
Baby Daycare

“Ah.” Another wonderful morning. It was any other morning I had though, but I tend to love and embrace each new day. I toasted two breads and prepared a cup of coffee to start off my day and finished it all in just 5 minutes or less. I then went out and locked the door and proceeded to my favorite place, Baby Daycare. I know I don’t look like it, in fact I look like the opposite, but I genuinely love kids. They’re innocent, cute, and light. Besides, it is better working with kids than staying at an office with countless of scattered papers on your desks and meetings everyday. I bet you’re wondering, but I’ll tell you anyways. I’ve been the only heir of my father’s company. Because of this, my parents were training me to be the perfect one and resulted to the loss of my childhood days. I’ve experienced working with papers, speaking with other businesses, and all other s kids don’t have to experience. As the heir, I always know my family loves and supports me in anything I want, that is when they found out what I was planning on for my life. As I said, I’ve missed out on a lot of moments as a child, and so I decided to make a memory by taking care of other children. Obviously, my parents weren’t happy as to who would choose to be a baby sitter when you have an assuring future ahead. Personally, I’m one of those rare types who will definitely choose the thing that would make a person happy over what is obligated to you. After hearing my side of the story, my parents made me choose: I would obey them and become the person they groomed me to be or lead the life I choose but I’ll lose everything. Sticking up to my pride, I chose the latter.

And so now here I am, the heir who lost everything. The heir who has nothing. Living in a small apartment, no car, even a bicycle, and a money enough to support my daily needs which I earned, at least from a job which I love. Honestly, I don’t know which is better. This life or the life that I’ve turned my back on, but I don’t want to regret anything so I just simply accepted what I’ve chosen and lived on. But if I say that I don’t wonder where and what I would have been if ever I had obeyed my parents and took the responsibility that was originally mine, then I’m lying. The first few days when I left home and started leaving alone, these exact thoughts keeps on haunting me even in broad daylight. It was like life was throwing me in the face and wants me to realize that what I did was wrong. But as I said, life is too short hence I don’t want to regret, besides it already happened. I pushed through and lived on, forcing to repressed those thoughts deep down inside. It actually worked though as I had recovered, I found the job I wanted. ‘This is all I wanted.’ I thought.

I entered the daycare and immediately noticed my co-workers already in which is nothing surprising. “Morning!” I greeted. “Morning!” came a reply. Jongdae and Yixing are always early. They’re assigned to prepare and clean the daycare before opening. Jongdae, actually he’s older than me, but he doesn’t want to be called ‘hyung’ because it makes him feel older, which is weird but I still respect. What I knew about Jongdae is he was originally pursuing a music career but I don’t know how he ended up here which I don’t want to ask about it in case it opens a scar. As for Yixing, he’s also older than me and he came from China, but that’s all I know about him. We’re friends but we aren’t that close to the point we share secrets.


“Okay guys! We’re opening up!”


We opened the windows and changed the sign hanging on the door to ‘open’.
The day has begun.

20 minutes has passed and our first customer has arrived. Yi Fan. Yep, another Chinese. We may be here in Korea, but there are a lot of Chinese here.

“Ah Yi Fan hyung. Welcome back.” I went to the desk to greet Yi Fan and my eyes started wandering, looking for one particular person.

“Hello, Sehun, and thank you. So, I assume you already know what to do?”

“Of course.” And the kid ran towards me. I lifted him up and took a good look at him. “Good morning, Kai-ah!” Kai giggled in response. He was too cute. I really love kids.

“So Sehun, I’ll be leaving Kai in your care. I’ll pick him up at 7, okay? See you!”

“Understood, hyung. Take care.” And so Yi Fan left. I put Kai on the play room and watched him joyfully running in excitement as he picked up whatever toy he finds. As time passes by, more and more customers came in and drop off their kids. But there is one person I am anxious to see, and by 5 minutes or so he will come in.

The door opens and my mood died down. There he is, with his kid.

“Hi Sehun.”

If not for the daycare’s reputation, I would have completely ignored him and walk out, but for the sake of it, I forced a smile and let out a response.

“Hello, Tao. You’re here.”

“Of course. I’ll be dropping off Jinyoungtoday too. Please take care of him.”

He gestured for me to come close and take Jinyoung.

“I’ll be going now! I’ll pick him up later.” He waved goodbye and exited.

I huffed out in annoyance. ‘Why is he, a child, have a child? Did he and his wife had a fight, and the wife can’t support the child, so he took the responsibility? A normal person should know that there’s no way teenagers or people who has no sense of responsibility will expect to make a warm family and support their kids’ needs. Or, they weren’t married. He just found a girlfriend and hooked up with her promising him things and , and eventually he got caught cheating. I gave him the credit that he’s taking care of their child but that isn’t a valid excuse of what he did.’ I know I’m worked up over something that isn’t even my business, but I was once a child who needed and wanted the things that a child wanted but never got to have it. For me, topics like these are as important especially to kids because I believe kids have the right to enjoy their childhood. It angered me whenever I see something like this.

‘But if this is true, then what age did he have that kid?’



A/N: So, this is the first chapter. I have a lot of things to explain. I know Tao is Chinese but the baby’s name is Korean. This matter will be explained in the later chapters, so don’t worry if this confuses you. HAHA. I don’t know when will my next update will be, but I hope you’ll wait :)

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Chapter 4 will be posted either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :) Just gonna have someone to proofread it ^^


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kennocha #1
Chapter 3: This is sooo good! Waiting for an update~ ^_^
Chapter 3: what is this story about? authornim,i am a bit confuse! is tao already married?
please tell me and update soon btw if tao is not married yet,i hope that he will be with sehunnie!
i want sehun as a father and tao as mother XD
Chapter 3: Author nim I really can't wait>< ur story make me fall in love in the first sight ~♥
Chapter 3: Ahhh I love this *_*
Please update soon <3
Chapter 1: Waaaa this is really interesting and cute >u<
Narisa #6
Chapter 3: Hi!
I was searching for fanfictions with Tao and this is how I've found your story. I'm a little bit critic but frankly, I really enjoy reading this fiction. I'm curious about the continuation of this interesting story. :)
Also I want to take note of that I'm Hungarian, so reading a story in english is sometimes not that easy for me but I'll continue reading this HunTao fanfiction. It doesn't look like an ordinary story anyway... :)
APandakookie #7
Chapter 3: Owww I love it its reall nice :)
Mama Hun and Papa Tao pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
I will upvote if u do soooo ›‹
Chapter 1: aww~ sehun will be a good mom for tao's kid... hihi....