Denial (ft. Jungkook)

Just One Shot [BTS Drabble Dump]

Title: Denial
Genre: Flangst
Characters: Jungkook

Ignoring the older girl's sigh, he takes another lap around the flower shop before stopping (for the nth time) in front of a bucket of pink roses.


"You do know what pink roses mean right?" the girl bluntly states.


"...Yeah...?" his answer doesn't sound very affirming and the older girl sighs again.


Shaking her head, she pulls a few stalks of flowers here and there and pays for them at the counter. She says a few things to the florist and the older woman nods, disappearing with the flowers out back.




"Just buy me dinner," she cuts him off.


Sometimes Jungkook wondered why he even bothered asking this Noona to help him.


It wasn't easy. You weren't easy but Jeon Jungkook knew what he was getting himself into. The past few days had been rougher than normal and your arguments had begin to get out of hand. The thing was, they were always about the same stupid thing.


'This is why we can never be together,'


His last words to you still resonated in his head and it is beginning to drive him up the wall.


'Whatever. Not like I wanna be with you anyway,'


Your words had hit him harder than he thought too. But it wasn't the first time you two had argued like that. It was just this time...


"You like her, why else would you be buying pink roses," his Noona voices his thoughts aloud. "She likes you too."


"Noona, you don't know that. What if--"


"She won't."


Jungkook sighs. No wonder her and Yoongi-hyung got along so well. He should be the one matchmaking these two up, not the other way around.


"Besides, how hard is she gonna reject you?"


Jungkook glares at her, "Thanks."


She only shrugs just as the florist steps out of the backroom. Grabbing the arrangement, she shoves it towards Jungkook and walks out. The younger male only hangs his head, dragging his feet out of the shop.


This is not helping.




Pacing back and forth, Jungkook runs through the conversation in his head over and over again. All he has to do is apologise. Simple.


Easier said than done.


Just as he approaches the door, it swings towards him and he jumps back. The doe-eyed look makes you wanna squish his cheeks but you're still pissed at your last conversation.


"What are you doing here?" you snap as he gets back on his feet. He lets out an exasperated sigh and lets himself into the studio.


He brushes pass you, quite harshly at that, and walks towards the soundboard. Jungkook fiddles around with the volume controls and what usually gets you fired up, you couldn't care less. All that is going through your mind right now is how annoyed you are at him (and yourself, but you'd never admit that) for not even talking to you once since that day.


"If you're not gonna say anything, leav-" he shoves the bouquet towards your face, his head looking down as he mumbles something incoherent. "What?"


"I said here," he motions to the flowers again and you scoff.


"You think flowers are gonna fix this?" you don't even know why you're getting so worked up.


'He thinks he can just show up with his cute bunny face and pink roses that I'll forgive him. What does he think he is? My boyfriend?' you think as numerous thoughts run through your head. You don't even notice Jungkook slowly taking a coming towards you.


Again Jungkook sighs and places the bouquet directly into your hands. "Just take the goddamn flowers!" his voice raises slightly and you jump back at the sudden aggression. Jungkook is surprised too. He doesn't know why, but whenever he's around you, this fire builds up inside him and doesn't know what to do with it.


Placing the flowers on your notebook, you lean back on the table and cross your arms. All you needed to hear from him was that he was sorry, and that he didn't mean what he said. You just want to go back to the way things were - how the two of you would hang out in the abandoned dance studio or how you would sneak into Yoongi's studio when he wasn't using it. You guys are friends first and foremost.


"If that's all, I have things to do Kook-ah. Namjoon-oppa said he wants to see how good my compo--"


"I'm sorry," he finally manages to get out. It comes out muffled and you can hear the annoyed undertone in his voice. Before you can retort, Jungkook continues, "We always fight about the same''s ing frustrating," his gaze reaches yours and he seems more vulnerable than ever.


"I...don't understand, Jungkook,"


He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. He doesn't understand why you don't see it. Given, Jeon Jungkook only realised a couple of hours ago (he seriously doesn't understand why he hangs out with that Noona so much) why they fought about the same thing over and over again, but it made sense. Complete sense. It is only a matter of time until you got it too.


"Why do you think we fight so much?" Jungkook tries to talk himself into calming down but he can already feel the fire beginning to build up inside him. "Every time we talk end up talking in circles about how it won't-- no, can't work. What if we're wrong?"


"What the hell are you on, Jungkook?!"




That's what it was.


You know it. Jungkook knows it. But the two of you are too stubborn to realise how deep the two of you have gotten in with each other that all you do is fight, argue, and state the fact that you will never work out together.


Jungkook takes another step forward, his face within inches away from yours. He lets out a deep sigh and mumbles something incoherent.


He doesn't want to blatantly say it aloud, but at this rate he doesn't care anymore.


"니...좋아*..." he mumbles and you really don't understand when he speaks in satoori.


You raise an eyebrow and you really have no clue where Jungkook is going with this.


Just as you are about to say something, something soft presses against your lips and you feel a hand tilt your chin gently up towards the motion.


Jungkook pulls away and his face is a bright shade of pink. You blink a few hundred times before bringing yourself back to reality.


"Wh…why did you.."


"I like you."


You don't even have a chance to respond as you feel his lips press onto yours again.




*니 좋아 - I like you in Busan Satoori



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