Had (ft. Jungkook)

Just One Shot [BTS Drabble Dump]

Title: Had
Characters: Jungkook (JungkookxOC)
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1353

Inspired by Let Me Know> and>



He walks away before she can even finish her sentence. His phone rings straight away and Jungkook doesn’t need to look to see who’s calling him. He can’t handle her right now. Not when she knows why. It isn’t as though they didn’t see it coming all along.




He just needs to get out of here.


Jungkook doesn’t know how he ends up here, but it’s his getaway. The isolated dance studio located on the third floor of the building. After five years at this company, Jungkook still doesn’t know why nobody used this studio.


Plugging in his phone, he switches it to his favourite mix and lets the music take over his body. Taking center stage in the practice room, he counts “two, three, four…” and slides his right foot forward.


Jungkook doesn’t know when it started, but he thinks it began during their Just One Day promotions. There had already been preparations for their Japanese showcase and he was busy enough as was, juggling his first year at high school while learning enough Japanese for their Japan debut (all those Korean to Japanese translations of their No More Dream were doing his head in.) It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to make time for her, but it wasn’t as if they were “official” or anything.


“Do you even like me, Jungkook?”


The answer usually came easy to him. It was often a simple, “Yes, why would you ask that?” But as of late, he had found himself caught in that lie and began to question their not-really-a-relationship-relationship.


He asked Seokjin what this was. If the eldest Hyung had experienced anything of the sort. Seokjin only chuckled though. He ruffled the maknae’s hair and told him that he’s still a bit too young to be getting into any complicated relations.


That didn’t help.


He turned to Yoongi, seeing as he lyrics often expressed his experiences. The rapper all but scolded the maknae for getting into a relationship when they were already so busy. Not that there was a dating ban held over their group, but Min Yoongi didn’t need their youngest member to be distracted when they already had such a full schedule.


He didn’t really want to turn to their leader, not that he didn’t give good advice, but the fact that Namjoon was their leader; Jungkook didn’t want to give him any more pressure than he already had.


His phone rings again and he mutes it, turning up his music full blast. She wasn’t usually like this. The constant calling, messaging… She knew when to give the main vocalist his space. But lately something had changed in her attitude, which in result really is what made Jungkook question their relationship and his feelings with her.


Their first meeting wasn’t particularly anything special. She had seen the girl around the company before and figured she was a new trainee. It wasn’t until their debut rehearsal when she was helping the Coordi Noonas with the styling that he found out she was a casual helper on their team.


Their first conversation was awkward, to say the least. She had been paired with helping the Maknae Line with their outfits when she was passing a towel to him. Either Jungkook had something on his face and she was just really star-struck (which really didn’t make sense to Jungkook since they hadn’t even officially debuted yet) but she wouldn’t let go of the towel in her hand. Jungkook didn’t know what to do either and he probably guessed the girl was no younger than he was. He could only smile and try to slip the towel out of her tight grip so he could use. He thinks it was then when he took an interest in her. She was cute and Jungkook wouldn’t forget that.


It was only when they were preparing for their O!RUL82? (he still has trouble saying that ridiculously long album title) album that he garnered some sort of courage to properly approach her. He had never really been in a relationship before. The only time he had been, well “involved” with a girl was before his debut. But he never really considered that as dating. He still doesn’t know what that was in all honesty.


Jungkook had made the mistake of asking Taehyung for advice. Not that he didn’t like this 4D-hyung, but Taehyung wasn’t the best at keeping secrets and pretty much just went up to the girl and said, “Jeon Jungkook wants your number.” It was safe to say, Jungkook will never live that moment down as Taehyung had announced this in front of all is hyungs and the stylist team.


Lucky for him the girl found it cute, and all but complied.


It was simple. A seemingly easy and harmless start.


One of the Coordi-noonas explained to the both of them that this wouldn’t be easy. Not because of the fans but because they would both be busy. What with Jungkook having ungodly houred schedules and her having to also juggle school and running around the company now and then, it wasn’t going to work out the way they wanted to. They also had to keep this under wraps from their managers and all of BTS.


Jungkook understood that and so did she. But that was when it stopped.


They had never really made anything official, and Jungkook though that was fine. He didn’t know that it bothered her that much. That she wanted some sort of “title” and not a “썸타*” relationship.


“Jungkook-ah, what am I to you?”


“You already know what you are,”


And that was all he ever answered with. Jungkook honestly didn’t see what was wrong with that, but then again he was only a seventeen year-old teenage boy, only in his first year of high school. What did he know about relationships, right?


He did tell her though. That he thought this was what a relationship was. It wasn’t a though he didn’t confess to her because he did. Multiple times.


“You know I like you, right?”


“I know.”


“Then why are you so upset?”


He didn’t know then, but he knows now that he was ignorant. Although who could blame him. His mind was so encapsulated with BTS that he realized (a little too late, really) that he didn’t have the time or the mentality to deal with such a thing right now.


But how do you break up with someone you’re not even with?


His music is cut off and he looks up to Jimin giving him that look. Jungkook rolls his eyes as he walks to the back wall and takes a seat on the bench. Jimin sighs, unplugging the maknae’s phone on joining him.


“You two fight again?”


Jimin is the only one that knows about their relationship. And he had predicted it would turn down this route. Jimin had warned Jungkook that as much as he might like her, Jungkook wasn’t ready. Not now. Not when they are still rookies and Jungkook puts all his time and energy into doing what he loves doing – being a part of BTS.


“I should’ve listened to you, hyung.”


“Yeah you should’ve,” Jimin teases. Jungkook scowls and Jimin can only laugh.


Sighing, Jungkook runs a hand through his hair. “What do I do now?”


“You know the answer to that, Jeon Jungkook,” he places a firm hand on his shoulder. “And you should do it quick. Don’t keep putting it off,”


Jungkook groans as he falls to the fall, lying flat on the wooden flooring. “I can’t just…”




Jungkook only sighs again. He knows Jimin is right. It is better to do it now before anyone can get hurt more than they already have. Jungkook doesn’t want to hurt her. His feelings for her had been real.




That is the problem.


Chucking his phone, it lands on Jungkooks chest as Jimin gets up and nudges the maknae’s shoulder. A voice sounds from the phone and Jungkook mentally makes a note to kill Park Jimin later.


“Uh…hey. Are you free right now? Yeah…we need to talk…”




*썸타 (like you’re in dating “without the labels”/unofficially have a thing with said person)




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