for assuming things like that.

“Tao!” I turned and faced Tao. “I’m so sorry.” I bowed my head as low as possible.

“Why are you--?”

“Just listen. I apologize for what I have done. I didn’t mean to do it. I just can’t when I saw you…”

“Wait Sehun. I don’t understand what you are sayi—“

“Just be quiet and listen. I assumed bad things about you. I trashtalked you behind your back saying that you are an irresponsible father to Jinyoung and that all you do is fool around everyday. I’m so sorry for thinking something so stupid before knowing the whole story. I’m so sorry.”

I stayed still and held my position. I’m still lowering my head and I closed my eyes ready for anything Tao is going to do. I think it’s pretty fair that he’ll punch me or something. It’s my fault anyways. Until a hand landed on my shoulder, forcing me to straighten up.

“It’s okay, Sehun.” He smiled. “I don’t blame you. I’m still 20, and anyone who’s at this age and being seen with a child will majorly causes misunderstandings. It’s true that I’m still young, but it’s been 2 years since I have Jinyoung and I admit that it’s hard, but I will never leave Jinyoung alone. I’ll work hard to support him until he’s grown up. So you don’t have to worry.”

I smiled as Tao. From my first impression of him, it really changed a lot. He’s actually a nice guy. He genuinely loves Jinyoung and I believe that he won’t let Jinyoung down.

“Thanks Tao.”

When Tao had finished eating, he picked up Jinyoung, we exchanged goodbyes and they went home. At that night, I finally had a peaceful sleep in such a long time. At least the misunderstanding has cleared. It honestly lifted a heavy weight in me. I can’t wait to see Tao and Jinyoung tomorrow and meet Tao with my honest expression.


This chapter is so loooong. I never knew it would turn out this long. OTL
But anyways, at least the misunderstanding has cleared up and Sehun is ready to face Tao with a different attitude. I hope you are not bored with the story. There is a lot going on in this. And, next chapter, the name of Tao’s child will be explained as to why the kid’s name is Korean. So stay with me, okay? Ahah.

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Chapter 4 will be posted either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :) Just gonna have someone to proofread it ^^


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kennocha #1
Chapter 3: This is sooo good! Waiting for an update~ ^_^
Chapter 3: what is this story about? authornim,i am a bit confuse! is tao already married?
please tell me and update soon btw if tao is not married yet,i hope that he will be with sehunnie!
i want sehun as a father and tao as mother XD
Chapter 3: Author nim I really can't wait>< ur story make me fall in love in the first sight ~♥
Chapter 3: Ahhh I love this *_*
Please update soon <3
Chapter 1: Waaaa this is really interesting and cute >u<
Narisa #6
Chapter 3: Hi!
I was searching for fanfictions with Tao and this is how I've found your story. I'm a little bit critic but frankly, I really enjoy reading this fiction. I'm curious about the continuation of this interesting story. :)
Also I want to take note of that I'm Hungarian, so reading a story in english is sometimes not that easy for me but I'll continue reading this HunTao fanfiction. It doesn't look like an ordinary story anyway... :)
APandakookie #7
Chapter 3: Owww I love it its reall nice :)
Mama Hun and Papa Tao pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
I will upvote if u do soooo ›‹
Chapter 1: aww~ sehun will be a good mom for tao's kid... hihi....