
That Time of The Year



Baekhyun was going to kill someone. In fact, he might just kill a . He was walking along campus when some idiot ran into him with a freaking cup teetering with iced coffee. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he inspected the damage on his yellow stripped hoodie. The coffee stain had gotten on the chest area, dripping down to the pockets. He wasn't sure the dry cleaners could get this out. 

He sighed. It was a lost cause. 

The little head who had bumped into him had barely said sorry, raising a hand in a hasty apology before he ran off with his coffee half gone. At least it was iced instead of boiling hot, Baekhyun thought miserably. 

Baekhyun had tossed the yellow hoodie, deeming it unsalvageable. Now he thought about when was the next time he could go out and go shopping. The yellow hoodie wasn't his only hoodie but he always liked having an excuse to go out and spend money. He was idly walking about, making his way to the dorm as he thought about whether he wanted his new hoodie to be yellow or red. 

And of course, he had to run into the same guy who had ruined his hoodie. Said guy was pretty tall and he seemed awkward with his limbs. Which would explain why he had accidentally elbowed Baekhyun as he was making his way to the elevator.


"Oh my ing god, can you stop that?"


Baekhyun hadn't meant to curse. Maybe. But this freaking giant needed to be put down a few pegs. He was wearing the school hoodie and Baekhyun desperately wished he was drinking his normal cup of juice right now just so he could accidentally splash it all over it. The Yuhan College emblem was taunting him. 


"I'm so sorry! I'm just in such a rush, I'm so sorry!"


He rushed off again, leaving Baekhyun seething as the elevator dinged. He turned exasperatedly to meet the elevator as he rolled his eyes. His friend, Kyungsoo got off the elevator and grinned.


"Something wrong?"


Baekhyun only grunted before he shoved Kyungsoo aside and got into the elevator.

He had gotten a new yellow hoodie, only this time it was polka- dotted instead of stripped. It was cute and Baekhyun liked wearing it around the campus. He didn't bring it home in case his mother nagged him about spending money. He had yet to see the jerk who ran into him again but if he did, he was planning to drag him to a coffee shop and splash coffee on him. Hopefully, he would be wearing a white shirt.




Chanyeol sighed as he turned in his name tag and braved a smile for the new girl working at the counter. He had lost his job at the cafe because there were multiple complaints of him being too friendly. How could you even be too friendly? And also, he had spilled coffee on a customer once. Once.

Chanyeol groaned loudly as he buried his head in his hands. Summer was starting and he had to look for a new job. This was just great. 

He heard someone take a seat on the bench next to him. Before he got hired, Chanyeol loved sitting in the cafe for a few hours, people watching or composing music. Then, when he got hired he just did it more. Now, he was fired and it would be awkward to sit there. So he, very dejectedly, came to a park.

And when he turned to look who had sat beside him, he took in the almost gold- colored hair, the black leather jacket, the perfectly lined charcoal eyes and thin pink lips. Chanyeol quickly looked away. He had the hair of summer and Chanyeol cringed. He was perfect. Here comes trouble. 

Chanyeol stared intently at his boots, picking at the loose thread on his jeans. Then he heard a yelp.


"It's you!"


He turned back to the person, no, angel, sitting next to him. 


"You're the gangly doofus who ran into me the other day!"


Chanyeol groaned. How many times was he going to groan today? And just how many people did he run into?


"I'm sorry."


Summer- hair snorted. 


"You better be."


Chanyeol tried not to look up when he heard him stand and walk away. But when the crunching of leaves and the thudding of the thick rubber soles of whatever type of shoes that angel had on, got further away, Chanyeol looked up. The sunlight was filtering nicely through the trees, in proper summer fashion. They glinted off the angel's hair, turning his golden hair into the embodiment of sunlight itself. He blinked. 




Baekhyun rolled his eyes. His sweater had unravelled at the sleeve. Running a hand through his already messy hair, he took off his sweater and draped it over his arm as he headed back to the dorm. He just wanted to lie down and have a nice cup of coffee. 

As he unlocked his door, he heard a door from down the hall slam shut. Someone must be angry.

When the stomping started, he turned to see who was disturbing the silence of the hall with his heavy footfalls, abusing the wooden floor. And of course, it had to be the giant. Baekhyun had run into him in the beginning of summer, and his hair had been solid black then. Now it was a layered brown, and he was dressed in a suit and tie. A large upgrade from his tee shirt and jeans. 

Baekhyun watched with an amused eye as he paced around the hall with a mobile in his hand. 


"You'll disturb everyone."


Baekhyun smirked as the giant practically jumped out of his skin. He whipped around to look at Baekhyun, who had finally unlocked his door and was leaning against the doorjamb as he watched. 


"It's you, the ang- that guy I ran into." 


He raised an eyebrow at the slip of tongue he heard. He gestured towards him.


"Going somewhere fancy?"


Baekhyun threw in a smile so as to not come across too intimidating. The other guy who had since come a little closer, shook his head. 


"Just trying to figure out some crap."


He sighed but smiled slightly at Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun smiled back. Maybe he should reconsider calling this guy the giant, or the fool. To face- eating- smile- guy. By some odd power, Baekhyun pushed himself off the doorjamb and walked a little closer towards face- eating- smile-  guy.


"Wanna come in for a sec?"


Chanyeol, as Baekhyun had learned his name was, had been fired from his job at the school cafe-  which he should have been, considering he was spilling coffee everywhere- and was currently working at some distant uncle's company. Which explained the suit and tie. They were both casually seated on Baekhyun's tiny breakfast counter sipping coffee and eating some zero- nutritional- value cookies.

Baekhyun covered his mouth as Chanyeol cracked another joke, his eyes dancing with mirth.




Chanyeol jumped from foot to foot. The thought of meeting Baekhyun's parents was nerve- wracking. Not only had Baekhyun forced him into bringing him to Seoul to meet his own parents, but he had also forced Chanyeol to leave the safety of the university to visit Baekhyun's family.

He was standing outside Baekhyun's house in Bucheon, half freezing to death. Baekhyun had insisted he go and warm them up before Chanyeol came in. That had gotten him really worried.

Baekhyun flung open the door and pulled Chanyeol inside. He began to introduce Chanyeol as he ticked off his gloved fingers with each nickname.

"Guys, this is Chanyeol, also known as giant, klutz, fool, face- eating- smile- guy and Baekhyun's worse half."






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Chapter 1: This was really cute! I liked the development of the story.